What Is Statistical Significance? - Ralph Tyler
Bayesian Statistical Inference for Psychological Research - Ward Edwards, Harold Lindman and Leonard Savage
Statistical Difficulties of Detecting Interactions and Moderator Effects - Gary McClelland and Charles Judd
The Earth Is Round (p Power Analysis and Determination of Sample Size for Covariance Structure Modeling - Robert MacCallum, Michael Browne and Hazuki Sugawara
Computing Contrasts, Effect Sizes, and Counternulls on Other People's Published Data: General Procedures for Research Consumers - Ralph Rosnow and Robert Rosenthal
Statistical Significance Testing and Cumulative Knowledge in Psychology: Implications for the Training of Researchers - Frank Schmidt
The Appropriate Use of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing - Robert Frick
Controlling the Rate of Type I Error over a Large Set of Statistical Tests - H.J. Keselman, Robert Cribbie and Burt Holland
Hypothesis Testing and Theory Evaluation at the Boundaries: Surprising Insights from Bayes's Theorem - David Trafimow
Mindless Statistics - Gerd Gigerenzer
An Alternative to Null-Hypothesis Significance Tests - Peter Killeen
False-Positive Psychology Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as Significant - Joseph Simmons, Leif Nelson and Uri Simonsohn
The Proof and Measurement of Association between Two Things - C. Spearman
A Method of Scaling Psychological and Educational Tests - Louis Thurstone
Multiple Factor Analysis - Louis Thurstone
Coefficient Alpha and the Internal Structure of Tests - Lee Cronbach
The Relation of Test Score to the Trait Underlying the Test - Frederic Lord
Construct Validity in Psychological Tests - L. Cronbach and P. Meehl
Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix - Donald Campbell and Donald Fiske
The Axioms and Principal Results of Classical Test Theory - Melvin Novick
A General Approach to Confirmatory Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis - K. Jöreskog
Intraclass Correlations: Uses in Assessing Rater Reliability - Patrick Shrout and Joseph Fleiss
Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Item Parameters: Application of an EM Algorithm - R. Darrell Bock and Murray Aitkin
A Taxonomy of Item Response Models - David Thissen and Lynne Steinberg
The New Rules of Measurement - Susan Embretson
The Concept of Validity - Denny Borsboom, Gideon Mellenbergh and Jaap van Heerden
On the Use, the Misuse, and the Very Limited Usefulness of Cronbach's Alpha - Klaas Sijtsma
A Two-Tier Full-Information Item Factor Analysis Model with Applications - Li Cai
Statistical Power of Abnormal-Social Psychological-Research - A Review - Jacob Cohen
Do Studies of Statistical Power Have an Effect on the Power of Studies? - Peter Sedlmeier and Gerd Gigerenzer
A Power Primer - Jacob Cohen
Optimal Design in Psychological Research - Gary McClelland
Statistical Analysis and Optimal Design for Cluster Randomized Trials - Stephen Raudenbush
Analysis of a Trial Randomised in Clusters - Sally Kerry and J. Martin Bland
The Design and Analysis of Longitudinal Studies of Development and Psychopathology in Context: Statistical Models and Methodological Recommendations - John Willett, Judith Singer and Nina Martin
Missing Data: Our View of the State of the Art - Joseph Schafer and John Graham
Propensity Score Estimation with Boosted Regression for Evaluating Causal Effects in Observational Studies - Daniel McCaffrey, Greg Ridgeway and Andrew Morral
The Persistence of Underpowered Studies in Psychological Research: Causes, Consequences, and Remedies - Scott Maxwell
The Scree Test for the Number of Factors - Raymond Cattell
Graphs in Statistical Analysis - F.J. Anscombe
Primary, Secondary, and Meta-Analysis of Research - Gene Glass
The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic and Statistical Considerations - Reuben Baron and David Kenny
Thirteen Ways to Look at the Correlation Coefficient - Joseph Lee Rodgers and Alan Nicewander
Why Covariance: A Rationale for Using Analysis of Covariance Procedures in Randomised Studies - Matthew Taylor and Mark Innocenti
Factor Analysis in the Development and Refinement of Clinical Assessment Instruments - Frank Floyd and Keith Widaman
Fixed-and Random-Effects Models in Meta-Analysis - Larry Hedges and Jack Vevea
How Many Discoveries Have Been Lost by Ignoring Modern Statistical Methods? - Rand Wilcox
A Comparison of Methods to Test Mediation and Other Intervening Variable Effects - David MacKinnon et al.
Probing Interactions in Fixed and Multilevel Regression: Inferential and Graphical Techniques - Daniel Bauer and Patrick Curran
Discrete Time Survival Mixture Analysis - Bengt Muthén and Katherine Masyn
A Better Lemon Squeezer? Maximum-Likelihood Regression with Beta-Distributed Dependent Variables - Michael Smithson and Jay Verkuilen
Average Causal Effects from Nonrandomized Studies - Joseph Schafer and Joseph Kang
Significance Tests and Goodness of Fit in the Analysis of Covariance Structures - P. Bentler and Douglas Bonett
The Dimensionality of Tests and Items - Roderick McDonald
Asymptotically Distribution-Free Methods for the Analysis of Covariance Structures - M. Browne
Model Selection and Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC): The General Theory and Its Analytical Extensions - Hamparsum Bozdogan
Structural Equation Modeling in Practice: A Review and Recommended Two-Step Approach - James Anderson and David Gerbing
Comparative Fit Indexes in Structural Models - P. Bentler
Model Selection in Covariance Structures Analysis and the "Problem" of Sample Size: A Clarification - Robert Cudeck and Susan Henly
Bootstrapping Goodness-of-Fit Measures in Structural Equation Models - Kenneth Bollen and Robert Stine
Modeling Incomplete Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Data Using Latent Growth Structural Models - J. McArdle and Fumiaki Hamagami
Growth Curve Analysis in Accelerated Longitudinal Designs - Stephen Raudenbush and Wing-Shing Chan
Distinguishing between Moderator and Quadratic Effects in Multiple Regression - Robert MacCallum and Corinne Mar
The Robustness of Test Statistics to Nonnormality and Specification Error in Confirmatory Factor Analysis - Patrick Curran, Stephen West and John Finch
Cutoff Criteria for Fit Indices in Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria versus New Alternatives - Li-tze Hu and Peter Bentler
On Sensitivity of Structural Equation Modeling to Latent Relation Misspecifications - Tenko Raykov
To Parcel or Not to Parcel: Exploring the Question, Weighing the Merits - Todd Little et al.
Distributional Assumptions of Growth Mixture Models: Implications for Overextraction of Latent Trajectory Classes - Daniel Bauer and Patrick Curran
Autoregressive Latent Trajectory (ALT) Models: A Synthesis of Two Traditions - Keneth Bollen and Patrick Curran
In Search of Golden Rules: Comment on Hypothesis-Testing Approaches to Setting Cutoff Values for Fit Indexes and Dangers in Overgeneralizing Hu and Bentler's (1999) Findings - Herbert Marsh, Kit-Tai Hau and Zhonglin Wen
Sufficient Sample Sizes for Multilevel Modeling - Cora Maas and Joop Hox
An Empirical Evaluation of the Use of Fixed Cutoff Points in RMSEA Test Statistic in Structural Equation Models - Feinian Chen et al.
What Is Statistical Significance? - Ralph Tyler
Bayesian Statistical Inference for Psychological Research - Ward Edwards, Harold Lindman and Leonard Savage
Statistical Difficulties of Detecting Interactions and Moderator Effects - Gary McClelland and Charles Judd
The Earth Is Round (p Power Analysis and Determination of Sample Size for Covariance Structure Modeling - Robert MacCallum, Michael Browne and Hazuki Sugawara
Computing Contrasts, Effect Sizes, and Counternulls on Other People's Published Data: General Procedures for Research Consumers - Ralph Rosnow and Robert Rosenthal
Statistical Significance Testing and Cumulative Knowledge in Psychology: Implications for the Training of Researchers - Frank Schmidt
The Appropriate Use of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing - Robert Frick
Controlling the Rate of Type I Error over a Large Set of Statistical Tests - H.J. Keselman, Robert Cribbie and Burt Holland
Hypothesis Testing and Theory Evaluation at the Boundaries: Surprising Insights from Bayes's Theorem - David Trafimow
Mindless Statistics - Gerd Gigerenzer
An Alternative to Null-Hypothesis Significance Tests - Peter Killeen
False-Positive Psychology Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as Significant - Joseph Simmons, Leif Nelson and Uri Simonsohn
The Proof and Measurement of Association between Two Things - C. Spearman
A Method of Scaling Psychological and Educational Tests - Louis Thurstone
Multiple Factor Analysis - Louis Thurstone
Coefficient Alpha and the Internal Structure of Tests - Lee Cronbach
The Relation of Test Score to the Trait Underlying the Test - Frederic Lord
Construct Validity in Psychological Tests - L. Cronbach and P. Meehl
Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix - Donald Campbell and Donald Fiske
The Axioms and Principal Results of Classical Test Theory - Melvin Novick
A General Approach to Confirmatory Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis - K. Jöreskog
Intraclass Correlations: Uses in Assessing Rater Reliability - Patrick Shrout and Joseph Fleiss
Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Item Parameters: Application of an EM Algorithm - R. Darrell Bock and Murray Aitkin
A Taxonomy of Item Response Models - David Thissen and Lynne Steinberg
The New Rules of Measurement - Susan Embretson
The Concept of Validity - Denny Borsboom, Gideon Mellenbergh and Jaap van Heerden
On the Use, the Misuse, and the Very Limited Usefulness of Cronbach's Alpha - Klaas Sijtsma
A Two-Tier Full-Information Item Factor Analysis Model with Applications - Li Cai
Statistical Power of Abnormal-Social Psychological-Research - A Review - Jacob Cohen
Do Studies of Statistical Power Have an Effect on the Power of Studies? - Peter Sedlmeier and Gerd Gigerenzer
A Power Primer - Jacob Cohen
Optimal Design in Psychological Research - Gary McClelland
Statistical Analysis and Optimal Design for Cluster Randomized Trials - Stephen Raudenbush
Analysis of a Trial Randomised in Clusters - Sally Kerry and J. Martin Bland
The Design and Analysis of Longitudinal Studies of Development and Psychopathology in Context: Statistical Models and Methodological Recommendations - John Willett, Judith Singer and Nina Martin
Missing Data: Our View of the State of the Art - Joseph Schafer and John Graham
Propensity Score Estimation with Boosted Regression for Evaluating Causal Effects in Observational Studies - Daniel McCaffrey, Greg Ridgeway and Andrew Morral
The Persistence of Underpowered Studies in Psychological Research: Causes, Consequences, and Remedies - Scott Maxwell
The Scree Test for the Number of Factors - Raymond Cattell
Graphs in Statistical Analysis - F.J. Anscombe
Primary, Secondary, and Meta-Analysis of Research - Gene Glass
The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic and Statistical Considerations - Reuben Baron and David Kenny
Thirteen Ways to Look at the Correlation Coefficient - Joseph Lee Rodgers and Alan Nicewander
Why Covariance: A Rationale for Using Analysis of Covariance Procedures in Randomised Studies - Matthew Taylor and Mark Innocenti
Factor Analysis in the Development and Refinement of Clinical Assessment Instruments - Frank Floyd and Keith Widaman
Fixed-and Random-Effects Models in Meta-Analysis - Larry Hedges and Jack Vevea
How Many Discoveries Have Been Lost by Ignoring Modern Statistical Methods? - Rand Wilcox
A Comparison of Methods to Test Mediation and Other Intervening Variable Effects - David MacKinnon et al.
Probing Interactions in Fixed and Multilevel Regression: Inferential and Graphical Techniques - Daniel Bauer and Patrick Curran
Discrete Time Survival Mixture Analysis - Bengt Muthén and Katherine Masyn
A Better Lemon Squeezer? Maximum-Likelihood Regression with Beta-Distributed Dependent Variables - Michael Smithson and Jay Verkuilen
Average Causal Effects from Nonrandomized Studies - Joseph Schafer and Joseph Kang
Significance Tests and Goodness of Fit in the Analysis of Covariance Structures - P. Bentler and Douglas Bonett
The Dimensionality of Tests and Items - Roderick McDonald
Asymptotically Distribution-Free Methods for the Analysis of Covariance Structures - M. Browne
Model Selection and Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC): The General Theory and Its Analytical Extensions - Hamparsum Bozdogan
Structural Equation Modeling in Practice: A Review and Recommended Two-Step Approach - James Anderson and David Gerbing
Comparative Fit Indexes in Structural Models - P. Bentler
Model Selection in Covariance Structures Analysis and the "Problem" of Sample Size: A Clarification - Robert Cudeck and Susan Henly
Bootstrapping Goodness-of-Fit Measures in Structural Equation Models - Kenneth Bollen and Robert Stine
Modeling Incomplete Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Data Using Latent Growth Structural Models - J. McArdle and Fumiaki Hamagami
Growth Curve Analysis in Accelerated Longitudinal Designs - Stephen Raudenbush and Wing-Shing Chan
Distinguishing between Moderator and Quadratic Effects in Multiple Regression - Robert MacCallum and Corinne Mar
The Robustness of Test Statistics to Nonnormality and Specification Error in Confirmatory Factor Analysis - Patrick Curran, Stephen West and John Finch
Cutoff Criteria for Fit Indices in Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria versus New Alternatives - Li-tze Hu and Peter Bentler
On Sensitivity of Structural Equation Modeling to Latent Relation Misspecifications - Tenko Raykov
To Parcel or Not to Parcel: Exploring the Question, Weighing the Merits - Todd Little et al.
Distributional Assumptions of Growth Mixture Models: Implications for Overextraction of Latent Trajectory Classes - Daniel Bauer and Patrick Curran
Autoregressive Latent Trajectory (ALT) Models: A Synthesis of Two Traditions - Keneth Bollen and Patrick Curran
In Search of Golden Rules: Comment on Hypothesis-Testing Approaches to Setting Cutoff Values for Fit Indexes and Dangers in Overgeneralizing Hu and Bentler's (1999) Findings - Herbert Marsh, Kit-Tai Hau and Zhonglin Wen
Sufficient Sample Sizes for Multilevel Modeling - Cora Maas and Joop Hox
An Empirical Evaluation of the Use of Fixed Cutoff Points in RMSEA Test Statistic in Structural Equation Models - Feinian Chen et al.
What Is Statistical Significance? - Ralph Tyler
Bayesian Statistical Inference for Psychological Research - Ward
Edwards, Harold Lindman and Leonard Savage
Statistical Difficulties of Detecting Interactions and Moderator
Effects - Gary McClelland and Charles Judd
The Earth Is Round (p < 0.05) - Jacob Cohen
Power Analysis and Determination of Sample Size for Covariance
Structure Modeling - Robert MacCallum, Michael Browne and Hazuki
Computing Contrasts, Effect Sizes, and Counternulls on Other
People′s Published Data: General Procedures for Research Consumers
- Ralph Rosnow and Robert Rosenthal
Statistical Significance Testing and Cumulative Knowledge in
Psychology: Implications for the Training of Researchers - Frank
The Appropriate Use of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing -
Robert Frick
Controlling the Rate of Type I Error over a Large Set of
Statistical Tests - H.J. Keselman, Robert Cribbie and Burt
Hypothesis Testing and Theory Evaluation at the Boundaries:
Surprising Insights from Bayes′s Theorem - David Trafimow
Mindless Statistics - Gerd Gigerenzer
An Alternative to Null-Hypothesis Significance Tests - Peter
False-Positive Psychology Undisclosed Flexibility in Data
Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as Significant -
Joseph Simmons, Leif Nelson and Uri Simonsohn
The Proof and Measurement of Association between Two Things - C.
A Method of Scaling Psychological and Educational Tests - Louis
Multiple Factor Analysis - Louis Thurstone
Coefficient Alpha and the Internal Structure of Tests - Lee
The Relation of Test Score to the Trait Underlying the Test -
Frederic Lord
Construct Validity in Psychological Tests - L. Cronbach and P.
Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the
Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix - Donald Campbell and Donald
The Axioms and Principal Results of Classical Test Theory - Melvin
A General Approach to Confirmatory Maximum Likelihood Factor
Analysis - K. Jöreskog
Intraclass Correlations: Uses in Assessing Rater Reliability -
Patrick Shrout and Joseph Fleiss
Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Item Parameters:
Application of an EM Algorithm - R. Darrell Bock and Murray
A Taxonomy of Item Response Models - David Thissen and Lynne
The New Rules of Measurement - Susan Embretson
The Concept of Validity - Denny Borsboom, Gideon Mellenbergh and
Jaap van Heerden
On the Use, the Misuse, and the Very Limited Usefulness of
Cronbach′s Alpha - Klaas Sijtsma
A Two-Tier Full-Information Item Factor Analysis Model with
Applications - Li Cai
Statistical Power of Abnormal-Social Psychological-Research – A
Review - Jacob Cohen
Do Studies of Statistical Power Have an Effect on the Power of
Studies? - Peter Sedlmeier and Gerd Gigerenzer
A Power Primer - Jacob Cohen
Optimal Design in Psychological Research - Gary McClelland
Statistical Analysis and Optimal Design for Cluster Randomized
Trials - Stephen Raudenbush
Analysis of a Trial Randomised in Clusters - Sally Kerry and J.
Martin Bland
The Design and Analysis of Longitudinal Studies of Development and
Psychopathology in Context: Statistical Models and Methodological
Recommendations - John Willett, Judith Singer and Nina Martin
Missing Data: Our View of the State of the Art - Joseph Schafer and
John Graham
Propensity Score Estimation with Boosted Regression for Evaluating
Causal Effects in Observational Studies - Daniel McCaffrey, Greg
Ridgeway and Andrew Morral
The Persistence of Underpowered Studies in Psychological Research:
Causes, Consequences, and Remedies - Scott Maxwell
The Scree Test for the Number of Factors - Raymond Cattell
Graphs in Statistical Analysis - F.J. Anscombe
Primary, Secondary, and Meta-Analysis of Research - Gene Glass
The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological
Research: Conceptual, Strategic and Statistical Considerations -
Reuben Baron and David Kenny
Thirteen Ways to Look at the Correlation Coefficient - Joseph Lee
Rodgers and Alan Nicewander
Why Covariance: A Rationale for Using Analysis of Covariance
Procedures in Randomised Studies - Matthew Taylor and Mark
Factor Analysis in the Development and Refinement of Clinical
Assessment Instruments - Frank Floyd and Keith Widaman
Fixed-and Random-Effects Models in Meta-Analysis - Larry Hedges and
Jack Vevea
How Many Discoveries Have Been Lost by Ignoring Modern Statistical
Methods? - Rand Wilcox
A Comparison of Methods to Test Mediation and Other Intervening
Variable Effects - David MacKinnon et al.
Probing Interactions in Fixed and Multilevel Regression:
Inferential and Graphical Techniques - Daniel Bauer and Patrick
Discrete Time Survival Mixture Analysis - Bengt Muthén and
Katherine Masyn
A Better Lemon Squeezer? Maximum-Likelihood Regression with
Beta-Distributed Dependent Variables - Michael Smithson and Jay
Average Causal Effects from Nonrandomized Studies - Joseph Schafer
and Joseph Kang
Significance Tests and Goodness of Fit in the Analysis of
Covariance Structures - P. Bentler and Douglas Bonett
The Dimensionality of Tests and Items - Roderick McDonald
Asymptotically Distribution-Free Methods for the Analysis of
Covariance Structures - M. Browne
Model Selection and Akaike′s Information Criterion (AIC): The
General Theory and Its Analytical Extensions - Hamparsum
Structural Equation Modeling in Practice: A Review and Recommended
Two-Step Approach - James Anderson and David Gerbing
Comparative Fit Indexes in Structural Models - P. Bentler
Model Selection in Covariance Structures Analysis and the "Problem"
of Sample Size: A Clarification - Robert Cudeck and Susan Henly
Bootstrapping Goodness-of-Fit Measures in Structural Equation
Models - Kenneth Bollen and Robert Stine
Modeling Incomplete Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Data Using
Latent Growth Structural Models - J. McArdle and Fumiaki
Growth Curve Analysis in Accelerated Longitudinal Designs - Stephen
Raudenbush and Wing-Shing Chan
Distinguishing between Moderator and Quadratic Effects in Multiple
Regression - Robert MacCallum and Corinne Mar
The Robustness of Test Statistics to Nonnormality and Specification
Error in Confirmatory Factor Analysis - Patrick Curran, Stephen
West and John Finch
Cutoff Criteria for Fit Indices in Covariance Structure Analysis:
Conventional Criteria versus New Alternatives - Li-tze Hu and Peter
On Sensitivity of Structural Equation Modeling to Latent Relation
Misspecifications - Tenko Raykov
To Parcel or Not to Parcel: Exploring the Question, Weighing the
Merits - Todd Little et al.
Distributional Assumptions of Growth Mixture Models: Implications
for Overextraction of Latent Trajectory Classes - Daniel Bauer and
Patrick Curran
Autoregressive Latent Trajectory (ALT) Models: A Synthesis of Two
Traditions - Keneth Bollen and Patrick Curran
In Search of Golden Rules: Comment on Hypothesis-Testing Approaches
to Setting Cutoff Values for Fit Indexes and Dangers in
Overgeneralizing Hu and Bentler′s (1999) Findings - Herbert Marsh,
Kit-Tai Hau and Zhonglin Wen
Sufficient Sample Sizes for Multilevel Modeling - Cora Maas and
Joop Hox
An Empirical Evaluation of the Use of Fixed Cutoff Points in RMSEA
Test Statistic in Structural Equation Models - Feinian Chen et al.
Jeremy Miles, RAND Corporation, USA.
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