An animated reworking of the classic Sinbad stories from the Arabian Nights, following the sailor's adventures across the high seas. The action starts when Sinbad and Habib are shipwrecked after an attack by a vicious sea-monster. Their adventures get bigger and more exciting as they have to fight massive snakes, counter fanatical pirates, and find hidden gold.
Based on: 'Sinbad the Sailor' from 'The Arabian Nights' by Jean Antoine Gallard
Technical Specs:
An animated reworking of the classic Sinbad stories from the Arabian Nights, following the sailor's adventures across the high seas. The action starts when Sinbad and Habib are shipwrecked after an attack by a vicious sea-monster. Their adventures get bigger and more exciting as they have to fight massive snakes, counter fanatical pirates, and find hidden gold.
Based on: 'Sinbad the Sailor' from 'The Arabian Nights' by Jean Antoine Gallard
Technical Specs:
This is a Region 2 disc. A multi-region player may be required in order to play this disc in this part of the world.
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