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Machine Learning and Big ­Data - Concepts, ­Algorithms, Tools and ­Applications

Hardback, 544 pages
United States, 1 September 2020

Preface xix Section 1: Theoretical Fundamentals 1 1 Mathematical Foundation 3 Afroz and Basharat Hussain 1.1 Concept of Linear Algebra 3 1.1.1 Introduction 3 1.1.2 Vector Spaces 5 1.1.3 Linear Combination 6 1.1.4 Linearly Dependent and Independent Vectors 7 1.1.5 Linear Span, Basis and Subspace 8 1.1.6 Linear Transformation (or Linear Map) 9 1.1.7 Matrix Representation of Linear Transformation 10 1.1.8 Range and Null Space of Linear Transformation 13 1.1.9 Invertible Linear Transformation 15 1.2 Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Eigendecomposition of a Matrix 15 1.2.1 Characteristics Polynomial 16 Some Results on Eigenvalue 16 1.2.2 Eigendecomposition 18 1.3 Introduction to Calculus 20 1.3.1 Function 20 1.3.2 Limits of Functions 21 Some Properties of Limits 22 1nfinite Limits 25 Limits at Infinity 26 1.3.3 Continuous Functions and Discontinuous Functions 26 Discontinuous Functions 27 Properties of Continuous Function 27 1.3.4 Differentiation 28 References 29 2 Theory of Probability 31 Parvaze Ahmad Dar and Afroz 2.1 Introduction 31 2.1.1 Definition 31 Statistical Definition of Probability 31 Mathematical Definition of Probability 32 2.1.2 Some Basic Terms of Probability 32 Trial and Event 32 Exhaustive Events (Exhaustive Cases) 33 Mutually Exclusive Events 33 Equally Likely Events 33 Certain Event or Sure Event 33 Impossible Event or Null Event (Õ) 33 Sample Space 34 Permutation and Combination 34 Examples 35 2.2 Independence in Probability 38 2.2.1 Independent Events 38 2.2.2 Examples: Solve the Following Problems 38 2.3 Conditional Probability 41 2.3.1 Definition 41 2.3.2 Mutually Independent Events 42 2.3.3 Examples 42 2.4 Cumulative Distribution Function 43 2.4.1 Properties 44 2.4.2 Example 44 2.5 Baye's Theorem 46 2.5.1 Theorem 46 Examples 47 2.6 Multivariate Gaussian Function 50 2.6.1 Definition 50 Univariate Gaussian (i.e., One Variable Gaussian) 50 Degenerate Univariate Gaussian 51 Multivariate Gaussian 51 References 51 3 Correlation and Regression 53 Mohd. Abdul Haleem Rizwan 3.1 Introduction 53 3.2 Correlation 54 3.2.1 Positive Correlation and Negative Correlation 54 3.2.2 Simple Correlation and Multiple Correlation 54 3.2.3 Partial Correlation and Total Correlation 54 3.2.4 Correlation Coefficient 55 3.3 Regression 57 3.3.1 Linear Regression 64 3.3.2 Logistic Regression 64 3.3.3 Polynomial Regression 65 3.3.4 Stepwise Regression 66 3.3.5 Ridge Regression 67 3.3.6 Lasso Regression 67 3.3.7 Elastic Net Regression 68 3.4 Conclusion 68 References 69 Section 2: Big Data and Pattern Recognition 71 4 Data Preprocess 73 Md. Sharif Hossen 4.1 Introduction 73 4.1.1 Need of Data Preprocessing 74 4.1.2 Main Tasks in Data Preprocessing 75 4.2 Data Cleaning 77 4.2.1 Missing Data 77 4.2.2 Noisy Data 78 4.3 Data Integration 80 4.3.1 chi2 Correlation Test 82 4.3.2 Correlation Coefficient Test 82 4.3.3 Covariance Test 83 4.4 Data Transformation 83 4.4.1 Normalization 83 4.4.2 Attribute Selection 85 4.4.3 Discretization 86 4.4.4 Concept Hierarchy Generation 86 4.5 Data Reduction 88 4.5.1 Data Cube Aggregation 88 4.5.2 Attribute Subset Selection 90 4.5.3 Numerosity Reduction 91 4.5.4 Dimensionality Reduction 95 4.6 Conclusion 101 Acknowledgements 101 References 101 5 Big Data 105 R. Chinnaiyan 5.1 Introduction 105 5.2 Big Data Evaluation With Its Tools 107 5.3 Architecture of Big Data 107 5.3.1 Big Data Analytics Framework Workflow 107 5.4 Issues and Challenges 109 5.4.1 Volume 109 5.4.2 Variety of Data 110 5.4.3 Velocity 110 5.5 Big Data Analytics Tools 110 5.6 Big Data Use Cases 114 5.6.1 Banking and Finance 114 5.6.2 Fraud Detection 114 5.6.3 Customer Division and Personalized Marketing 114 5.6.4 Customer Support 115 5.6.5 Risk Management 116 5.6.6 Life Time Value Prediction 116 5.6.7 Cyber Security Analytics 117 5.6.8 Insurance Industry 118 5.6.9 Health Care Sector 118 Big Data Medical Decision Support 120 Big Data-Based Disorder Management 120 Big Data-Based Patient Monitoring and Control 120 Big Data-Based Human Routine Analytics 120 5.6.10 Internet of Things 121 5.6.11 Weather Forecasting 121 5.7 Where IoT Meets Big Data 122 5.7.1 IoT Platform 122 5.7.2 Sensors or Devices 123 5.7.3 Device Aggregators 123 5.7.4 IoT Gateway 123 5.7.5 Big Data Platform and Tools 124 5.8 Role of Machine Learning For Big Data and IoT 124 5.8.1 Typical Machine Learning Use Cases 125 5.9 Conclusion 126 References 127 6 Pattern Recognition Concepts 131 Ambeshwar Kumar, R. Manikandan and C. Thaventhiran 6.1 Classifier 132 6.1.1 Introduction 132 6.1.2 Explanation-Based Learning 133 6.1.3 Isomorphism and Clique Method 135 6.1.4 Context-Dependent Classification 138 6.1.5 Summary 139 6.2 Feature Processing 140 6.2.1 Introduction 140 6.2.2 Detection and Extracting Edge With Boundary Line 141 6.2.3 Analyzing the Texture 142 6.2.4 Feature Mapping in Consecutive Moving Frame 143 6.2.5 Summary 145 6.3 Clustering 145 6.3.1 Introduction 145 6.3.2 Types of Clustering Algorithms 146 Dynamic Clustering Method 148 Model-Based Clustering 148 6.3.3 Application 149 6.3.4 Summary 150 6.4 Conclusion 151 References 151 Section 3: Machine Learning: Algorithms & Applications 153 7 Machine Learning 155 Elham Ghanbari and Sara Najafzadeh 7.1 History and Purpose of Machine Learning 155 7.1.1 History of Machine Learning 155 What is Machine Learning? 156 When the Machine Learning is Needed? 157 7.1.2 Goals and Achievements in Machine Learning 158 7.1.3 Applications of Machine Learning 158 Practical Machine Learning Examples 159 7.1.4 Relation to Other Fields 161 Data Mining 161 Artificial Intelligence 162 Computational Statistics 162 Probability 163 7.1.5 Limitations of Machine Learning 163 7.2 Concept of Well-Defined Learning Problem 164 7.2.1 Concept Learning 164 Concept Representation 166 Instance Representation 167 The Inductive Learning Hypothesis 167 7.2.2 Concept Learning as Search 167 Concept Generality 168 7.3 General-to-Specific Ordering Over Hypotheses 169 7.3.1 Basic Concepts: Hypothesis, Generality 169 7.3.2 Structure of the Hypothesis Space 169 Hypothesis Notations 169 Hypothesis Evaluations 170 7.3.3 Ordering on Hypotheses: General to Specific 170 Most Specific Generalized 171 Most General Specialized 173 Generalization and Specialization Operators 173 7.3.4 Hypothesis Space Search by Find-S Algorithm 174 Properties of the Find-S Algorithm 176 Limitations of the Find-S Algorithm 176 7.4 Version Spaces and Candidate Elimination Algorithm 177 7.4.1 Representing Version Spaces 177 General Boundary 178 Specific Boundary 178 7.4.2 Version Space as Search Strategy 179 7.4.3 The List-Eliminate Method 179 7.4.4 The Candidate-Elimination Method 180 Example 181 Convergence of Candidate-Elimination Method 183 Inductive Bias for Candidate-Elimination 184 7.5 Concepts of Machine Learning Algorithm 185 7.5.1 Types of Learning Algorithms 185 Incremental vs. Batch Learning Algorithms 186 Offline vs. Online Learning Algorithms 188 Inductive vs. Deductive Learning Algorithms 189 7.5.2 A Framework for Machine Learning Algorithms 189 Training Data 190 Target Function 190 Construction Model 191 Evaluation 191 7.5.3 Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 194 Supervised Learning 196 Unsupervised Learning 198 Semi Supervised Learning 200 Reinforcement Learning 200 Deep Learning 202 7.5.4 Types of Machine Learning Problems 203 Classification 204 Clustering 204 Optimization 205 Regression 205 Conclusion 205 References 206 8 Performance of Supervised Learning Algorithms on Multi-Variate Datasets 209 Asif Iqbal Hajamydeen and Rabab Alayham Abbas Helmi 8.1 Introduction 209 8.2 Supervised Learning Algorithms 210 8.2.1 Datasets and Experimental Setup 211 8.2.2 Data Treatment/Preprocessing 212 8.3 Classification 212 8.3.1 Support Vector Machines (SVM) 213 8.3.2 Naive Bayes (NB) Algorithm 214 8.3.3 Bayesian Network (BN) 214 8.3.4 Hidden Markov Model (HMM) 215 8.3.5 K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) 216 8.3.6 Training Time 216 8.4 Neural Network 217 8.4.1 Artificial Neural Networks Architecture 219 8.4.2 Application Areas 222 8.4.3 Artificial Neural Networks and Time Series 224 8.5 Comparisons and Discussions 225 8.5.1 Comparison of Classification Accuracy 225 8.5.2 Forecasting Efficiency Comparison 226 8.5.3 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) 226 8.5.4 Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) 228 8.5.5 General Regression Neural Network 229 8.6 Summary and Conclusion 230 References 231 9 Unsupervised Learning 233 M. Kumara Swamy and Tejaswi Puligilla 9.1 Introduction 233 9.2 Related Work 234 9.3 Unsupervised Learning Algorithms 235 9.4 Classification of Unsupervised Learning Algorithms 238 9.4.1 Hierarchical Methods 238 9.4.2 Partitioning Methods 239 9.4.3 Density-Based Methods 242 9.4.4 Grid-Based Methods 245 9.4.5 Constraint-Based Clustering 245 9.5 Unsupervised Learning Algorithms in ML 246 9.5.1 Parametric Algorithms 246 9.5.2 Non-Parametric Algorithms 246 9.5.3 Dirichlet Process Mixture Model 247 9.5.4 X-Means 248 9.6 Summary and Conclusions 248 References 248 10 Semi-Supervised Learning 251 Manish Devgan, Gaurav Malik and Deepak Kumar Sharma 10.1 Introduction 252 10.1.1 Semi-Supervised Learning 252 10.1.2 Comparison With Other Paradigms 255 10.2 Training Models 257 10.2.1 Self-Training 257 10.2.2 Co-Training 259 10.3 Generative Models--Introduction 261 10.3.1 Image Classification 264 10.3.2 Text Categorization 266 10.3.3 Speech Recognition 268 10.3.4 Baum-Welch Algorithm 268 10.4 S3VMs 270 10.5 Graph-Based Algorithms 274 10.5.1 Mincut 275 10.5.2 Harmonic 276 10.5.3 Manifold Regularization 277 10.6 Multiview Learning 277 10.7 Conclusion 278 References 279 11 Reinforcement Learning 281 Amandeep Singh Bhatia, Mandeep Kaur Saggi, Amit Sundas and Jatinder Ashta 11.1 Introduction: Reinforcement Learning 281 11.1.1 Elements of Reinforcement Learning 283 11.2 Model-Free RL 284 11.2.1 Q-Learning 285 11.2.2 R-Learning 286 11.3 Model-Based RL 287 11.3.1 SARSA Learning 289 11.3.2 Dyna-Q Learning 290 11.3.3 Temporal Difference 291 TD(0) Algorithm 292 TD(1) Algorithm 293 TD(lambda) Algorithm 294 11.3.4 Monte Carlo Method 294 Monte Carlo Reinforcement Learning 296 Monte Carlo Policy Evaluation 296 Monte Carlo Policy Improvement 298 11.4 Conclusion 298 References 299 12 Application of Big Data and Machine Learning 305 Neha Sharma, Sunil Kumar Gautam, Azriel A. Henry and Abhimanyu Kumar 12.1 Introduction 306 12.2 Motivation 307 12.3 Related Work 308 12.4 Application of Big Data and ML 309 12.4.1 Healthcare 309 12.4.2 Banking and Insurance 312 12.4.3 Transportation 314 12.4.4 Media and Entertainment 316 12.4.5 Education 317 12.4.6 Ecosystem Conservation 319 12.4.7 Manufacturing 321 12.4.8 Agriculture 322 12.5 Issues and Challenges 324 12.6 Conclusion 326 References 326 Section 4: Machine Learning's Next Frontier 335 13 Transfer Learning 337 Riyanshi Gupta, Kartik Krishna Bhardwaj and Deepak Kumar Sharma 13.1 Introduction 338 13.1.1 Motivation, Definition, and Representation 338 13.2 Traditional Learning vs. Transfer Learning 338 13.3 Key Takeaways: Functionality 340 13.4 Transfer Learning Methodologies 341 13.5 Inductive Transfer Learning 342 13.6 Unsupervised Transfer Learning 344 13.7 Transductive Transfer Learning 346 13.8 Categories in Transfer Learning 347 13.9 Instance Transfer 348 13.10 Feature Representation Transfer 349 13.11 Parameter Transfer 349 13.12 Relational Knowledge Transfer 350 13.13 Relationship With Deep Learning 351 13.13.1 Transfer Learning in Deep Learning 351 13.13.2 Types of Deep Transfer Learning 352 13.13.3 Adaptation of Domain 352 13.13.4 Domain Confusion 353 13.13.5 Multitask Learning 354 13.13.6 One-Shot Learning 354 13.13.7 Zero-Shot Learning 355 13.14 Applications: Allied Classical Problems 355 13.14.1 Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing 356 13.14.2 Transfer Learning for Computer Vision 356 13.14.3 Transfer Learning for Audio and Speech 357 13.15 Further Advancements and Conclusion 357 References 358 Section 5: Hands-On and Case Study 361 14 Hands on MAHOUT--Machine Learning Tool Uma N. Dulhare and Sheikh Gouse 14.1 Introduction to Mahout 363 14.1.1 Features 366 14.1.2 Advantages 366 14.1.3 Disadvantages 366 14.1.4 Application 366 14.2 Installation Steps of Apache Mahout Using Cloudera 367 14.2.1 Installation of VMware Workstation 367 14.2.2 Installation of Cloudera 368 14.2.3 Installation of Mahout 383 14.2.4 Installation of Maven 384 14.2.5 Testing Mahout 386 14.3 Installation Steps of Apache Mahout Using Windows 10 386 14.3.1 Installation of Java 386 14.3.2 Installation of Hadoop 387 14.3.3 Installation of Mahout 387 14.3.4 Installation of Maven 387 14.3.5 Path Setting 388 14.3.6 Hadoop Configuration 391 14.4 Installation Steps of Apache Mahout Using Eclipse 395 14.4.1 Eclipse Installation 395 14.4.2 Installation of Maven Through Eclipse 396 14.4.3 Maven Setup for Mahout Configuration 399 14.4.4 Building the Path- 402 14.4.5 Modifying the pom.xml File 405 14.4.6 Creating the Data File 407 14.4.7 Adding External Jar Files 408 14.4.8 Creating the New Package and Classes 410 14.4.9 Result 411 14.5 Mahout Algorithms 412 14.5.1 Classification 412 14.5.2 Clustering 413 14.5.3 Recommendation 415 14.6 Conclusion 418 References 418 15 Hands-On H2O Machine Learning Tool 423 Uma N. Dulhare, Azmath Mubeen and Khaleel Ahmed 15.1 Introduction 424 15.2 Installation 425 15.2.1 The Process of Installation 425 15.3 Interfaces 431 15.4 Programming Fundamentals 432 15.4.1 Data Manipulation 432 Data Types 432 Data Import 435 15.4.2 Models 436 Model Training 436 15.4.3 Discovering Aspects 437 Converting Data Frames 437 15.4.4 H2O Cluster Actions 438 H2O Key Value Retrieval 438 H2O Cluster Connection 438 15.4.5 Commands 439 Cluster Information 439 General Data Operations 441 String Manipulation Commands 442 15.5 Machine Learning in H2O 442 15.5.1 Supervised Learning 442 15.5.2 Unsupervised Learning 443 15.6 Applications of H2O 443 15.6.1 Deep Learning 443 15.6.2 K-Fold Cross-Authentication or Validation 448 15.6.3 Stacked Ensemble and Random Forest Estimator 450 15.7 Conclusion 452 References 453 16 Case Study: Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning 455 Syeda Hajra Mahin, Fahmina Taranum and Reshma Nikhat 16.1 Introduction 456 16.1.1 Components Used to Design the Scenario Include 456 Black Hole 456 Intrusion Detection System 457 Components Used From MATLAB Simulator 458 16.2 System Design 465 16.2.1 Three Sub-Network Architecture 465 16.2.2 Using Classifiers of MATLAB 465 16.3 Existing Proposals 467 16.4 Approaches Used in Designing the Scenario 469 16.4.1 Algorithm Used in QualNet 469 16.4.2 Algorithm Applied in MATLAB 471 16.5 Result Analysis 471 16.5.1 Results From QualNet 471 Deployment 471 Detection 472 Avoidance 473 Validation of Conclusion 473 16.5.2 Applying Results to MATLAB 473 K-Nearest Neighbor 475 SVM 477 Decision Tree 477 Naive Bayes 479 Neural Network 479 16.6 Conclusion 484 References 484 17 Inclusion of Security Features for Implications of Electronic Governance Activities 487 Prabal Pratap and Nripendra Dwivedi 17.1 Introduction 487 17.2 Objective of E-Governance 491 17.3 Role of Identity in E-Governance 493 17.3.1 Identity 493 17.3.2 Identity Management and its Buoyancy Against Identity Theft in E-Governance 494 17.4 Status of E-Governance in Other Countries 496 17.4.1 E-Governance Services in Other Countries Like Australia and South Africa 496 17.4.2 Adaptation of Processes and Methodology for Developing Countries 496 17.4.3 Different Programs Related to E-Governance 499 17.5 Pros and Cons of E-Governance 501 17.6 Challenges of E-Governance in Machine Learning 502 17.7 Conclusion 503 References 503 Index 505

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Preface xix Section 1: Theoretical Fundamentals 1 1 Mathematical Foundation 3 Afroz and Basharat Hussain 1.1 Concept of Linear Algebra 3 1.1.1 Introduction 3 1.1.2 Vector Spaces 5 1.1.3 Linear Combination 6 1.1.4 Linearly Dependent and Independent Vectors 7 1.1.5 Linear Span, Basis and Subspace 8 1.1.6 Linear Transformation (or Linear Map) 9 1.1.7 Matrix Representation of Linear Transformation 10 1.1.8 Range and Null Space of Linear Transformation 13 1.1.9 Invertible Linear Transformation 15 1.2 Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Eigendecomposition of a Matrix 15 1.2.1 Characteristics Polynomial 16 Some Results on Eigenvalue 16 1.2.2 Eigendecomposition 18 1.3 Introduction to Calculus 20 1.3.1 Function 20 1.3.2 Limits of Functions 21 Some Properties of Limits 22 1nfinite Limits 25 Limits at Infinity 26 1.3.3 Continuous Functions and Discontinuous Functions 26 Discontinuous Functions 27 Properties of Continuous Function 27 1.3.4 Differentiation 28 References 29 2 Theory of Probability 31 Parvaze Ahmad Dar and Afroz 2.1 Introduction 31 2.1.1 Definition 31 Statistical Definition of Probability 31 Mathematical Definition of Probability 32 2.1.2 Some Basic Terms of Probability 32 Trial and Event 32 Exhaustive Events (Exhaustive Cases) 33 Mutually Exclusive Events 33 Equally Likely Events 33 Certain Event or Sure Event 33 Impossible Event or Null Event (Õ) 33 Sample Space 34 Permutation and Combination 34 Examples 35 2.2 Independence in Probability 38 2.2.1 Independent Events 38 2.2.2 Examples: Solve the Following Problems 38 2.3 Conditional Probability 41 2.3.1 Definition 41 2.3.2 Mutually Independent Events 42 2.3.3 Examples 42 2.4 Cumulative Distribution Function 43 2.4.1 Properties 44 2.4.2 Example 44 2.5 Baye's Theorem 46 2.5.1 Theorem 46 Examples 47 2.6 Multivariate Gaussian Function 50 2.6.1 Definition 50 Univariate Gaussian (i.e., One Variable Gaussian) 50 Degenerate Univariate Gaussian 51 Multivariate Gaussian 51 References 51 3 Correlation and Regression 53 Mohd. Abdul Haleem Rizwan 3.1 Introduction 53 3.2 Correlation 54 3.2.1 Positive Correlation and Negative Correlation 54 3.2.2 Simple Correlation and Multiple Correlation 54 3.2.3 Partial Correlation and Total Correlation 54 3.2.4 Correlation Coefficient 55 3.3 Regression 57 3.3.1 Linear Regression 64 3.3.2 Logistic Regression 64 3.3.3 Polynomial Regression 65 3.3.4 Stepwise Regression 66 3.3.5 Ridge Regression 67 3.3.6 Lasso Regression 67 3.3.7 Elastic Net Regression 68 3.4 Conclusion 68 References 69 Section 2: Big Data and Pattern Recognition 71 4 Data Preprocess 73 Md. Sharif Hossen 4.1 Introduction 73 4.1.1 Need of Data Preprocessing 74 4.1.2 Main Tasks in Data Preprocessing 75 4.2 Data Cleaning 77 4.2.1 Missing Data 77 4.2.2 Noisy Data 78 4.3 Data Integration 80 4.3.1 chi2 Correlation Test 82 4.3.2 Correlation Coefficient Test 82 4.3.3 Covariance Test 83 4.4 Data Transformation 83 4.4.1 Normalization 83 4.4.2 Attribute Selection 85 4.4.3 Discretization 86 4.4.4 Concept Hierarchy Generation 86 4.5 Data Reduction 88 4.5.1 Data Cube Aggregation 88 4.5.2 Attribute Subset Selection 90 4.5.3 Numerosity Reduction 91 4.5.4 Dimensionality Reduction 95 4.6 Conclusion 101 Acknowledgements 101 References 101 5 Big Data 105 R. Chinnaiyan 5.1 Introduction 105 5.2 Big Data Evaluation With Its Tools 107 5.3 Architecture of Big Data 107 5.3.1 Big Data Analytics Framework Workflow 107 5.4 Issues and Challenges 109 5.4.1 Volume 109 5.4.2 Variety of Data 110 5.4.3 Velocity 110 5.5 Big Data Analytics Tools 110 5.6 Big Data Use Cases 114 5.6.1 Banking and Finance 114 5.6.2 Fraud Detection 114 5.6.3 Customer Division and Personalized Marketing 114 5.6.4 Customer Support 115 5.6.5 Risk Management 116 5.6.6 Life Time Value Prediction 116 5.6.7 Cyber Security Analytics 117 5.6.8 Insurance Industry 118 5.6.9 Health Care Sector 118 Big Data Medical Decision Support 120 Big Data-Based Disorder Management 120 Big Data-Based Patient Monitoring and Control 120 Big Data-Based Human Routine Analytics 120 5.6.10 Internet of Things 121 5.6.11 Weather Forecasting 121 5.7 Where IoT Meets Big Data 122 5.7.1 IoT Platform 122 5.7.2 Sensors or Devices 123 5.7.3 Device Aggregators 123 5.7.4 IoT Gateway 123 5.7.5 Big Data Platform and Tools 124 5.8 Role of Machine Learning For Big Data and IoT 124 5.8.1 Typical Machine Learning Use Cases 125 5.9 Conclusion 126 References 127 6 Pattern Recognition Concepts 131 Ambeshwar Kumar, R. Manikandan and C. Thaventhiran 6.1 Classifier 132 6.1.1 Introduction 132 6.1.2 Explanation-Based Learning 133 6.1.3 Isomorphism and Clique Method 135 6.1.4 Context-Dependent Classification 138 6.1.5 Summary 139 6.2 Feature Processing 140 6.2.1 Introduction 140 6.2.2 Detection and Extracting Edge With Boundary Line 141 6.2.3 Analyzing the Texture 142 6.2.4 Feature Mapping in Consecutive Moving Frame 143 6.2.5 Summary 145 6.3 Clustering 145 6.3.1 Introduction 145 6.3.2 Types of Clustering Algorithms 146 Dynamic Clustering Method 148 Model-Based Clustering 148 6.3.3 Application 149 6.3.4 Summary 150 6.4 Conclusion 151 References 151 Section 3: Machine Learning: Algorithms & Applications 153 7 Machine Learning 155 Elham Ghanbari and Sara Najafzadeh 7.1 History and Purpose of Machine Learning 155 7.1.1 History of Machine Learning 155 What is Machine Learning? 156 When the Machine Learning is Needed? 157 7.1.2 Goals and Achievements in Machine Learning 158 7.1.3 Applications of Machine Learning 158 Practical Machine Learning Examples 159 7.1.4 Relation to Other Fields 161 Data Mining 161 Artificial Intelligence 162 Computational Statistics 162 Probability 163 7.1.5 Limitations of Machine Learning 163 7.2 Concept of Well-Defined Learning Problem 164 7.2.1 Concept Learning 164 Concept Representation 166 Instance Representation 167 The Inductive Learning Hypothesis 167 7.2.2 Concept Learning as Search 167 Concept Generality 168 7.3 General-to-Specific Ordering Over Hypotheses 169 7.3.1 Basic Concepts: Hypothesis, Generality 169 7.3.2 Structure of the Hypothesis Space 169 Hypothesis Notations 169 Hypothesis Evaluations 170 7.3.3 Ordering on Hypotheses: General to Specific 170 Most Specific Generalized 171 Most General Specialized 173 Generalization and Specialization Operators 173 7.3.4 Hypothesis Space Search by Find-S Algorithm 174 Properties of the Find-S Algorithm 176 Limitations of the Find-S Algorithm 176 7.4 Version Spaces and Candidate Elimination Algorithm 177 7.4.1 Representing Version Spaces 177 General Boundary 178 Specific Boundary 178 7.4.2 Version Space as Search Strategy 179 7.4.3 The List-Eliminate Method 179 7.4.4 The Candidate-Elimination Method 180 Example 181 Convergence of Candidate-Elimination Method 183 Inductive Bias for Candidate-Elimination 184 7.5 Concepts of Machine Learning Algorithm 185 7.5.1 Types of Learning Algorithms 185 Incremental vs. Batch Learning Algorithms 186 Offline vs. Online Learning Algorithms 188 Inductive vs. Deductive Learning Algorithms 189 7.5.2 A Framework for Machine Learning Algorithms 189 Training Data 190 Target Function 190 Construction Model 191 Evaluation 191 7.5.3 Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 194 Supervised Learning 196 Unsupervised Learning 198 Semi Supervised Learning 200 Reinforcement Learning 200 Deep Learning 202 7.5.4 Types of Machine Learning Problems 203 Classification 204 Clustering 204 Optimization 205 Regression 205 Conclusion 205 References 206 8 Performance of Supervised Learning Algorithms on Multi-Variate Datasets 209 Asif Iqbal Hajamydeen and Rabab Alayham Abbas Helmi 8.1 Introduction 209 8.2 Supervised Learning Algorithms 210 8.2.1 Datasets and Experimental Setup 211 8.2.2 Data Treatment/Preprocessing 212 8.3 Classification 212 8.3.1 Support Vector Machines (SVM) 213 8.3.2 Naive Bayes (NB) Algorithm 214 8.3.3 Bayesian Network (BN) 214 8.3.4 Hidden Markov Model (HMM) 215 8.3.5 K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) 216 8.3.6 Training Time 216 8.4 Neural Network 217 8.4.1 Artificial Neural Networks Architecture 219 8.4.2 Application Areas 222 8.4.3 Artificial Neural Networks and Time Series 224 8.5 Comparisons and Discussions 225 8.5.1 Comparison of Classification Accuracy 225 8.5.2 Forecasting Efficiency Comparison 226 8.5.3 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) 226 8.5.4 Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) 228 8.5.5 General Regression Neural Network 229 8.6 Summary and Conclusion 230 References 231 9 Unsupervised Learning 233 M. Kumara Swamy and Tejaswi Puligilla 9.1 Introduction 233 9.2 Related Work 234 9.3 Unsupervised Learning Algorithms 235 9.4 Classification of Unsupervised Learning Algorithms 238 9.4.1 Hierarchical Methods 238 9.4.2 Partitioning Methods 239 9.4.3 Density-Based Methods 242 9.4.4 Grid-Based Methods 245 9.4.5 Constraint-Based Clustering 245 9.5 Unsupervised Learning Algorithms in ML 246 9.5.1 Parametric Algorithms 246 9.5.2 Non-Parametric Algorithms 246 9.5.3 Dirichlet Process Mixture Model 247 9.5.4 X-Means 248 9.6 Summary and Conclusions 248 References 248 10 Semi-Supervised Learning 251 Manish Devgan, Gaurav Malik and Deepak Kumar Sharma 10.1 Introduction 252 10.1.1 Semi-Supervised Learning 252 10.1.2 Comparison With Other Paradigms 255 10.2 Training Models 257 10.2.1 Self-Training 257 10.2.2 Co-Training 259 10.3 Generative Models--Introduction 261 10.3.1 Image Classification 264 10.3.2 Text Categorization 266 10.3.3 Speech Recognition 268 10.3.4 Baum-Welch Algorithm 268 10.4 S3VMs 270 10.5 Graph-Based Algorithms 274 10.5.1 Mincut 275 10.5.2 Harmonic 276 10.5.3 Manifold Regularization 277 10.6 Multiview Learning 277 10.7 Conclusion 278 References 279 11 Reinforcement Learning 281 Amandeep Singh Bhatia, Mandeep Kaur Saggi, Amit Sundas and Jatinder Ashta 11.1 Introduction: Reinforcement Learning 281 11.1.1 Elements of Reinforcement Learning 283 11.2 Model-Free RL 284 11.2.1 Q-Learning 285 11.2.2 R-Learning 286 11.3 Model-Based RL 287 11.3.1 SARSA Learning 289 11.3.2 Dyna-Q Learning 290 11.3.3 Temporal Difference 291 TD(0) Algorithm 292 TD(1) Algorithm 293 TD(lambda) Algorithm 294 11.3.4 Monte Carlo Method 294 Monte Carlo Reinforcement Learning 296 Monte Carlo Policy Evaluation 296 Monte Carlo Policy Improvement 298 11.4 Conclusion 298 References 299 12 Application of Big Data and Machine Learning 305 Neha Sharma, Sunil Kumar Gautam, Azriel A. Henry and Abhimanyu Kumar 12.1 Introduction 306 12.2 Motivation 307 12.3 Related Work 308 12.4 Application of Big Data and ML 309 12.4.1 Healthcare 309 12.4.2 Banking and Insurance 312 12.4.3 Transportation 314 12.4.4 Media and Entertainment 316 12.4.5 Education 317 12.4.6 Ecosystem Conservation 319 12.4.7 Manufacturing 321 12.4.8 Agriculture 322 12.5 Issues and Challenges 324 12.6 Conclusion 326 References 326 Section 4: Machine Learning's Next Frontier 335 13 Transfer Learning 337 Riyanshi Gupta, Kartik Krishna Bhardwaj and Deepak Kumar Sharma 13.1 Introduction 338 13.1.1 Motivation, Definition, and Representation 338 13.2 Traditional Learning vs. Transfer Learning 338 13.3 Key Takeaways: Functionality 340 13.4 Transfer Learning Methodologies 341 13.5 Inductive Transfer Learning 342 13.6 Unsupervised Transfer Learning 344 13.7 Transductive Transfer Learning 346 13.8 Categories in Transfer Learning 347 13.9 Instance Transfer 348 13.10 Feature Representation Transfer 349 13.11 Parameter Transfer 349 13.12 Relational Knowledge Transfer 350 13.13 Relationship With Deep Learning 351 13.13.1 Transfer Learning in Deep Learning 351 13.13.2 Types of Deep Transfer Learning 352 13.13.3 Adaptation of Domain 352 13.13.4 Domain Confusion 353 13.13.5 Multitask Learning 354 13.13.6 One-Shot Learning 354 13.13.7 Zero-Shot Learning 355 13.14 Applications: Allied Classical Problems 355 13.14.1 Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing 356 13.14.2 Transfer Learning for Computer Vision 356 13.14.3 Transfer Learning for Audio and Speech 357 13.15 Further Advancements and Conclusion 357 References 358 Section 5: Hands-On and Case Study 361 14 Hands on MAHOUT--Machine Learning Tool Uma N. Dulhare and Sheikh Gouse 14.1 Introduction to Mahout 363 14.1.1 Features 366 14.1.2 Advantages 366 14.1.3 Disadvantages 366 14.1.4 Application 366 14.2 Installation Steps of Apache Mahout Using Cloudera 367 14.2.1 Installation of VMware Workstation 367 14.2.2 Installation of Cloudera 368 14.2.3 Installation of Mahout 383 14.2.4 Installation of Maven 384 14.2.5 Testing Mahout 386 14.3 Installation Steps of Apache Mahout Using Windows 10 386 14.3.1 Installation of Java 386 14.3.2 Installation of Hadoop 387 14.3.3 Installation of Mahout 387 14.3.4 Installation of Maven 387 14.3.5 Path Setting 388 14.3.6 Hadoop Configuration 391 14.4 Installation Steps of Apache Mahout Using Eclipse 395 14.4.1 Eclipse Installation 395 14.4.2 Installation of Maven Through Eclipse 396 14.4.3 Maven Setup for Mahout Configuration 399 14.4.4 Building the Path- 402 14.4.5 Modifying the pom.xml File 405 14.4.6 Creating the Data File 407 14.4.7 Adding External Jar Files 408 14.4.8 Creating the New Package and Classes 410 14.4.9 Result 411 14.5 Mahout Algorithms 412 14.5.1 Classification 412 14.5.2 Clustering 413 14.5.3 Recommendation 415 14.6 Conclusion 418 References 418 15 Hands-On H2O Machine Learning Tool 423 Uma N. Dulhare, Azmath Mubeen and Khaleel Ahmed 15.1 Introduction 424 15.2 Installation 425 15.2.1 The Process of Installation 425 15.3 Interfaces 431 15.4 Programming Fundamentals 432 15.4.1 Data Manipulation 432 Data Types 432 Data Import 435 15.4.2 Models 436 Model Training 436 15.4.3 Discovering Aspects 437 Converting Data Frames 437 15.4.4 H2O Cluster Actions 438 H2O Key Value Retrieval 438 H2O Cluster Connection 438 15.4.5 Commands 439 Cluster Information 439 General Data Operations 441 String Manipulation Commands 442 15.5 Machine Learning in H2O 442 15.5.1 Supervised Learning 442 15.5.2 Unsupervised Learning 443 15.6 Applications of H2O 443 15.6.1 Deep Learning 443 15.6.2 K-Fold Cross-Authentication or Validation 448 15.6.3 Stacked Ensemble and Random Forest Estimator 450 15.7 Conclusion 452 References 453 16 Case Study: Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning 455 Syeda Hajra Mahin, Fahmina Taranum and Reshma Nikhat 16.1 Introduction 456 16.1.1 Components Used to Design the Scenario Include 456 Black Hole 456 Intrusion Detection System 457 Components Used From MATLAB Simulator 458 16.2 System Design 465 16.2.1 Three Sub-Network Architecture 465 16.2.2 Using Classifiers of MATLAB 465 16.3 Existing Proposals 467 16.4 Approaches Used in Designing the Scenario 469 16.4.1 Algorithm Used in QualNet 469 16.4.2 Algorithm Applied in MATLAB 471 16.5 Result Analysis 471 16.5.1 Results From QualNet 471 Deployment 471 Detection 472 Avoidance 473 Validation of Conclusion 473 16.5.2 Applying Results to MATLAB 473 K-Nearest Neighbor 475 SVM 477 Decision Tree 477 Naive Bayes 479 Neural Network 479 16.6 Conclusion 484 References 484 17 Inclusion of Security Features for Implications of Electronic Governance Activities 487 Prabal Pratap and Nripendra Dwivedi 17.1 Introduction 487 17.2 Objective of E-Governance 491 17.3 Role of Identity in E-Governance 493 17.3.1 Identity 493 17.3.2 Identity Management and its Buoyancy Against Identity Theft in E-Governance 494 17.4 Status of E-Governance in Other Countries 496 17.4.1 E-Governance Services in Other Countries Like Australia and South Africa 496 17.4.2 Adaptation of Processes and Methodology for Developing Countries 496 17.4.3 Different Programs Related to E-Governance 499 17.5 Pros and Cons of E-Governance 501 17.6 Challenges of E-Governance in Machine Learning 502 17.7 Conclusion 503 References 503 Index 505

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22.9 x 15.2 x 2.9 centimeters (0.67 kg)

Table of Contents

Preface xix

Section 1: Theoretical Fundamentals 1

1 Mathematical Foundation 3
Afroz and Basharat Hussain

1.1 Concept of Linear Algebra 3

1.1.1 Introduction 3

1.1.2 Vector Spaces 5

1.1.3 Linear Combination 6

1.1.4 Linearly Dependent and Independent Vectors 7

1.1.5 Linear Span, Basis and Subspace 8

1.1.6 Linear Transformation (or Linear Map) 9

1.1.7 Matrix Representation of Linear Transformation 10

1.1.8 Range and Null Space of Linear Transformation 13

1.1.9 Invertible Linear Transformation 15

1.2 Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Eigendecomposition of a Matrix 15

1.2.1 Characteristics Polynomial 16 Some Results on Eigenvalue 16

1.2.2 Eigendecomposition 18

1.3 Introduction to Calculus 20

1.3.1 Function 20

1.3.2 Limits of Functions 21 Some Properties of Limits 22 1nfinite Limits 25 Limits at Infinity 26

1.3.3 Continuous Functions and Discontinuous Functions 26 Discontinuous Functions 27 Properties of Continuous Function 27

1.3.4 Differentiation 28

References 29

2 Theory of Probability 31
Parvaze Ahmad Dar and Afroz

2.1 Introduction 31

2.1.1 Definition 31 Statistical Definition of Probability 31 Mathematical Definition of Probability 32

2.1.2 Some Basic Terms of Probability 32 Trial and Event 32 Exhaustive Events (Exhaustive Cases) 33 Mutually Exclusive Events 33 Equally Likely Events 33 Certain Event or Sure Event 33 Impossible Event or Null Event (ϕ) 33 Sample Space 34 Permutation and Combination 34 Examples 35

2.2 Independence in Probability 38

2.2.1 Independent Events 38

2.2.2 Examples: Solve the Following Problems 38

2.3 Conditional Probability 41

2.3.1 Definition 41

2.3.2 Mutually Independent Events 42

2.3.3 Examples 42

2.4 Cumulative Distribution Function 43

2.4.1 Properties 44

2.4.2 Example 44

2.5 Baye’s Theorem 46

2.5.1 Theorem 46 Examples 47

2.6 Multivariate Gaussian Function 50

2.6.1 Definition 50 Univariate Gaussian (i.e., One Variable Gaussian) 50 Degenerate Univariate Gaussian 51 Multivariate Gaussian 51

References 51

3 Correlation and Regression 53
Mohd. Abdul Haleem Rizwan

3.1 Introduction 53

3.2 Correlation 54

3.2.1 Positive Correlation and Negative Correlation 54

3.2.2 Simple Correlation and Multiple Correlation 54

3.2.3 Partial Correlation and Total Correlation 54

3.2.4 Correlation Coefficient 55

3.3 Regression 57

3.3.1 Linear Regression 64

3.3.2 Logistic Regression 64

3.3.3 Polynomial Regression 65

3.3.4 Stepwise Regression 66

3.3.5 Ridge Regression 67

3.3.6 Lasso Regression 67

3.3.7 Elastic Net Regression 68

3.4 Conclusion 68

References 69

Section 2: Big Data and Pattern Recognition 71

4 Data Preprocess 73
Md. Sharif Hossen

4.1 Introduction 73

4.1.1 Need of Data Preprocessing 74

4.1.2 Main Tasks in Data Preprocessing 75

4.2 Data Cleaning 77

4.2.1 Missing Data 77

4.2.2 Noisy Data 78

4.3 Data Integration 80

4.3.1 χ2 Correlation Test 82

4.3.2 Correlation Coefficient Test 82

4.3.3 Covariance Test 83

4.4 Data Transformation 83

4.4.1 Normalization 83

4.4.2 Attribute Selection 85

4.4.3 Discretization 86

4.4.4 Concept Hierarchy Generation 86

4.5 Data Reduction 88

4.5.1 Data Cube Aggregation 88

4.5.2 Attribute Subset Selection 90

4.5.3 Numerosity Reduction 91

4.5.4 Dimensionality Reduction 95

4.6 Conclusion 101

Acknowledgements 101

References 101

5 Big Data 105
R. Chinnaiyan

5.1 Introduction 105

5.2 Big Data Evaluation With Its Tools 107

5.3 Architecture of Big Data 107

5.3.1 Big Data Analytics Framework Workflow 107

5.4 Issues and Challenges 109

5.4.1 Volume 109

5.4.2 Variety of Data 110

5.4.3 Velocity 110

5.5 Big Data Analytics Tools 110

5.6 Big Data Use Cases 114

5.6.1 Banking and Finance 114

5.6.2 Fraud Detection 114

5.6.3 Customer Division and Personalized Marketing 114

5.6.4 Customer Support 115

5.6.5 Risk Management 116

5.6.6 Life Time Value Prediction 116

5.6.7 Cyber Security Analytics 117

5.6.8 Insurance Industry 118

5.6.9 Health Care Sector 118 Big Data Medical Decision Support 120 Big Data–Based Disorder Management 120 Big Data–Based Patient Monitoring and Control 120 Big Data–Based Human Routine Analytics 120

5.6.10 Internet of Things 121

5.6.11 Weather Forecasting 121

5.7 Where IoT Meets Big Data 122

5.7.1 IoT Platform 122

5.7.2 Sensors or Devices 123

5.7.3 Device Aggregators 123

5.7.4 IoT Gateway 123

5.7.5 Big Data Platform and Tools 124

5.8 Role of Machine Learning For Big Data and IoT 124

5.8.1 Typical Machine Learning Use Cases 125

5.9 Conclusion 126

References 127

6 Pattern Recognition Concepts 131
Ambeshwar Kumar, R. Manikandan and C. Thaventhiran

6.1 Classifier 132

6.1.1 Introduction 132

6.1.2 Explanation-Based Learning 133

6.1.3 Isomorphism and Clique Method 135

6.1.4 Context-Dependent Classification 138

6.1.5 Summary 139

6.2 Feature Processing 140

6.2.1 Introduction 140

6.2.2 Detection and Extracting Edge With Boundary Line 141

6.2.3 Analyzing the Texture 142

6.2.4 Feature Mapping in Consecutive Moving Frame 143

6.2.5 Summary 145

6.3 Clustering 145

6.3.1 Introduction 145

6.3.2 Types of Clustering Algorithms 146 Dynamic Clustering Method 148 Model-Based Clustering 148

6.3.3 Application 149

6.3.4 Summary 150

6.4 Conclusion 151

References 151

Section 3: Machine Learning: Algorithms & Applications 153

7 Machine Learning 155
Elham Ghanbari and Sara Najafzadeh

7.1 History and Purpose of Machine Learning 155

7.1.1 History of Machine Learning 155 What is Machine Learning? 156 When the Machine Learning is Needed? 157

7.1.2 Goals and Achievements in Machine Learning 158

7.1.3 Applications of Machine Learning 158 Practical Machine Learning Examples 159

7.1.4 Relation to Other Fields 161 Data Mining 161 Artificial Intelligence 162 Computational Statistics 162 Probability 163

7.1.5 Limitations of Machine Learning 163

7.2 Concept of Well-Defined Learning Problem 164

7.2.1 Concept Learning 164 Concept Representation 166 Instance Representation 167 The Inductive Learning Hypothesis 167

7.2.2 Concept Learning as Search 167 Concept Generality 168

7.3 General-to-Specific Ordering Over Hypotheses 169

7.3.1 Basic Concepts: Hypothesis, Generality 169

7.3.2 Structure of the Hypothesis Space 169 Hypothesis Notations 169 Hypothesis Evaluations 170

7.3.3 Ordering on Hypotheses: General to Specific 170 Most Specific Generalized 171 Most General Specialized 173 Generalization and Specialization Operators 173

7.3.4 Hypothesis Space Search by Find-S Algorithm 174 Properties of the Find-S Algorithm 176 Limitations of the Find-S Algorithm 176

7.4 Version Spaces and Candidate Elimination Algorithm 177

7.4.1 Representing Version Spaces 177 General Boundary 178 Specific Boundary 178

7.4.2 Version Space as Search Strategy 179

7.4.3 The List-Eliminate Method 179

7.4.4 The Candidate-Elimination Method 180 Example 181 Convergence of Candidate-Elimination Method 183 Inductive Bias for Candidate-Elimination 184

7.5 Concepts of Machine Learning Algorithm 185

7.5.1 Types of Learning Algorithms 185 Incremental vs. Batch Learning Algorithms 186 Offline vs. Online Learning Algorithms 188 Inductive vs. Deductive Learning Algorithms 189

7.5.2 A Framework for Machine Learning Algorithms 189 Training Data 190 Target Function 190 Construction Model 191 Evaluation 191

7.5.3 Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 194 Supervised Learning 196 Unsupervised Learning 198 Semi Supervised Learning 200 Reinforcement Learning 200 Deep Learning 202

7.5.4 Types of Machine Learning Problems 203 Classification 204 Clustering 204 Optimization 205 Regression 205

Conclusion 205

References 206

8 Performance of Supervised Learning Algorithms on Multi-Variate Datasets 209
Asif Iqbal Hajamydeen and Rabab Alayham Abbas Helmi

8.1 Introduction 209

8.2 Supervised Learning Algorithms 210

8.2.1 Datasets and Experimental Setup 211

8.2.2 Data Treatment/Preprocessing 212

8.3 Classification 212

8.3.1 Support Vector Machines (SVM) 213

8.3.2 Naive Bayes (NB) Algorithm 214

8.3.3 Bayesian Network (BN) 214

8.3.4 Hidden Markov Model (HMM) 215

8.3.5 K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) 216

8.3.6 Training Time 216

8.4 Neural Network 217

8.4.1 Artificial Neural Networks Architecture 219

8.4.2 Application Areas 222

8.4.3 Artificial Neural Networks and Time Series 224

8.5 Comparisons and Discussions 225

8.5.1 Comparison of Classification Accuracy 225

8.5.2 Forecasting Efficiency Comparison 226

8.5.3 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) 226

8.5.4 Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) 228

8.5.5 General Regression Neural Network 229

8.6 Summary and Conclusion 230

References 231

9 Unsupervised Learning 233
M. Kumara Swamy and Tejaswi Puligilla

9.1 Introduction 233

9.2 Related Work 234

9.3 Unsupervised Learning Algorithms 235

9.4 Classification of Unsupervised Learning Algorithms 238

9.4.1 Hierarchical Methods 238

9.4.2 Partitioning Methods 239

9.4.3 Density-Based Methods 242

9.4.4 Grid-Based Methods 245

9.4.5 Constraint-Based Clustering 245

9.5 Unsupervised Learning Algorithms in ML 246

9.5.1 Parametric Algorithms 246

9.5.2 Non-Parametric Algorithms 246

9.5.3 Dirichlet Process Mixture Model 247

9.5.4 X-Means 248

9.6 Summary and Conclusions 248

References 248

10 Semi-Supervised Learning 251
Manish Devgan, Gaurav Malik and Deepak Kumar Sharma

10.1 Introduction 252

10.1.1 Semi-Supervised Learning 252

10.1.2 Comparison With Other Paradigms 255

10.2 Training Models 257

10.2.1 Self-Training 257

10.2.2 Co-Training 259

10.3 Generative Models—Introduction 261

10.3.1 Image Classification 264

10.3.2 Text Categorization 266

10.3.3 Speech Recognition 268

10.3.4 Baum-Welch Algorithm 268

10.4 S3VMs 270

10.5 Graph-Based Algorithms 274

10.5.1 Mincut 275

10.5.2 Harmonic 276

10.5.3 Manifold Regularization 277

10.6 Multiview Learning 277

10.7 Conclusion 278

References 279

11 Reinforcement Learning 281
Amandeep Singh Bhatia, Mandeep Kaur Saggi, Amit Sundas and Jatinder Ashta

11.1 Introduction: Reinforcement Learning 281

11.1.1 Elements of Reinforcement Learning 283

11.2 Model-Free RL 284

11.2.1 Q-Learning 285

11.2.2 R-Learning 286

11.3 Model-Based RL 287

11.3.1 SARSA Learning 289

11.3.2 Dyna-Q Learning 290

11.3.3 Temporal Difference 291 TD(0) Algorithm 292 TD(1) Algorithm 293 TD(λ) Algorithm 294

11.3.4 Monte Carlo Method 294 Monte Carlo Reinforcement Learning 296 Monte Carlo Policy Evaluation 296 Monte Carlo Policy Improvement 298

11.4 Conclusion 298

References 299

12 Application of Big Data and Machine Learning 305
Neha Sharma, Sunil Kumar Gautam, Azriel A. Henry and Abhimanyu Kumar

12.1 Introduction 306

12.2 Motivation 307

12.3 Related Work 308

12.4 Application of Big Data and ML 309

12.4.1 Healthcare 309

12.4.2 Banking and Insurance 312

12.4.3 Transportation 314

12.4.4 Media and Entertainment 316

12.4.5 Education 317

12.4.6 Ecosystem Conservation 319

12.4.7 Manufacturing 321

12.4.8 Agriculture 322

12.5 Issues and Challenges 324

12.6 Conclusion 326

References 326

Section 4: Machine Learning’s Next Frontier 335

13 Transfer Learning 337
Riyanshi Gupta, Kartik Krishna Bhardwaj and Deepak Kumar Sharma

13.1 Introduction 338

13.1.1 Motivation, Definition, and Representation 338

13.2 Traditional Learning vs. Transfer Learning 338

13.3 Key Takeaways: Functionality 340

13.4 Transfer Learning Methodologies 341

13.5 Inductive Transfer Learning 342

13.6 Unsupervised Transfer Learning 344

13.7 Transductive Transfer Learning 346

13.8 Categories in Transfer Learning 347

13.9 Instance Transfer 348

13.10 Feature Representation Transfer 349

13.11 Parameter Transfer 349

13.12 Relational Knowledge Transfer 350

13.13 Relationship With Deep Learning 351

13.13.1 Transfer Learning in Deep Learning 351

13.13.2 Types of Deep Transfer Learning 352

13.13.3 Adaptation of Domain 352

13.13.4 Domain Confusion 353

13.13.5 Multitask Learning 354

13.13.6 One-Shot Learning 354

13.13.7 Zero-Shot Learning 355

13.14 Applications: Allied Classical Problems 355

13.14.1 Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing 356

13.14.2 Transfer Learning for Computer Vision 356

13.14.3 Transfer Learning for Audio and Speech 357

13.15 Further Advancements and Conclusion 357

References 358

Section 5: Hands-On and Case Study 361

14 Hands on MAHOUT—Machine Learning Tool
Uma N. Dulhare and Sheikh Gouse

14.1 Introduction to Mahout 363

14.1.1 Features 366

14.1.2 Advantages 366

14.1.3 Disadvantages 366

14.1.4 Application 366

14.2 Installation Steps of Apache Mahout Using Cloudera 367

14.2.1 Installation of VMware Workstation 367

14.2.2 Installation of Cloudera 368

14.2.3 Installation of Mahout 383

14.2.4 Installation of Maven 384

14.2.5 Testing Mahout 386

14.3 Installation Steps of Apache Mahout Using Windows 10 386

14.3.1 Installation of Java 386

14.3.2 Installation of Hadoop 387

14.3.3 Installation of Mahout 387

14.3.4 Installation of Maven 387

14.3.5 Path Setting 388

14.3.6 Hadoop Configuration 391

14.4 Installation Steps of Apache Mahout Using Eclipse 395

14.4.1 Eclipse Installation 395

14.4.2 Installation of Maven Through Eclipse 396

14.4.3 Maven Setup for Mahout Configuration 399

14.4.4 Building the Path- 402

14.4.5 Modifying the pom.xml File 405

14.4.6 Creating the Data File 407

14.4.7 Adding External Jar Files 408

14.4.8 Creating the New Package and Classes 410

14.4.9 Result 411

14.5 Mahout Algorithms 412

14.5.1 Classification 412

14.5.2 Clustering 413

14.5.3 Recommendation 415

14.6 Conclusion 418

References 418

15 Hands-On H2O Machine Learning Tool 423
Uma N. Dulhare, Azmath Mubeen and Khaleel Ahmed

15.1 Introduction 424

15.2 Installation 425

15.2.1 The Process of Installation 425

15.3 Interfaces 431

15.4 Programming Fundamentals 432

15.4.1 Data Manipulation 432 Data Types 432 Data Import 435

15.4.2 Models 436 Model Training 436

15.4.3 Discovering Aspects 437 Converting Data Frames 437

15.4.4 H2O Cluster Actions 438 H2O Key Value Retrieval 438 H2O Cluster Connection 438

15.4.5 Commands 439 Cluster Information 439 General Data Operations 441 String Manipulation Commands 442

15.5 Machine Learning in H2O 442

15.5.1 Supervised Learning 442

15.5.2 Unsupervised Learning 443

15.6 Applications of H2O 443

15.6.1 Deep Learning 443

15.6.2 K-Fold Cross-Authentication or Validation 448

15.6.3 Stacked Ensemble and Random Forest Estimator 450

15.7 Conclusion 452

References 453

16 Case Study: Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning 455
Syeda Hajra Mahin, Fahmina Taranum and Reshma Nikhat

16.1 Introduction 456

16.1.1 Components Used to Design the Scenario Include 456 Black Hole 456 Intrusion Detection System 457 Components Used From MATLAB Simulator 458

16.2 System Design 465

16.2.1 Three Sub-Network Architecture 465

16.2.2 Using Classifiers of MATLAB 465

16.3 Existing Proposals 467

16.4 Approaches Used in Designing the Scenario 469

16.4.1 Algorithm Used in QualNet 469

16.4.2 Algorithm Applied in MATLAB 471

16.5 Result Analysis 471

16.5.1 Results From QualNet 471 Deployment 471 Detection 472 Avoidance 473 Validation of Conclusion 473

16.5.2 Applying Results to MATLAB 473 K-Nearest Neighbor 475 SVM 477 Decision Tree 477 Naive Bayes 479 Neural Network 479

16.6 Conclusion 484

References 484

17 Inclusion of Security Features for Implications of Electronic Governance Activities 487
Prabal Pratap and Nripendra Dwivedi

17.1 Introduction 487

17.2 Objective of E-Governance 491

17.3 Role of Identity in E-Governance 493

17.3.1 Identity 493

17.3.2 Identity Management and its Buoyancy Against Identity Theft in E-Governance 494

17.4 Status of E-Governance in Other Countries 496

17.4.1 E-Governance Services in Other Countries Like Australia and South Africa 496

17.4.2 Adaptation of Processes and Methodology for Developing Countries 496

17.4.3 Different Programs Related to E-Governance 499

17.5 Pros and Cons of E-Governance 501

17.6 Challenges of E-Governance in Machine Learning 502

17.7 Conclusion 503

References 503

Index 505

About the Author

Uma N. Dulhare is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Eng., MJCET affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. She has more than 20 years teaching experience years with many publications in reputed international conferences, journals and online book chapter contributions. She received her PhD from Osmania University, Hyderabad.

Khaleel Ahmad is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Information Technology at Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, India. He holds a PhD in Computer Science & Engineering. He has published more than 25 papers in refereed journals and conferences as well as edited two books.

Khairol Amali bin Ahmad obtained a BSc in Electrical Engineering in 1992 from the United States Military Academy, West Point, MSc in Military Electronic Systems Engineering in 1999 from Cranfield University, England, and PhD from ISAE-SUPAERO, France in 2015. Currently, he is the Dean of the Engineering Faculty at the National Defense University of Malaysia.

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