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Juvenile Delinquency
Mainstream and Crosscurrents

Paperback, 576 pages
United States, 1 November 2015

Offering a highly analytical yet balanced approach, Juvenile Delinquency: Mainstream and Crosscurrents, Third Edition, encourages students to think critically about important real-world issues including the effects of inequality, race, class, and gender on juvenile delinquency and the juvenile justice system. Lively, engaging, and accessible, it is ideal for juvenile delinquency courses in both criminal justice and sociology
departments.FEATURESA critical approach highlighting issues of race, class, gender, and inequalityStraightforward explanations of theory, history, gender, and international
issues"Crosscurrents" boxes on engaging and controversial challenges in the field Rich pedagogical features including critical-thinking questions as captions for photos, "Focus on Ethics" boxes, and Learning Objectives that are keyed to the Summary tablesAn online Ancillary Resource Center (ARC) containing an Instructor's Manual, a Computerized Test Bank, and PowerPoint-based
lecture slidesAn open-access Companion Website at www.oup.com/us/fuller that provides additional resources for students

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Product Description

Offering a highly analytical yet balanced approach, Juvenile Delinquency: Mainstream and Crosscurrents, Third Edition, encourages students to think critically about important real-world issues including the effects of inequality, race, class, and gender on juvenile delinquency and the juvenile justice system. Lively, engaging, and accessible, it is ideal for juvenile delinquency courses in both criminal justice and sociology
departments.FEATURESA critical approach highlighting issues of race, class, gender, and inequalityStraightforward explanations of theory, history, gender, and international
issues"Crosscurrents" boxes on engaging and controversial challenges in the field Rich pedagogical features including critical-thinking questions as captions for photos, "Focus on Ethics" boxes, and Learning Objectives that are keyed to the Summary tablesAn online Ancillary Resource Center (ARC) containing an Instructor's Manual, a Computerized Test Bank, and PowerPoint-based
lecture slidesAn open-access Companion Website at www.oup.com/us/fuller that provides additional resources for students

Product Details
27.7 x 21.3 x 2.3 centimeters (1.20 kg)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. What Is a Juvenile Delinquent?
The Social Construction of Childhood
Defining the Terms
Transition or Rebellion
Parens Patriae and the Law
Adolescents and Juvenile Delinquency
Measuring Delinquency
Defining Crime and Delinquency
The Dark Figure of Crime:
Measurement Tools
The Uniform Crime Reports
The National Incident-Based Reporting System
The National Crime Victimization Survey
Self-Report Studies
Measures of Youths as Victims and Offenders
Youths as Victims:
A Typology of Juvenile Delinquents
The System of Last Resort
Growing Up Too Soon
Are We Waging a War on Children?
Chapter 2. The Control of Children
The Development of the Concept of Childhood
Acquiring Adulthood
Leaving Home at an Early Age
Reforming the Lives of Children
The Child-Savers
Orphan Trains:
Orphanages, Houses of Refuge, and Reform Schools:
The Progressive Era
The Changing Nature of Childhood
Modern Childhood
Trends in Delinquency and Juvenile Justice
Chapter 3. Theoretical Foundations of Crime and Delinquency
What Good Is Theory and What Is Good Theory?
The Importance of Theory
The Scientific Method and Social Science
Spiritual Explanations of Crime and Delinquency
The Classical School of Criminology
History of the Classical School
Cesare Beccaria:
Jeremy Bentham:
Deterrence Theory
What Is Deterrence?:
Deterrence and Juveniles:
The Classical School of Criminology Today
Rational Choice Theory:
Shock Deterrence:
Shock Incarceration:
Scared Straight-Style Programs:
Can Modern Deterrence Work?:
The Positivist School of Criminology
History of the Positivist School
Adolphe Quetelet:
Andre-Michele Guerry:
Auguste Comte:
Cesare Lombroso:
Positivism and Juveniles
Chapter 4. Biological and Psychological Theories of Delinquency
Biological Theories
Early Biological Theories of Crime
William Sheldon and Body Types:
Franz Joseph Gall and Phrenology:
Studies of Twins and Adopted Children:
Heredity and Behavior:
Differential Susceptibility Hypothesis:
Biosocial Theory
Psychological Theories
Piaget's Cognitive Development
Moral Development
Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development:
Gilligan's Theory of Moral Development:
Intelligence and Delinquency
Psychodynamic Perspective
Freud, Personality, and Delinquent Behavior:
Erikson's Psychosocial Theory:
Is There an Antisocial Personality?
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory:
Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder:
Chapter 5. Sociological Theories of Delinquency
Social Structure Theories
Social Process Theories
Learning Theories
Differential Association:
Social Learning Theory:
Techniques of Neutralization:
Anomie and Strain Theory
Durkheim and Anomie:
Merton and Strain:
Agnew and Strain:
Social Control Theory
Personality and Social Control:
Containment Theory:
Hirschi's Social Control Theory
Subcultural Theories
Delinquent Boys
Differential Opportunity Theory
Subculture of Violence
The Code of the Street
Social Reaction Theories
Labeling Theory
Shaming Theory
Chapter 6. Critical Theories, Life-Course, and Integrated Theories
Critical Theories
Marxist Theory
Left Realism
Critical Race Theory
Postmodern Criminology
Cultural Criminology
Peacemaking Criminology
Life-Course Theories
Life-Course Persistent and Adolescent-Limited Crime
Life-Course Persistent Offenders:
Adolescence-Limited Offenders:
Pathways and Turning Points
The Prediction Problem
Integrated Theories
Elliott's Integrated Theory of Delinquent Behavior
Thornberry's Interactional Theory of Delinquency
Tittle's Control Balance Theory
Chapter 7. Female Delinquency
Girls to Women: A Developmental View
Physical Development
Cognitive Development
Psychological and Social Development
Fitting in and Being Popular:
Dating and Sex:
Cutting the Strings of Parental Control:
The Extent and Nature of Female Delinquency
Theories of Female Delinquency
Biological Theories
Psychological Theories
Sociological Theories
Feminist Theories
Gender and the Juvenile Justice System
Chapter 8. The Family and Delinquency
Functions of the Family
Challenges in Families Today
Child Victimization in the Family
Child Neglect:
Physical Child Abuse:
Sexual Child Abuse:
Families and Delinquency
Social Support
Family Conflict
Parents and Siblings
Chapter 9. Schools and Delinquency
The Purpose of School
Keeping Control
Preventing Delinquency in School
What About the Teachers?
School Safety
School Violence
School Failure and Juvenile Delinquency
Suspension and Expulsion
Dropping Out
Education and Juvenile Delinquency
Chapter 10. Youth Gangs and Delinquency
What Is a Gang?
Precursors to Modern Gangs
Studying Gangs
Delinquency, Peers, and Group Activity
Joining the Gang
Types of Gangs
Black and Hispanic Gangs:
Asian Gangs:
White Gangs:
Gangs And Females:
Dealing with Gangs
Primary Gang Prevention
Secondary Gang Prevention
Tertiary Gang Prevention
Chapter 11. Substance Abuse
Drugs Youths Use
Club Drugs
Prescription Drugs
Performance-Enhancing Drugs
Other Substances
Why Do Youths Take Drugs?
Peer Pressure
Internal Factors
Drugs and Delinquency
The Drug Trade
Supporting a Drug Habit
Prevention and Treatment
Juvenile Drug Courts
Chapter 12. The Police
A Short History of Juvenile Policing
The Police: Dealing with Juvenile Delinquents and Victims
Dealing with Juveniles
Specialized Juvenile Policing
Juvenile Officers:
Juvenile Units:
Gang Units:
Neglected and Abused Children
Status Offenders
Violent Juveniles
Procedure: What the Police Do
Taking Into Custody
Search and Seizure
Miranda and Juveniles:
Waiver of Miranda Rights:
The Juvenile Miranda:
Discretion: How the Police Decide What to Do
Demands of the Law
Demands of the Situation
Racial Discrimination by the Police:
Gender Discrimination by the Police:
Controlling Police Discretion
Prevention: What the Police Do to Help
Community Policing
Problem-Oriented Policing
Zero-Tolerance Policing
Chapter 13. The Juvenile Court
A Brief History of the Juvenile Court
The Modern System: Organization and Jurisdiction
Status Offenses
Language and Terminology
Key Players
Juvenile Court Judge
Juvenile Defense Counsel
Juvenile Intake Officers
Juvenile Probation Officers
Juvenile Court Process
Custody and Detention
Petitions and Summonses
Juvenile Court Hearings
Preliminary Hearing:
Adjudicatory Hearing:
Dispositional Hearing:
Jury Trials and Plea Bargaining
Jury Trial:
Plea Bargaining:
Due Process
Right to an Attorney:
Protection Against Self-Incrimination:
Right to Notice of Charges:
Right to Confront and Cross-Examine Witnesses:
Protection Against Double Jeopardy:
Confidentiality and Accountability:
Trying Juveniles As Adults
Blended Sentencing
Who Gets Waived to the Criminal Court?
Chapter 14. Juvenile Corrections
Community Corrections
Standard Probation
Intensive-Supervision Probation
Electronic Monitoring
Home Confinement
Fines and Victim Compensation
Residential Treatment Programs
Foster Care:
Group Homes and Halfway Houses:
Alternative-Experience Programs:
Advantages of Residential Treatment Programs:
Secure Confinement
Detention Centers
Juvenile Correctional Facilities
State Prisons
Suicide Prevention
Incarcerated Girls
Correctional Programs
Vocational Training:
Recreational Programs:
Counseling and Treatment:
Chapter 15. International and Comparative Delinquency
Culture and the Discontented
Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice in Other Countries
South Africa
England and Wales
International Victimization of Children
Children at War
Child Prostitution
Subject Index:
Name Index:
Case Index:

About the Author

John Randolph Fuller is Professor Emeritus of Criminology at the University of West Georgia, where he taught for more than thirty years. He is the author of several books, including Criminal Justice: Mainstream and Crosscurrents, Third Edition (OUP, 2013).


"Juvenile Delinquency: Mainstream and Crosscurrents is ideal for delinquency courses in sociology and criminology departments. It provides a comprehensive yet accessible overview of the history of delinquency and the juvenile justice system. The theoretical coverage is first rate and includes some of the latest developments in the field. Students will gain a more enlightened understanding of delinquency after being exposed to this text."--Nathan Pino,
Texas State University
"This book is a rare, refreshing alternative to texts that focus too much on the dry explanation of what we do to juveniles rather than on why juveniles become delinquent or why the system responds in the way that it does."--Richard Lemke, Lakeland College

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