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Nineteenth-Century Interiors
By Clive Edwards (Edited by)

Mixed media product, 1550 pages
United Kingdom, 5 December 2023

This four-volume collection of primary source materials documents the histories of domestic interiors across the long nineteenth-century. As the domestic space was a highly important aspect of nineteenth century life, the volumes explore the ways in which people created and interacted with interiors. The primary sources reflect aspects of cultural history, social history, material culture, as well as the all-important architecture and interior design.
The volumes explore working-class and middle-class homes, the different styles of decoration and design, the layouts of the nineteenth-century home, and the practical aspects of decorating and furnishing a home. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students and scholars of art history.

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Product Description

This four-volume collection of primary source materials documents the histories of domestic interiors across the long nineteenth-century. As the domestic space was a highly important aspect of nineteenth century life, the volumes explore the ways in which people created and interacted with interiors. The primary sources reflect aspects of cultural history, social history, material culture, as well as the all-important architecture and interior design.
The volumes explore working-class and middle-class homes, the different styles of decoration and design, the layouts of the nineteenth-century home, and the practical aspects of decorating and furnishing a home. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students and scholars of art history.

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Table of Contents

Nineteenth-Century Interiors

Edited by Clive Edwards

General Introduction

Volume 1. Theories, Discourses and Advice around the Home

Part 1. Aesthetics and Beauty

1. Ebenezer Trotman, ‘Some Remarks on Architectural Design, as Affecting the Inferior Arts Connected with Building’, Architectural Magazine, January 1835, pp. 3-7

2. William Morris, ‘Making the Best of It’, A Paper read before the Trades Guild of Learning and the Birmingham Society of Artists, in W. Morris, Hopes and fears for art: Five lectures, (London: Ellis & White. 1879), Extract, pp. 130-38

3. R. W. Arne, ‘Art in Domestic Matters; or Æsthetics in the House’, The Ladies’ Treasury: An Illustrated Magazine of Entertaining Literature, 1 January 1881, pp. 20-21,

and 1 April 1881, pp. 215-6

4. Maria O. Dewing, Beauty in the Household (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1882), pp.1-10

5. Maria O. Dewing, Beauty in the Household (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1882), pp. 39-50

6. Robert W. Edis. ‘Principles of Interior Decoration’, in Murphy, S. F. 1883). Our Homes and how to make them Healthy. [Papers on sanitary subjects.] Edited by S.F. Murphy, (London: Cassell & Co., 1883), pp. 319-324

Part 2. Taste

7. Shirley Hibberd, ‘Homes of Taste’, Rustic Adornments for Homes of Taste; and Recreations for Town Folk in the Study and Imitation of Nature (London: Driffield 1856), pp. 1-8

8. [Anon], ‘Mr. Eastlake on Taste’, Building News, 19 March (1869), pp. 260-1

9. [Anon], ‘Principles of Good Taste in Furniture’, Cassell’s Household Guide, 1869, Vol 3, pp. 75-9

10. Edward E. Salisbury, Principles of Domestic Taste: A Lecture delivered in the Yale School of the Fine Arts, Reprinted from the New Englander, April (1877), pp. 5-7

11. [Anon], ‘Principles of Good Taste in Furniture and Decoration’, Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine, 1:5, 10 Jan.1880), pp. 65+

12. Elsie De Wolfe, ‘Suitability, Simplicity and Proportion’, The House in Good Taste, (New York: The Century Co.1913), pp. 17-26

13. George L. Hunter, ‘Good and Bad Furniture’, Home furnishing: Facts and figures about Furniture, Carpets and Rugs, Lamps and Lighting Fixtures, Wall Papers, Window Shades and Draperies, Tapestries, Etc. (New York: J. Lane, 1913), pp. 17-23

Part 3. Decorating advice

14. Thomas Sheraton, ‘Furnish’ The Cabinet Dictionary (London: W. Smith, 1803). Pp. 215-9

15. Humphrey Repton, & J. C. Loudon, The Landscape Gardening and Landscape Architecture of the late Humphrey Repton, esq., (London: Printed for the editor,1840), pp. 455-61

16. [Anon], ‘Hints for the Decoration and Furnishing of Dwellings’, Journal of Design and Manufactures, Vol 2, 1849-50, pp. 17-22

17. M. B. H., Home Truths for Home Peace, or "Muddle" Defeated, A Practical Inquiry Into what Chiefly Mars or Makes the Comfort of Domestic Life. Especially Addressed to Young Housewives by M. B. H., (London: Longman Brown, 1854), pp. 61-67

18. Joseph Beavington Atkinson, ‘The Arts in the Household; Or, Decorative Art Applied To Domestic Uses’, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 105:641, 1869, pp. 361-366

19. Joseph Beavington Atkinson, ‘Interior Decoration of the House’ ‘The Influence Of Art in Daily Life’, Good Words, 21, January (1880), pp. 418-42

20. J. Moyr. Smith, Ornamental Interiors Ancient & Modern (London: Crosby Lockwood and Co. 1887), pp.76-87

21. John A. Heaton, ‘Decoration of the House’, Beauty and Art (London: Heinemann 1897), pp. 91-100

22. Martha Cutler, ‘What to Avoid in House-furnishing’, Harper’s Bazaar, 41, May 1907, pp. 484-488

Part 4. Cleanliness & Housekeeping

23. Catherine E. Beecher, ‘On the Care of Parlours', The Treatise on Domestic Economy for the use of Young Ladies… (New York: Harper Bros., 1846), pp. 302-306

24. Eliza Leslie, Miss Leslie’s Lady’s House-Book: A Manual of Domestic Economy, Containing Approved Directions for Washing, Dress-Making, Millinery, (Philadelphia: Parry & McMillan, successor to A. Hart, late Carey & Hart. 1850), pp. 336-343

25. Samuel W. Richards, ‘The Influence of Order, Method, and Cleanliness, in Factories and Workshops, upon the Homes of the Industrial Population of Large Towns’, Journal of the Society of Arts, 25, 1876, pp. 893-8

26. Florence Caddy, Household Organization, (London: Chapman & Hall, 1877), pp. 155-175

27. Mrs [Mary] Haweis, The Art of Housekeeping: A Bridal Garland, (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1889), pp. 79-86

28. Spencer Sills, Common-Sense Homes: A Practical Book for Everybody upon the Essential Equipment and Treatment of the Home (London: Cassell. 1912), pp. 1-7

Part 5. Comfort

29. Max Schlesinger & O. Wenckstern, Saunterings in and about London (London: N. Cooke, 1853), pp. 6-10

30. Henry Mayhew, ‘Home is Home be it Never So Homely’, in C. J. Shrewsbury, Meliora: or Better Times to Come, (London: Parker and Son, 1853), pp. 258-264

31. [Anon], ‘Our Household Goods’, Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art, 18, 458, (1864), pp.178-180

32. Robert Kerr, The Gentleman’s House: Or, How to plan English residences, from the parsonage to the palace; with tables of accommodation and cost, and a series of selected plans (London: J. Murray, 1865), pp. 69- 71

33. Hippolyte Taine, Notes on England (London: Strahan & Co., 1872), pp. 181-183

34. Samuel Smiles, Thrift (London: J. Murray, 1875), pp. 359-362

Part 6. Domesticity

35. James A. Froude, The Nemesis of Fait, (London: Chapman, 1849), pp.102-4

36. Joseph Watts Lethbridge, ‘The Home Paradise’, The Englishwoman’s Review: A Journal of Woman’s Work, no. 45, 22 May1858, pp. 629-30

37. Eliza Cook, ‘Three Hundred Pounds a Year’, The Poetical Works of Eliza Cook (London: F. Warne, c. 1872), pp. 601-3

38. Annie. S. Swan, ‘The Ideal Home’, Courtship and Marriage: And the Gentle art of Home-making (London: Hutchinson & Co., 1893), pp. 56-64

39. Helen Kinne and Anna M. Cooley, Shelter and Clothing: A Textbook of the Household Arts (New York: Macmillan Co., c.1913), pp. 1-5

Part 7. Gender and Identity

40. [Anon], ‘Decorating Art as an Employment for Ladies’, The Ladies’ Treasury: An Illustrated Magazine of Entertaining Literature, 1 December 1874, pp. 291+

41. Jacob von Falke, ‘Women’s Aesthetic Mission’, Art in the House: Historical, Critical, and Æsthetical Studies on the Decoration and Furnishing of the Dwelling (Boston: L. Prang & Co. 1879), pp. 330-6

42. Lewis F. Day, ‘How to Decorate a Room’, Magazine of Art, 1881, pp.182-6

43. Frances Power Cobbe, The Duties of Women: A Course of Lectures Authorized ed. (Boston, Mass.: G. H. Ellis. 1882), 136-148 [Extracts]

44. [Anon], ‘Relations of Interior Decoration with Costume and Complexion’, The Art Amateur, 10, 1, 1883, pp. 13-16

45. [Anon], ‘Women and Men: Women as Household Decorators’, Harper’s Bazaar, 19, 27 February 1886, p.138

46. J. Moyr. Smith, Ornamental Interiors Ancient & Modern (London: Crosby Lockwood. 1887), pp. 76-80

47, Mary Temple Bayard, ‘How to Beautify a Home’, The Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature, 111, 1894, pp. 168-172

48. Candace Wheeler, ‘Interior Decoration as a Profession for Women’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 26, 3, 1895, pp. 87

49. Mrs O. B. Bunce, ‘Mrs. Kate Collins the Artist-Decorator’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 30, 4, 1897, pp. 102–104

50. Marquise de Fontenoy, ‘The Beautiful Woman’s Home’, in Eve’s Glossary: [The guide-book of a "mondaine"] (Chicago: H.S. Stone. 1897), pp. 175-183

51. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Home, its Work and Influence (London: William Heinemann, 1904), pp. 143-60

52. Averil Furniss, Dorothy Sanderson and Marion Phillips, ‘The Views of the Woman in the Home’, The Working Woman’s House (London: The Swarthmore Press Ltd. 1919), pp. 9-21

Part 8. Role of Architects, Designers and Decorators

53. [Anon], ‘The Architect versus the Cabinet Maker and Others’, The Fine Arts Journal, 13 February 1847, p. 228

54. Mrs Martha J. Loftie, ‘Doing Up One’s House’, Social Twitters (London: Macmillan, 1879), pp. 33-9

55. Lewis F. Day, ‘The Relation of the Architect to the Decorator’, British Architect, 16 March 1883, pp.125-6

56. Charles F. A. Voysey, ‘The Aims and Conditions of the Modern Decorator’, The Journal of Decorative Art, 15, 1895, pp. 82-90

57. ‘Crace Company’, Wyman's Commercial Encyclopædia of Leading Manufacturers of Great Britain (London: Wyman, 1888), pp. 144-46

Part 9. Role of Retailers and purchasing practices

58. M. B. H., Home Truths for Home Peace, or "Muddle" Defeated, A Practical Inquiry into what Chiefly Mars or Makes the Comfort of Domestic Life. Especially Addressed to Young Housewives (London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1854), 6th Edition, pp. 78-85

59. John V. Hood, ‘An Art Room’, The Connoisseur, 2, 2, 1887, pp. 80–5

60. R. Riordan, ‘A Visit to Bailey, Banks & Biddle’s Art Rooms’, The Connoisseur, 3, 2, 1888, pp. 61–73

61. John H. Cardwell, Two Centuries of Soho: Its Institutions, Firms, and Amusements (London: Truslove and Hanson, 1898), pp. 188-96

62. Lewis F. Day, ‘Decoration by Correspondence’, The Art Journal, 55,1893, pp. 85-8

63. Jane Ellen Panton, ‘Parlours’, Suburban Residences and how to Circumvent Them (London: Ward & Downey, 1896), pp. 128-58

64. John H. Elder-Duncan, ‘Hints to Purchasers’, The House Beautiful and Useful: Being Practical Suggestions on Furnishing and Decoration (London: Cassell, 1907), pp. 221-4

65. Walter S. Sparrow, Hints on House Furnishing (London: Eveleigh Nash, 1909), pp. 29-39

Part 10. Spiritual Matters

66. Jesse E. Dow, ‘The Happy Home’, The Ladies’ Cabinet of Fashion, Music and Romance, 1 March 1840, pp.184+

67. George. G. Scott, Remarks on Secular & Domestic Architecture, Present & Future (London; J. Murray, 1857), pp. 140-3

68. [Anon], ‘Luxury in House Decoration’, Saturday Review, 7 September (1878), pp. 307-8

69. James R. Miller, ‘The Ethics of Home Decoration’, Week-day Religion, (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1880). pp. 265-74

70. Laura C. Holloway, The Hearthstone, or Life at Home: A Household Manual Containing Hints and Helps for Home Making: Home Furnishing; Decoration; Amusements ... Together with a Complete Cookery Book (Chicago: L.P. Miller. 1887). pp. 25-35



Volume 2. Styles of Decoration and Design

General Introduction

Part 1. Cottages

1. Edmund Bartell, Hints for Picturesque Improvements in Ornamented Cottages, and their Scenery: Including Some Observations on the Labourer and His Cottage. In three essays Illustrated by sketches (J. Taylor: London. 1804), pp. 46-54

2. Esther Copley, Cottage Comforts, With Hints for Promoting Them, Gleaned From Experience: Enlivened With Authentic Anecdotes (London: Simpkin and Marshall, 1826), pp. 33-9

3. A Sanitary Reformer, ‘Some Hints on Furnishing Cottages Cheaply’, Cottages, How to Arrange and Build Them to Ensure Comfort, Economy and Health: With Hints on Fittings and Furniture (London: Bemrose, 1878) 2nd Edition, pp. 150-6

Part 2. Working-class spaces

4. Samuel Bamford, Walks in South Lancashire and on its Borders: with letters, descriptions, narratives, and observations, current and incidental (Blackley, near Manchester: The author, 1844) pp. 32-3; 101-3; 274-6

5. George Godwin, London Shadows: A Glance at the "Homes" of the Thousands (London: G. Routledge & Co. 1854), pp. 1-9

6. John Plummer, ‘Working Men and Their Homes’, The Rose, the Shamrock, and the Thistle, 3, 7, 1863, pp. 77-8

7. Samuel H. Parkes, Window Gardens for the People: and Clean and Tidy Rooms; Being an Experiment to Improve the Homes of the London Poor (London: S. W. Partridge, 1864), pp. 65-75

8. John F. White, How Can Art be Best Introduced into the Houses of Persons of Limited Income? Being a paper read before the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, at Aberdeen, 24th September 1877 (Aberdeen: Printed at the Free Press Office) pp. 738-751. Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. 1878), pp. 738-52

9. Banister Fletcher, Model Houses for the Industrial Classes: Being a Review of the Defects of Existing Model Lodging-Houses (London: Batsford, 1877), pp. 62-6

10. Paul de Rousiers, Trans. F.L.D. Herbertson, The Labour Question in Britain (London: Macmillan and Company, 1896), pp. 14-8

Part 3. Middle-class homes

11. James Elmes and Thomas H. Shepherd, Metropolitan Improvements; or London in the Nineteenth Century: Displayed in a series of Engravings (London: Jones and Co., 1828), pp. 52-7

12. John H Walsh, A Manual of Domestic Economy, suited to families spending from £100to £1000 a year ... Second edition (London: Routledge, 1857), pp. 212-4

13. Robert Edis, Decoration and Furnishing of Town Houses (London: Kegan Paul, 1881), pp. 16-25

14. Mackay H. Baillie Scott, ‘The Decoration of the Suburban House’, The Studio, 1895, pp.15-21

15. Reginald Blomfield, ‘Artistic Homes’, The Magazine of Art, January 1892, pp. 124-9

16. Richard Norman Shaw R. A. ‘The Home and its Dwelling Rooms’, in W. S. Sparrow, The British Home of To-Day. a Book of Modern Domestic Architecture & the Applied Arts (London: Hodder and Stoughton 1904), pp. ci-cvi

17. Warings, ‘How to Furnish a Flat’, in W. S., Sparrow, Verity, F. T., & Hall, E. T. Flats, urban houses and cottage homes: A companion volume to "The British home of to-day" (London: Hodder and Stoughton 1907)

Part 4. Mansions and the Aristocracy

18. Court Journal, … Residences of the English Nobility (London: Printed for Henry Colbourn. 1833) pp. 561-2, 593-4, 609-10

19. Florence Caddy, Lares and Penates or the Background of Life (London: Chatto and Windus, 1881), pp. 33-51

20. Mrs. Haweis, Beautiful Houses: Being a Description of Certain Well-Known Artistic Houses (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington. 1882), pp. 90-8

21. [Anon], ‘Eaton Hall’, The Chester Guide and Handbook to Eaton Hall, (London: Groombridge 1860), pp. 70-4

22. Lewis G. Tewksbury, ‘A Typical American Interior’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 20, 4, (1892), pp.140-3

23. Member of the Royal Household, The Private Life of the Queen (New York: D. Appleton and Co. 1897), pp. 195-207

Part 5. Greek Revival

24. Thomas Hope and Thomas Ustick Walter, Household Furniture and Interior Decoration, (London: Printed by T. Bensley for Longman Hurst Rees and Orme. 1807) pp. 1-18

25. Richard Brown, The Rudiments of Drawing Cabinet and Upholstery Furniture Comprising Instructions for Designing and Delineating the Different Articles of Those Branches Geometrically and Perspectively .... (London: M. Taylor, 1835), pp. ix-xvi

26. Peter W. Clayden, The Early Life of Samuel Rogers (London: Smith, Elder, & Company, 1887), pp. 448-51

Part 6. Regency

27. William Mitford, ‘Modern Furnishing’. Principles of Design in Architecture Traced in Observations On Buildings ... In A Series of Letters to a Friend (London: Luke Hansard & Sons 1809), pp. 249-56

28. William Henry Pyne, The History of the Royal Residences of Windsor Castle, St. James's Palace, Carlton House, Kensington Palace, Hampton Court, Buckingham House (London: Printed for A. Dry. 1819), Vol 3. Extract pp. 13- 25

29. John Britton, The Union of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting: Exemplified In a Series of Illustrations, with Descriptive Accounts of the House and Galleries of John Soane (London: printed for the author, sold by Longman and Co., J. Taylor; and J. and A. Arch 1827), pp. 24-30

Part 7. Gothic Revival

30. John Rutter, Delineations of Fonthill and its Abbey: [an Illustrated History and Description of Fonthill Abbey] (London: Knight, 1823), pp. 19-23, 61-5

31. John Claudius Loudon, An Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture: Containing Numerous Designs for Dwellings, Each Design Accompanied by Analytical and Critical Remarks (London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman,1846 edition), pp. 1088-98

32. Harriett Spofford, ‘The Gothic Style’, in Art Decoration Applied to Furniture (New York: Harpers 1878), pp. 81-7

Part 8. Antiquarian/ Old English

33. [Anon], ‘Ancient Domestic Furniture’, Gentleman’s Magazine, January 1842, pp.19-23

34. Rev. T.D. Fosbroke, ‘Goodrich Court’, The Wye Tour, Containing an Account of Ross, Extracts Concerning the Wye, from the "Tour Of A German Prince." and an Account of Goodrich Court, the Seat of Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, K. H. Forming an Appendix to the Author’s Prior Publication of "Gilpin On The Wye", or "Wye Tour" Fifth Edition (Ross: W. Farror, 1837), pp. 54-63

35. [Anon], ‘Abbotsford’, Chambers Edinburgh Journal, 10 October,1840, pp. 301-2

36. John H. Elder-Duncan, ‘Old Furniture’, The House Beautiful and Useful: Being Practical Suggestions on Furnishing and Decoration, (London: Cassel. 1907), pp. 101-23

37. Henry Percival Shapland and H. Pringeur Benn, Style Schemes in Antique Furnishing: Interiors and their Treatment (London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1909), pp. 9-10, 16-17

38. Basil Oxenden, ‘How to Choose Old Furniture’, in Lawrence Weaver, The House and its Equipment, (Country Life and George Newnes: London; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1913), pp. 67-72

Part 9. Arts and Crafts

39. [Anon], ‘Medieval Court International Exhibition’, Building News 9, 1862, p. 99

40. Elbert Hubbard, ‘William Morris’, The Philistine, September 1899, pp. 97-106

41. ‘The Smaller Middle Class House’, in Barry Parker and Raymond Unwin, The Art of Building a Home: a Collection of Lectures and Illustrations (London: Longman, 1901), pp. 1-10

42. Mackay H. Baillie Scott, ‘What is and Could Be’, Houses and gardens, (London: G. Newnes. 1906), pp. 5-13

43. Martha Cutler, Periods of Household Decoration, ‘Arts and Crafts’, Harper’s Bazaar, New York, 40, 2, February (1906), pp. 162-6

44. Gustav Stickley, ‘A Word About Craftsman Architecture’, More Craftsman Homes (New York City: The Craftsman Publishing Company, 1912), pp 1-4

Part 10. Art Furnishings

45. [Anon], ‘Cimabue and Coal-scuttles’, The Cornhill Magazine, 42, 247, July (1880) pp. 61-76

46. Florence Caddy, ‘The Fashion of Today’, Lares and Penates, Or, The Background of Life (London: Chatto and Windus, 1881), pp.162-79

47. ‘Mr. Louis C. Tiffany’s Rooms’, Artistic Houses: Being a Series of Interior Views of a Number of the Most Beautiful and Celebrated Homes in The United States: With a Description of the Art Treasures Contained Therein (New York: Printed for the subscribers by D. Appleton and Company, 1883-1884), pp.1-6

48. [Anon], ‘Art-Furnishing for Modern Houses’, The Cabinet Maker 1 October 1880, pp, 61-2

49. Lewis F. Day, ‘A Kensington Interior’, The Art Journal, 1893, p.142

Part 11. Orientalism/Exoticism

50. W. L. D. O’Grady, ‘Influence of Oriental Art on Modern American Decoration’, The Decorator and Furnisher 4, 6, 1884, pp. 211-12

51. C. W. Clark, ‘An Occidental Interior’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 13, 2 November, 1888, pp. 53-4

52. Harriet E. P. Spofford, Art Decoration Applied to Furniture (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1878), pp. 161-6

53. [Anon], ‘A Room Decorated in the Moorish style’, Painting and Decorating: A Journal Treating of House, Sign, Fresco, Car, and Carriage Painting and of Wallpaper and Decoration, New York, (1894), pp. 639-42

Part 12. Japonisme

54. M. E. James, How to Decorate our Ceilings, Walls and Floors ... with Diagrams and Coloured Illustrations, etc. (London: Bell & Sons, 1883), p. 71-4

55. Fred Miller, ‘Japanese Art as Applied to English Decoration’, Interior Decoration. A Practical Treatise on Surface Decoration. with Notes on Colour, Stencilling, and Panel Painting (London: Menken 1885), 2nd edition, pp. 81-9

56. Miss M. Nicolle, ‘Japanese Art Wares", in O. Wilde, (ed) The Woman's World, (London: Cassell and Co. 1888), pp. 94-6

57. [Anon], ‘Famous Mansion For Sale: Mr. Mortimer Menpes' Wonderful House: A Piece of Japan’, The Observer, 7 November, 1909), p. 16

Part 13. Rococo Revival (Tous les Louis)

58. Theodore Child, ‘An Artists House’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 4, 3 June 1884, pp. 98-100

59. J. Moyr Smith, Ornamental Interiors Ancient & Modern (London: Crosby Lockwood and Company 1887), pp. 88-93

Part 14. "Queen Anne"

60. John James Stevenson, ‘On the Recent Reaction of Taste in English Architecture’, Building News, 26 June 1874, pp. 689-90

61. Robert Kerr, ‘English Architecture Thirty Years Hence’, Proceedings of the Conference of Architects, The Architect, 17 May 1884, pp. 324-5

62. Henry Hudson Holly, ‘The Queen Anne Style’, Modern Dwellings in Town and Country Adapted to American Wants and Climate with a Treatise on Furniture and Decoration (New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers. 1878), pp. 17-21

63. [Anon], ‘Household Furniture: The Queen Anne Style’, Harper’s Bazar, 9, 21 October, 1876, pp. 674-5

Part 15. Art Nouveau

64. Helen Churchill Candee, Decorative Styles and Periods in the Home (London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1900), pp. 281-90

65. Henry J. Jennings, Our Homes and how to Beautify them (London: Harrison & Sons, 1902), pp. 57-61



Volume 3. Domestic Interior Spaces

General Introduction

Part 1. Overviews

1. ‘Model Housing’, The Great Exhibition of 1851; Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue, vol. I, pp. 111-12

2. Rhoda Garrett, ‘How to Improve the Interior of Modern Houses, with Special Reference to their Furniture and Decorations’, in Charles Wagner Ryalls (ed.), Transactions of The National Association for The Promotion of Social Science (London: Longmans Green & Co., 1876), pp. 863-5

3. Millicent Whiteside Cook, Tables and Chairs: A Practical Guide to Economical Furnishing (London: Routledge,1876), pp. 7-12

4. Mrs M. J. Loftie, ‘Furnishing’, Social Twitters, (London Macmillan 1879), pp. 55-61

5. John James Stevenson, House Architecture (London: Macmillan, 1880), Vol 2, pp. 47-52

6. Robert W. Edis, ‘Internal Decoration’, in S. F. Murphy, Our Homes and How to Make Them Healthy. [Papers on sanitary subjects] (London: Cassell & Co. 1883), pp. 308-14

7. Arnold W. Brunner and Thomas Tyron, Interior Decoration (New York: W.T. Comstock, 1887), pp. 5-8

8. Mary Gay Humphreys, ‘House Decoration and Furnishing’, in The Woman’s Book, (New York: Scribner Sons 1894), pp. 102-6

9. Joseph Crouch and Edmund Butler, The Apartments of the House: Their Arrangement, Furnishing and Decoration (London: At the Sign of the Unicorn, 1900), pp. 3-9

10. Banister F. Fletcher and H. Phillips Fletcher, The English Home (London: Methuen, 1910), pp. 220-9

Part 2. Batchelor/Spinster rooms

11. Edith Long Fox, ‘An Old Maid’s Sanctum’, Cassell’s Family Magazine, June 1895, pp. 537-40

12. Horace Townsend, ‘A Scheme of Decoration for a Bachelor’s Room: With Illustrations by G.M. Ellwood’, Studio, 16, 1899, pp. 242-9

Part 3. Bathrooms

13. John Claudius Loudon, The Suburban Gardener, and Villa Companion Comprising the Choice of a Suburban Or Villa Residence, Or of a Situation on which to Form One; the Arrangement and Furnishing of the House; and the Laying Out, Planting, and General Management of the Garden and Grounds... (London: The Author, 1838), pp. 675-9

14. Jane E. Panton, Homes of Taste: Economical Hints (London: S. Low, Marston, Searle, Rivington. 1890), pp. 129-33

15. Ellen A. Conway, ‘A Remodeled Bathroom’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 27, 5, 1896, pp.146-8

16. [Anon], ‘A Modern Bath-room Designed by E. M. Simas’, Studio, 17, 1899, pp. 32-6

Part 4. Bedrooms

17. [Anon], Practical Economy, or The Application of Modern Discoveries to the Purposes of Domestic Life (London: H. Colburn & Co. 1822), pp. 63-70

18. Leigh Hunt, Men, Women, and Books: A Selection of Sketches, Essays, and Critical Memoirs, from His Uncollected Prose Writings (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1847), pp. 114-28

19. Lady Barker, ‘An Ideal Bedroom’, Bedroom and Boudoir (London: Macmillan, 1878), pp. 1-14

20. [Anon], Warnings to Householders. 130 Hints and Precautions Concerning Safety, Health, And Comfort in our Dwellings (London: Vizitelly and Co.,1880), pp. 47-53

21. Roger Riordan and Clarence Cook, ‘The Modern Home, VII- The Bedroom’, The Art Amateur 11, 6, November 1884, pp. 128-33

22. Mary F. Harman, ‘Bedroom Furnishings’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 16, 5, 1890, p.164

23. [Anon], ‘House Furnishing’, The Woman at Home: Annie S. Swan's magazine, vol. I, c.1893, pp. 309-12

24. Henry J. Jennings ‘Fitted Bedrooms’, in Our Homes and How to Beautify Them (London: Harrison & Sons, 1902), pp. 226-36

Part 5. Billiard Rooms

25. Mary Gay Humphreys, ‘The Billiard Room’ in ‘House Decoration And Furnishing’,

in The Woman’s Book Vol II (New York: Scribner’s 1894) pp. 145-6

26. Jane E. Panton, ‘The Billiard Room’, in A Gentlewoman's Home: The Whole Art of Building, Furnishing, and Beautifying the Home (London: "The Gentlewoman" Offices, 1896), pp.227-48

Part 6. Boudoirs

27. [Anon], ‘Houses, and How to Furnish Them’, Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, 27, 175, 1 July 1879, pp. 10-11

28. Mrs Talbot Coke, ‘On Boudoir Bedrooms’, Hearth and Home, 13, 335, 14 October 1897, p. 88

29. Aymer Vallance, ‘Good Furnishing and Decoration of the House: The Boudoir’, The Magazine of Art, 2, 1904, pp. 274-82

Part 7. Dining rooms

30. I. J. Kent, ART. VII. ‘On The Dwelling-Rooms of a House’, [Dining room] Architectural Magazine, and Journal of Improvement in Architecture, Building, and Furnishing, and in the various Arts and Trades Connected Therewith, 2, 16, 1835, pp. 228-33

31. Charles W. Elliott, ‘Household Art. VI. The Dining-Room’, The Art Journal, 2, 1876, pp. 180–5

32. [Anon Reviewer] ‘Art at Home: The Dining-Room’, By Mrs. Loftie. London Macmillan and Co. 1878, Examiner, 9 February 1878, pp 183-4

33. Isabel R. Wallach, ‘In The Dining-Room: II. —Furniture, Draperies, And Decorations’, Harper’s Bazaar, 31, 22 January 1898, p. 82

34. Aymer Vallance, ‘Good Furnishing and Decoration of the House: The Dining Room’, Magazine of Art, 2, 1904, pp. 68-73.

Part 8. Drawing Rooms (Living rooms, Lounges, Morning Rooms, Salons, Parlours, etc.)

35. [Anon], ‘Thoughts On Drawing-Rooms’, Chambers’s Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts, 164, 1867, pp. 107-9

36. Mrs. Orrinsmith, ‘Evils and Remedies’, The Drawing Room, its Decorations and Furniture Art at Home Series (London: Macmillan, 1877), pp. 1-9

37. [Anon], ‘Houses, and How to Furnish Them’, Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, vol. 27, 175, 1 July 1879, pp. 8+

38. Grant Allen, ‘The Philosophy of Drawing-Rooms’, Cornhill Magazine, 41, 1880, pp. 312–26

39. Ralph A. Cram, ‘Studies for the Interior Decoration of City Houses. The Drawing Room’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 9, 2, 1886, pp. 48-9

Part 9. Dressing rooms

40. Robert Kerr, The Gentleman’s House: Or, How to plan English residences, from the parsonage to the palace; with tables of accommodation and cost, and a series of selected plans (London: J. Murray 1865), p. 135-6

41. Baroness B. A. A. Staffe and C. Campbell, ‘Its Furnishing’, The Lady’s Dressing-room (London: Cassell, 1892), pp. 19-26

Part 10. Halls and Staircases

42. Robert Kerr, ‘The Entrance Hall’, in The Gentleman’s House: Or, How to plan English residences, from the parsonage to the palace; with tables of accommodation and cost, and a series of selected plans (London: J. Murray, 1865), pp. 160-3

43. Ralph A. Cram, ‘Studies for the Interior Decoration of City Houses. The Stairway’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 8, 4, 1886, pp. 110-11

44. Agnes Bailey Ormsbee, ‘Halls’ The House Comfortable (New York: Harper & Bros, 1892), pp. 181-6

45. Mrs. Talbot Coke, ‘On Landings’, Hearth and Home, vol. 5, 117, 10 August 1893, pp. 438+

46. C. F. A. Voysey, ‘Remarks on Domestic Entrance Halls’, The Studio, 21, 1901, pp. 242-6

47. Edith Wharton and Ogden Codman Jr., ‘Halls and Stairs’ Decoration of Houses (London: Batsford 1898), pp 114-21

Part 11. Kitchens and Associated Spaces

48. Mrs. Parkes, Domestic Duties, or Instructions to Young Married Ladies, on the Management of their Households 3rd Edition (London: Longman 1828), pp. 205-10

49. Millicent Whiteside Cook, ‘Kitchen and Scullery’, in Tables and Chairs: a Practical Guide to Economical Furnishing (London: Routledge, 1876), pp. 131-42

50. Charles Francis Osborne, ‘The Kitchen’, in Notes on the Art of House-planning (New York: Comstock. 1888), pp. 82-9

51. Jane E. Panton, ‘The Kitchen’, in Homes of Taste: Economical Hints (London: S. Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington. 1890), pp 134-42

52. Georgie Boynton Child, ‘The Fundamental Principle’, in The Efficient Kitchen; Definite Directions for the Planning, Arranging and Equipping of the Modern Labor-Saving Kitchen (New York, McBridge, Nast & Company, 1914). pp. 1-11

Part 12. Libraries/Studies

53. Robert Kerr, ‘The Library’, in The Gentleman’s House: Or, How to plan English residences, from the parsonage to the palace; with tables of accommodation and cost, and a series of selected plans (London: J. Murray, 1865), pp.116-19

54. Edwin W. Poley, ‘Odd Bits of Furnishing: The Study, or Gentleman’s Room’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 4, 4, 1884, p. 129

55. Arnold W. Brunner and Thomas Tyron, ‘The Library’, in Interior Decoration (New York: W.T. Comstock, 1887), pp. 24-31

56. William E. Gladstone, ‘Books and the Housing of Them’, Nineteenth Century, 28, March 1890, pp. 388-96

Part 13. Nurseries

57. Thomas M. D. Andrew, ‘Nursery’, in A Cyclopedia of Domestic Medicine and Surgery, etc. (Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1842), pp. 402-6

58. Jane E. Panton, ‘Nurseries’, in Homes of Taste: Economical Hints, (London: S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington. 1890), pp. 115-29

59. R. Davis Benn, "C. Aldin, and John Hassall. Art in the Nursery", Art Journal, 1900, pp. 247-52, 262-66

Part 14. Servant rooms

60. Robert Kerr, ‘Servant’s Private Rooms’, in The Gentleman’s House: Or, How to plan English residences, from the parsonage to the palace; with tables of accommodation and cost, and a series of selected plans (London: J. Murray. 1865), pp. 250-52

61. Ella Rodman Church, ‘Servant’s Quarters’, in How to Furnish a Home (New York: D. Appleton, 1881), pp.96-8

Part 15. Plants, Flowers and Interior gardens

62. Annie Hassard, ‘Pot Plants in Rooms’, in Floral Decorations for the Dwelling House: A Practical Guide to the Home Arrangement of Plants and Flowers (London: Macmillan and Co., 1875), pp.109-15

63. John R. Mollison, ‘The Floral Decoration Oof Rooms, Halls, and Passage’, in The New Practical Window Gardener: Being practical directions for the cultivation of flowering and foliage plants in windows and glazed cases, and the arrangement of plants and flowers for the embellishment of the household (London: Groombridge 1877), pp. 154-68

64. Gertrude Jekyll, ‘Room and Conservatory Decoration’, Flower Decoration in the House (London: Country Life, Ltd., 1907), pp. 47-55

Part 16. Conservatories

65. John Claudius Loudon, ‘Green-house, Orangery, or Conservatory’, The Suburban Gardener, and Villa Companion (London: Longman etc. 1838), pp. 108-14


66. Henry T. Williams, Window Gardening: Devoted Specially to the Culture of Flowers and Ornamental Plants, for Indoor Use and Parlor Decoration (New York: H.T. Williams 1877). 13th edition. pp. 5-9

67. James William Facey, Elementary Decoration: A Guide to the Simpler Forms of Everyday Art as Applied to The Interior and Exterior Decoration of Dwelling-Houses, etc., 2nd ed. (London: Crosby Lockwood, 1889), pp. 105-16

Part 17. Accessories

68. Rosamund Marriott Watson, ‘Screens Cosy Corners etc.’, in The Art of the House (London: G. Bell and Sons. 1897), pp. 78-93

69. [Anon], ‘The Uses of Bric-a-brac’, Our Homes, December 1890 vol 1. Brockville Ontario, pp. 43-4



Volume 4. Products and Processes

Part 1. Flooring, Carpets and Rugs

1. Eliza Leslie, ‘Carpets’, in The House Book or a Manual of Domestic Economy (Philadelphia; Carey and Hart. 1840), pp. 173-80

2. Clarence Cook, ‘The Living Room’, in The House Beautiful, Essays on Beds, Tables, Stools and Candlesticks (New York: Scribner Armstrong, 1878), pp. 49-56

3. George Wagstaffe Yapp, ‘No. 9 – Carpets and Rugs’, in Art Industry, Furniture, Upholstery, and House Decoration (London: J. S. Virtue & Co., 1879), pp. 53-5

4. Jacob von Falke, Art in the House: Historical, Critical, and Æsthetical Studies on the Decoration and Furnishing of the Dwelling (Boston: L. Prang & Co., 1879), pp. 186-98

5. Robert W. Edis, ‘Floors and Floorcoverings’, in Shirley Foster Murphy, (ed.), Our Homes and How to Make them Healthy. [Papers on sanitary subjects] (London: Cassell & Co., 1883), pp. 325-32

6. [Anon], ‘American Parquetry’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 17, 1, October 1890, p. 5

7. George Leland Hunter, Home Furnishing; Facts and Figures About Furniture Carpets and Rugs, Lamps and Lighting, Fixtures, Wall Papers, Window Shades and Draperies Tapestries Etc. (New York: John Lane 1913), pp. 81-9

Part 2. Walls and Wallpaper

8. David Hay, ‘On the Comparative Advantages of Painting and Papering the Walls of Apartments in Dwelling-Houses’, Architectural Magazine, and Journal of Improvement in Architecture, Building, and Furnishing, and in the various Arts and Trades Connected Therewith, 2, 18, 1835, pp. 362-5

9. Charles Knight, The Pictorial Gallery of Arts: Useful Arts (London: Chas Knight, 1847), Vol 1. pp. 178-82

10. Christopher Dresser, ‘Treatment of Walls’, in Principles of Decorative Design (London: Cassell, 1873), pp. 83-92

11. [Anon], ‘Selecting Wall-Papers’, The Decorator and Furnisher 17, 2, 1890, p. 60

12. Arthur S. Jennings, Practical Paper Hanging, A Handbook on Decoration in Paper and other Materials (New York: Comstock, 1892), pp. 94-8

13. Louis H Gibson, Beautiful Houses; A Study in House-Building. Foreign Examples in Domestic Architecture; A Collection of American House Plans; Materials and Details for the Artistic House-Builder; the Architect (New York: T.Y. Crowell & Co. 1895), pp. 302-9

Part 3. Ceilings

14. John Claudius Loudon, ‘Ceilings’, in An Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture: Containing numerous designs for dwellings, each design accompanied by analytical and critical remarks (London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, 1835), pp. 939-41

15. Richard Brown, ‘On Decorations of Ceilings’, in Domestic Architecture: Containing a History of the Science and the Principles of Designing Public Edifices Private Dwelling-Houses Country Mansions and Suburban Villas (London: G. Virtue. 1841-2), pp. 200-3

16. [Anon], ‘The Decoration of Ceilings’, The Workshop 2, 7, 1869, pp. 97-100

17. Guy C. Rothery, ‘Present day Practice’, in Ceilings and their Decoration: Art and Archaeology, present day practice (London: T.W. Laurie, 1911), pp. 252-64

Part 4. Woodwork, Fixtures and Fittings

18. Eversfield & Horne, Catalogue of the Materials and Interior Fittings of one House, Being No. 83, Great Russell Street ... which will be sold by auction ... October 5th1843, etc. (London: Hayes, 1843)

19. Cutting and Delaney, Our Doors and Windows: How to Decorate Them (Buffalo NY., Cutting and Delaney 1889), pp. 14-16, 68, 84-5

20. [Anon], ‘Fitments: II. The Dining-Room’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 21, 3, Dec. 1892, pp. 92-4

21. [Anon], ‘Nos, 1 TO 3—Furniture, Fitments and Decorations of Cosy Corners, for Smoking-Rooms, &c., &c.’, The Young Ladies Journal ,1 April 1892, p. 208

22. Aymer Vallance, ‘The Furnishing and Decoration of the House: Part. 2: Walls, Windows and Stairs’, Art Journal, 54, 1892, pp. 44-9

23. Charles H. B. Quennell, ‘Architectural Furniture’, in Lawrence Weaver, The House and its Equipment (Country Life and George Newnes: London; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1912), pp. 16-22

Part 5. Paintwork

24. William M. Higgins, ‘Common Errors in House Painting’, in The House Painter; or Decorator’s Companion: ... To which is added, a history of the art in all ages (London: Thomas Kelly 1841), pp. 38-47

25. Paul Hasluck, Practical Graining and Marbling: with numerous engravings and diagrams (London: Cassell, 1902) pp. 10-11

Part 6. Plasterwork/Paper Mâché

26. Charles Frederick Bielefeld, On the Use of the Improved Papier Mâcheì in Furniture, in the Interior Decoration of Buildings, And in Works of Art (London: Papier Mâché Works, no. 15, Wellington Street North, Strand, 1850), pp. 3-11

27. Laurence Arthur Turner, ‘Modern British Plasterwork -I: A General Review’, The Architectural Review 23, 137, 1908, pp. 222-26

Part 7. Colour Schemes

28. David R. Hay, The Laws of Harmonious Colouring, Adapted to Interior Decorations, &C: to which is now Added an Attempt to Define Æsthetical Taste (London: W.S. Orr. 1836), pp. 25-8

29. Michel-Eugène Chevreul, The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours, and Their Applications to the Arts Including Painting, Interior Decoration, Tapestries, Carpets, Mosaics, Coloured Glazing, Paper-staining, Calico-printing, Letterpress Printing, Map-colouring, Dress, Landscape and Flower Gardening, Etc. Translated from the French by Charles Martel. Third Edition (London: Bohn 1860), pp. 228-30

30. William White, ‘Hygienic Value of Colour in the Dwelling’, in International Health Exhibition Conferences, Volume 7: The Sanitary Construction of Houses, (London: William Clowes and Sons, 1884), pp. 287-94

31. Christopher H. Dresser, ‘The Decoration of Our Homes’, The Art Amateur, 12, 4, 1885, pp. 14-15, 17

32. Charles H. Aide, ‘Colour in Domesticity and Dress’, Fortnightly Review, 45 269, 1889, pp. 684-92

33. Edward J. Duveen, Colour in the Home: with notes on Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, and upon Decoration and Good Taste (London: Allen. 1911), pp. 141-58

34. John D. Crace, ‘The Scheme of Colour’, The Art of Colour Decoration (London: Batsford, 1912), pp. 9-13

Part 8. Furniture and Furnishings

35. [Anon], ‘New and Fashionable Articles of Furniture’, The Lady's Monthly Museum, vol. VI, 1 April 1801, pp. 288-92

36. [Anon], ‘New Fashionable Furniture’, La Belle Assemblée, or Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine Addressed Particularly to the Ladies, 1 Dec. 1806, pp. 53-4 Supplement

37. [Anon], ‘Furniture Bad and Good’, All the Year Round, 8, 182, 25 May 1872, pp. 42-4

38. [Anon], ‘On Furniture’, Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine, vol. XX, no. 133, 1 January 1876, pp.90-1

39. M. G. H., ‘How She furnished her House out of the Garret’, Harper’s Bazar, 23, April, 19, 1890, pp. 300-1

40. Edward Howell, ‘The Artistic Tendency in House Decoration’, Furniture Gazette, 16 March 1881, pp. 196-8

41. Mrs William Chance, ‘Some Notes on Old and New Furniture and on Furnishing at the Present Day’, The Artist, 31, July 1901, pp. 197-204

Part 9. Textiles and Drapery

42. Thomas Webster and the late Mrs. Parkes, ‘Window Curtains’, in An Encyclopaedia of Domestic Economy… (London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1844), pp. 220-5

43. [Anon], ‘Drapery Curtains and Blinds’, in How to Furnish a House and Make it a Home. The Economic Library, vol 5 (London: Groombridge & Sons, 1855), pp.118-25

44. [Anon], ‘Hints on Upholstery’, in The Economical Housewife. and Complete Practical Guide to Domestic Management (London: Ward Lock, 1880), pp. 67-72

45. [Anon], ‘Mantel-Valances, Scarfs and Lambrequins’, Home Decoration. 1, 3, New York, 6 February 1886, pp. 29-30

46. Lewis F. Day, ‘Upholstery in Decoration’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 20, 4, 1892, pp.134-6

Part 10. Fireplaces and Mantelpieces

47. Frederick Edwards, Our Domestic Fireplaces (London: Robert Hardwicke. 1865), pp. 63-6

48. [Anon], ‘The Modern Mantelpiece. A New and Artistic Feature in Home Decoration’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 29, 3, 1896, pp. 74-5

49. Guy C. Rothery, Chimneypieces and Ingle Nooks, Their Design and Ornamentation (London: T. Werner Laurie. 1912). pp. 139-49

Part 11. Lighting

50. John Obadiah Newell Rutter, Advantages of Gas in Private Houses (London: Virtue, 1836), pp. 50-7

51. Robert Hammond, The Electric Light in our Homes (London: Frederick Warne. 1884), pp. 98-109

52. Mrs J. E. H. Gordon, ‘The Library’, in Decorative Electricity (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1891), pp. 63-73

53. Victor Zingler, ‘Illumination of Rooms’, in Lawrence Weaver, The House and its Equipment (Country Life and George Newnes: London; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912), pp. 116-18

Part 12. Plumbing, Sanitation and Water Supply

54. Benjamin W. Richardson, M. D., ‘Health at Home, Part I’, Appleton’s Journal: A Magazine of General Literature 8, 4, April 1880, pp. 313-19

55. Robert. W. Edis, ‘On Sanitation in Decoration’, Transactions of the Brighton Health Congress, 1881, (London: E. Marlborough and Co.,1881), pp. 318-28

56. Benjamin W. Richardson, ‘Health in the Home’, in Shirley Forster Murphy and Robert Brudenell Carter, Our Homes and How to Make them Healthy (London: Cassell,1883), pp. 27-32

Part 13. Ventilation and Heating

57. Charles Sylvester, The Philosophy of Domestic Economy (London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1819), pp. 1-11

58. Ernest Henry Jacob, ‘The Ventilation of Houses’, Notes on the Ventilation and Warming of Houses, Churches, Schools, (London: SPCK, 1894), pp.70-7

Part 14. Home Management

59 Stephen R. Fiske, English Photographs (London: Tinsley Brothers. 1869), pp. 192-8

60. Anna Leach, ‘Science in the Model Kitchen’, in Marion Harland, Home Making, (Boston: Hall and Locke Company, 1911), pp. 176-87

61. Christine Frederick, ‘The New Housekeeping’, Ladies Home Journal 29, 9 September 1912, p. 12+

62. R. Randal Phillips, ‘Housework on a System’, in The Servantless House, (London: Country Life Ltd., 1920), pp. 150-6

Part 15. Pets and Animals (Live and stuffed)

63 Dante G. Rossetti, and W. M. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Rossetti: His Family-letters, (London: Ellis and Elvey, 1895), pp. 252-5

64. William G. Fitzgerald, ‘Animal Furniture’, The Strand Magazine, 12, 1896, pp. 273-80

Part 16. DIY and Home Crafts

65. Constance C. Harrison, ‘Decoration of the Mantel-Shelf’, in Woman’s Handiwork in Modern Homes (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1881), pp. 169-75

66. Almon. C. Varney, Our Homes and their Adornments: How to build, finish, furnish & adorn a home ... designed to make happy homes for happy people, (Detroit: J.C. Chilton Pub. Co. 1885), pp. 266-71

67. Florence Caddy, ‘How to Furnish a Drawing Room for 18 Guineas’, Girl’s Own Paper, 1891, pp. 228-31



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Clive Edwards is Professor Emeritus of Design History at Loughborough University.

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