Deep down inside, each of us knows what our truths are.
It is forgivable to lose them...
it is unforgivable not to reclaim them...
Mountain Air: Relapsing And Finding The Way Back One Breath At A Time is a brutally honest personal narrative detailing a painful descent into relapse and a powerful journey back to recovering.
Without condemnation but with passion and purpose, Mountain Air ...
Embraces individuals who have abandoned their authentic ways of being for a life of personal neglect, indulgence, or self-destruction.
Speaks to individuals who have betrayed their healing tenets - the addict who has lost his sobriety, the abused who has returned to her abuser, or the codependent who continues to rescue the uncontrollable.
Reaches out to individuals who have maintained a life of stability and wellness, but who are eroding over time - and losing their sense of self and of spirit.
Mountain Air is for any individual who has experienced relapse and who is fighting to find his way back...
By inviting readers to take a journey with the author as she shares time-tested lessons in the recovering process.
By providing thoughtful and accountable exercises with each chapter that guide the reader in the reclaiming and sustaining of their truths.
Praise for Kenley's Mountain Air
"...a personal memoir out of which she extracts principles that can be generalized to all who are in recovery, inspiring them to take courage. This poetic and nature-infused account should become a standard for all therapists and all in the process of recovery."
--David Van Nuys, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Host of Shrink Rap Radio
"With Holli's inspiring personal journey from relapse to recovery and her challenging questions in each chapter, the reader can examine self-defeating behaviors and beliefs that block the natural ability to walk through change, pain, and difficult times."
--Melissa Yarbray, M.A., Marriage and Family Therapist,Licensed Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor
Learn more at
From Loving Healing Press
Holli Kenley is a California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a California State Licensed Teacher. She holds a Master's Degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling. She has worked in a variety of settings: a women's shelter, a counseling center, and in private practice. Counseling with teens, adults, and couples, Holli's areas of specialized training and experience include sexual abuse and trauma, betrayal, codependency, cyber bullying, and screen addiction. After relocating to Southern California, Holli reopened her private practice in Rancho Mirage. Holli Kenley is the author of eight recovery books including: ¿ Breaking Through Betrayal: And Recovering The Peace Within, 2nd Edition ¿ Power Down & Parent Up: Cyber Bullying, Screen Dependence & Raising Tech-Healthy Children ¿ Holli is also a contributing author and Wellness Editor for Clear Life Magazine. Holli Kenley, M.A., MFT, also works in the field of psychology as an author, speaker, and workshop presenter. She has been a six time peer presenter at the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists' Annual State Conferences and a featured or keynote speaker at college level clinical programs, state and national advocacy organ¬izations, and educational institutions speaking on the topics of bullying, cyber bullying, betrayal, relapse, screen dependency, sexual abuse recovery, and the power of self-worth. Holli has been a guest on over 100 podcasts as well as on Arizona TV speaking on issues of wellness. Prior to and during her career as a therapist, Holli taught for thirty years in public education. Holli lives in Southern California with her husband. To contact Holli Kenley for your next workshop or presentation, visit
Show moreDeep down inside, each of us knows what our truths are.
It is forgivable to lose them...
it is unforgivable not to reclaim them...
Mountain Air: Relapsing And Finding The Way Back One Breath At A Time is a brutally honest personal narrative detailing a painful descent into relapse and a powerful journey back to recovering.
Without condemnation but with passion and purpose, Mountain Air ...
Embraces individuals who have abandoned their authentic ways of being for a life of personal neglect, indulgence, or self-destruction.
Speaks to individuals who have betrayed their healing tenets - the addict who has lost his sobriety, the abused who has returned to her abuser, or the codependent who continues to rescue the uncontrollable.
Reaches out to individuals who have maintained a life of stability and wellness, but who are eroding over time - and losing their sense of self and of spirit.
Mountain Air is for any individual who has experienced relapse and who is fighting to find his way back...
By inviting readers to take a journey with the author as she shares time-tested lessons in the recovering process.
By providing thoughtful and accountable exercises with each chapter that guide the reader in the reclaiming and sustaining of their truths.
Praise for Kenley's Mountain Air
"...a personal memoir out of which she extracts principles that can be generalized to all who are in recovery, inspiring them to take courage. This poetic and nature-infused account should become a standard for all therapists and all in the process of recovery."
--David Van Nuys, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Host of Shrink Rap Radio
"With Holli's inspiring personal journey from relapse to recovery and her challenging questions in each chapter, the reader can examine self-defeating behaviors and beliefs that block the natural ability to walk through change, pain, and difficult times."
--Melissa Yarbray, M.A., Marriage and Family Therapist,Licensed Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor
Learn more at
From Loving Healing Press
Holli Kenley is a California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a California State Licensed Teacher. She holds a Master's Degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling. She has worked in a variety of settings: a women's shelter, a counseling center, and in private practice. Counseling with teens, adults, and couples, Holli's areas of specialized training and experience include sexual abuse and trauma, betrayal, codependency, cyber bullying, and screen addiction. After relocating to Southern California, Holli reopened her private practice in Rancho Mirage. Holli Kenley is the author of eight recovery books including: ¿ Breaking Through Betrayal: And Recovering The Peace Within, 2nd Edition ¿ Power Down & Parent Up: Cyber Bullying, Screen Dependence & Raising Tech-Healthy Children ¿ Holli is also a contributing author and Wellness Editor for Clear Life Magazine. Holli Kenley, M.A., MFT, also works in the field of psychology as an author, speaker, and workshop presenter. She has been a six time peer presenter at the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists' Annual State Conferences and a featured or keynote speaker at college level clinical programs, state and national advocacy organ¬izations, and educational institutions speaking on the topics of bullying, cyber bullying, betrayal, relapse, screen dependency, sexual abuse recovery, and the power of self-worth. Holli has been a guest on over 100 podcasts as well as on Arizona TV speaking on issues of wellness. Prior to and during her career as a therapist, Holli taught for thirty years in public education. Holli lives in Southern California with her husband. To contact Holli Kenley for your next workshop or presentation, visit
Show moreTypically, I am an author of clinical works writing to bring healing and hope to others. Of course, there is always a piece of me and of my experiences in them as well. When I sat down and started writing Mountain Air, I did so solely for my own recovering. Writing is a significant tool that I utilize in my healing process. It wasn't until after I finished the very rough and rambling first draft that I felt it may be of benefit to others. Even then, I wasn't sure. It took many more rewrites, time away from the drafts, and the integration of a stronger, more powerful voice into my being which ultimately fueled my desire to share my narrative with you. Mountain Air, as you have read, is a unique perspective into the topic of relapse and recovering from it. As you know now, I based this work on my own debilitating decline into emotional relapse. I shared with you how returning to my betrayal environment of my youth precipitated the relapse, and I described how the myriad of triggers within those surroundings exacerbated my struggle. I also disclosed the unearthing of a deeply embedded injury from my childhood-a sexual assault-which was at the core of my descent into relapse. Throughout the writing of Mountain Air, it was always my intention to make this book about the emotional and psychological challenges that accompany any kind of relapse-shame, self-blame, guilt-after sustaining a period of wellness, of sobriety, or of integrity to one's way of being. At the same time, I am guessing that there are many readers who are wondering why I did not fully disclose the details of the abuse I endured. I want to explain why. There are two explanations; both are extremely important to me. First, it is my belief that individuals, even those who share common abuse experiences, heal differently and uniquely. For many, it is extremely helpful and healing to share their experiences in a very public forum and to include the details of their injuries or injustices. Indeed, there are many celebrities as well as non-celebrities who have shared their most private and painful stories on television as well as through other media venues. Their narratives reach out and help many people; they educate and inform others; and hopefully, most importantly, the survivors themselves experience additional healing each time they reveal their histories. For me, and many others like myself, this is not the case. My healing came in the trusting of two therapists and in the process that it took to peel off the layers of injury-a little at a time and over a lengthy period of time. In the safe harbor of experienced, nurturing therapists, I was able to disclose all the intimacies of my pain. However, in the retelling of the abuse, I do relive it and thus, I re-traumatize myself. I also feel as though I give my power over to the betrayers and that I diminish my "voice" in doing so. Therefore, I must value my healing truth. I choose to keep my experiences contained because in doing so, I am respecting myself and my choices, and I am honoring my betrayal experiences with the dignity and grace that serve me well. Secondly, and as importantly, I do not want to be remembered as a survivor of abuse who endured a litany of injustices. I want my legacy to be one of renewal and of refinement. In my last book, Breaking Through Betrayal: And Recovering The Peace Within, I talk about the difference of being "defined by our betrayal experience" or of being "refined by it". It is paramount that my recovering message to you be one of "moving beyond being defined by our survival identity and embracing the opportunity to become a more effective being and to be more elegant in the process". I want others to remember how I taught them to seek ways to enhance and cultivate new ways of being, and that I encouraged and motivated them to act upon those choices. Visit my website
"Mountain Air is not a quick read by any means and at just under 80
pages, the slim size belies this heavy-hitter. It is billed as a
self-help book in the area of substance abuse and addictions, and I
can certainly see myself offering it as a resource for clients in
recovery. In addition, I would certainly recommend this book to
everyone as a good resource for rediscovering life, embracing
healing lessons from the past and inviting daily renewal into our
-- Rajani Venkatraman Levis, LMFT, PPS, CTS"I love Mountain Air! I
could relate to it so much. Mountain Air takes you on a rippling
effect of a journey of healing, with the ups and downs of the
healing process. . As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I could
relate to the message given in Mountain Air. I would recommend this
book to anyone in recovery."
-- Marie Waldrep, Author -Advocate - Mentor - Speaker"Once I
started reading, I could not put your book down. All I can say is
WOW! In fact, I have read it twice and have taken the opportunity
for personal reflection. [Her] book has again reaffirmed for me how
life teaches the lessons we need wherever we are...With guided
reflections, she offers the readers the opportunity to embrace
their pain and move toward healing. She also presents professionals
with a tool to augment their clinical work."
-- Elizabeth Soeth, M.A., MFT"Holli Kenley's Mountain Air is a
refreshing look at the process of relapse and recovery. Who better
to offer insight than someone who has lived the dark night of the
soul and come out the other side. Holli's self -disclosure makes
this book so unique. I particularly liked the inclusion of Nature
and the seasons as healing tools. "
-- Carol Teitelbaum, MFT"Using the strength and power of nature's
lessons, Mountain Air provides a message of hope and the strategies
to get there. For all who feel they have compromised their time,
values, and integrity to the extent they have lost themselves and
are now seeking a path back to their truth and authentic self, this
is a must read."
-- Melissa Yarbray, M.A., MFT"Holli Kenley, psychotherapist and
abuse-survivor herself, has created a work that is unique in the
recovery literature. Her particular focus is on the inevitable
relapses along the way to healing. Her book is a personal memoir
out of which she extracts principles that can be generalized to all
who are in recovery, inspiring them to take courage. This poetic
and nature-infused account should become a standard for all
therapists and all in the process of recovery."
David Van Nuys, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor of Psychology
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