This exceptional bedtime story for ages 4 to 8 follows the adventures of Hug, a hero who got stuck as he was headed for the heart for which it was made. Will Hug navigate past The Web of Sticky Thoughts to deliver love and care to the one special heart for which it was intended? The illustrations in this book are truly magical. You can explore the Hug Factory in the center of the heart, finding something new each time your read. It helps kids to learn that sometimes it takes surrender for everything to get better.
The book ends with Your Daily Hug Meter, a short set of questions to help children open to giving and receiving love, and the value of surrender as an antidote to Sticky Thoughts.
This exceptional bedtime story for ages 4 to 8 follows the adventures of Hug, a hero who got stuck as he was headed for the heart for which it was made. Will Hug navigate past The Web of Sticky Thoughts to deliver love and care to the one special heart for which it was intended? The illustrations in this book are truly magical. You can explore the Hug Factory in the center of the heart, finding something new each time your read. It helps kids to learn that sometimes it takes surrender for everything to get better.
The book ends with Your Daily Hug Meter, a short set of questions to help children open to giving and receiving love, and the value of surrender as an antidote to Sticky Thoughts.
Andew Newman is the author and founder of Conscious Stories LLC. His background includes a deep training in therapeutic healing work and mindfulness. He brings a calm yet playful energy to talks and workshops, inviting and encouraging the creativity of his audiences. Andrew has extensive experience engaging with children K-5, parents, and teachers alike. He has been opening Speaker for Deepak Chopra, a Tedx Presenter in Findhorn, Scotland and author in residence at Bixby School in Boulder. Andrew is a graduate of Barbara Brennan School of Healing and supports parents to find their center, so that they can be more deeply present to their kids.
"A gentle reminder how our negative thoughts block the flow to our
heart, and how hugs help free us."
Sandra Fazio
Founder, The Conscious Parent Blog"Bedtime is such a struggle for
most moms I work with. By the end of the day moms are are tired as
their children. Andrew's book is a sure fire way to nurture MOMS as
they nurture their children before bed!"
Suzi Lula
Agape Licensed Spiritual Counselor, author of 'The Motherhood
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