Cain made the first blackface turn, blackface minstrels liked to say of the first man forced to wander the world acting out his low place in life. It wasn't the "approved" reading, but then, blackface wasn't the "approved" culture either--yet somehow we're still dancing to its renegade tune. The story of an insubordinate, rebellious, truly popular culture stretching from Jim Crow to hip hop is told for the first time in Raising Cain, a provocative look at how the outcasts of official culture have made their own place in the world.
Unearthing a wealth of long-buried plays and songs, rethinking materials often deemed too troubling or lowly to handle, and overturning cherished ideas about classics from Uncle Tom's Cabin to Benito Cereno to The Jazz Singer, W. T. Lhamon Jr. sets out a startlingly original history of blackface as a cultural ritual that, for all its racist elements, was ultimately liberating. He shows that early blackface, dating back to the 1830s, put forward an interpretation of blackness as that which endured a commonly felt scorn and often outwitted it. To follow the subsequent turns taken by the many forms of blackface is to pursue the way modern social shifts produce and disperse culture. Raising Cain follows these forms as they prolong and adapt folk performance and popular rites for industrial commerce, then project themselves into the rougher modes of postmodern life through such heirs of blackface as stand-up comedy, rock 'n' roll, talk TV, and hip hop.
Formally raising Cain in its myriad variants, blackface appears here as a racial project more radical even than abolitionism. Lhamon's account of its provenance and persistence is a major reinterpretation of American culture.
Cain made the first blackface turn, blackface minstrels liked to say of the first man forced to wander the world acting out his low place in life. It wasn't the "approved" reading, but then, blackface wasn't the "approved" culture either--yet somehow we're still dancing to its renegade tune. The story of an insubordinate, rebellious, truly popular culture stretching from Jim Crow to hip hop is told for the first time in Raising Cain, a provocative look at how the outcasts of official culture have made their own place in the world.
Unearthing a wealth of long-buried plays and songs, rethinking materials often deemed too troubling or lowly to handle, and overturning cherished ideas about classics from Uncle Tom's Cabin to Benito Cereno to The Jazz Singer, W. T. Lhamon Jr. sets out a startlingly original history of blackface as a cultural ritual that, for all its racist elements, was ultimately liberating. He shows that early blackface, dating back to the 1830s, put forward an interpretation of blackness as that which endured a commonly felt scorn and often outwitted it. To follow the subsequent turns taken by the many forms of blackface is to pursue the way modern social shifts produce and disperse culture. Raising Cain follows these forms as they prolong and adapt folk performance and popular rites for industrial commerce, then project themselves into the rougher modes of postmodern life through such heirs of blackface as stand-up comedy, rock 'n' roll, talk TV, and hip hop.
Formally raising Cain in its myriad variants, blackface appears here as a racial project more radical even than abolitionism. Lhamon's account of its provenance and persistence is a major reinterpretation of American culture.
Dancing for Eels at Catherine Market The Blackface Lore Cycle Blame It on Cain Finding Jim Crow Notes Acknowledgments Index
W. T. Lhamon, Jr., is Emeritus Professor of English at Florida State University and Lecturer in American Studies at Smith College.
[Raising Cain] is a bravura performance, an astounding feat of
intellectual detective work that--at its best--reassembles the
world in new ways that challenge our assumptions...It's always
provocative, as when Lhamon finds evidence of awareness of
blackface minstrelsy in works like Benito Cereno, Uncle Tom's
Cabin, and Martin Delaney's novel Blake...Connections between the
past and the present are no less provocative. Lhamon invokes Al
Jolson, rock-and-roll, Elvis, the Rolling Stones, Norman Mailer,
Bob Dylan, M.C. Hammer (remember him?) and even talk shows and
stand-up comedy as substitutes for vaudeville, claiming all descend
from blackface performance...This is a rich and enduring work, a
secret history of how the world we live in came to be.
*Washington Post*
In this animated scholarly performance, W. T. Lhamon Jr. creatively
challenges some of our deepest assumptions about blackface
minstrelsy...He argues that...instead of dehumanizing stereotypes
of African-Americans, it offered an image of 'complex
blackness'...[and] that blackface minstrelsy's legacy is manifest
in contemporary hip hop, film and literature...Raising Cain is
cultural criticism at its most innovative and engaging because it
offers insightful ways of imagining the past.
*Times Literary Supplement*
Raising Cain is a provocative look at how the outcasts of official
culture have made their own place in the world through stand-up
comedy, rock 'n' roll, talk TV, and hip hop.
What was the first Atlantic mass culture? In this stimulating
study, W. T. Lhamon argues that the black minstrel shows--an
evening's entertainment based on 'songs, dances and patter
purporting to be the behaviour of southern [American] field
hands'--enjoyed such booming audiences in the 1840s that they can
be envisaged as outcasts who took the popular stage by storm. To
the standard account of the beginnings of black minstrelsy in 1843,
when Dan Emmett's Virginia Minstrels first performed at the Chatham
Theatre, Lhamon adds an interesting discussion of precursors, such
as the open-air performers in New York's marketplaces and the more
improvised 'plantation frolics'...Raising Cain is full of fresh
insights into the meaning of performance--from the cultural
significance of whistling to the use of elaborate winks by
satirical performers...In political terms, Lhamon's project is to
reevaluate the once-scorned aspects of black culture in general and
blackface performance in particular, and in Raising Cain he
delights in reviving them in all their rude vitality...[Readers]
will enjoy a writing style that excels in passionate advocacy,
scholarly comment, imaginative sympathy and political
acuteness...Raising Cain may raise hackles among the politically
correct, but it also deserves to encourage debate about the
politics of pop culture.
*Times Higher Education Supplement*
W.T. Lhamon seeks to look beyond the shukkin' and jivin' of
minstrelsy to delve into its roots and its historical import--not
just to blacks, but to all Americans. In doing so, he provides an
in-depth history of blackface performance that begins with New York
Negroes dancing for eels and porgies in that city's Catherine
Market, takes us through the development of the now maligned Jim
Crow character, and examines those modern performers who
unwittingly carry on the blackface performance legacy (Hammer
*City Pages*
Lhamon is a cutting-edge historian...He makes excellent use not
only of song lyrics and theatrical plots, but of illustrations and
playbills. Using them, he shows how the dance steps that still
excite American youth, whether Michael Jackson's moonwalk or the
'run step' and 'market step' featured in MC Hammer's popular MTV
videos, were first danced by slaves and appropriated by minstrels.
As Lhamon notes, you can never tell where these elements will turn
up; they are deeply embedded in both American popular culture and
black culture.
[A] pathbreaking book...[and] a rich trove of fresh meaning and
flashing insight...[Lhamon is] an acute sensor on whom nothing is
*Journal of American History*
Lhamon's provocative thesis gains persuasive momentum by enabling
readers to empathize with early artists and audiences, a goal he
pursues through interpreting a variety of fascinating
texts....[Lhamon creates] a synthesis [between interpretive voice
and historical analysis] that offers a model for scholars of
cultural history...and offers the conceptual foundation for a new,
process-oriented paradigm for the study of cultural history.
*American Quarterly*
Lhamon...look[s] primarily at 'the links blackface performance made
across race and class,' and thus investigate[s] 'struggles over
interracial fascination, against and for it, leading to [the
form's] transmission, recombination, and cultural work.' He
succeeds admirably...The strength of Raising Cain is its
reconsideration of long-held and often skewed views of minstrelsy,
its author's contextualization of the topic with historical data
(as a cultural historian) and literary allusions (as a literary
critic), and the lively and thought-provoking explications that
spring from Lhamon's fertile, questioning mind.
Jim Crow is our Punch and Judy--every one responds to it. But Jim
Crow, unlike Punch and Judy, is by its nature explosive, dangerous,
unresolved, and coded.The language of Jim Crow is a set of secret
languages hidden within everyday talk, indications of sin, guilt,
domination, violence, and fate communicated through seemingly
meaningless gestures. One of the truly fascinating aspects of
Raising Cain is the way Lhamon shows how these gestures retain both
their shapes and meanings as they travel through the decades and
from one century to another, from one part of the country to
another. In my reading of contemporary American cultural criticism,
or cultural criticism generally, Lhamon's ability to supersede the
barriers between cultural forms that most writers take for granted
is very nearly unique. Beyond his consistently forceful, lucid,
jargon-free, careful, an enthusiastic prose style, I think this is
the most striking aspect of his work. Lhamon's book locates the
sources, practice, and reception of minstrelsy as a cultural
battleground, and takes it as seriously as other historians of the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have taken religious
*Greil Marcus*
W. T. Lhamon's dazzling book is an extraordinary piece of work that
offers much. By turns he is marvelously erudite, probing, poetic,
witty, and politically incisive. This is a book about race in
America which distinguishes itself by conceding nothing to the
pieties that regulate what can be said openly on the subject. The
history and historiography of minstrelsy and mimesis are folded
into powerful readings of texts, performances, and films that are
both well-known and entirely unfamiliar. Throughout, 'theoretical'
commentaries on culture and its transactional workings are
skillfully interwoven with Lhamon's own observations and critical
expositions. Raising Cain will obviously become a central reference
point for future discussions of race and culture."
*Goldsmiths' College, University of London*
Freely and elegantly moving between the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries and between high culture (Melville and Stowe in
particular among earlier figures) and popular entertainment, this
is an engaging and passionately personal study of blackface
minstrelsy and its radical agenda and lasting importance in the
continuing creation of United States culture.
*Nineteenth-Century Literature*
[W. T. Lhamon] examines the emotions that helped to generate
blackface, a form of performance that in the 1830s erupted across
the industrial world. In so doing he directly counters those
historians who have lambasted minstrelsy as a purveyor of racial
abuse. Blackface, as he sees it, was a liberating ritual, a
proletarian cultural form through which marginal peoples made sense
of themselves...The book is exhilarating in its command of the
topic, in the stylishness of the writing, and in its ability to
read in a wink or a whistle or a bent kneebone the traces of
profound social and economic change.
*Journal of Contemporary History*
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