The funny thing about HBO series is that they all seem to get incrementally better over time. While I thought the second season of Entourage which focused on a tremendous career setback for Ari Gold was the best, this season was excellent on its own right because it finally starts to show the unraveling and human side of Vincent Chase. Chase has been allowed to remain an aloof enigma for most of the series. It seemed that he didn't care about money, power and any of the other benefits of being a celebrity. He alienated producers, directors, agents and fellow stars on a whim seemingly without there being any negative ramifications to him. In Season 5, the crows have started to circle around Chase and his place amongst the Hollywood up-and-coming stars is questioned. Does Chase have the drive to succeed or was he just a pretty-boy whose had some lucky breaks? Is his presumption that money will continue to flow in as long as he keeps a detached but positive demeanor still valid? What will happen to his relationships with his agent, Ari and publicist, Shauna as his star starts to dim? And most importantly, will the end of the series be Vincent Chase resigned to the same fate as his older brother, Johnny Drama --- an actor who could have been a star but whose idiosyncracies and arrogance derailed him? In essence, I like Season 5 because, as funny and cool as it was, it reminds us subtly that Hollywood is just as much a rat race city as any other place; there's just better scenery.
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