Paperback : £263.00
Internet research spans many disciplines. From the computer or information s- ences, through engineering, and to social sciences, humanities and the arts, almost all of our disciplines have made contributions to internet research, whether in the effort to understand the effect of the internet on their area of study, or to investigate the social and political changes related to the internet, or to design and develop so- ware and hardware for the network. The possibility and extent of contributions of internet research vary across disciplines, as do the purposes, methods, and outcomes. Even the epistemological underpinnings differ widely. The internet, then, does not have a discipline of study for itself: It is a ?eld for research (Baym, 2005), an open environment that simultaneously supports many approaches and techniques not otherwise commensurable with each other. There are, of course, some inhibitions that limit explorations in this ?eld: research ethics, disciplinary conventions, local and national norms, customs, laws, borders, and so on. Yet these limits on the int- net as a ?eld for research have not prevented the rapid expansion and exploration of the internet. After nearly two decades of research and scholarship, the limits are a positive contribution, providing bases for discussion and interrogation of the contexts of our research, making internet research better for all. These 'limits,' challenges that constrain the theoretically limitless space for internet research, create boundaries that give de?nition to the ?eld and provide us with a particular topography that enables research and investigation.
Acknowledgements Forward: The New Media, the New Meanwhile and the Same Old Stories Steve Jones Introduction Chapter 1: Are Instant Messages Speech? Naomi S. Baron Chapter 2: From MUDs to MMORPGs: The History of Virtual Worlds Dr. Richard A. Bartle Chapter 3: Visual Iconic Patterns of IM Hillary Bays Chapter 4: Research in e-Science and Open Access to Data and Information Matthijs den Besten Paul A. David Ralph Schroeder Towards Information Infrastructure Studies: Ways of Knowing in a Networked Environment Geoffrey C. Bowker, Karen Baker, Florence Millerand, David Ribes Chapter 5: From Reader to Writer: Citizen Journalism as News Produceage Axel Bruns Chapter 6: The Mereology of Digital Copyright Dan L. Burk Chapter 7: Traversing urban social spaces: How online research helps unveil offline practice Julie-Anne Carroll, Marcus Foth, Barbara Adkins Chapter 8: Internet aesthetics Sean Cubitt Chapter 9: After Convergence: YouTube and Remix Culture Anders Fagerjord Chapter 10: The Internet in Latin America Suely Fragoso, Alberto Efendy Maldonado Chapter 11: Web Content Analysis: Expanding the Paradigm Susan C. Herring Chapter 12: The Regulatory Framework for Privacy and Security Janine S. Hiller Chapter 13: Toward Nomadological Cyberinfrastructures Jeremy Hunsinger Chapter 14:Toward a Virtual Town Square in the Era of Web 2.0 Andrea Kavanaugh, Manuel Perez, John Tedesco, William Sanders Chapter 15: 'The Legal Bit's in Russian': Making Sense of Downloaded Music Marjorie D. Kibby Chapter 16:Understanding online (game)worlds Lisbeth Klastrup Chapter 17:Strategy and Structure for Online News Production - Case Studies of CNN and NRK Arne H. Krumsvik Chapter 18: Political Economy, the Internet and FL/OSS Development Robin Mansell, Professor Evangelia Berdou Chapter 19: Intercreativity: Mapping Online Activism Graham Meikle Chapter 20: Strangers and Friends: Collaborative Play in World of Warcraft Bonnie Nardi Justin Harris Chapter 21: Trouble with the Commercial: Internets Theorized and Used Susanna Paasonen Chapter 22: (Dis)Connected: Deleuze's Superject and the Internet David Savat Chapter 23: Internet Reagency: The Implications of a Global Science for Collaboration, Productivity, and Gender Inequity in Less Developed Areas B. Paige Miller ,Ricardo Duque, Meredith Anderson, Marcus Ynalvez, Antony Palackal, Dan-Bright Dzorgbo, Paul Mbatia, Wesley Shrum Chapter 24: Language deterioration revisited: The extent and function of English content in a Swedish chat room Malin Sveningsson Elm Chapter 25: Visual Communication in Web Design-analysing visual communication in web design Lisbeth Thorlacius Chapter 26: Feral Hypertext: When Hypertext Literature Escapes Control Jill Walker Rettberg Chapter 27: Campaigning in a Changing Information Environment: the Anti-War and Peace Movement in Britain* Kevin Gillan, Jenny Pickerill and Frank Webster Chapter 28: The possibilities of network sociality Michele Willson Chapter 29: Web Search Studies: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Web Search Engines Michael Zimmer Appendix A: Degree Programs in Internet Research compiled by Rochelle Mazar Appen
Show moreInternet research spans many disciplines. From the computer or information s- ences, through engineering, and to social sciences, humanities and the arts, almost all of our disciplines have made contributions to internet research, whether in the effort to understand the effect of the internet on their area of study, or to investigate the social and political changes related to the internet, or to design and develop so- ware and hardware for the network. The possibility and extent of contributions of internet research vary across disciplines, as do the purposes, methods, and outcomes. Even the epistemological underpinnings differ widely. The internet, then, does not have a discipline of study for itself: It is a ?eld for research (Baym, 2005), an open environment that simultaneously supports many approaches and techniques not otherwise commensurable with each other. There are, of course, some inhibitions that limit explorations in this ?eld: research ethics, disciplinary conventions, local and national norms, customs, laws, borders, and so on. Yet these limits on the int- net as a ?eld for research have not prevented the rapid expansion and exploration of the internet. After nearly two decades of research and scholarship, the limits are a positive contribution, providing bases for discussion and interrogation of the contexts of our research, making internet research better for all. These 'limits,' challenges that constrain the theoretically limitless space for internet research, create boundaries that give de?nition to the ?eld and provide us with a particular topography that enables research and investigation.
Acknowledgements Forward: The New Media, the New Meanwhile and the Same Old Stories Steve Jones Introduction Chapter 1: Are Instant Messages Speech? Naomi S. Baron Chapter 2: From MUDs to MMORPGs: The History of Virtual Worlds Dr. Richard A. Bartle Chapter 3: Visual Iconic Patterns of IM Hillary Bays Chapter 4: Research in e-Science and Open Access to Data and Information Matthijs den Besten Paul A. David Ralph Schroeder Towards Information Infrastructure Studies: Ways of Knowing in a Networked Environment Geoffrey C. Bowker, Karen Baker, Florence Millerand, David Ribes Chapter 5: From Reader to Writer: Citizen Journalism as News Produceage Axel Bruns Chapter 6: The Mereology of Digital Copyright Dan L. Burk Chapter 7: Traversing urban social spaces: How online research helps unveil offline practice Julie-Anne Carroll, Marcus Foth, Barbara Adkins Chapter 8: Internet aesthetics Sean Cubitt Chapter 9: After Convergence: YouTube and Remix Culture Anders Fagerjord Chapter 10: The Internet in Latin America Suely Fragoso, Alberto Efendy Maldonado Chapter 11: Web Content Analysis: Expanding the Paradigm Susan C. Herring Chapter 12: The Regulatory Framework for Privacy and Security Janine S. Hiller Chapter 13: Toward Nomadological Cyberinfrastructures Jeremy Hunsinger Chapter 14:Toward a Virtual Town Square in the Era of Web 2.0 Andrea Kavanaugh, Manuel Perez, John Tedesco, William Sanders Chapter 15: 'The Legal Bit's in Russian': Making Sense of Downloaded Music Marjorie D. Kibby Chapter 16:Understanding online (game)worlds Lisbeth Klastrup Chapter 17:Strategy and Structure for Online News Production - Case Studies of CNN and NRK Arne H. Krumsvik Chapter 18: Political Economy, the Internet and FL/OSS Development Robin Mansell, Professor Evangelia Berdou Chapter 19: Intercreativity: Mapping Online Activism Graham Meikle Chapter 20: Strangers and Friends: Collaborative Play in World of Warcraft Bonnie Nardi Justin Harris Chapter 21: Trouble with the Commercial: Internets Theorized and Used Susanna Paasonen Chapter 22: (Dis)Connected: Deleuze's Superject and the Internet David Savat Chapter 23: Internet Reagency: The Implications of a Global Science for Collaboration, Productivity, and Gender Inequity in Less Developed Areas B. Paige Miller ,Ricardo Duque, Meredith Anderson, Marcus Ynalvez, Antony Palackal, Dan-Bright Dzorgbo, Paul Mbatia, Wesley Shrum Chapter 24: Language deterioration revisited: The extent and function of English content in a Swedish chat room Malin Sveningsson Elm Chapter 25: Visual Communication in Web Design-analysing visual communication in web design Lisbeth Thorlacius Chapter 26: Feral Hypertext: When Hypertext Literature Escapes Control Jill Walker Rettberg Chapter 27: Campaigning in a Changing Information Environment: the Anti-War and Peace Movement in Britain* Kevin Gillan, Jenny Pickerill and Frank Webster Chapter 28: The possibilities of network sociality Michele Willson Chapter 29: Web Search Studies: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Web Search Engines Michael Zimmer Appendix A: Degree Programs in Internet Research compiled by Rochelle Mazar Appen
Show moreAre Instant Messages Speech?.- From MUDs to MMORPGs: The History of Virtual Worlds.- Visual Iconic Patterns of Instant Messaging: Steps Towards Understanding Visual Conversations.- Research in e-Science and Open Access to Data and Information.- Toward Information Infrastructure Studies: Ways of Knowing in a Networked Environment.- From Reader to Writer: Citizen Journalism as News Produsage.- The Mereology of Digital Copyright.- Traversing Urban Social Spaces: How Online Research Helps Unveil Offline Practice.- Internet Aesthetics.- Internet Sexualities.- After Convergence: YouTube and Remix Culture.- The Internet in Latin America.- Campaigning in a Changing Information Environment: The Anti-war and Peace Movement in Britain.- Web Content Analysis: Expanding the Paradigm.- The Regulatory Framework for Privacy and Security.- Toward Nomadological Cyberinfrastructures.- Toward a Virtual Town Square in the Era of Web 2.0.- “The Legal Bit’s in Russian”: Making Sense of Downloaded Music.- Understanding Online (Game)worlds.- Strategy and Structure for Online News Production – Case Studies of CNN and NRK.- Political Economy, the Internet and FL/OSS Development.- Intercreativity: Mapping Online Activism.- Internet Reagency: The Implications of a Global Science for Collaboration, Productivity, and Gender Inequity in Less Developed Areas.- Strangers and Friends: Collaborative Play in World of Warcraft.- Trouble with the Commercial: Internets Theorized and Used.- (Dis)Connected: Deleuze’s Superject and the Internet.- Language Deterioration Revisited: The Extent and Function of English Content in a Swedish Chat Room.- Visual Communication in Web Design – Analyzing Visual Communication in Web Design.- Feral Hypertext: When Hypertext Literature Escapes Control.- ThePossibilities of Network Sociality.- Web Search Studies: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Web Search Engines.
From the reviews:“A valuable book consisting of 31 essays, research reports, and professional papers on Internet issues, research, controversies, and more. The book could be useful as a personal reference, or as a source for ideas for one’s own research agenda. It could be useful in an advanced undergraduate or graduate course … . Businesses might find it useful as a source of ideas for new business Internet ventures. … Due to the various topics discussed, the book is best used as a research tool.” (J. Fendrich, ACM Computing Reviews, August, 2011)
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