Tenth Anniversary Expanded Edition
Ten years on, Jasbir K. Puar's pathbreaking Terrorist Assemblages remains one of the most influential queer theory texts and continues to reverberate across multiple political landscapes, activist projects, and scholarly pursuits. Puar argues that configurations of sexuality, race, gender, nation, class, and ethnicity are realigning in relation to contemporary forces of securitization, counterterrorism, and nationalism. She examines how liberal politics incorporate certain queer subjects into the fold of the nation-state, shifting queers from their construction as figures of death to subjects tied to ideas of life and productivity. This tenuous inclusion of some queer subjects depends, however, on the production of populations of Orientalized terrorist bodies. Heteronormative ideologies that the U.S. nation-state has long relied on are now accompanied by what Puar calls homonationalism-a fusing of homosexuality to U.S. pro-war, pro-imperialist agendas.
As a concept and tool of biopolitical management, homonationalism is here to stay. Puar's incisive analyses of feminist and queer responses to the Abu Ghraib photographs, the decriminalization of sodomy in the wake of the Patriot Act, and the profiling of Sikh Americans and South Asian diasporic queers are not instances of a particular historical moment; rather, they are reflective of the dynamics saturating power, sexuality, race, and politics today.
This Tenth Anniversary Expanded Edition features a new foreword by Tavia Nyong'o and a postscript by Puar entitled "Homonationalism in Trump Times." Nyong'o and Puar recontextualize the book in light of the current political moment while reposing its original questions to illuminate how Puar's interventions are even more vital and necessary than ever.
Tenth Anniversary Expanded Edition
Ten years on, Jasbir K. Puar's pathbreaking Terrorist Assemblages remains one of the most influential queer theory texts and continues to reverberate across multiple political landscapes, activist projects, and scholarly pursuits. Puar argues that configurations of sexuality, race, gender, nation, class, and ethnicity are realigning in relation to contemporary forces of securitization, counterterrorism, and nationalism. She examines how liberal politics incorporate certain queer subjects into the fold of the nation-state, shifting queers from their construction as figures of death to subjects tied to ideas of life and productivity. This tenuous inclusion of some queer subjects depends, however, on the production of populations of Orientalized terrorist bodies. Heteronormative ideologies that the U.S. nation-state has long relied on are now accompanied by what Puar calls homonationalism-a fusing of homosexuality to U.S. pro-war, pro-imperialist agendas.
As a concept and tool of biopolitical management, homonationalism is here to stay. Puar's incisive analyses of feminist and queer responses to the Abu Ghraib photographs, the decriminalization of sodomy in the wake of the Patriot Act, and the profiling of Sikh Americans and South Asian diasporic queers are not instances of a particular historical moment; rather, they are reflective of the dynamics saturating power, sexuality, race, and politics today.
This Tenth Anniversary Expanded Edition features a new foreword by Tavia Nyong'o and a postscript by Puar entitled "Homonationalism in Trump Times." Nyong'o and Puar recontextualize the book in light of the current political moment while reposing its original questions to illuminate how Puar's interventions are even more vital and necessary than ever.
Foreword / Tavia Nyong'o xi
Preface: Tactics, Strategies, Logistics xvii
Introduction: Homonationalism and Biopolitics 1
1. The Sexuality of Terrorism 37
2. Abu Ghraib and U.S. Sexual Exceptionalism 79
3. Intimate Control, Infinite Direction: Rereading the Lawrence
Case 114
4. "The Turban is Not a Hat": Queer Diaspora and the Practices for
Profiling 166
Conclusion: Queer Times, Terrorist Assemblages 203
Postscript: Homonationalism in Trump Times 223
Acknowledgments 243
Notes 249
References 307
Index 342
Jasbir K. Puar is Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at
Rutgers University and the author of The Right to Maim, also
published by Duke University Press.
Tavia Nyong’o is Professor of African American Studies, American
Studies, and Theater Studies at Yale University and the author of
The Amalgamation Waltz.
“A profound and challenging book that should be read widely and
repeatedly, Puar’s latest work contains revelations about
contemporary power that offer avenues for transforming academic
knowledge and our own subjectivities.”
“Terrorist Assemblages is brilliant, hyperkinetic, and perhaps,
most of all, ferocious. It is ferocious in its analysis and
critique not only of networks of control over and unrelenting
superpanopticism of queer, racialized bodies but also of queer,
feminist, and critical race theory and activism.”
*Journal of Asian American Studies*
“Few points of identification, cherished political practices, or
progressive claims are left unimplicated in Puar's analysis of the
war on terror. . . . Terrorist Assemblages exemplifies the most
difficult and yet most important work that critical theory can
offer its readers and practitioners: a thoroughgoing interrogation
of the inequalities, oppressions and injustices that shape the
present, which refuses to leave its authors' and readers' own
investments outside its critiques.”
*Theory & Event*
“Puar provides compelling and convincing examples of the unwitting
effects of homonormative discourse.”
“Jasbir Puar’s Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer
Times is a powerful, energetic, and highly insightful read. The
book absorbs a surprising amount of intellectual, political, and
emotional labour. . . . [R]eaders can have that rare and golden
experience of emerging from these pages transformed. Indeed, the
demands that Puar places on her reader are substantial, but the
rewards well worth it. Cutting, courageous, and prescient,
Terrorist Assemblages is well worth the read.”
"It is her ability to traverse the theoretical terrains between
theories of affect and nonrepresentation as well as discourse and
identity that exemplifies how these seemingly opposed
poststructuralisms do, in fact, enrich each other and make
Terrorist Assemblages a critically important work."
*Annals of the AAG*
"Terrorist Assemblages is a challenging and urgent book that pushes
studies of the sexual beyond their comfort zone. . . . The chapters
offer a series of bold and creative readings that aim to rewrite
emergent orthodoxies within both critical and not so critical
discourses on the 'war on terror.' Where such discourses perpetuate
separation and distance, Puar strikingly demonstrates connectivity
and coincidence."
*Social & Cultural Geography*
"Terrorist Assemblages will appeal to scholars who wish to push the
limits of interdisciplinary thinking and writing. In both form and
content, this book energetically experiments with different
theoretical frameworks and disparate sources to produce fresh
insights on a variety of issues. For these and many other reasons,
Terrorist Assemblages is bound to become a mainstay in graduate
courses across a range of disciplines, and will certainly be cited
as a key text in scholarship that examines how discourses
surrounding sexuality are mobilized in the service of war,
nation-building, and imperialism."
*E3W Review of Books*
"Terrorist Assemblages is a rich and textured read that lays bare
the perniciousness of liberal politics while asking for the hard
work it takes to build radical solidarity."
*Social & Cultural Geography*
". . . I think it only appropriate that we succumb to this
project’s velocity, that we explore Puar’s virtuosic,
methodological interventions, while acknowledging the captivating
intellectual performance at the heart of Terrorist Assemblages. . .
. Puar importantly provides a salient and scathing political
critique of nationalism in its hetero, homo, religious and
racialized incarnations."
*Women & Performance*
“Puar’s project brings what we might describe as a racial politics
of tolerance to the production of queers. . . . In doing so, she
challenges those of us engaged in human rights theory and advocacy
for sexual minorities to a serious consideration of what it is that
enables such advocacy to be effective in the first instance, and
what the effectiveness of such campaigns means for the
re-positioning of LGBT subjects in mainstream political economies.
. . . Her examination of terrorist discourses foregrounds a
dimension of Foucault’s characterization of contemporary power that
has been largely ignored by theorists who take up this framework
for speaking of power: namely, the instrumentality of death—that
is, the extent to which the protection and management of some
life/lives is contingent on letting others die.”
*Feminist Legal Studies*
"Since the publication of Puar’s book, the presence of Islamophobic
and openly gay politicians like Pim Fortuyn and Geert Wilders—who
had seemed exceptional in the early 2000s—has become rather the
norm. . . . Puar’s book has been extremely important in the effort
to make sense of these phenomena."
*Social Text*
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