The Handbook of Clean Energy Systems brings together an international team of experts to present a comprehensive overview of the latest research, developments and practical applications throughout all areas of clean energy systems. Consolidating information which is currently scattered across a wide variety of literature sources, the handbook covers a broad range of topics in this interdisciplinary research field including both fossil and renewable energy systems. The development of intelligent energy systems for efficient energy processes and mitigation technologies for the reduction of environmental pollutants is explored in depth, and environmental, social and economic impacts are also addressed.
Topics covered include:
Volume 1 - Renewable Energy: Biomass resources and biofuel production; Bioenergy Utilization; Solar Energy; Wind Energy; Geothermal Energy; Tidal Energy.
Volume 2 - Clean Energy Conversion Technologies: Steam/Vapor Power Generation; Gas Turbines Power Generation; Reciprocating Engines; Fuel Cells; Cogeneration and Polygeneration.
Volume 3 - Mitigation Technologies: Carbon Capture; Negative Emissions System; Carbon Transportation; Carbon Storage; Emission Mitigation Technologies; Efficiency Improvements and Waste Management; Waste to Energy.
Volume 4 - Intelligent Energy Systems: Future Electricity Markets; Diagnostic and Control of Energy Systems; New Electric Transmission Systems; Smart Grid and Modern Electrical Systems; Energy Efficiency of Municipal Energy Systems; Energy Efficiency of Industrial Energy Systems; Consumer Behaviors; Load Control and Management; Electric Car and Hybrid Car; Energy Efficiency Improvement.
Volume 5 - Energy Storage: Thermal Energy Storage; Chemical Storage; Mechanical Storage; Electrochemical Storage; Integrated Storage Systems.
Volume 6 - Sustainability of Energy Systems: Sustainability Indicators, Evaluation Criteria, and Reporting; Regulation and Policy; Finance and Investment; Emission Trading; Modeling and Analysis of Energy Systems; Energy vs. Development; Low Carbon Economy; Energy Efficiencies and Emission Reduction.
Key features:
The Handbook of Clean Energy Systems brings together an international team of experts to present a comprehensive overview of the latest research, developments and practical applications throughout all areas of clean energy systems. Consolidating information which is currently scattered across a wide variety of literature sources, the handbook covers a broad range of topics in this interdisciplinary research field including both fossil and renewable energy systems. The development of intelligent energy systems for efficient energy processes and mitigation technologies for the reduction of environmental pollutants is explored in depth, and environmental, social and economic impacts are also addressed.
Topics covered include:
Volume 1 - Renewable Energy: Biomass resources and biofuel production; Bioenergy Utilization; Solar Energy; Wind Energy; Geothermal Energy; Tidal Energy.
Volume 2 - Clean Energy Conversion Technologies: Steam/Vapor Power Generation; Gas Turbines Power Generation; Reciprocating Engines; Fuel Cells; Cogeneration and Polygeneration.
Volume 3 - Mitigation Technologies: Carbon Capture; Negative Emissions System; Carbon Transportation; Carbon Storage; Emission Mitigation Technologies; Efficiency Improvements and Waste Management; Waste to Energy.
Volume 4 - Intelligent Energy Systems: Future Electricity Markets; Diagnostic and Control of Energy Systems; New Electric Transmission Systems; Smart Grid and Modern Electrical Systems; Energy Efficiency of Municipal Energy Systems; Energy Efficiency of Industrial Energy Systems; Consumer Behaviors; Load Control and Management; Electric Car and Hybrid Car; Energy Efficiency Improvement.
Volume 5 - Energy Storage: Thermal Energy Storage; Chemical Storage; Mechanical Storage; Electrochemical Storage; Integrated Storage Systems.
Volume 6 - Sustainability of Energy Systems: Sustainability Indicators, Evaluation Criteria, and Reporting; Regulation and Policy; Finance and Investment; Emission Trading; Modeling and Analysis of Energy Systems; Energy vs. Development; Low Carbon Economy; Energy Efficiencies and Emission Reduction.
Key features:
Editorial Board v
International Advisory Board vii
Dedication ix
Contributors for Volume 1 xxiii
Preface xxvii
Part 1 Introduction 1
1 Introduction: Renewable Energy 3
Robert F. Boehm, Hongxing Yang, and Jinyue Yan
Part 2 Biomass Resources and Biofuel Production 9
2 Global Biomass Information: From Data Generation to
Application 11
Dmitry Schepaschenko, Florian Kraxner, Linda See, Sabine Fuss, Ian
McCallum, Steffen Fritz, Christoph Perger, Anatoly Shvidenko, Georg
Kindermann, Stefan Frank, Markus Tum, Erwin Schmid, Juraj Balković,
and Kurt Günther
3 Bioenergy Potential from Forest Biomass 35
Sylvain Leduc, Georg Kindermann, Nicklas Forsell, and Florian
4 New Energy Crops for Biofuel Production 49
Yunkai Jin, Jun Su, Chunlin Liu, and Chuanxin Sun
5 Enhanced Microbial Process in the Sustainable Fuel Production
Elias Hakalehto
6 Algae Biofuels 85
David Chiaramonti, Mario R. Tredici, Matteo Prussi, and Natascia
7 First-Generation Biofuels 101
Muhammad Naqvi and Jinyue Yan
8 Fuel Ethanol from Lignocellulosic Biomass 119
Chang Geun Yoo and Xuejun Pan
9 Clean and Sustainable Biodiesel Production 139
Lew P. Christopher and Hemanathan Kumar
10 Biomass Gasification and Pyrolysis 155
Sushil Adhikari and Nourredine Adoulmoumine
Part 3 Bioenergy Utilization 167
11 Biorefinery: Production of Biofuel, Heat, and Power Utilizing
Biomass 169
Muhammad Naqvi and Jinyue Yan
12 Biomass for Polygeneration and District Heating 189
Marco Baratieri and Dario Prando
13 A Two-Phase Anaerobic Digestion Process for Biogas Production
for Combined Heat and Power Generation for Remote Communities
Dongke Zhang, Mingming Zhu, Wenxu Zhou, Setyawati Yani, Zhezi
Zhang, and Jinhu Wu
14 Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas Systems 231
Shaoqing Chen and Bin Chen
15 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Generation Using Gas Engines
Fueled with Pyrolysis Gases 245
Dongke Zhang, Mingming Zhu, Zhezi Zhang, and Jinhu Wu
Part 4 Solar Energy 263
16 Brief Introduction to Solar Energy Utilization 265
Robert F. Boehm
17 Basic Photovoltaic Theory 283
Yahia Baghzouz
18 Photovoltaics: Comparison of PV Cell Types 297
Lewis M. Fraas
19 Photovoltaics: Sun Tracking Systems 307
Lewis M. Fraas
20 Photovoltaics: Building-Integrated Photovoltaics 319
John R. Balfour
21 Solar Water Heating 335
Robert F. Boehm
22 Introduction: Concentrating Solar Power Systems 355
Thomas R. Mancini
23 Solar Thermal Power Systems in CSP Applications 363
Mary Jane Hale
24 Production of Hydrogen with Solar Energy 375
Joop Schoonman
Part 5 Wind Energy 399
25 Overview of Wind Energy Resource 401
John K. Kaldellis
26 Wind Energy Conversion Systems 431
Hongxing Yang, Xiaoxia Gao, Tao Ma, Xiaodong Guo, and Di Liu
27 Aerodynamics of Wind Turbine Technology 459
Theodosios Korakianitis, M. A. Rezaienia, X. Shen, E. J. Avital, A.
Munjiza, P. H. Wen, and J. J. R. Williams
28 Grid Connection and Power Conditioning of Wind Farms 481
Mohit Singh, Alicia Allen, and Bri-Mathias S. Hodge
29 Offshore Wind Farms 493
Erik L. Petersen, Charlotte B. Hasager, Michael Courtney, Anand
Natarajan, Torben J. Larsen, Henrik Bredmose, Gunner C. Larsen,
Poul E. Sorensen, Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Niels Erik-Clausen, and
Thomas Buhl
30 Stand-Alone Wind Power and Hybrid Solar–Wind Power 539
Lin Lu
31 Life Cycle Assessment of Wind Power Generation System 557
Jin Yang and Bin Chen
Part 6 Geothermal Energy 575
32 Overview of Geothermal Energy Resource 577
Ernst Huenges
33 Geothermal Reservoir Engineering 585
Malcolm A. Grant
34 Geothermal Fluids in Porous Media 597
Kewen Li, Huiyuan Bian, and Changhui Cheng
35 Direct Use of Geothermal Energy 621
Andrew Chiasson
36 Geothermal Power Generation 635
Mehdi Eghbal
37 Geothermal Heat Pumps 645
Ping Cui, Yi Man, and Zhaohong Fang
Part 7 Tidal Energy 667
38 Tidal Range 669
Andrew J. Baldock
39 Tidal Current 679
Mat Thomson and Andrew J. Baldock
Part 8 Other Renewable Energy 697
40 Distributed Energy Systems Based on Water Electrolysis Driven
by Renewable Electricity 699
Dongke Zhang and Kai Zeng
41 Advances of Renewable Energy Powered Desalination 711
Essam Sh. Mohamed and G. Papadakis
42 The Potential of Crowdsourcing for the Renewable Energy
Sector 721
Linda See, Florian Kraxner, Sabine Fuss, Christoph Perger,
Christian Schill, Kentaro Aoki, Sylvain Leduc, Ian McCallum,
Nicklas Forsell, and Steffen Fritz
Editorial Board v
International Advisory Board vii
Dedication ix
Contributors for Volume 2 xxiii
Preface xxvii
Part 1 Introduction 737
1 Introduction: Clean Energy Conversion Technologies 739
Umberto Desideri and Jinyue Yan
Part 2 Steam/Vapor Power Generation 743
2 Steam Power Generation 745
Alberto Mirandola, Anna Stoppato, and Alberto Benato
3 Organic Rankine Cycles Including Fluid Selection 763
Vincent Lemort, S´ebastien Declaye, and Sylvain Quoilin
4 Kalina Cycles for Power Generation 797
Emmanouil Rogdakis and Periklis Lolos
Part 3 Gas Turbines Power Generation 823
5 Gas Turbines for Power and Propulsion 825
Konstantinos G. Kyprianidis, Christos Gkoudesnes, and William
6 Gas/Steam Combined Cycles Fueled by Various Energy Sources for
Large-Scale Power Production 851
Ennio Macchi, Giovanni Lozza, Matteo C. Romano, Giampaolo
Manzolini, and Paolo Chiesa
7 Evaporative Gas Turbine (EvGT)/Humid Air Turbine (HAT) Cycles
Ashok Rao
Part 4 Reciprocating Engines 905
8 Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Fundamentals 907
Carlo N. Grimaldi and Federico Millo
9 Spark Ignition Engines: State-of-the-Art and Current
Technologies. Future Trends and Developments 939
Giovanni Cipolla and Fabio Bozza
10 Compression Ignition Engines: State-of-the-Art and Current
Technologies. Future Trends and Developments 975
Francisco Payri, José-María Desantes, and Jesús Benajes
11 Homogeneous Combustion Catalysts for Efficiency Improvements
and Emission Reduction in Diesel Engines 1011
Dongke Zhang, Mingming Zhu, Yu Ma, and Noel Millin
12 Internal Combustion Engine Performance and Emissions Aspects
When Fueled by Conventional and Sustainable Fuels 1027
Theodosios Korakianitis, Shahid Imran, David R. Emberson, Ashand M.
Namasivayam, and Roy J. Crookes
13 Internal Combustion Engine Simulation 1061
Shijin Shuai, Zhi Wang, and Hongming Xu
14 Aftertreatment Technologies: State-of-the-Art and Emerging
Technologies 1083
Debora Fino, Nunzio Russo, and Samir Bensaid
Part 5 Fuel Cells 1111
15 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) 1113
Umberto Desideri and Linda Barelli
16 Microbial Fuel Cell for Biomass Energy Conversion 1127
Rengasamy Karthikeyan, Jin Xuan, and Michael K. H. Leung
17 Fuel Cells for Commercial Applications 1149
Joseph W. Pratt, Lennie Klebanoff, Aaron Harris, and Ryan
18 Materials Issues for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Design 1165
Miguel Morales and Mercé Segarra
Part 6 Cogeneration and Polygeneration 1183
19 Combined Heat and Power 1185
Eva Thorin, Jan Sandberg, and Jinyue Yan
20 Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power (CCHP) Systems 1197
Pedro J. Mago and Amanda D. Smith
21 Polygeneration Microgrids for Residential Applications
George Kyriakarakos and George Papadakis
Part 7 Other Advanced Conversion Technologies 1225
22 Advanced Heat Exchangers for Clean and Sustainable Technology
Bengt Sundén and Zan Wu
23 Gasification and Combustion of Biomass: Physical Description
and Mathematical Modeling 1253
Hesameddin Fatehi and Xue-Song Bai
24 High Temperature Electrolysis for Hydrogen or Syngas
Production from Nuclear or Renewable Energy 1279
Yixiang Shi, Yu Luo, Wenying Li, Meng Ni, and Ningsheng Cai
Editorial Board v
International Advisory Board vii
Dedication ix
Contributors for Volume 3 xxiii
Preface xxv
Part 1 Introduction 1299
1 Introduction: Mitigation Technologies 1301
Ashwani K. Gupta and Jinyue Yan
Part 2 Carbon Capture 1305
2 Post-Combustion Carbon Capture 1307
Xianfeng Fan
3 Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture 1337
Robert Pardemann and Bernd Meyer
4 Oxyfuel Combustion for CO2 Capture 1365
Yukun Hu and Jinyue Yan
5 Membrane Technologies for CO2 Capture 1395
Xinhai Yu, Jie Yang, Jinyue Yan, and Shan-Tung Tu
6 Chemical Looping Combustion and Gasification 1409
Liang-Shih Fan, Elena Y. Chung, Samuel C. Bayham, Mandar V. Kathe,
Andrew Tong, and Liang Zeng
7 Reduction of CO2 Emissions Through Waste Materials Recycling
by Mineral Carbonation 1431
Aimaro Sanna
8 Properties of CO2 Mixtures and Impacts on Carbon Capture and
Storage 1445
Hailong Li, Oivind Wilhelmsen, and Jinyue Yan
Part 3 Negative Emissions System 1463
9 The Role of Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)
for Climate Policy 1465
Florian Kraxner, Sabine Fuss, Volker Krey, Dennis Best, Sylvain
Leduc, Georg Kindermann, Yoshiki Yamagata, Dmitry Schepaschenko,
Anatoly Shvidenko, Kentaro Aoki, and Jinyue Yan
10 Biomass Cofiring for Emissions Management 1485
David A. Tillman
Part 4 Carbon Transportation 1507
11 Impacts of Impurities on CO2 Pipeline Transportation 1509
Yewen Tan and Ligang Zheng
12 CO2 Transport by Ship 1523
Byeong-Yong Yoo
Part 5 Carbon Storage 1537
13 CO2 Storage Capacity 1539
B. J. Hedley and J. G. Gluyas
14 CO2 Geological Storage 1553
Matteo Loizzo
15 The Potential for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Subsurface
Geological Formations 1573
Mohammad A. Nomeli and Amir Riaz
16 Physical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of CO2 Storage
Security 1583
Xi Jiang
Part 6 Emission Mitigation Technologies 1603
17 NOx Emission and Mitigation Technologies 1605
Michele Vascellari
18 SOx Mitigation Technologies for Combustion Systems 1629
Siqiang Qin, Reinhold Spörl, and Jörg Maier
19 Hot Gas Filtration Technologies for Particles in Gasification
and Combustion Systems 1647
M. Lupion
20 Fugitive Particulate Control Technologies for Bulk Material
Handling Sources 1681
Christopher F. Blazek
Part 7 Efficiency Improvements and Waste Management 1699
21 Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery: Using Injection of
Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide Mixture 1701
M. S. A. Perera and P. G. Ranjith
22 Energetic and Environmental Evaluation of Waste Recycling
Krzysztof Pikón
23 Efficiency Improvement for Medical Waste Management 1737
Somrat Kerdsuwan and Krongkaew Laohalidanond
24 Advancements in Biomass and Waste Gasification for Power
Generation 1749
Somrat Kerdsuwan and Krongkaew Laohalidanond
25 Improving Efficiency in Electricity Generation: A
Technological Perspective 1763
David A. Tillman
26 Hazardous Wastes: Standards and Regulations 1777
Joseph J. Santoleri
Part 8 Waste to Energy 1795
27 Waste and Biomass to Clean Energy 1797
Ashwani K. Gupta
28 Emerging Technologies for Waste-to-Energy and Fuel Conversion
Kunio Yoshikawa
29 Anaerobic Granulation for Wastewater Treatment and Bioenergy
Production: Advances and Prospects 1833
Kuan-Yeow Show, Duu-Jong Lee, and Yuegen Yan
Editorial Board v
International Advisory Board vii
Dedication ix
Contributors for Volume 4 xxiii
Preface xxvii
Part 1 Introduction 1851
1 Introduction: Intelligent Energy Systems 1853
Antonio J. Conejo, Erik Dahlquist, and Jinyue Yan
Part 2 Future Electricity Markets 1855
2 Market Design for Future Clean Electricity Systems: Advances
Based on Optimization Under Uncertainty 1857
Juan M. Morales, Salvador Pineda, and Marco Zugno
3 Short-Term Power Generation Scheduling via Robust Optimization
Chaoyue Zhao, Yonghong Chen, Yongpei Guan, Qianfan Wang, and Xing
4 Investment in Conventional and Renewable Generating Units
S. Jalal Kazempour and Luis Baringo
Part 3 Diagnostic and Control of Energy Systems 1907
5 Diagnostic and Control of Energy Systems in Power Generation
Systems and Process Industries 1909
Erik Dahlquist and Anders Avelin
6 Control and Stability of Future Transmission Networks 1927
Federico Milano
Part 4 New Electric Transmission Systems 1943
7 New Electric Transmission Systems: An Overview 1945
Anders Aabakken, Mikael Halonen, and Anders Boström
8 Robust Corrective Topology Control 1963
Akshay S. Korad, Pranavamoorthy Balasubramanian, and Kory W.
9 New Electric Transmission Systems: Experiences from Turkey
Ümmühan Başaran Filik, Tansu Filik, and Ömer Nezih Gerek
Part 5 Smart Grid and Modern Electrical Systems 1995
10 Optimal Dispatch and Design of Microgrid System 1997
Chengshan Wang, Li Guo, and Peng Li
11 Smart Grid Impact on Operation and Planning of Electric
Energy Systems 2015
Wencong Su, Jianhui Wang, and Dan Ton
12 Smart Grids with Large-Scale Implementation of Automatic
Meter Reading: Experiences from Finland 2029
Pertti Järventausta
Part 6 Energy Efficiency of Municipal Energy Systems 2037
13 Energy Efficiency of Municipal Energy Systems: An
Introduction 2039
Erik Dahlquist and Fredrik Wallin
14 Energy Efficiency Improvement in Office Buildings by
Benchmarking Models 2051
William Chung and M. H. Iris Yeung
15 Smart Cities 2061
Erik Dahlquist and Terence Fell
16 Efficient Residential Indoor Thermal Environment Control
Shiming Deng and Ning Li
17 Energy-Efficient District Heating 2095
Hongwei Li
18 Smart Homes as Integrated Living Environments 2119
Javier Campillo, Erik Dahlquist, and Ralf Späth
Part 7 Energy Efficiency of Industrial Energy Systems 2133
19 Thermal Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes 2135
Keerthi Rajendran, Janie Ling-Chin, and Anthony P. Roskilly
20 Environmental Management in Manufacturing Industries 2165
Monica Bellgran and Jessica Bruch
21 Energy Conservation in Industry: Steam Energy Fingerprint of
Paper Machine 2175
Carl-Fredrik Lindberg, Naveen Bhutani, Kevin Starr, and Robert
Part 8 Load Control and Management 2183
22 Demand Side Management in Power Systems with High Penetration
of Non-Dispatchable Sources 2185
Mohammad Shahidehpour and Hongyu Wu
23 Load Control and Management of Systems with Thermal Power,
Hydro Power, and Wind 2201
Lennart Söder
24 Control of Electricity Loads in Future Electric Energy
Systems 2213
Henrik Madsen, Jacopo Parvizi, Rasmus Halvgaard, Leo E. Sokoler,
John B. Jorgensen, Lars H. Hansen, and Klaus B. Hilger
Part 9 Electric Car and Hybrid Car 2239
25 Electric Vehicles and the Electric Grid 2241
Miguel A. Ortega-Vazquez and Michael Kintner-Meyer
26 Integration of Electric Vehicles in the Electric Energy
System 2255
Peter B. Andersen and Qiuwei Wu
27 Combined Design and Control Optimization of Hybrid Vehicles
Nikolce Murgovski, Xiaosong Hu, Lars Johannesson, and Bo Egardt
28 Electric, Hybrid, and Advanced Vehicles: Finding a Lane on
the Road Ahead 2279
Richard A. Simmons and Suresh V. Garimella
Part 10 Energy Efficiency Improvement 2301
29 Limits to Efficiency for Energy Utilization 2303
Marc A. Rosen
30 Compact Heat Exchangers in Clean Energy Systems 2317
Shan-Tung Tu and Guo-Yan Zhou
31 Thermal Performance Prediction and Optimization of “Heat
Exchangers” by Artificial Intelligence Techniques 2337
Xueping Du, Min Zeng, Gongnan Xie, and Qiuwang Wang
Editorial Board v
International Advisory Board vii
Dedication ix
Contributors for Volume 5 xxiii
Preface xxvii
Part 1 Introduction and Overview 2383
1 Introduction: Energy Storage Technologies 2385
Ramteen Sioshansi, Luisa F. Cabeza, and Jinyue Yan
2 Modern Energy Storage Applications 2389
Dimitrios Zafirakis
3 Economic, Market Design, and Regulatory Issues that Pertain to
Energy Storage in the United States 2417
Rahul Walawalkar, Judith Judson, Pramod Kulkarni, and Raj
4 Barriers to the Development of Energy Storage Systems 2433
Francisco Díaz-González and Miguel Cruz-Zambrano
Part 2 Thermal Energy Storage 2447
5 Ice Storage 2449
Masaya Okumiya
6 PCM Storage 2455
Luisa F. Cabeza, Ana Inés Fernández, Camila Barreneche, and
Svetlana Ushak
7 Seasonal Thermal Storage 2479
Philip Griffiths and Shane Colclough
8 Mobilized Thermal Energy Storage (M-TES) Technology for
Industry Heat Recovery 2497
Weilong Wang and Jinyue Yan
9 Thermal Energy Storage for CSP Processes 2509
Xavier Py and Regis Olives
10 Cryogenic Energy Storage 2525
Yulong Ding, Yongliang Li, Dacheng Li, Jonathan Radcliffe, and Yun
11 Use of Thermal Mass in Building Energy Storage 2541
Rongxin Yin
12 Thermal Energy Storage: Selection and Sizing Criteria
Brian Norton
Part 3 Chemical Storage 2571
13 Hydrogen Energy Storage Systems for Grid and Community
Applications 2573
Marc W. Melaina, Darlene Steward, Joshua Eichman, and Jarett
14 Clean Energy-Based Production of Hydrogen: An Energy Carrier
Babatunde Olateju and Amit Kumar
15 Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis and Photoelectrochemical
System 2623
Uk Sim, Kyoungsuk Jin, Seungtaeg Oh, Donghyuk Jeong, Junsang Moon,
Jihun Oh, and Ki Tae Nam
16 Materials for Hydrogen Storage 2665
David Harrison, Evan Welchman, Yves Jean Chabal, and Timo
17 Hydrogen Blending in Natural Gas Pipelines 2685
Marc W. Melaina, Michael Penev, and Jarett Zuboy
Part 4 Mechanical Storage 2699
18 Pumped Hydro Energy Storage 2701
Paul Deane and Brian ´O Gallachóir
19 Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) 2717
Frank S. Barnes, David A. Budd, Michelle Lim, and Eugene R.
20 Flywheel Energy Storage Systems 2743
Mohammed Daoud, Ayman Abdel-Khalik, Ahmed Elserogi, Shehab Ahmed,
and Ahmed Massoud
21 Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) Systems
Weijia Yuan and Min Zhang
Part 5 Electrochemical Storage 2773
22 Electrochemical Supercapacitors for Energy Storage and
Conversion 2775
Brian Kihun Kim, Serubbable Sy, Aiping Yu, and Jinjun Zhang
23 Rechargeable Battery Energy Storage System Design 2801
David A. Howey and S. M.Mahdi Alavi
24 Flow Battery Technology 2819
Huamin Zhang
25 Sodium–Sulfur Batteries 2831
Karina Beatriz Hueso, Verónica Palomares, Gurpreet Singh, Michel
Armand, and Teófilo Rojo
26 Lithium-Ion Batteries: Thermomechanics, Performance, and
Design Optimization 2849
Nansi Xue, Wenbo Du, Joaquim R. R. A. Martins, and Wei Shyy
27 Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries 2865
Christian Hanisch, Jan Diekmann, Alexander Stieger, Wolfgang
Haselrieder, and Arno Kwade
Part 6 Integrated Storage Systems 2889
28 Coordinated Operation of PV and Battery Energy Storage
Systems 2891
Md Nayim Kabir, Yateendra Mishra, and Ramesh C. Bansal
29 Electric Vehicles as a Mobile Storage Device 2903
Paul Codani, Yannick Perez, and Marc Petit
30 Integration of Energy Storage into Energy Systems 2919
Andreas Hauer and Amadeus Teuffel
Part 7 Materials for Energy Storage 2933
31 Thermal Energy Storage Materials Challenges and Availability
Ana Inés Fernández, Camila Barreneche, Mónica Martínez, Mercé
Segarra, Ingrid Martorell, and Luisa F. Cabeza
32 TES Materials: Embodied Energy and CO2 Footprint 2947
Ana Inés Fernández, Camila Barreneche, Mónica Martínez, Laia Miró,
and Luisa F. Cabeza
33 Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Thermal Energy Storage
Rosa Mondragón, Raúl Martínez-Cuenca, Leonor Hernández, Patricia
Andreu-Cabedo, Luis Cabedo, and J. Enrique Juliá
Editorial Board v
International Advisory Board vii
Dedication ix
Contributors for Volume 6 xxiii
Preface xxvii
Part 1 Introduction 2971
1 Introduction: Sustainability of Energy Systems 2973
S. K. Chou, Yi-Ming Wei, and Jinyue Yan
Part 2 Sustainability Indicators, Evaluation Criteria, and Reporting 2983
2 Sustainability Assessment for Energy Technologies 2985
Stefan Hirschberg and Peter Burgherr
3 Methods for Measuring and Evaluating Sustainability:
State-of-the Art, Challenges, and Future Developments 3007
Kirstin Kleeberg, Katja Schneider, and Michael Nippa
4 Energy Efficiency Index via Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA):
Methodology and Application 3033
Ke Wang
5 The Role of National Agencies as Honest Brokers Between
Science and Policy: Case Studies on Environmental Sustainability
Indicators 3051
Michael Bordt and Soheil Rastan
6 Development and Validation of an Ecosystem Sustainability
Indicator for Metropolitan Areas: A Case Study 3059
Soheil Rastan and Hugo Larocque
7 Re-Evaluating the Sustainability of Energy Systems: The Nexus
of Energy, Water, and Land-Use 3075
Peter Stigson, Susanna Roth, and Anja Karlsson
8 The Simple Logistics of Biofuels, Sustainability, and Indirect
Energy Needs 3089
David Bonilla and Carly Whittaker
9 Sustainable Energy Indicator System and Its Application in
China 3101
Shaofeng Chen, Liyang Su, and Mingjing Qiu
Part 3 Regulation and Policy 3121
10 The General Development of Energy Law and Climate Policy in
the World 3123
Xiangqian Gong and Yidie Cai
11 Adapting Policies for a New Energy Future 3139
Richard A. Simmons, Peter F. Secor, and Suresh V. Garimella
12 Policies and Modeling of Energy Systems for Reaching European
Bioenergy Targets 3165
Sylvain Leduc, Elisabeth Wetterlund, Erik Dotzauer, Johannes
Schmidt, Karthikeyan Natarajan, and Dilip Khatiwada
13 Between Climate Change and Energy Security Objectives: The
Potential Role of Shale Gas 3183
Francesco Gracceva and Peter Zeniewski
14 The Energy and Climate Policies of the European Union
Fabio Genoese, Christian Egenhofer, and Julian Wieczorkiewicz
15 The Future of Energy Policy in East Asia: Prospects and Risks
for a Sustainable Framework 3219
Hideaki Shiroyama, Hisashi Yoshikawa, Roberto Orsi, and Chiaki
Part 4 Finance and Investment 3239
16 Theory and Model of Energy Investment and Financing 3241
Bin Lu, Xiaowei Ma, and Chao Feng
17 Finance and Investments in Renewable Energy in Asia 3265
Sagar Gubbi, Maura C. Lillis, Jia Li, and Pradeep Tharakan
Part 5 Emission Trading 3293
18 Market Instruments for Environmental Regulation: Emissions
Trading in Practice 3295
Julien Chevallier
19 Carbon Trading and Carbon Market 3309
Zhen-Hua Feng
20 Clean Development Mechanism Development in China 3319
Maosheng Duan
21 Analysis of the Core Problems in China’s Carbon Emission
Trading Market 3329
Lan-Cui Liu and Qiao-Mei Liang
Part 6 Modeling and Analysis of Energy Systems 3341
22 Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Energy Systems
Geoffrey P. Hammond, Craig I. Jones, and Aíne O’Grady
23 Energy Economy Modeling of the Electricity Sector 3369
Victor Nian
24 Modeling and Simulation of Smart Energy Systems 3403
David Connolly, Henrik Lund, and Brian Vad Mathiesen
Part 7 Energy vs. Development 3431
25 The Revealed Relationships between Energy Consumption and
Economic Growth: Causality, Macroeconomics, New Trend, and
Implications 3433
Youngho Chang and Yanfei Li
26 Energy Security and Sustainable Development Opportunities in
Pacific Island Countries 3449
Xianbin Yao, Robert Guild, and J. Michael Trainor
27 Energy Consumption and Economy Development: An Empirical Case
Study for China 3461
Hao Yu
28 Natural Gas as a Clean Fuel 3477
Guy C. K. Leung
29 Germany’s “Energiewende” as a Role Model for Reaching
Sustainability of National Energy Systems? History, Challenges, and
Success Factors 3493
Michael Nippa and Stephan Meschke
30 Future Petroleum Geopolitics: Consequences of Climate Policy
and Unconventional Oil and Gas 3517
Indra Overland
Part 8 Low Carbon Economy 3545
31 Energy and Socioeconomic Systems to Realize Low Carbon
Society (LCS) 3547
Mikiko Kainuma and Rahul Pandey
32 Low Carbon Development for Cities: Methods and Measures
Stephanie Ohshita, Nan Zhou, Lynn Price, David Fridley, Nina
Khanna, Lixuan Hong, Hongyou Lu, Cecilia Fino-Chen, and Gang He
33 An Institutional Perspective on the Low Carbon Transition
Philip Andrews-Speed
34 Low Carbon Economy in China 3611
Jinjun Xue and Quan Bai
35 Low Carbon Economy in Japan 3629
Jinjun Xue and Satoshi Watanabe
Part 9 Energy Efficiencies and Emission Reduction 3643
36 Modeling Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions Reduction
Rocco De Miglio, Maurizio Gargiulo, Alessandro Chiodi, Paul Deane,
and Brian ´O Gallachóir
37 Green Labels and Standards for Appliances, Equipment, and
Lighting 3661
Lei Zeng, Yang Yu, and Jiayang Li
38 Energy Efficiencies in ASEAN Region 3681
Xunpeng Shi
Subject Index 3701
Editor- in-Chief
Professor Jinyue Yan- Director of Future Energy Profile, Royal
Institute of Technology (KTH) and Malardalen University (MDU),
Jinyue Yan is Professor at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
and Malardalen University (MDU) in Sweden. An expert in energy
engineering, his research focuses on the efficient distribution and
consumption of energy, advanced power plants, CO2 capture and
storage, biomass and bioenergy, carbon trading and associated
policy issues.
Since 2007, Professor Yan has been the Editor-in-Chief of the
International Journal, Applied Energy (Elsevier). In its 35 year
history, Applied Energy has earned a place among leading
journals as the preferred vehicle for the sharing and transfer of
technical knowledge and innovation in energy research and
applications. This successful journal had a 2013 impact factor of
5.261 (7/82 in the ISI Web of Knowledge 'Energy and Fuels'
Professor Yan has been actively involved in organizing the annual
International Conference on Applied Energy since the first meeting
in Hong Kong, 2009. The aim of this conference series is to bring
together international experts in applied energy technology, from
academia and industry, and across a range of disciplines including
engineering, chemistry, physics and materials science. There is a
strong focus on the Asia-Pacific region and the conference
regularly attracts >300 delegates.
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