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Race, Class, and Gender
Intersections and Inequalities
By Margaret (University of Delaware), Patricia (University of Maryland at College Park)

Paperback, 544 pages
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Paperback : £59.65

United States, 31 January 2019

Timely, relevant and extremely student-friendly, Andersen/Hill Collins' RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER: INTERSECTIONS AND INEQUALITIES, 10th edition, equips you with a multidimensional perspective on today's social issues. Written by two leading authorities in the field, this classic anthology uses a diverse collection of writings by a variety of scholars to demonstrate how the complex intersection of people's race, class, gender and sexuality shapes their experiences in U.S. society. Professors Andersen and Hill Collins begin each section with in-depth introductions to provide an analytical framework for understanding social inequality. Completely up-to-date, the readings cover current--and often controversial topics--including undocumented students, myths about immigrant crime, growing inequality, the role of social media in social movement mobilization, health care inequality and more.

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Product Description

Timely, relevant and extremely student-friendly, Andersen/Hill Collins' RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER: INTERSECTIONS AND INEQUALITIES, 10th edition, equips you with a multidimensional perspective on today's social issues. Written by two leading authorities in the field, this classic anthology uses a diverse collection of writings by a variety of scholars to demonstrate how the complex intersection of people's race, class, gender and sexuality shapes their experiences in U.S. society. Professors Andersen and Hill Collins begin each section with in-depth introductions to provide an analytical framework for understanding social inequality. Completely up-to-date, the readings cover current--and often controversial topics--including undocumented students, myths about immigrant crime, growing inequality, the role of social media in social movement mobilization, health care inequality and more.

Product Details
23.1 x 16 x 2.3 centimeters (0.42 kg)

Table of Contents

Introduction by Margaret L. Andersen and Patricia Hill Collins.
1. "Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference" by Audre Lorde.
2. "From a Native Daughter" by Haunani Kay-Trask.
3. "Label Us Angry" by Jeremiah Torres.
4 "It Looks Like a Demon": Black Masculinity and Spirituality in the Age of Ferguson by Jamie D. Hawley and Staycie L. Flint.
Introduction by Margaret L. Andersen and Patricia Hill Collins.
5. "The Persistence of White nationalism in America" by Joe Feagin.
6. "Racial Formation" by Michael Omi and Howard Winant.
7. "Color-Blind Privilege: The Social and Political Functions of Erasing the Color Line in Post Race America" by Charles A. Gallagher.
8. "White Privilege" by Peggy McIntosh.
9. "What White Supremacists Taught a Jewish Scholar about Identity" by Abby Ferber.
10. "Must-See TV: South Asian Characterizations in American Popular Media" by Bhoomi K. Thakore.
11. "We are all Americans: the Latin Americanization of race relations in the United States" by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva and Karen S. Glover.
12. "Optional Ethnicities: For Whites Only?" by Mary C. Waters.
13. "Is Capitalism Gendered and Racialized?" by Joan Acke.
14. "Race as Class" by Herbert J. Gans.
15. "Media Magic: Making Class Invisible" by Gregory Mantsios.
16. "Toxic Inequality" by Thomas M. Shapiro.
17. "Asian American Women and Racialized Femininities: ‘Doing Gender’ across Cultural Worlds" by Karen D. Pyke and Denise L. Johnson.
18. "From Transgender to Trans" by Joelle Ruby Ryan.
19. "More than Men: Latino Feminist Masculinities and Intersectionality" by Aida Hurtado and Mrinal Sinha.
20. "Keep Your "N" in Check: African American Women and the Interactive Effects of Etiquette and Emotional Labor" by Marlese Durr and Adia M. Harvey Wingfield.
21. "Prisons for Our Bodies, Closets for Our Minds: Racism, Heterosexism, and Black Sexuality" by Patricia Hill Collins.
22. "The Invention of Heterosexuality" by Jonathan Ned Katz.
23. "Good Girls": Gender, Social Class, and Slut Discourse on Campus" by Elizabeth A, Armstrong, Laura T. Hamilton, Elizabeth M. Armstrong, and J. Lotus Seele.
24. "Queering the Sexual and Racial Politics of Urban Revitalization" by Donovan Lessard.
Introduction by Margaret L. Andersen and Patricia Hill Collins
25. "Jobless Ghettos: The Social Implications of the Disappearance of Work in Segregated Neighborhoods" by William J. Wilson.
26. "Working Class Growing Pains" by Jennifer M. Silva.
27. "Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal?: A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination" by Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan.
28. "Gender Matters: So Do Race and Class: Experiences of Gendered Racism on the Wal-Mart Shop Floor" by Sandra E. Weissinger.
29. "Our Mothers' Grief: Racial-Ethnic Women and the Maintenance of Families" by Bonnie Thornton Dill.
30. "LGBT Sexuality and Families at the Start of the Twenty-First Century" by Mignon R. Moore and Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfhe.
31. "The Good Daughter Dilemma: Latinas Managing Family and School Demands" by Roberta Espinoza.
32. "Loving across Racial Divides" by Amy Steinbugler.
33. "From the Achievement Gap to the Education Debt: Understanding Achievement in U.S. Schools" by Gloria Ladson-Billings.
34. "Academic Resilience among Undocumented Latino Students" by William Perez, Roberta Espinoza, Karina Ramos, Heidi M. Coronado, and Richard Cortes.
35. "Michael’s Story: "I Get Into So Much Trouble Just by Walking:" Narrative Knowing and Life at the Intersections of Learning Disability, Race and Class" by David J. Connor.
36. "Health Inequities, Social Determinants, and Intersectionalit

About the Author

Margaret L. Andersen (B.A., Georgia State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst) is the Edward F. and Elizabeth Goodman Rosenberg Professor Emerita at the University of Delaware. Her books have had a far-reaching impact and include "Moving From the Margins: Life Histories on Transforming the Study of Racism," co-edited with Maxine Baca Zinn; "Getting Smart About Race: An American Conversation"; "Race in Society: The Enduring American Dilemma," 2nd Edition; "Thinking About Women," 11th Edition; the best-selling anthology, "Race, Class and Gender," published in its 11th edition; "Living Art: This Life of African American Art Collector Paul R. Jones" and "On Land and On Sea: A Century of Women in the Rosenfeld Collection." Andersen is an emeritus member and former Chair of the National Advisory Board for Stanford University’s Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, past Vice President of the American Sociological Association and past President of the Eastern Sociological Society. She served in several administrative positions at the University of Delaware, including as Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Diversity; Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and as founding director of the President’s Diversity Initiative. She has received numerous awards, including two teaching awards from the University of Delaware, the Eastern Sociological Society Merit Award for career contributions and the American Sociological Association’s Jessie Bernard Award, given for expanding the boundaries of sociology to include women. The University of Delaware granted her an honorary doctorate in recognition of her national prominence in scholarship, teaching and service. Patricia Hill Collins is a Distinguished University Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of Maryland, College Park and the Charles Phelps Taft Professor Emerita of African American Studies and Sociology at the University of Cincinnati. She is the author of numerous articles and books, including ON INTELLECTUAL ACTIVISM (Temple University, 2013); ANOTHER KIND OF PUBLIC EDUCATION: RACE, SCHOOLS, THE MEDIA AND DEMOCRATIC POSSIBILITIES (Beacon, 2009); FROM BLACK POWER TO HIP HOP: RACISM, NATIONALISM AND FEMINISM (Temple University, 2006); BLACK SEXUAL POLITICS: AFRICAN AMERICANS, GENDER AND THE NEW RACISM (Routledge, 2004), which won the Distinguished Publication Award from the American Sociological Association; FIGHTING WORDS (University of Minnesota, 1998) and BLACK FEMINIST THOUGHT: KNOWLEDGE, CONSCIOUSNESS, AND THE POLITICS OF EMPOWERMENT (Routledge, 1990, 2000), which won the American Sociological Association's Jessie Bernard Award and the C. Wright Mills Award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Dr. Hill Collins' most recent books include INTERSECTIONALITY: KEY CONCEPTS (Polity, 2016) with Sirma Bilge and NOT JUST IDEAS: INTERSECTIONALITY AS CRITICAL SOCIAL THEORY (Duke, 2019). She earned her B.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Brandeis University and her MAT from Harvard University.

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