Hardback : £103.00
This major textbook offers both an introduction to and key readings in twenty core political concepts. It blends original essays that survey debates and contact with up-to-date primary literature to provide students with an ideal collection for use on a wide range of courses in political studies.
It reflects the broad nature of politics generally and political philosophy in particular from a perspective that highlights current debates and new trends surrounding many of the concepts we use to orient ourselves in the political world. The original essays and key readings together form an unparalleled introduction to the most dynamic and contested aspects of political studies that will be of interest to all who wish to engage with the issues animating current political life.
The following concepts are introduced:
Civil Society
Human Nature
The Nation
The State
The Rule of Law
The Body Politic
Key Features:
? Only Reader and Guide in one volume on the subject of Political Concepts
? Covers the core concepts taught on Politics courses
? Each section includes a 5000-wordintroduction to the subject and two key texts - includes 40 of the most influential primary readings in contemporary political studies
? An original contribution from the editor on the multidimensional nature of political concepts
? An extensive bibliography and selected further reading to guide the student towards more in-depth research
? Introductions to each Part designed to help students connect different sections together
Show moreThis major textbook offers both an introduction to and key readings in twenty core political concepts. It blends original essays that survey debates and contact with up-to-date primary literature to provide students with an ideal collection for use on a wide range of courses in political studies.
It reflects the broad nature of politics generally and political philosophy in particular from a perspective that highlights current debates and new trends surrounding many of the concepts we use to orient ourselves in the political world. The original essays and key readings together form an unparalleled introduction to the most dynamic and contested aspects of political studies that will be of interest to all who wish to engage with the issues animating current political life.
The following concepts are introduced:
Civil Society
Human Nature
The Nation
The State
The Rule of Law
The Body Politic
Key Features:
? Only Reader and Guide in one volume on the subject of Political Concepts
? Covers the core concepts taught on Politics courses
? Each section includes a 5000-wordintroduction to the subject and two key texts - includes 40 of the most influential primary readings in contemporary political studies
? An original contribution from the editor on the multidimensional nature of political concepts
? An extensive bibliography and selected further reading to guide the student towards more in-depth research
? Introductions to each Part designed to help students connect different sections together
Show moreIntroduction: What are Political Concepts?; Part One: Political Principles; Introduction; (1) Justice (David Stephens, University of Nottingham); (2) Liberty (Patrick Bernhagen, University of Dublin); (3) Equality (Stephen de Wijze, University of Manchester); (4) Rights (Ruth Abbey, University of Kent at Canterbury); Part Two: Political Legitimacy; Introduction; (1) Democracy (Stephen Elstub, University of Sheffield); (2) Representation (Christian Brutsch, University of Zurich); (3) Toleration (Philip Cole, Middlesex University); (4) Multiculturalism (Paul Graham, University of Glasgow); Part Three: Governing the Political; Introduction; (1) The State (John McGovern, University of East London); (2) The Rule of Law (Sylvie Delacroix, University of Kent); (3) Civil Society (Birgit Schippers, St Mary's University College, Belfast); (4) Power (Mark Wenman, University of Essex); Part Four: Political Identities; Introduction; (1) Human Nature (Christopher Berry, University of Glasgow); (2) Community (Adrian Little, University of Melbourne); (3) The Nation (Alice Ludwig, University of Vienna); (4) Globalisation (Debbie Lisle, Queen's University, Belfast); Part Five: Structuring the Political; Introduction; (1) Ideology (Robert Porter, University of Ulster); (2) Discourse (James Martin, Goldsmiths College, London); (3) Difference (Nathan Widder, University of Exeter); (4) The Body Politic (Kieran Laird, Queen's University, Belfast); Analytical Table of Contents; Acknowledgements; Notes on Contributors; General Introduction; Part 1 Political Principles; Introduction; 1. Justice David Stevens; Readings:; John Rawls, extracts from A Theory of Justice; Robert Nozick, extracts from Anarchy, State and Utopia; G. A. Cohen, extracts from 'Where the Action Is: On the Site of Distributive Justice', Philosophy and Public Affairs; 2. Liberty Patrick Bernhagen; Readings:; Isaiah Berlin, extracts from 'Two Concepts of Liberty', Four Essays on Liberty; G. A. Cohen, extracts from 'Capitalism, Freedom and the Proletariat', D. Miller (ed), Liberty; Wendy Brown, extracts from States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity; 3. Equality Stephen de Wijze; Readings:; Kurt Vonnegut, 'Harrison Bergeron'; Gregory Vlastos, extracts from 'Justice and Equality', Richard Brandt (ed), Social Justice; John H. Schaar, extracts from 'Equality of Opportunity and Beyond', J. Chapman and R. Pennock (eds.), Equality; 4. Rights Ruth Abbey; Readings:; John Rawls, extracts from A Theory of Justice; Will Kymlicka, extracts from Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights; Richard Rorty, extracts from 'Human Rights, Rationality and Sentimentality', Stephen Shute and Susan Hurley (eds.), On Human Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures: 1993; Part 2 Political Legitimacy; Introduction; 1. Democracy Stephen Elstub; Readings:; Joshua Cohen, extracts from 'Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy', Alan Hamlin and Philip Pettit (eds.), The Good Polity: Normative Analysis of the State; Jon Elster, extracts from 'The Market and the Forum: Three Varieties of Political Theory', James Bohman and William Rehg (eds.), Deliberative Democracy; Iris Marion Young, extracts from 'Communication and the Other: Beyond Deliberative Democracy', Seyla Benhabib (ed.) Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political; 2. Representation Christian Brutsch; Readings:; Geoffrey Brennan and Alan Hamlin, extracts from 'On Political Representation', British Journal of Political Science; Paul Hirst, extracts from 'Associational Democracy', David Held (ed), Prospects for Democracy; Iris Marion Young, extracts from Inclusion and Democracy; 3. Toleration Phillip Cole; Readings:; Voltaire, extract from Philosophical Dictionary; Michael Walzer, extracts from Spheres of Justice; Joseph Raz, extracts from The Morality of Freedom; Susan Mendus, 'The Tigers of Wrath and the Horses of Instruction', John Horton (ed.) Liberalism, Multiculturalism and Toleration; 4. Multiculturalism Paul Graham; Readings:; Will Kymlicka, extracts from Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights; James Tully, extracts from Strange Multiplicity: Constitutionalism in an Age of Diversity; Jurgen Habermas, extracts from 'Struggles for Recognition in a Democratic Constitutional State', Amy Guttmann (ed), Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition; Part 3 Governing the Political;; Introduction; 1. The State John McGovern; Readings:; [to be inserted]; 2. Rule of Law Sylvie Delacroix; Readings:; Joseph Raz, extracts from The Authority of Law: Essays on Law and Morality; Ronald Dworkin, extracts from A Matter of Principle; Lon Fuller, extracts from The Morality of Law; 3. Civil Society Birgit Schippers; Readings:; Iris Marion Young, extracts from Inclusion and Democracy; Carole Pateman, extracts from The Disorder of Women: Democracy, Feminism and Political Theory; Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, extracts from Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics; 4. Power Mark Wenman; Readings:; Michel Foucault, extracts from History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction; Claude Lefort, extracts from Democracy and Political Theory; Ernesto Laclau, extracts from 'Democracy and the Question of Power', Constellations; Part 4 Political Identities; Introduction; 1. Human Nature Christopher Berry; Readings:; Clifford Geertz, extracts from The Interpretation of Cultures; Bernard Williams, extracts from Making Sense of Humanity and Other Philosophical Papers; Roger Masters, extracts from The Nature of Politics; 2. Community Adrian Little; Readings:; Michael Sandel, extracts from 'The Procedural Republic and the Unencumbered Self', Political Theory; Charles Taylor, extracts from 'Cross-Purposes: The Liberal-Communitarian Debate', Nancy Rosenblum (ed.) Liberalism and the Moral Life; Amitai Etzioni, 'The Third Way is a Triumph' New Statesman; 3. Nation Alice Ludvig; Readings:; Ernest Gellner, extracts from Nations and Nationalism; Benedict Anderson, extracts from Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism (Revised Edition); Roger Brubaker and Frederick Cooper, extracts from 'Beyond Identity', Theory and Society: Renewal and Critique in Social Theory; Craig Calhoun, extracts from Nationalism; 4. Globalization Debbie Lisle; Readings:; Anthony Giddens, 'Globalisation', Lecture 1 of the 1999 BBC Reith Lectures; Doreen Massey, extracts from Space, Place and Gender; Jan Aarte Scholte, extracts from Globalization: A Critical Introduction; Part 5 Structuring the Political; Introduction; 1. Ideology Robert Porter; Readings:; Jurgen Habermas, extracts from The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity; Slavoj Zizek, extracts from 'Introduction', Slavoj Zizek (ed), Mapping Ideology; Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, extracts from Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia; 2. Discourse James Martin; Readings:; Michael J. Shapiro, extracts from 'Metaphor in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences', Culture and Critique; Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, extracts from Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics; Gearoid O' Tuathail and John Agnew, extracts from 'Geopolitics and discourse: Practical geopolitical reasoning in American foreign policy', Political Geography; 3. Difference Nathan Widder; Readings:; Ernesto Laclau, extract from Emancipation(s); William E. Connolly, extracts from Identity/Difference: Democratic Negotiations of Political Paradox; 4. The Body Politic Kieran Laird; Readings:; Judith Butler, extract from Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity; Michel Foucault, extracts from Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison; Vivian Sobchack, extract from 'Beating the Meat/Surviving the Text, or How to Get Out of This Century Alive', Mike Featherstone and Roger Burrows (ed), Cyberspace/Cyberbodies/Cyberpunk: Cultures of Technological Embodiment.
Iain Mackenzie has written numerous books on political ideologies.
MacKenzie's reader and guide is distinguished by its contemporary focus, its unusually broad coverage and by its format ! This is a compendious, sensible and well-organised volume which gives undergraduate readers a bit of help in getting to grips with some of the central texts in contemporary political thought. Political Studies Review MacKenzie's reader and guide is distinguished by its contemporary focus, its unusually broad coverage and by its format ! This is a compendious, sensible and well-organised volume which gives undergraduate readers a bit of help in getting to grips with some of the central texts in contemporary political thought.
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