Teaching Graphic Novels in the Classroom describes different methods teachers may use to begin teaching graphic literature to new readers. The first chapter of the book is dedicated to the history of the medium and runs from the earliest days of comic books through the growing popularity of graphic novels. It includes profiles of early creators and the significance of certain moments throughout the history that chart the evolution of graphic literature from superheroes to award-winning novels like Maus. Chapters 2-8 focus on different genres and include an analysis and lessons for 1-2 different novels, creator profiles, assignments, ways to incorporate different media in connection with each book, chapter summaries, discussion questions, and essay topics. Chapter 9 is the culminating project for the book, allowing students to create their own graphic novel, with guidance from the writing process to creating the art.
Grades 7-12
Teaching Graphic Novels in the Classroom describes different methods teachers may use to begin teaching graphic literature to new readers. The first chapter of the book is dedicated to the history of the medium and runs from the earliest days of comic books through the growing popularity of graphic novels. It includes profiles of early creators and the significance of certain moments throughout the history that chart the evolution of graphic literature from superheroes to award-winning novels like Maus. Chapters 2-8 focus on different genres and include an analysis and lessons for 1-2 different novels, creator profiles, assignments, ways to incorporate different media in connection with each book, chapter summaries, discussion questions, and essay topics. Chapter 9 is the culminating project for the book, allowing students to create their own graphic novel, with guidance from the writing process to creating the art.
Grades 7-12
Preface Acknowledgements Teacher’s Guide Why Study Graphic Literature? Chapter 1 The History of Comic Books and Graphic Literature Chapter 2 Superheroes Chapter 3 Fantasy Chapter 4 Science Fiction Chapter 5 Manga Chapter 6 Fiction Chapter 7 Biography and Memoir Chapter 8 The Teenage Experience Chapter 9 Making Your Own Graphic Novel Conclusion References Appendix A: Suggested Reading Appendix B: Film Guide Appendix C: Graphic Novel Rubric About the Author
Ryan J. Novak is a high school teacher in southwest Missouri, where he teaches dual-credit English and mythology. His love of graphic literature began in childhood when he learned to read using comic books that his grandfather bought for him at the supermarket. His interest in teaching it as literature came from sponsoring a comic book club and seeing how his students responded to different genres of graphic literature. He lives in Springfield, MO, with his wife, Lindsey.
Beginning with a general introduction to comic books and their
history, and then delving into specific genres such as superheroes,
fantasy, science fiction, manga, fiction, biography and memoir
before culminating in a section on making your own graphic novel,
this title is designed for teachers. Each chapter includes
discussion points, exercises, creator profiles, a project and an
accompanying overview, and analysis of a well-regarded title as an
example from the genre.,Amanda Jacobs Foust,VOYA, 6/1/14
The book focuses on genres, analyses, and lessons that address
various novels and includes chapter summaries, discussion
questions, and essay topics. Media connections in the book
stimulate thought and inquiry for students and address student
learning preferences.,Gifted Child Today, 3/26/14
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