The leading reference source for medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, internists, surgical oncologists, and others who treat cancer patients, this all-inclusive, multidisciplinary text covers the ever-widening sphere of current cancer knowledge and clinical practice. In this new sixth edition, an outstanding editorial team from world-renowned medical centers presents a comprehensive yet manageable resource for all aspects of oncology. This text continues its leading pace with new and updated information on biology, immunology, aetiology, epidemiology, clinical trials, prevention, screening and early detection, pathology, imaging, and therapies. The 162 comprehensive chapters are organized into six parts: Cardinal Manifestations of Cancer, Scientific Foundations of Cancer, Principles of Cancer Diagnosis, Principles of Therapeutic Modalities, Principles of Multidisciplinary Management, and Cancer Management. This edition sees expanded chapters on tumour immunology, and on the theory and practice of clinical trials.
Completely new chapters focus on the cardinal manifestations of cancer, targeted therapy, pregnancy and cancer, cancer and aging, central nervous system metastases, primary central nervous system tumours, bone tumours, unique pathological features of childhood cancer and special considerations for adolescents and young adults. Cancer Medicine, Sixth Edition, features hundreds of colour and black-and-white illustrations and photographs, tables, graphs and algorithms that make this text a valuable clinical tool in recognizing characteristic appearances of both patient and tissue.
The leading reference source for medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, internists, surgical oncologists, and others who treat cancer patients, this all-inclusive, multidisciplinary text covers the ever-widening sphere of current cancer knowledge and clinical practice. In this new sixth edition, an outstanding editorial team from world-renowned medical centers presents a comprehensive yet manageable resource for all aspects of oncology. This text continues its leading pace with new and updated information on biology, immunology, aetiology, epidemiology, clinical trials, prevention, screening and early detection, pathology, imaging, and therapies. The 162 comprehensive chapters are organized into six parts: Cardinal Manifestations of Cancer, Scientific Foundations of Cancer, Principles of Cancer Diagnosis, Principles of Therapeutic Modalities, Principles of Multidisciplinary Management, and Cancer Management. This edition sees expanded chapters on tumour immunology, and on the theory and practice of clinical trials.
Completely new chapters focus on the cardinal manifestations of cancer, targeted therapy, pregnancy and cancer, cancer and aging, central nervous system metastases, primary central nervous system tumours, bone tumours, unique pathological features of childhood cancer and special considerations for adolescents and young adults. Cancer Medicine, Sixth Edition, features hundreds of colour and black-and-white illustrations and photographs, tables, graphs and algorithms that make this text a valuable clinical tool in recognizing characteristic appearances of both patient and tissue.
Part I Cardinal Manifestations 1. Cardinal Manifestations of Cancer James F. Holland. Part II Scientific Foundation, Section 1: Cancer Biology 2. Molecular Biology, Genomics, and Proteomics Kornelia Polyak and Matthew Meyerson. 3. Cell Proliferation and Differentiation Michael Andreeff, David W. Goodrich, and Arthur B. Pardee. 4. Apoptosis and Cancer John C. Reed. 5. Growth Factors and Signal Transduction In Cancer Anna Bafico and Stuart A. Aaronson. 6. Oncogenes Marco A. Pierotti, Gabriella Sozzi, and Carlo M. Croce. 7. Tumor-Suppressor Genes Ben Ho Park and Bert Vogelstein. 8. Recurring Chromosome Rearrangements in Human Cancer Denise A. Levitan, Rita Nanda, Janet D. Rowley, and Olufunmilayo I. Olopade. 9. Biochemistry of Cancer Raymond W. Ruddon. 10. Invasion and Metastases Lance A. Liotta and Elise C. Kohn. 11. Tumor Angiogenesis Judah Folkman and Raghu Kalluri. Section 2: Cancer Immunology 12. Tumor Antigens Hassane M. Zarour, Albert DeLeo, Olivera J. Finn, and Walter J. Storkus. 13. Tumor Markers and Immunodiagnosis William Bigbee and Ronald B. Herberman. 14. Effectors of Immunity and Rationale for Immunotherapy Theresa L. Whiteside and Ronald B. Heberman. 15. Tumor-Associated Immunodeficiency and Implications for Tumor Development and Prognosis William H. Chambers, Hannah Rabinowich, and Ronald B. Herberman. Section 3: Cancer Etiology 16. Genetic Predisposition to Cancer Marcia S. Brose, Thomas C. Smyrk, Barbara Weber, and Henry T. Lynch. 17. Chemical Carcinogenesis Ainsley Weston and Curtis C. Harris. 18. Hormones and the Etiology of Cancer Brian E. Henderson, Leslie Bernstein, and Ronald K. Ross. 19. Ionizing Radiation John B. Little. 20. Ultraviolet Radiation Carcinogenesis James E. Cleaver and David L. Mitchell. 21. Physical Carcinogens Morando Soffritti, Franco Minardi, and Cesare Maltoni. 22. Tumor Viruses Robert C. Gallo and Marvin S. Reitz. 23. Herpesviruses Jeffrey I. Cohen. 24. Papillomaviruses and Cervical Neoplasia Christopher P. Crum and Catherine M. McLachlin. 25. Hepatitis Viruses Max W. Sung and Swan N. Thung. 26. Parasites Piero Mustacchi. Section 4: Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention, and Screening 27. Cancer Epidemiology Michael J. Thun and Ahmedin Jemal. 28. Prevention of Tobacco-Related Cancer Paul F. Engstrom, Margie L. Clapper, and Robert A. Schnoll. 29. Nutrition in the Etiology and Prevention of Cancer Steven K. Clinton, Edward L. Giovannucci, and Elizabeth C. Miller. 30. Chemoprevention of Cancer Michael B. Sporn and Scott M. Lippman. 31. Cancer Screening and Early Detection Robert A. Smith, Curtis J. Mettlin, and Harmon Eyre. Section 5: Clinical Trials and Outcomes Assessment 32. Theory and Practice of Clinical Trials Marvin Zelen. 33. Statistical Innovations in Cancer Research Donald Berry. 34. Outcomes Assessment Jane C. Weeks. Part III Cancer Diagnosis, Section 6: Cancer Pathology 35. Principles of Cancer Pathology James L. Connolly, Stuart J. Schnitt, Helen H. Wang, Janina A. Longtine, Ann Dvorak, and Harold F. Dvorak. Section 7: Imaging 36. Principles of Imaging Edward F. Patz. 36a. Imaging Cancer of Unknown Primary Site Kitt Shaffer. 36b. Imaging Neoplasms of the Central Nervous System, Head, and Neck Christopher J. Hurt, David M. Yousem, and Norman J. Beauchamp. 36c. Imaging Neoplasms of the Thorax Jeremy J. Erasmus and H. Page McAdams. 36d. Imaging Neoplasms of the Abdomen and Pelvis Haesun Choi, Evelyne Loyer, Harmeet Kaur, and Paul M. Silverman. 36e. Imaging of Musculoskeletal Neoplasms R. Lee Cothran and Clyde A. Helms. 36f. Imaging the Breast Lawrence W. Bassett, Karen Conner, and MS. 36g. Ultrasonography: Its Role in Oncologic Imaging Stephanie R. Wilson. 36h. Radionuclide Imaging in Cancer Medicine R. Edward Coleman. 36i. Perspectives in Imaging: Present and Future Prospects of Clinical Molecular Imaging David Piwnica-Worms. 37. Interventional Radiology for the Cancer Patient Marshall Hicks, Michael Wallace, and Sanjay Gupta. Part IV Therapeutic Modalities, Section 8: Surgical Oncology 38. Principles of Surgical Oncology Raphael E. Pollock and Donald L. Morton. Section 9: Radiation Oncology 39. Principles of Radiation Oncology Arno J. Mundt, John C. Roeske, Theodore D. Chung, and Ralph R. Weichselbaum. 40. Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer Tayyaba Hasan, Bernhard Ortel, Anne C.E. Moor, and Brian W. Pogue. 41. Hyperthermia Mark W. Dewhirst, Ellen Jones, Thaddeus Samulski, Zeljko Vujaskovic, Chuan Li, and Leonard Prosnitz. Section 10: Medical Oncology 42. Principles of Medical Oncology James F. Holland, Emil Frei, Donald W. Kufe, and Robert C. Bast. Section 11: Chemotherapy 43. Cytokinetics Chau Dang, Teresa A. Gilewski, Antonella Surbone, and Larry Norton. 44. Principles of Dose, Schedule, and Combination Therapy Emil Frei and Joseph Paul Eder. 45. Preclinical and Early Clinical Development of New Anticancer Agents Daniel D. Von Hoff and Axel-R. Hanauske. 46. Pharmacology Mark J. Ratain and William K. Plunkett. 47. Regional Chemotherapy Maurie Markman. 48. Drug Resistance and its Clinical Circumvention Jeffrey Moscow, Charles S. Morrow, and Kenneth H. Cowan. Section 12: Chemotherapeutic Agents 49. Folate Antagonists Barton A. Kamen, Peter D. Cole, and Joseph R. Bertino. 50. Pyrimidine and Purine Antimetabolites Giuseppe Pizzorno, Robert B. Diasio, and Yung-Chi Cheng. 51. Alkylating Agents and Platinum Antitumor Compounds Michael Colvin. 52. Anthracyclines and DNA Intercalators/Epipodophyllotoxins/ Camptothecins/DNA Topoisomerases Eric H. Rubin and William N. Hait. 53. Microtubule-Targeting Natural Products Eric Rowinsky. 54. Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Protein Kinases in the Treatment of Human Cancer Michael C. Heinrich, Charles D. Blanke, Christopher L. Corless, and Brian J. Druker. Section 13: Biotherapeutics 55. Asparaginase Joanne Kurtzberg, David Yousem, and Norman Beauchamp. 56. Interferons Ernest C. Borden. 57. Cytokines: Biology and Applications in Cancer Medicine Suhendan Ekmekcioglu and Elizabeth A. Grimm. 58. Hematopoietic Growth Factors Razelle Kurzrock. 59. Monoclonal Serotherapy Robert C. Bast, Christina A. Kousparou, Agamemnon A. Epenetos, Michael R. Zalutsky, Robert J. Kreitman, Edward A. Sausville, and Arthur E. Frankel. 60. Vaccines and Immunostimulants Jeffrey Schlom and Scott I. Abrams. Section 14: Endocrine Therapy 61. Hypothalamic and Other Peptide Hormones Andrew V. Schally and Ana Maria Comaru-Schally. 62. Corticosteroids Lorraine I. McKay and John A. Cidlowski. 63. Estrogens and Antiestrogens Craig V. Jordan. 64. Aromatase Inhibitors Aman U. Buzdar and Harold A. Harvey. 65. Progestins Kenneth S. McCarty, Mark Nichols, and Kenneth S. McCarty. 66. Androgen Deprivation Strategies in the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer Samuel R. Denmeade and John T. Isaacs. Section 15: Gene Therapy 67. Cancer Gene Therapy Sunil J. Advani, Ralph R. Weichselbaum, and Donald W. Kufe. Section 16: Bone Marrow Transplantation 68. Autologous Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation William P. Peters, Roger Dansey, and Roy D. Baynes. 69. Hematopoietic Cellular Transplantation Richard Champlin. Part V Multidisciplinary Management, Section 17: Psycho-Oncology 70. Psycho-Oncology Jimmie C. Holland and Jane Gooen-Piels. Section 18: Oncology Nursing 71. Principles of Oncology Nursing Paula Trahan Rieger and Connie Henke Yarbro. Section 19: Cancer Rehabilitation Medicine 72. Principles of Cancer Rehabilitation Medicine Kristjan T. Ragnarsson and David C. Thomas. Section 20: Multidisciplinary Management 73. Principles of Multidisciplinary Management James F. Holland, Emil Frei, Donald W. Kufe, Robert C. Bast, Raphael E. Pollock, and Ralph R. Weichselbaum. 74. Cancer and Pregnancy Richard L. Theriault, Karin M.E.H. Gwyn, and Gabriel N. Hortobagyi. 75. Cancer and Aging Arti Hurria, Hyman B. Muss, and Harvey J. Cohen. 76. Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies Barrie R. Cassileth and Andrew Vickers. Section 21: Pain and Palliation 77. Palliative Care Natalie Moryl, Alan C. Carver, and Kathleen M. Foley. 78. Management of Cancer Pain Alan C. Carver and Kathleen M. Foley. Section 22: Societal Oncology 79. Ethics in Oncology Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Steven Joffe. 80. Cancer and the Law Joseph M. Taraska. 81. The Government and Cancer Medicine Anna D. Barker and Hamilton Jordan. 82. Clinical Oncology in a Changing Healthcare Environment Martin N. Raber and Joseph P. Bailes. Part VI Cancer Management, Section 23: Central Nervous System 83. Primary Neoplasms of the Central Nervous System Edward Pan and Michael D. Prados. 84. Brain Metastases Lisa M. DeAngelis and Jerome B. Posner. Section 24: The Eye 85. Neoplasms of the Eye David H. Abramson, Amy C. Schefler, Ira J. Dunkel, Beryl McCormick, and Kip W. Dolphin. Section 25: Endocrine Glands 86. Neoplasms of the Endocrine Glands: Pituitary Neoplasms Chirag D. Gandhi and Kalmon D. Post. 87. Neoplasms of the Thyroid Steven I. Sherman and Ann M. Gillenwater. 88. Neoplasms of the Adrenal Cortex David E. Schteingart. 89. Neoplasms of the Diffuse Endocrine System Larry K. Kvols. Section 26: Head and Neck 90. Neoplasms of the Head and Neck Eduardo M. Diaz, Erich M. Sturgis, George E. Laramore, Anita L. Sabichi, Scott M. Lippman, and Gary Clayman. 91. Odontogenic Tumors Lewis Clayman. Section 27: The Thorax 92. Cancer of the Lung Ara A. Vaporciyan, Merrill S. Kies, Craig W. Stevens, Ritsuko Komaki, and Jack A. Roth. 93. Malignant Mesothelioma A. Philippe Chahinian and Harvey I. Pass. 94. Thymomas and Thymic Tumors A. Philippe Chahinian. 95. Tumors of the Heart and Great Vessels A. Philippe Chahinian, David E. Gutstein, and Valentin Fuster. 96. Primary Germ Cell Tumors of the Thorax John D. Hainsworth and F. Anthony Greco. 97. Metastatic Tumors in the Thorax Donald L. Morton and Katharine Yao. Section 28: Gastrointestinal Tract 98. Neoplasms of the Esophagus Stephen G. Swisher, Jaffer A. Ajani, Ritsuko K. Komaki, and Mark K. Ferguson. 99. Gastric Cancer Paul F. Mansfield, James C. Yao, and Christopher H. Crane. 100. Primary Neoplasms of the Liver Paul F. Engstrom, Elin R. Sigurdson, Alison A. Evans, and James F. Pingpank. 101. Treatment of Liver Metastases Nancy E. Kemeny and Yuman Fong. 102. Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Steven A. Curley. 103a. Neoplasms of the Exocrine Pancreas Robert A. Wolff, James Abbruzzese, and Douglas B. Evans. 103b. Neoplasms of the Ampulla of Vater Tina W.F. Yen, Robert A. Wolff, and Douglas B. Evans. 104. Neoplasms of the Small Intestine Elizabeth G. Grubbs and Douglas S. Tyler. 105. Neoplasms of the Vermiform Appendix and Peritoneum Elizabeth G. Grubbs and Douglas S. Tyler. 106. Adenocarcinoma of the Colon and Rectum Miguel A. Rodriguez-Bigas, Edward H. Lin, and Christopher H. Crane. 107. Neoplasms of the Anus Brenda Shank, Warren E. Enker, and Marshall S. Flam. Section 29: Genitourinary Tract 108. Renal Cell Carcinoma Jerome P. Richie and Philip W. Kantoff. 109. Neoplasms of the Renal Pelvis and Ureter Jerome P. Richie and Philip W. Kantoff. 110. Bladder Cancer Timothy D. Gilligan, Graeme S. Steele, Anthony L. Zietman, and Philip W. Kantoff. 111. Neoplasms of the Prostate William K. Oh, Mark Hurwitz, Anthony V. D'Amico, Jerome P. Richie, and Philip W. Kantoff. 112. Tumors of the Penis and Urethra Donald F. Lynch. 113. Testis Cancer Nasser Hanna, Robert Timmerman, Richard S. Foster, Bruce J. Roth, Lawrence H. Einhorn, and Craig R. Nichols. Section 30: Female Reproductive Organs 114. Neoplasms of the Vulva and Vagina Jacob Rotmensch and S. Diane Yamada. 115. Neoplasms of the Cervix Anuja Jhingran, Patricia J. Eifel, J. Taylor Wharton, and Guillermo Tortolero-Luna. 116. Endometrial Cancer Jamal Rahaman and Carmel J. Cohen. 117. Neoplasms of the Fallopian Tube Carmel J. Cohen and Jamal Rahaman. 118. Ovarian Cancer Jonathan S. Berek and Robert C. Bast. 119. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Ross S. Berkowitz and Donald P. Goldstein. 120. Gynecologic Sarcomas Jamal Rahaman and Carmel J. Cohen. Section 31: The Breast 121. Neoplasms of the Breast Richard G. Margolese,, Gabriel N. Hortobagyi,, and Thomas A. Buchholz,. Section 32: The Skin 122. Malignant Melanoma Donald L. Morton, Richard Essner, John M. Kirkwood, and Robert C. Wollman. 123. Other Skin Cancers Victor A. Neel and Arthur J. Sober. Section 33: Bone And Soft Tissue 124. Bone Tumors Dempsey Springfield and Gerald Rosen. 125. Soft-Tissue Sarcomas Peter W.T. Pisters and Brian O'Sullivan. Section 34: Hematopoietic System 126. The Myelodysplastic Syndrome Lewis R. Silverman. 127. Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Adults Charles A. Schiffer and Richard M. Stone. 128. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Richard T. Silver. 129. Adult Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Guillermo Garcia-Manero, Hagop M. Kantarjian, and Charles A. Schiffer. 130. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Kanti R. Rai and Michael J. Keating. 131. Hairy Cell Leukemia Harvey M. Golomb and James W. Vardiman. 132. Mast Cell Leukemia and Other Mast Cell Neoplasms Richard M. Stone and Steven H. Bernstein. 133. Hodgkin's Disease Peter M. Mauch, Lawrence Weiss, and James O. Armitage. 134. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas Arnold S. Freedman and Lee M. Nadler. 135. Mycosis Fungoides and the Sezary Syndrome Richard T. Hoppe and Youn H. Kim. 136. Plasma Cell Tumors Noopur Raje, Teru Hideshima, and Kenneth C. Anderson. 137. The Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders: Essential Thrombocythemia, Myelofibrosis with Myeloid Metaplasia, and Polycythemia Vera David P. Steensma and Ayalew Tefferi. Section 35: Neoplasms in Aids 138. Neoplasms in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome David T. Scadden. Section 36: Unknown Primary Site 139. Neoplasms of Unknown Primary Site John D. Hainsworth and F. Anthony Greco. Part VII Pediatric Oncology, Section 37: Pediatric Oncology 140a. Pediatric Oncology: Principles and Practice Gregory H. Reaman. 140b. Incidence, Origins, Epidemiology Leslie L. Robison. 140c. Late Effects of Treatment of Cancer in Children and Adolescents Daniel M. Green. 141a. Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Paul S. Gaynon, Anne L. Angiolillo, Janet L. Franklin, and Gregory H. Reaman. 141b. Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Children Richard Aplenc and Beverly Lange. 141c. Primary Central Nervous System Tumors of the Infant and Child Tobey J. MacDonald and Brian R. Rood. 141d. Hodgkin's Disease James Nachman. 141e. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Children Mitchell S. Cairo, Elizabeth Raetz, and Sherrie Perkins. 142a. Less-Frequently Encountered Tumors of Childhood Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo and Alberto S. Pappo. 142b. Renal Tumors of Childhood Paul E. Grundy, Michael L. Ritchey, Elizabeth J. Perlman, and John A. Kalapurakal. 142c. Neuroblastoma John M. Maris and Suzanne Shusterman. 142d. Soft-Tissue Sarcomas William H. Meyer. 142e. Bone Tumors Richard G. Gorlick, Jeffrey A. Toretsky, Neyssa Marina, Suzanne L. Wolden, R. Lor. Randall, Mark C. Gebhardt, Lisa A. Teot, and Mark Bernstein. 143a. Unique Pathologic Features of Childhood Cancer Kadria Sayed and David M. Parham. 143b. Special Considerations for Young Adults and Older Adolescents W. Archie Bleyer and Karen Albritton. Part VIII Complications, Section 38: Complications of Cancer and its Treatment 144. Cancer Anorexia and Cachexia Takao Ohnuma. 145. Antiemetic Therapy with Chemotherapy Richard Gralla. 146. Neurologic Complications Lisa M. DeAngelis and Jerome B. Posner. 147. Dermatologic Complications of Cancer Chemotherapy Narin Apisarnthanarax and Madeleine M. Duvic. 148. Skeletal Complications Samuel Kenan and Jeffrey I. Mechanick. 149. Hematologic Complications and Blood Bank Support Richard M. Kaufman and Kenneth C. Anderson. 150. Coagulopathic Complications of Cancer Patients Maria T. DeSancho and Jacob H. Rand. 151. Urologic Complications Christopher J. Logothetis, Vasily Assikis, and Jose E. Sarriera. 152. Cardiac Complications Michael S. Ewer, Robert S. Benjamin, and Edward T.H. Yeh. 153. Respiratory Complications John C. Ruckdeschel, John Greene, K. Eric Sommers, and Karen K. Fields. 154. Liver Function and Hepatotoxicity in Cancer Laurie D. DeLeve. 155. Gastrointestinal Complications Frank A. Sinicrope. 156. Oral Complications Stephen T. Sonis and Joseph W. Costa. 157. Gonadal Complications Catherine E. Klein. 158. Endocrine Complications and Paraneoplastic Syndromes Sai-Ching Jim. Yeung and Robert F. Gagel. 159. Secondary Cancers: Incidence, Risk Factors, and Management Susan R. Rheingold, Alfred I. Neugut, and Anna T. Meadows. Section 39: Infection in the Cancer Patient 160. Infections in Patients with Cancer Kenneth V.I. Rolston and Gerald P. Bodey. Section 40: Oncologic Emergencies 161. Oncologic Emergencies Sai-Ching Jim. Yeung and Carmen P. Escalante. Part IX Informatics, Section 41: Oncology and Informatics 162. Oncology Informatics Edward P. Ambinder.
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