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Strong and Courageous
The Character and Calling of Mature Manhood

Paperback, 184 pages
United States, 1 May 2017

Manhood has fallen on hard times. Male passivity, cultural expectations, feminism, and wide-spread gender confusion have all conspired to derail men from their God-given calling as leaders, protectors, and providers. More than ever it appears that men are ignorant of what true masculinity entails. Perhaps most discouraging is that this ignorance characterizes many men in the Church of Christ.

Writing from several years of experience in discipleship and pastoral ministry, Derek Brown seeks to help Christian men understand their calling, find hope in the gospel, and grow in godly masculinity. Beginning in Genesis, Brown establishes the call to true manhood firmly in the text of Scripture, while applying these biblical principles to a man's day-to-day experience. Both single and married men will find much in these pages to encourage and challenge them in their pursuit of mature manhood.

Endorsements "In an age of gender confusion and prolonged adolescence, Derek serves the men in our churches with this spiritual, kick-in-the-pants. It is a biblical exhortation to stop being passive, to the detriment of ourselves and those entrusted to our care. What good would come to our marriages, our families, and our churches, if men would heed the Scriptures' teaching about manhood, that Derek mines for us in this great book!"
-Rick Zaman, Pastor-Teacher, Grace Bible Church, Richmond, Virginia

"It is not surprising that masculinity is misunderstood by the world. What should surprise and trouble us is that it is even misunderstood by the professing church. In Strong and Courageous, Derek Brown has provided a thoroughly biblical treatise of what true masculinity is. I grieve over the lack of understanding of biblical manhood and am personally thankful for this resource and enthusiastically commend it to you."
-Justin Peters, Evangelist, and author of Do Not Hinder Them: A Biblical Examination of Childhood Conversion

"All men wrestle with measuring up to biblical manhood. As a Christian, husband, father, and pastor I need to keep maturing as a man while I help others follow Jesus. In Strong and Courageous, Derek Brown gives clear biblical teaching and practical instruction on mature manhood so that you can be confident in your manhood and experience the joy of helping other men mature in masculinity. Read it, get another man to read it, then talk about it. That's what I'm going to do."
-P. J. Tibayan, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, Bellflower, California

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Product Description

Manhood has fallen on hard times. Male passivity, cultural expectations, feminism, and wide-spread gender confusion have all conspired to derail men from their God-given calling as leaders, protectors, and providers. More than ever it appears that men are ignorant of what true masculinity entails. Perhaps most discouraging is that this ignorance characterizes many men in the Church of Christ.

Writing from several years of experience in discipleship and pastoral ministry, Derek Brown seeks to help Christian men understand their calling, find hope in the gospel, and grow in godly masculinity. Beginning in Genesis, Brown establishes the call to true manhood firmly in the text of Scripture, while applying these biblical principles to a man's day-to-day experience. Both single and married men will find much in these pages to encourage and challenge them in their pursuit of mature manhood.

Endorsements "In an age of gender confusion and prolonged adolescence, Derek serves the men in our churches with this spiritual, kick-in-the-pants. It is a biblical exhortation to stop being passive, to the detriment of ourselves and those entrusted to our care. What good would come to our marriages, our families, and our churches, if men would heed the Scriptures' teaching about manhood, that Derek mines for us in this great book!"
-Rick Zaman, Pastor-Teacher, Grace Bible Church, Richmond, Virginia

"It is not surprising that masculinity is misunderstood by the world. What should surprise and trouble us is that it is even misunderstood by the professing church. In Strong and Courageous, Derek Brown has provided a thoroughly biblical treatise of what true masculinity is. I grieve over the lack of understanding of biblical manhood and am personally thankful for this resource and enthusiastically commend it to you."
-Justin Peters, Evangelist, and author of Do Not Hinder Them: A Biblical Examination of Childhood Conversion

"All men wrestle with measuring up to biblical manhood. As a Christian, husband, father, and pastor I need to keep maturing as a man while I help others follow Jesus. In Strong and Courageous, Derek Brown gives clear biblical teaching and practical instruction on mature manhood so that you can be confident in your manhood and experience the joy of helping other men mature in masculinity. Read it, get another man to read it, then talk about it. That's what I'm going to do."
-P. J. Tibayan, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, Bellflower, California

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Product Details
21.6 x 14 x 1.1 centimeters (0.24 kg)

About the Author

Derek Brown (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is associate pastor of college and young adults at Grace Bible Fellowship in Sunnyvale, California. He resides with his wife and two boys in the San Francsico Bay Area. You can visit him online at FromTheStudy.com.

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