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The Treaty and the its Times


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Foreword by Gordon Dryden | Maps of early New Zealand 1. A VERY BEAUTIFUL LAND | Maori in New Zealand by 1000AD | Abel Tasman visits: 1642 | Captain James Cook visits: 1769 | Captain Cook and first contacts with Maori | The name of New Zealand | de Surville visits: 1769 | Marion du Fresne visits: 1772 | The British colony of New South Wales in Australia | The sealers and whalers | Early protection for Maori in NSW | Early Maori conflicts | The Boyd massacre | The idea of religion and Empire | The Church Missionary Society (CMS) | Maori religious beliefs | Samuel Marsden: the first missionary | Maori becomes a written language | By the start of 1820 | 2. THUNDER AND THEN DEATH | The British Colonial Office is formed | The threads leading to the Musket Wars | The North Island waterways used by Maori | The Musket Wars begin | Introducing Te Rauparaha | The trade in shrunken heads | The effect of the Musket Wars | Introducing Rev. Henry Williams | The Wesleyan missionaries | The Maori chiefs of Northland | Introducing Kawiti | Introducing Tamati Waka Nene | Introducing Hone Heke | Maori and trade | Sealing and whaling again | The problem of law and British subjects in NZ | Dumont d?Urville first visits:1824 | Baron de Thierry queries British claims in NZ | A New Zealand colony is unacceptable | Calls for British intervention to protect trade | The New Zealand Question | 3. WE ARE A PEOPLE WITHOUT POSSESSIONS | Pride in Britain and the Empire | The idea of the Noble Savage | Early ideas about colonies: Bentham, Mill | and Malthus | Free Trade arguments of Bentham and Mill | The British Colonial Office in the 1830s | Samuel Marsden gives his opinion of NZ | Yate and the 1831 petition to the King | The trader McDonnell adds his voice | Increasing pressure from New South Wales | Increasing public clamour in Britain | The Colonial Office appoints a Resident | 4. DECLARED TO BE AN INDEPENDENT STATE | The role of a British Resident | Introducing James Busby | The appointment of Busby as Resident | The limitations imposed on Busby | Busby and his house | The settler reaction to Busby?s appointment | Busby sets out for New Zealand | Busby arrives in New Zealand | Busby?s house again ? and land at Waitangi | Life as the Resident | The story of Betty Guard | Busby?s flag for ships trading from NZ | A second Resident is appointed | A major initiative from Busby | The 1835 Declaration of Independence | The effect of the Declaration in London | The shortcomings of the Declaration | Waning law and order again | A growing realisation about the Residency | FitzRoy and Darwin write a letter | 5. A PASSION FOR THIS ART | Introducing William Colenso, the printer | The first printing in New Zealand: 1835 | Maori literacy by the late 1830s | James Clendon is appointed US Consul | Baron de Thierry again | Introducing Bishop Pompallier | The Protestant and Catholic missionaries | The missionary influence nears its height | Busby and the end of the Residency | 6. THE FITTEST COUNTRY FOR COLONISATION | The Colonial Office and Sir James Stephen | Introducing Edward Gibbon Wakefield | Wakefield?s systematic colonisation | The rise of the New Zealand Association | The changing political scene in Britain | The 1837 House of Commons Select | Committee on Aborigines | Introducing Captain William Hobson | Hobson?s report on New Zealand | Aborigines have rights in their own lands | Colonial Office opposition to the | New Zealand Association | The 1838 House of Lords Select | Committee on New Zealand | The New Zealand Land Company | opens for business | The influences on the Colonial Office: 1839 | The decision is made to annex New | Zealand using a treaty | The role of a Governor in a British colony | 7. ESTABLISHING A SETTLED FORM OF CIVIL | government | Why Britain was becoming involved | Concerns with commercial colonisation | A more active role is needed | Maori sovereignty | Maori free and intelligent consent | Maori cannot act together as a nation | The possible expansion of settlements | The need to assume sovereignty | Lawlessness and promotion of Maori welfare | Land purchases and titles | Principles of sincerity, justice and good faith | The Protector of Aborigines | The issue of cannibalism | The administration of the colony | The principle of self?funding | The validity of land titles | Hobson is to rely on Gipps | Hobson is to write the treaty | The full text of Normanby?s Instructions | 8. A BOLD PROCEEDING | The NZ Company instructs Wakefield | The Tory leaves London: 1839 | The Tory reaches Port Nicholson: 1839 | The Port Nicholson Purchase: 1839 | More emigrant ships set sail | The Company purchases land in | Marlborough | Britannia, the Company?s first town | The last flicker of the Musket Wars in | the South Island | Support for Hobson from Gipps in Sydney | About Kororareka, Bay of Islands | Opinion is divided over Hobson | About the officials with Hobson | Hobson arrives in Kororareka | 9. IS NOT THE LAND ALREADY GONE? | Wednesday 29th January: Hobson arrives | Thursday 30th January: Hobson meets | with citizens | Friday 31st January: the invitations go out | Saturday 1st February: the first notes | Sunday 2nd February: the Treaty draft | Monday 3rd February: Treaty draft returned | Tuesday 4th February: Treaty draft approved | Wednesday 5th February: the Treaty debate | Thursday 6th February: the Treaty is signed | Friday and Saturday | The Treaty and Terra Nullis | The Treaty on tour to gather signatures | Colenso prints the Maori Treaty | Clendon sends Treaty copies to the USA | Hobson sails to the Waitemata | Collecting Treaty signatures is finished | The history of the Treaty documents | Collecting signatures on the Treaty Sheets | The locations, and number of signatures, | where the Treaty was signed | The Maori Treaty documents today | The English Treaty documents today | Which Treaty is the primary Treaty? | The Texts of the Treaty of Waitangi | The English translations of the Maori Treaty | 10. ON THE GROUNDS OF DISCOVERY | Problems for Hobson from Port Nicholson | Hobson?s patience is stretched | Hobson?s Proclamation of Sovereignty | The text of the Proclamation of Sovereignty | Hobson asserts his authority in Port | Nicholson | The formal status of sovereignty | Sovereignty is formally secured | Akaroa: a test of sovereignty | A voice of dissention: Barzillai Quaife | Hobson starts to govern | 11. A PROPER SEAT OF GOVERNMENT | The path to Auckland | W.C. Symonds and the New Zealand | and Manukau Company | The Ngati Whatoa chiefs go to the Bay | of Islands | Auckland is confirmed as the next capital | Hobson?s early seats of Government | Britannia moves to Lambton and becomes Wellington | Hobson visits Tamaki again | Hobson announces Tamaki as the | site of the new capital | Auckland is established: September 1840 | The NZ and Manukau Company again | Hobson inspects Auckland | Auckland is surveyed and the land | auction is announced | The Bay of Islands Gazette is closed down | The land auction at Auckland | Auckland starts its life | The fate of Cornwallis | The foundation of Wanganui: 1841 | The foundation of Nelson: 1842 | The foundation of New Plymouth: 1841 | The newspapers of the time | 12. RECONCILING CONFLICTING INTERESTS | Early concerns on enforcing the law | The powers of the Governor | The Executive Council | The Protector of Aborigines | The Legislative Council | The appointment of the Land | Commissioners | The appointment of Swainson, Martin and Outhwaite | William Swainson, the second | Attorney-General | Swainson and law | Traditional views of land | Pre-1840 land purchases | The Pennington Award | William Spain, the Land Commissioner | William Martin: the Chief Justice | The limited reach of the law | 13. I HOLD NO ENMITY AGAINST MAN | The crime of murder in the Bay of Islands | Violence erupts in Northland | The trial of Maketu | The execution of Maketu | The aftermath of the execution | One law for all people in New Zealand | 14. FRUGALITY IN ALL THINGS | Hobson?s budget for 1840 | Instructions on frugality | Hobson?s lavish spending | The economy in 1841 | The economy in 1842 | The contribution of Maori to the economy | The fall of Hobson | Looking back on the economy under Hobson | 15. ASSAILED BY THE BITTEREST ABUSE | The settlers attack Hobson | Quaife attacks Hobson | Hobson?s health deteriorates | Conflict in the Bay of Plenty: 1842 | Hobson?s rule collapses | The death of Hobson | News of Hobson?s death reaches London | Hobson?s legacy to New Zealand | The Colonial Office view of sovereignty | 16. THEY HAD KILLED MY WIFE | The Wairau in 1843 | The 1832 Blenkinsop Purchase | The NZ Company discovers the Wairau | The murder in Cloudy Bay: 1842 | A serious situation with Te Rauparaha | The surveyors? houses in Wairau are burnt | An arrest party goes to Wairau | The first shots and the surrender | The massacre at Wairau: 1843 | The widespread effects of the massacre | Initial enquiries into the massacre | 17. PACK UP, ITS TIME TO GO | Introducing Robert FitzRoy | Early reaction to Fitzroy | FitzRoy arrives in New Zealand | 18. GOODWILL AND TRUE CHRISTIAN CONDUCT | The Legislative Council reconvenes | Difficulties in representation | Corruption in the administration | The enquiry into the Wairau Massacre | The Native Exemption Ordinance 1844 | Changes in the Supreme Court | Growing intolerance towards Maori | 19. THE EXCHEQUER IS EMPTY | The extent of the financial problems | Currency and banks in New Zealand | Tackling the problems | Tackling the problems: currency | and debentures | Tackling the problems: pre-emption | Considering pre-emption | William Brown and the Auckland Clique | Pre-emption: the New Zealand Company | Pre-emption: 10s per acre | The downturn in Northland | Tackling the problems: Customs duties | Pre-emption: one penny per acre | The Government is bankrupt: 1844 | The economy in 1845 | Looking back on the past five years | 20. MY HEART IS DARK | Spain?s hearing into the Port | Nicholson Purchase | NZ Company opposition to FitzRoy | Spain?s Taranaki land enquiry | The 1844 Select Committee: Waste land | Hone Heke cuts down the flagpole | FitzRoy arrives in New Plymouth | Moew problems over land | Problems around Wanganui: 1844 | Pressure grows for FitzRoy?s removal | FitzRoy receives the Select Committee report | Problems around Nelson: 1845 | The NZ Company intensifies its attacks | FitzRoy is officially recalled | FitzRoy receives his recall | Captain George Grey, the third Governor | 21. THE COLOUR HAS FALLEN | Maori in transition | Hard times in Northland | Hone Heke extends his power | The lead-up to war | Heke arrives in Kororareka | The flagstaff first falls: July 1844 | FitzRoy sends troops to Kororareka | The prelude to war | The attack on Kororareka: March, 1845 | The sack of Kororareka: March, 1845 | The losses in the fight | The aftermath of Kororareka: | Hone Heke and Kawiti | The aftermath of Kororareka: Waka Nene | The aftermath of Kororareka: in Auckland | The aftermath of Kororareka: the Government | 22. DEEP WATERS | Fitzroy declares war | The troops assemble | British troops attack Pomare?s pa at Otuihu | The first campaign: Puketutu | The attack on the Kapotai pa | Heke attempts to recover his pa at Te Ahuahu | The second campaign: Ohaeawai | Preparing for Ruapekapeka | FitzRoy?s peace proposal | The fortifications at Ruapekapeka | FitzRoy is replaced by Grey | The third campaign: Ruapekapeka | The end of the war in the north | After the war | After 1845 | 23. THE FINAL DAYS | The final days of Busby | Busby?s legacy to New Zealand | The final days of Hone Heke | The final days of Kawiti | The final days of Waka Nene | The final days of the missionaries | The final days of the George Clarke | The final days of the New Zealand Company | The final days of Edward Gibbon Wakefield | The final days of Fitzroy | FitzRoy?s legacy to New Zealand | Looking back: the final time | APPENDICES | Timeline | Suggested reading | Internet resources | Text sources | Picture sources | Index |

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