Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a learner-centered, active learning environment where learning is cultivated by a process of inquiry owned by the learner. It has roots in a constructivist educational philosophy and is oriented around three components: 1) exploration and discovery (e.g. problem-based learning, open meaning-making), 2) authentic investigations using contextualized learning (e.g. field and case studies), and 3) research-based approach (e.g. research-based learning, project-based learning). IBL begins with an authentic and contextualized problem scenario where learners identify their own issues and questions and the teacher serves as guide in the learning process. It encourages self-regulated learning because the responsibility is on learners to determine issues and research questions and the resources they need to address them. This way learning occurs across all learning domains. This volume covers the issues and concepts of how IBL can be applied to multidisciplinary programs. It serves as a conceptual and practical resource and guide for educators, offering practical examples of IBL in action and diverse strategies on how to implement it in different contexts.
Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a learner-centered, active learning environment where learning is cultivated by a process of inquiry owned by the learner. It has roots in a constructivist educational philosophy and is oriented around three components: 1) exploration and discovery (e.g. problem-based learning, open meaning-making), 2) authentic investigations using contextualized learning (e.g. field and case studies), and 3) research-based approach (e.g. research-based learning, project-based learning). IBL begins with an authentic and contextualized problem scenario where learners identify their own issues and questions and the teacher serves as guide in the learning process. It encourages self-regulated learning because the responsibility is on learners to determine issues and research questions and the resources they need to address them. This way learning occurs across all learning domains. This volume covers the issues and concepts of how IBL can be applied to multidisciplinary programs. It serves as a conceptual and practical resource and guide for educators, offering practical examples of IBL in action and diverse strategies on how to implement it in different contexts.
Innovative Approaches in Teaching and Learning: An Introduction to
Inquiry-Based Learning for Multidisciplinary Programs.
About the Authors.
Author Index.
Copyright page.
Inquiry-Based Learning for Multidisciplinary Programs: A Conceptual
and Practical Resource for Educators.
List of Contributors.
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning.
Subject Index.
Inquiry-Based Learning for Multidisciplinary Programs: A Conceptual
and Practical Resource for Educators.
Series editor’s introduction.
Critically Examining Inquiry-Based Learning: John Dewey in Theory,
History, and Practice.
Folknography: Inquiry-Based Learning and Qualitative Research.
Resonance-Based Inquiry: An Epistemological Approach to Indian
The Problem-Oriented Project Work (PPL) Alternative in
Self-Directed Higher Education.
Developing an Interdisciplinary Inquiry Course on Global Justice:
An Inquiry-Informed, Cross-Campus, Collaborative Approach.
Inquiry-Based Learning as Foundational Pedagogical Tool for
Critical Examination of Social Justice in Theory and Action.
Inquiry-Based Learning as a Gateway for Exploration into Human
Environmental Conflicts.
Developing Digital Student Selves: Using an Inquiry-Based Approach
to Explore Digital Confidence in Creative Learning.
A Master’s Level Research Methods Class: A Practice Example of
Inquiry-Based Learning.
Problem Finding through Design Thinking in Education.
Connecting Inquiry-Based Learning with Collaborative Work in Online
Using Inquiry-Based Learning Outside of the Classroom: How
Opportunities for Effective Practice Can Animate Course-Based
Chaos and Order: Scaffolding Students’ Exploration during
Inquiry-Based Learning.
The Life Arts Project: Application of an Inquiry-Based Learning
Model for Adult Learners.
Reconfiguring Affective, Conative and Cognitive Outcomes in IBL: A
Multi-Disciplinary Case Study.
Enhancing Inquiry-Based Online Teaching and Learning: Integrating
Interactive Technology Tools to Scaffold Inquiry-Based
Multidisciplinary Online Inquiry-Based Coursework: A Practical
“First Steps” Guide.
Inquiry in the Coaching Experience: Reflective Strategies for
Transformative Change.
Classroom without Walls: Inquiry-Based Pedagogies and Intercultural
Competence Development via Service-Learning.
"[this] book offers useful insights to those interested in or
responsible for the management of change. While it is likely to be
of interest to anyone involved in designing IBL units…its
particular focus on change make it suitable for curriculum
designers and programme leaders." Reviewed in Education in
Chemistry, March 2016, Royal Society of Chemistry.
"After reading about the variety of approaches to IBL in different
contexts, it is striking how many different learning activities
fall under IBL…the case studies show how IBL in multidisciplinary
programs enhances both student learning and instructor teaching.
This book gives the impression that IBL is very appropriate for
multidisciplinary teaching and learning, since its use of real
world or multi-faceted problems necessarily asks students to learn
outside the confines of one discipline."Reviewed in Reflective
Teaching, The Wabash Center
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