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Handbook on the History of­ Economic Analysis Volume I
Great Economists Since Petty and Boisguilbert
By Gilbert Faccarello (Edited by), Heinz D. Kurz (Edited by)

Paperback, 816 pages
United Kingdom, 25 May 2018
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This unique troika of Handbooks provides indispensable coverage of the history of economic analysis. Edited by two of the foremost academics in the field, the volumes gather together insightful and original contributions from scholars across the world. The encyclopaedic breadth and scope of the original entries will make these Handbooks an invaluable source of knowledge for all serious students and scholars of the history of economic thought.

Each Handbook can be read individually and acts as a self-contained volume in its own right. It can be purchased separately or as part of a three-volume set.

Volume I contains original biographical profiles of many of the most important and influential economists. These inform the reader about their lives, works and impact on the further development of the discipline. The emphasis is on their lasting contributions to our understanding of the complex system known as the economy. The entries also shed light on the means and ways in which the functioning of this system can be improved and its dysfunction reduced.

Contributors include: T. Asada, T. Aspromourgos, M. Assous, V. Avtonomov, R. Baranzini, A. Baujard, A. Béraud, É. Bertrand, O. Bjerkholt, P. Boettke, D. Bögenhold, A. Brewer, G. Campagnolo, V. Caspari, V. Chick J. Creedy, F. Dal Degan, M. Dal Pont-Legrande, M. Dardi, J. de Boyer des Roches, D. Diatkine, V. Di Giovinazzo, R.W. Dimand, R. Dujmovits, I. Eliseeva, R.B. Emmett, N. Eyguesier, G. Faccarello, O. Favereau, A. Fossati, W. Gaertner, C. Gehrke, A. Giuliani, J. Glaeser, M. Gödl, R. Gómez Betancourt, H. Gram, M.E.L. Guidi, D. Haas, H. Hagemann, G.C. Harcourt, M.J. Holler, H. Janssen, J. Jespersen, J. Joachim Zweynert, P. Kalmbach, Y.-F. Kao, J.E. King, A. Kirman, H. Klausinger, M. Knell, S. Kolev, H.D. Kurz, B.J. Loasby, N. Makasheva, C. Martin, M. McLure, A. Molavi Vasséi, A.E. Murphy, L. Nellinger, S. Oliver, A. Opocher, A. Orain, T. Raffaelli, A. Rainer, G. Rubin, M. Rutherford, M. Salles, N. Salvadori,B. Schefold, M. Schneider, C.P. Schröder, M.H. Schütz, U. Schwalbe, R. Signorino, N. Skaggs, P. Spahn, P. Steiner, R. Sturn, H.-M. Trautwein, K. Tribe, R. Van den Berg, V. Vanberg, K. Velupillai, R. Venkatachalam, C.C. von Weizsäcker, L.R. Wray, K. Yahia

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Product Description

This unique troika of Handbooks provides indispensable coverage of the history of economic analysis. Edited by two of the foremost academics in the field, the volumes gather together insightful and original contributions from scholars across the world. The encyclopaedic breadth and scope of the original entries will make these Handbooks an invaluable source of knowledge for all serious students and scholars of the history of economic thought.

Each Handbook can be read individually and acts as a self-contained volume in its own right. It can be purchased separately or as part of a three-volume set.

Volume I contains original biographical profiles of many of the most important and influential economists. These inform the reader about their lives, works and impact on the further development of the discipline. The emphasis is on their lasting contributions to our understanding of the complex system known as the economy. The entries also shed light on the means and ways in which the functioning of this system can be improved and its dysfunction reduced.

Contributors include: T. Asada, T. Aspromourgos, M. Assous, V. Avtonomov, R. Baranzini, A. Baujard, A. Béraud, É. Bertrand, O. Bjerkholt, P. Boettke, D. Bögenhold, A. Brewer, G. Campagnolo, V. Caspari, V. Chick J. Creedy, F. Dal Degan, M. Dal Pont-Legrande, M. Dardi, J. de Boyer des Roches, D. Diatkine, V. Di Giovinazzo, R.W. Dimand, R. Dujmovits, I. Eliseeva, R.B. Emmett, N. Eyguesier, G. Faccarello, O. Favereau, A. Fossati, W. Gaertner, C. Gehrke, A. Giuliani, J. Glaeser, M. Gödl, R. Gómez Betancourt, H. Gram, M.E.L. Guidi, D. Haas, H. Hagemann, G.C. Harcourt, M.J. Holler, H. Janssen, J. Jespersen, J. Joachim Zweynert, P. Kalmbach, Y.-F. Kao, J.E. King, A. Kirman, H. Klausinger, M. Knell, S. Kolev, H.D. Kurz, B.J. Loasby, N. Makasheva, C. Martin, M. McLure, A. Molavi Vasséi, A.E. Murphy, L. Nellinger, S. Oliver, A. Opocher, A. Orain, T. Raffaelli, A. Rainer, G. Rubin, M. Rutherford, M. Salles, N. Salvadori,B. Schefold, M. Schneider, C.P. Schröder, M.H. Schütz, U. Schwalbe, R. Signorino, N. Skaggs, P. Spahn, P. Steiner, R. Sturn, H.-M. Trautwein, K. Tribe, R. Van den Berg, V. Vanberg, K. Velupillai, R. Venkatachalam, C.C. von Weizsäcker, L.R. Wray, K. Yahia

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Product Details
24.4 x 16.9 centimeters (0.96 kg)

Table of Contents


1. Introduction

2. William Petty (1623-1687)
Tony Aspromourgos

3. Pierre Le Pesant de Boisguilbert (1646-1714)
Gilbert Faccarello

4. John Law (1671-1729)
Antoin E. Murphy

5. Richard Cantillon (1680/90-1734)
Antoin E. Murphy

6. Charles-Louis de Secondat de Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Arnaud Orain

7. François Quesnay (1694-1774) and Physiocracy
Arnaud Orain and Philippe Steiner

8. Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782)
Gilbert Faccarello

9. David Hume (1711-1776)
Daniel Diatkine

10. James Steuart [James Denham-Steuart] (1712-1780)
Anthony Brewer

11. Adam Smith (1723-1790)
Tony Aspromourgos

12. Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot (1727-1781)
Gilbert Faccarello

13. Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat de Condorcet (1743-1794)
Gilbert Faccarello

14. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)
Marco E.L. Guidi

15. Achille-Nicolas Isnard (1748-1803)
Richard van den Berg

16. Henry Thornton (1760-1815)
Jérôme de Boyer des Roches

17. Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834)
Catherine Martin

18. Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832)
Alain Béraud

19. David Ricardo (1772-1823)
Heinz D. Kurz

20. Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde de Sismondi (1773-1842)
Francesca Dal Degan and Nicolas Eyguesier

21. Thomas Tooke (1774-1858)
Neil Skaggs

22. Robert Torrens (c.1780-1864)
Christian Gehrke

23. Johann Heinrich von Thünen (1783-1850)
Ludwig Nellinger

24. Barthélémy-Charles Dunoyer de Segonzac (1786–1862)
Alain Béraud

25. Friedrich List (1789-1846)
Stefan Kolev and Joachim Zweynert

26. Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
Alain Béraud

27. Antoine-Augustin Cournot (1801-1877)
Alain Béraud

28. Jules Dupuit (1804-1866)
Alain Béraud

29. John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)
Arrigo Opocher

30. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)
Alain Béraud

31. Hermann Heinrich Gossen (1810-1858)
Heinz D. Kurz

32. Bruno Hildebrand (1812-1878)
Bertram Schefold

33. Wilhelm George Friedrich Roscher (1817-1894)
Heinz D. Kurz

34. Karl Heinrich Marx (1818-1883)
Gilbert Faccarello, Christian Gehrke and Heinz D. Kurz

35. Clément Juglar (1819-1905)
Muriel Dal Pont-Legrande

36. Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912)
Alain Béraud

37. Walter Bagehot (1826-1877)
Jérôme de Boyer des Roches

38. Marie Esprit Léon Walras (1834-1910)
Roberto Baranzini

39. William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)
John Creedy

40. Adolph Heinrich Gotthilf Wagner (1834-1917)
Rudolf Dujmovits and Richard Sturn

41. Gustav Friedrich von Schmoller (1838-1917)
Johannes Glaeser

42. Henry Sidgwick (1838-1900)
Keith Tribe

43. Carl Menger (1840-1921)
Gilles Campagnolo

44. Alfred Marshall (1842-1924)
Tiziano Raffaelli

45. Philip Henry Wicksteed (1844-1927)
John Creedy

46. Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845-1926)
John Creedy

47. John Bates Clark (1847-1938)
Marlies Hanna Schütz

48. Vilfedo Pareto (1848-1923)
Michael McLure

49. Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1851-1914)
Carl Christian von Weizsäcker

50. Knut Wicksell (1851-1926)
Hans-Michael Trautwein

51. Friedrich von Wieser (1851-1926)
Richard Sturn

52. Maffeo Pantaleoni (1857-1924)
Marco Dardi

53. Thorstein Bunde Veblen (1857-1929)
Alfonso Giuliani

54. Antonio De Viti de Marco (1858-1943)
Amedeo Fossati

55. John Atkinson Hobson (1858-1940)
Michael Schneider

56. Georg Simmel (1858-1918)
Dieter Bögenhold

57. Enrico Barone (1859-1924)
Marco Dardi

58. Max Weber (1864-1920)
Keith Tribe

59. Mikhail Ivanovich Tugan-Baranovsky (1865-1919)
Vladimir Avtonomov and Natalia Makasheva

60. Gustav Cassel (1866-1945)
Hans-Michael Trautwein

61. Irving Fisher (1867-1947)
Harald Hagemann

62. Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz (1868-1931)
Christian Gehrke and Heinz D. Kurz

63. Vladimir Karpovich Dmitriev (1868-1913)
Christian Gehrke

64. Louis Bachelier (1870-1946)
Alain Béraud

65. Arthur Spiethoff (1873-1957)
David Haas

66. Albert Aftalion (1874-1956)
Muriel Dal Pont-Legrand

67. Wesley Clair Mitchell (1874-1948)
Malcolm Rutherford

68. Edwin Walter Kemmerer (1875-1945)
Rebeca Gómez Betancourt

69. Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877-1959)
Hansjörg Klausinger

70. Ralph George Hawtrey (1879-1975)
Jérôme de Boyer des Roches

71. Evgeni Evgenievich Slutsky (1880-1948)
Irina Eliseeva

72. Ludwig Heinrich von Mises (1881-1973)
Richard Sturn

73. John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946)
Victoria Chick and Jesper Jespersen

74. Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950)
Richard Sturn

75. Frank H. Knight (1885-1972)
Ross B. Emmett

76. Karl Polanyi (1886-1964)
Peter Kalmbach

77. Walter Eucken (1891-1950)
Hauke Janssen

78. Erik Lindahl (1891-1960)
Christian Gehrke

79. Adolph Lowe (1893-1995)
Harald Hagemann

80. Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch (1895-1973)
Olav Bjerkholt

81. Jacob Marschak (1898-1977)
Harald Hagemann

82. Gunnar Myrdal (1898-1987)
Hans-Michael Trautwein

83. Lionel Charles Robbins (1898-1984)
Andreas Rainer

84. Piero Sraffa (1898-1983)
Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori

85. Edward H. Chamberlin (1899-1967)
Rodolfo Signorino

86. Friedrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)
Peter Boettke

87. Michał Kalecki (1899-1970)
Michaël Assous

88. Roy Forbes Harrod (1900-1978)
Michaël Assous

89. Abba Ptachya Lerner (1903-1982)
Volker Caspari

90. John von Neumann (1903-1957)
Manfred J. Holler

91. Frank Plumpton Ramsey (1903-1930)
K. Vela Velupillai and Ragupathy Venkatachalam

92. Joan Violet Robinson (1903-1983)
Harvey Gram

93. George Lennox Sharman Shackle (1903-1992)
Brian J. Loasby

94. Jan Tinbergen (1903-1994)
Mark Knell

95. John Richard Hicks (1904-1989)
Harald Hagemann

96. Oskar Ryszard Lange (1904-1965)
Michaël Assous

97. Richard Ferdinand Kahn (1905-1989)
Geoffrey C. Harcourt

98. Wassily W. Leontief (1905-1999)
Olav Bjerkholt

99. Heinrich von Stackelberg (1905-1946)
Ulrich Schwalbe

100. James Edward Meade (1907-1995)
Volker Caspari

101. Nicholas Kaldor (1908-1986)
John E. King

102. Ronald Harry Coase (1910-2013)
Élodie Bertrand

103. Richard Abel Musgrave (1910-2007)
Richard Sturn

104. Tibor Scitovsky (1910-2002)
Viviana Di Giovinazzo

105. Maurice Allais (1911-2010)
Alain Béraud

106. Milton Friedman (1912-2006)
Christian Philipp Schröder and Peter Spahn

107. Abram Bergson [Abram Burk] (1914-2003)
Antoinette Baujard

108. Paul Anthony Samuelson (1915-2009)
Carl Christian von Weizsäcker

109. Herbert Alexander Simon (1916-2001)
K. Vela Velupillai and Ying-Fang Kao

110. James Tobin (1918-2002)
Robert W. Dimand

111. James M. Buchanan (1919-2013)
Viktor Vanberg

112. Hyman Philip Minsky (1919-1996)
L. Randall Wray

113. Kenneth Joseph Arrow (1921)
Maurice Salles

114. Gérard Debreu (1921-2004)
Alan Kirman

115. Don Patinkin (1922-1995)
Goulven Rubin

116. Michio Morishima (1923-2004)
Toichiro Asada

117. Robert Merton Solow (1924)
Peter Kalmbach

118. John Forbes Nash (1928-2015)
Robert W. Diamand and Khalid Yahia

119. Robert Alexander Mundell (1932)
Oliver Sauter and Peter Spahn

120. Takashi Negishi (1933)
Toichiro Asada

121. Amartya Kumar Sen (1933)
Wulf Gaertner

122. Robert E. Lucas (1937)
Arash Molavi Vasséi snd Peter Spahn

123. George Akerlof (1940)
Olivier Favereau

124. Joseph Eugene Stiglitz (1943)
Max Gödl

125. Paul Robin Krugman (1953)
Max Gödl


About the Author

Edited by Gilbert Faccarello, Professor of Economics, Panthéon-Assas University, Paris, France and Heinz D. Kurz, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Graz and Graz Schumpeter Centre, Austria


‘This unique trio of Handbooks of economic analysis offers a comprehensive coverage of the history of the subject. It is a fascinating collection of essays on a wide range of topics in the field.

‘(The authors) are to be lauded for what is by any standard a major accomplishment, and an important contribution to the existing scholarly literature in the history of economics.’
*Harro Maas and Cléo Chassonnery-Zaigouche, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought*

‘(This book) provides a comprehensive and complex history of the evolution of economic science, something that no other book does. That is why the Handbook of the History of Economic Analysis will soon become an indisputable guide for universities, in particular, and for the academic world, in general.’
*The Journal of Philosophical Economics*

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