Hardback : £119.00
The central theme of this book is the operation of intersecting discourses of power, privilege and positioning as they are revealed in fraught encounters between in-groups and out-groups in our deeply fractured world. The authors offer a unique perspective on inter-group dynamics and structural violence at local, societal, cultural and global levels, dissecting processes of toxic ‘othering’ and psychosocial (re-)traumatisation.
The book offers the Diogenes Paradigm as a unique conceptual tool with which to analyse the ways in which those of us who come to be located outside or on the margins of dominant social structures are, in one way or another, the inheritors of the legacies of centuries of oppression and exclusion. This analysis offers a distinctive psycho-social redefinition of trauma that foregrounds the relationship between the inhospitable environments we generate and the experiences of un-housedness that we thereby perpetuate.
Written in an engaging and accessible style, Psycho-social Explorations of Trauma, Exclusion and Violence directly addresses pressing global issues of racial trauma, human mobility and climate disaster, and offers a manifesto for the creative re-imagining of the places and spaces in which conversations about restructuring and reparation can become sustainable. This is an essential and compelling book for anyone committed to social justice, especially for all practitioners working in health, social care and community justice settings, and researchers and academics across the behavioural and social sciences.
Show moreThe central theme of this book is the operation of intersecting discourses of power, privilege and positioning as they are revealed in fraught encounters between in-groups and out-groups in our deeply fractured world. The authors offer a unique perspective on inter-group dynamics and structural violence at local, societal, cultural and global levels, dissecting processes of toxic ‘othering’ and psychosocial (re-)traumatisation.
The book offers the Diogenes Paradigm as a unique conceptual tool with which to analyse the ways in which those of us who come to be located outside or on the margins of dominant social structures are, in one way or another, the inheritors of the legacies of centuries of oppression and exclusion. This analysis offers a distinctive psycho-social redefinition of trauma that foregrounds the relationship between the inhospitable environments we generate and the experiences of un-housedness that we thereby perpetuate.
Written in an engaging and accessible style, Psycho-social Explorations of Trauma, Exclusion and Violence directly addresses pressing global issues of racial trauma, human mobility and climate disaster, and offers a manifesto for the creative re-imagining of the places and spaces in which conversations about restructuring and reparation can become sustainable. This is an essential and compelling book for anyone committed to social justice, especially for all practitioners working in health, social care and community justice settings, and researchers and academics across the behavioural and social sciences.
Show morePart 1 Un-Housed Minds: The Diogenes Paradigm 1 Un-Housed Minds and Psycho-Social Traumatisation 2 The Diogenes Paradigm 3 Citizens of the World? 4 Inhospitability, Injury, Insult and Insurrection 5 Agoraphilia and Agoraphobia: Negotiating Fraught Encounters in Open Spaces Part 2 Inhospitable Environments: Traumatised and Traumatising (Dis)Organisations 6 "Who Watches the Watchers"? (Dis)Organised Responses to Psycho-Social Traumatisation 7 The Inhospitable Planetary Environment: ‘Climate Migration’, Pandemic and Biosphere Destruction Part 3 Reclaiming the Agora: Activist Research and Antioppressive Practice 8 Racial (Re-)Traumatisation and Practices of Equality 9 Practices of Disappointment: Going Along With Stuff Less and Getting Out More
Christopher Scanlon is a psycho-social consultant/researcher and consultant psychotherapist in forensic and adult mental health. He is a training group analyst and the Institute of Group Analysis and the Irish Group Analytic Society, and founder member of the Association for Psychosocial Studies.
John Adlam is a group psychotherapist and independent researcher, working mainly in the National Health Service, UK. He is a founder member of the Association for Psychosocial Studies and a former Vice President of the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy.
"This book inspires a feeling of relief. It brings together the
most pressing issues of our time—climate change, genocide,
exclusionary nationalism and deep-rooted dehumanising racisms—in
profoundly original ways that address power relations, exclusions,
‘unhousedness’ and (re)traumatisation. It faces the pain they
engender while refusing familiar, patronising tropes of otherness.
Its perceptive, and sometimes poetic, scholarship brings deep hope
that other, genuinely psychosocial ways of living and relating are
possible, despite disagreements and disappointments along the way."
- Ann Phoenix, Professor of Psychosocial Studies, UCL, UK"This is a
profoundly disturbing book in the best sense. Chris Scanlon and
John Adlam are known for their highly regarded psychosocial studies
into the concept of the mind that is unhoused by trauma i.e those
experiences that dismember and dissociate people from communities,
creating communities of the excluded. In this rich work, they
revisit and reconsider their work, with a lens informed by a
deepening awareness of the costs of cruelty; whether by white
people to people of colour, men to women and all of us to the very
earth we stand on. Scanlon and Adlam stand up for the value of
disturbance and dissidence, in a world where what can be said aloud
seems to be constrained and people who say the ‘wrong’ thing can be
excluded or cancelled as if they should not exist. We can learn
from getting closer to the unloved and unloveable and we must do
so, if we are not to fragment our minds, our communities and the
earth itself. All those who work with excluded should read this
book, if only to remind themselves that they are part of the group
that excluded the people they claim to want to help. It is not
always comfortable to look in a mirror but I think we can all be
grateful to Scanlon and Adlam for holding up this particular
glass." - Dr Gwen Adshead, consultant forensic psychiatrist and
psychotherapist, Broadmoor Hospital, UK"Here we are given a mirror.
In it we see something disturbing and yet hopeful about ourselves.
We are confronted with the realization that healing occurs when we
see that pain belongs to the collective rather than to the
individuals who carry it on our behalf - a deeply knowledgeable,
intensely wise, and fiercely ethical exploration of today’s
predicament. Also one that points toward hope amidst the wreckage
by suggesting how we might re-animate public spaces for reflection,
empathy, and understanding." - James Krantz, PhD, Past President,
International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of
Organizations"In this elegantly argued, carefully documented work,
Christopher Scanlon and John Adlam offer a refreshing critical
angle on some of the most pressing forms of social traumatization
and exclusion. Going beyond ‘dispossession’, ‘necropolitics’, and
‘states of exception’ as means of characterizing the social injury
wrought by inhospitable neoliberal sovereigns, they deploy a deeply
critical, practice-based lens to looking at the suffering in our
world produced by colonial and racist structures, mechanisms of
dispossession and unhousedness, and ecocidal policies that are
exacerbating a global migration crisis. The authors mitigate their
disappointment at the persistence of oppression by proposing a
blueprint for solidarity around anti-oppressive social action." -
Michael O’Loughlin, Adelphi University, New York, USA; co-editor
Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society"Starting from homelessness and
ending with ‘race’ this is a study of abjection and shame and of
its refusal, the refusal to go quietly into the night and accept
your place on society’s outermost margins. Scanlon and Adlam
examine the vexed relations between those who are cast out and
those who, simply by occupying the position that they occupy, do
the casting. This wonderfully imaginative and principled book draws
upon a startling diversity of sources to explore the paradoxes and
predicaments of structural violence." - Paul Hoggett, co-founder,
Climate Psychology Alliance"Psychoanalysis inaugurated the study of
the unknown in human experience. Group analysis added the
previously unexplored impact of the social and political context on
personal life and relations. Now Scanlon and Adlam incorporate the
ecological and architectural aspects of our lives, derived from
power relations and inequalities in the distribution of wealth,
which lead the casualties of the system to an un-housed,
dis-membered, and dis-eased existence. This exceptional book is far
from neutrality and a revolutionary contribution. Its reading is a
must." - Juan Tubert-Oklander, psychoanalyst and group analyst,
Marista University of Merida"In such a slim and compact travel
guide, the authors condense 20 years of working, thinking, writing
together and with others to cover a remarkable amount of ground.
They shine a light (or perhaps something more like Bion’s beam of
intense darkness) on some of the most dangerous fault lines in our
fragmenting world: racism, genocide, climate change and the
inhospitable environments we create to re-house the unhoused." -
Andy Downie, Group-Analytic Contexts, issue 96"The authors provide
a courageous and revolutionary review of the social, political,
racial, and ecological crises facing human civilization...[they]
propose an unprecedented architectural template for future
dialogues to readdress and restructure the spaces we collectively
inhabit...this book offers an irridescent image of connecting to
our collective pain, rather than disavowing it by splitting it off
into the marginalised individuals of society... Reading a book like
this could change your perspective on your work. It certainly did
for me." - Kate Salucci, International Journal of Forensic
Psychotherapy"...Adlam and Scanlon insist there are important
political, ethical and existential lessons for us all, regarding
norm rebuking, socially truculent and interpersonally
confrontational modes of being-in-the-world, exemplifying
strategies of survival that simultaneously subvert and illuminate
pernicious dynamics of communal domination and social exclusion.
Encompassing these ethical-existential dimensions under the banner
of the ‘Diogenes Paradigm’, the authors ... accompany readers to a
point where they, too, might seek to ‘reclaim the agora’, as
Diogenes did...Adlam and Scanlon are to be deeply thanked by all of
us, working with socially excluded individuals and ostracised
groups, for this impassioned and deeply researched study, that
ought to bring a renewed moral seriousness and social impetus to
the psychosocial therapies...This book deserves to inspire and
re-invigorate socially engaged, politically conscious and ethically
motivated practitioners, to pay renewed attention to the broader
‘inhospitable environments’ in which they practice and to give
serious, urgent thought, to how therapeutic practices and the
institutions in which they are embedded, might be fundamentally
transformed to redistribute power and material and social
resources, permanently interrupting oppressive structures and
practices." - British Journal of Psychotherapy
"This book inspires a feeling of relief. It brings together the
most pressing issues of our time—climate change, genocide,
exclusionary nationalism and deep-rooted dehumanising racisms—in
profoundly original ways that address power relations, exclusions,
‘unhousedness’ and (re)traumatisation. It faces the pain they
engender while refusing familiar, patronising tropes of otherness.
Its perceptive, and sometimes poetic, scholarship brings deep hope
that other, genuinely psychosocial ways of living and relating are
possible, despite disagreements and disappointments along the way."
- Ann Phoenix, Professor of Psychosocial Studies, UCL, UK"This is a
profoundly disturbing book in the best sense. Chris Scanlon and
John Adlam are known for their highly regarded psychosocial studies
into the concept of the mind that is unhoused by trauma i.e those
experiences that dismember and dissociate people from communities,
creating communities of the excluded. In this rich work, they
revisit and reconsider their work, with a lens informed by a
deepening awareness of the costs of cruelty; whether by white
people to people of colour, men to women and all of us to the very
earth we stand on. Scanlon and Adlam stand up for the value of
disturbance and dissidence, in a world where what can be said aloud
seems to be constrained and people who say the ‘wrong’ thing can be
excluded or cancelled as if they should not exist. We can learn
from getting closer to the unloved and unloveable and we must do
so, if we are not to fragment our minds, our communities and the
earth itself. All those who work with excluded should read this
book, if only to remind themselves that they are part of the group
that excluded the people they claim to want to help. It is not
always comfortable to look in a mirror but I think we can all be
grateful to Scanlon and Adlam for holding up this particular
glass." - Dr Gwen Adshead, consultant forensic psychiatrist and
psychotherapist, Broadmoor Hospital, UK"Here we are given a mirror.
In it we see something disturbing and yet hopeful about ourselves.
We are confronted with the realization that healing occurs when we
see that pain belongs to the collective rather than to the
individuals who carry it on our behalf - a deeply knowledgeable,
intensely wise, and fiercely ethical exploration of today’s
predicament. Also one that points toward hope amidst the wreckage
by suggesting how we might re-animate public spaces for reflection,
empathy, and understanding." - James Krantz, PhD, Past President,
International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of
Organizations“...Scanlon and Adlam have written a stimulating book
that throws down an ethical gauntlet especially to all those who
may idealise the helping professions.” – Jessica Evans, book
review, Journal of Psychosocial Studies"In this elegantly argued,
carefully documented work, Christopher Scanlon and John Adlam offer
a refreshing critical angle on some of the most pressing forms of
social traumatization and exclusion. Going beyond ‘dispossession’,
‘necropolitics’, and ‘states of exception’ as means of
characterizing the social injury wrought by inhospitable neoliberal
sovereigns, they deploy a deeply critical, practice-based lens to
looking at the suffering in our world produced by colonial and
racist structures, mechanisms of dispossession and unhousedness,
and ecocidal policies that are exacerbating a global migration
crisis. The authors mitigate their disappointment at the
persistence of oppression by proposing a blueprint for solidarity
around anti-oppressive social action." - Michael O’Loughlin,
Adelphi University, New York, USA; co-editor Psychoanalysis,
Culture & Society"Starting from homelessness and ending with ‘race’
this is a study of abjection and shame and of its refusal, the
refusal to go quietly into the night and accept your place on
society’s outermost margins. Scanlon and Adlam examine the vexed
relations between those who are cast out and those who, simply by
occupying the position that they occupy, do the casting. This
wonderfully imaginative and principled book draws upon a startling
diversity of sources to explore the paradoxes and predicaments of
structural violence." - Paul Hoggett, co-founder, Climate
Psychology Alliance"Psychoanalysis inaugurated the study of the
unknown in human experience. Group analysis added the previously
unexplored impact of the social and political context on personal
life and relations. Now Scanlon and Adlam incorporate the
ecological and architectural aspects of our lives, derived from
power relations and inequalities in the distribution of wealth,
which lead the casualties of the system to an un-housed,
dis-membered, and dis-eased existence. This exceptional book is far
from neutrality and a revolutionary contribution. Its reading is a
must." - Juan Tubert-Oklander, psychoanalyst and group analyst,
Marista University of Merida"In such a slim and compact travel
guide, the authors condense 20 years of working, thinking, writing
together and with others to cover a remarkable amount of ground.
They shine a light (or perhaps something more like Bion’s beam of
intense darkness) on some of the most dangerous fault lines in our
fragmenting world: racism, genocide, climate change and the
inhospitable environments we create to re-house the unhoused." -
Andy Downie, Group-Analytic Contexts, issue 96"The authors provide
a courageous and revolutionary review of the social, political,
racial, and ecological crises facing human civilization...[they]
propose an unprecedented architectural template for future
dialogues to readdress and restructure the spaces we collectively
inhabit...this book offers an irridescent image of connecting to
our collective pain, rather than disavowing it by splitting it off
into the marginalised individuals of society... Reading a book like
this could change your perspective on your work. It certainly did
for me." - Kate Salucci, International Journal of Forensic
Psychotherapy"...Adlam and Scanlon insist there are important
political, ethical and existential lessons for us all, regarding
norm rebuking, socially truculent and interpersonally
confrontational modes of being-in-the-world, exemplifying
strategies of survival that simultaneously subvert and illuminate
pernicious dynamics of communal domination and social exclusion.
Encompassing these ethical-existential dimensions under the banner
of the ‘Diogenes Paradigm’, the authors ... accompany readers to a
point where they, too, might seek to ‘reclaim the agora’, as
Diogenes did...Adlam and Scanlon are to be deeply thanked by all of
us, working with socially excluded individuals and ostracised
groups, for this impassioned and deeply researched study, that
ought to bring a renewed moral seriousness and social impetus to
the psychosocial therapies...This book deserves to inspire and
re-invigorate socially engaged, politically conscious and ethically
motivated practitioners, to pay renewed attention to the broader
‘inhospitable environments’ in which they practice and to give
serious, urgent thought, to how therapeutic practices and the
institutions in which they are embedded, might be fundamentally
transformed to redistribute power and material and social
resources, permanently interrupting oppressive structures and
practices." - British Journal of Psychotherapy“In developing their
psycho-social analysis, the authors draw from literature as much as
from academia; from the speeches of political activists and
philosophers; from government statistics and policies. Always with
passion, they utilise metaphor powerfully to illustrate their
ideas.” - Organisational and Social Dynamics
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