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Growing Object-Oriented ­Software, Guided by Tests ­(Addison-Wesley Signature ­Series

2,449 Ratings by Goodreads
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Paperback, 384 pages
United States, 22 October 2009


Mock Objects is an approach to Test-Driven Development that changes the

way programmers think about code. It encourages them to think about how

objects interact with each other, rather than just how they work in isolation - as

the founders of Object Oriented programming intended. Objects should be

defined in terms of what they do, not what they are. Using Mock Objects with

Test-Driven Development guides developers towards code with clearly focused

objects and an emphasis on behavior over data - both features of good Object

Oriented programming.

This book has been written by two of the originators of the concept, who have

developed and refined their understanding over years of practice on real

projects. The book describes the basic concepts and shows how they fit into

the development cycle. It also addresses the common misunderstandings and

pitfalls that they have encountered.

Author(s) Expertise

Steve Freeman (UK) is a consultant with ThoughtWorks and has been involved

in the XP community since before there were books. He has a PhD in

Computer Science and degrees in Statistics and Music, and was one of the

authors of the first Mock Object paper.

Nat Pryce (UK) is an independent consultant with expertise in software design,

software development process and practices. He is also a research fellow at

Imperial College. Nat is a developer of the jMock and nMock libraries for testdriven



This book is intended for people who are directly concerned with the writing

of code: developers at various levels, technical leaders, development managers.

They are expected to have experience with an OO language such as C# or


The CD/DVD/Web Site


Steve Freeman is an independent consultant specializing in Agile software development. A founder member of the London Extreme Tuesday Club, he was chair of the first XPDay and is a frequent organizer and presenter at international conferences. Steve has worked in a variety of organizations, from writing shrink-wrap software for IBM, to prototyping for major research laboratories. Steve has a Ph.D. from Cambridge University, and degrees in statistics and music. Steve is based in London, UK.

Nat Pryce has worked as a programmer, architect, trainer, and consultant in a variety of industries, including sports reportage, marketing communications, retail, telecoms, and finance. With a Ph.D. from Imperial College London, he has also worked on research projects and does occasional university teaching. An early adopter of Extreme Programming, he has written or contributed to several open source libraries that support Test Driven Development. He was one of the founding organizers of the London XPDay and regularly presents at international conferences. Nat is based in London, UK.

Freeman and Pryce were joint winners of the 2006 Agile Alliance Gordon Pask award.

Foreword xv

Preface xvii

Acknowledgments xxi

About the Authors xxiii


Chapter 1: What Is the Point of Test-Driven Development? 3

Software Development as a Learning Process 3

Feedback Is the Fundamental Tool 4

Practices That Support Change 5

Test-Driven Development in a Nutshell 6

The Bigger Picture 7

Testing End-to-End 8

Levels of Testing 9

External and Internal Quality 10

Chapter 2: Test-Driven Development with Objects 13

A Web of Objects 13

Values and Objects 13

Follow the Messages 14

Tell, Don't Ask 17

But Sometimes Ask 17

Unit-Testing the Collaborating Objects 18

Support for TDD with Mock 19

Chapter 3: An Introduction to the Tools 21

Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before 21

A Minimal Introduction to JUnit 4 21

Hamcrest Matchers and assertThat() 24

jMock2: Mock Objects 25


Chapter 4: Kick-Starting the Test-Driven Cycle 31

Introduction 31

First, Test a Walking Skeleton 32

Deciding the Shape of the Walking Skeleton 33

Build Sources of Feedback 35

Expose Uncertainty Early 36

Chapter 5: Maintaining the Test-Driven Cycle 39

Introduction 39

Start Each Feature with an Acceptance Test 39

Separate Tests That Measure Progress from Those That Catch Regressions 40

Start Testing with the Simplest Success Case 41

Write the Test That You'd Want to Read 42

Watch the Test Fail 42

Develop from the Inputs to the Outputs 43

Unit-Test Behavior, Not Methods 43

Listen to the Tests 44

Tuning the Cycle 45

Chapter 6: Object-Oriented Style 47

Introduction 47

Designing for Maintainability 47

Internals vs. Peers 50

No And's, Or's, or But's 51

Object Peer Stereotypes 52

Composite Simpler Than the Sum of Its Parts 53

Context Independence 54

Hiding the Right Information 55

An Opinionated View 56

Chapter 7: Achieving Object-Oriented Design 57

How Writing a Test First Helps the Design 57

Communication over Classification 58

Value Types 59

Where Do Objects Come From? 60

Identify Relationships with Interfaces 63

Refactor Interfaces Too 63

Compose Objects to Describe System Behavior 64

Building Up to Higher-Level Programming 65

And What about Classes? 67

Chapter 8: Building on Third-Party Code 69

Introduction 69

Only Mock Types That You Own 69

Mock Application Objects in Integration Tests 71


Chapter 9: Commissioning an Auction Sniper 75

To Begin at the Beginning 75

Communicating with an Auction 78

Getting There Safely 79

This Isn't Real 81

Chapter 10: The Walking Skeleton 83

Get the Skeleton out of the Closet 83

Our Very First Test 84

Some Initial Choices 86

Chapter 11: Passing the First Test 89

Building the Test Rig 89

Failing and Passing the Test 95

The Necessary Minimum 102

Chapter 12: Getting Ready to Bid 105

An Introduction to the Market 105

A Test for Bidding 106

The AuctionMessageTranslator 112

Unpacking a Price Message 118

Finish the Job 121

Chapter 13: The Sniper Makes a Bid 123

Introducing AuctionSniper 123

Sending a Bid 126

Tidying Up the Implementation 131

Defer Decisions 136

Emergent Design 137

Chapter 14: The Sniper Wins the Auction 139

First, a Failing Test 139

Who Knows about Bidders? 140

The Sniper Has More to Say 143

The Sniper Acquires Some State 144

The Sniper Wins 146

Making Steady Progress 148

Chapter 15: Towards a Real User Interface 149

A More Realistic Implementation 149

Displaying Price Details 152

Simplifying Sniper Events 159

Follow Through 164

Final Polish 168

Observations 171

Chapter 16: Sniping for Multiple Items 175

Testing for Multiple Items 175

Adding Items through the User Interface 183

Observations 189

Chapter 17: Teasing Apart Main 191

Finding a Role 191

Extracting the Chat 192

Extracting the Connection 195

Extracting the SnipersTableModel 197

Observations 201

Chapter 18: Filling In the Details 205

A More Useful Application 205

Stop When We've Had Enough 205

Observations 212

Chapter 19: Handling Failure 215

What If It Doesn't Work? 215

Detecting the Failure 217

Displaying the Failure 218

Disconnecting the Sniper 219

Recording the Failure 221

Observations 225


Chapter 20: Listening to the Tests 229

Introduction 229

I Need to Mock an Object I Can't Replace (without Magic) 230

Logging Is a Feature 233

Mocking Concrete Classes 235

Don't Mock Values 237

Bloated Constructor 238

Confused Object 240

Too Many Dependencies 241

Too Many Expectations 242

What the Tests Will Tell Us (If We're Listening) 244

Chapter 21: Test Readability 247

Introduction 247

Test Names Describe Features 248

Canonical Test Structure 251

Streamline the Test Code 252

Assertions and Expectations 254

Literals and Variables 255

Chapter 22: Constructing Complex Test Data 257

Introduction 257

Test Data Builders 258

Creating Similar Objects 259

Combining Builders 261

Emphasizing the Domain Model with Factory Methods 261

Removing Duplication at the Point of Use 262

Communication First 264

Chapter 23: Test Diagnostics 267

Design to Fail 267

Small, Focused, Well-Named Tests 268

Explanatory Assertion Messages 268

Highlight Detail with Matchers 268

Self-Describing Value 269

Obviously Canned Value 270

Tracer Object 270

Explicitly Assert That Expectations Were Satisfied 271

Diagnostics Are a First-Class Feature 271

Chapter 24: Test Flexibility 273

Introduction 273

Test for Information, Not Representation 274

Precise Assertions 275

Precise Expectations 277

"Guinea Pig" Objects 284


Chapter 25: Testing Persistence 289

Introduction 289

Isolate Tests That Affect Persistent State 290

Make Tests Transaction Boundaries Explicit 292

Testing an Object That Performs Persistence Operations 294

Testing That Objects Can Be Persisted 297

But Database Tests Are S-l-o-w! 300

Chapter 26: Unit Testing and Threads 301

Introduction 301

Separating Functionality and Concurrency Policy 302

Unit-Testing Synchronization 306

Stress-Testing Passive Objects 311

Synchronizing the Test Thread with Background Threads 312

The Limitations of Unit Stress Tests 313

Chapter 27: Testing Asynchronous Code 315

Introduction 315

Sampling or Listening 316

Two Implementations 318

Runaway Tests 322

Lost Updates 323

Testing That an Action Has No Effect 325

Distinguish Synchronizations and Assertions 326

Externalize Event Sources 326

Afterword: A Brief History of Mock Objects 329

Appendix A: jMock2 Cheat Sheet 335

Appendix B: Writing a Hamcrest Matcher 343

Bibliography 347

Index 349

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Product Description


Mock Objects is an approach to Test-Driven Development that changes the

way programmers think about code. It encourages them to think about how

objects interact with each other, rather than just how they work in isolation - as

the founders of Object Oriented programming intended. Objects should be

defined in terms of what they do, not what they are. Using Mock Objects with

Test-Driven Development guides developers towards code with clearly focused

objects and an emphasis on behavior over data - both features of good Object

Oriented programming.

This book has been written by two of the originators of the concept, who have

developed and refined their understanding over years of practice on real

projects. The book describes the basic concepts and shows how they fit into

the development cycle. It also addresses the common misunderstandings and

pitfalls that they have encountered.

Author(s) Expertise

Steve Freeman (UK) is a consultant with ThoughtWorks and has been involved

in the XP community since before there were books. He has a PhD in

Computer Science and degrees in Statistics and Music, and was one of the

authors of the first Mock Object paper.

Nat Pryce (UK) is an independent consultant with expertise in software design,

software development process and practices. He is also a research fellow at

Imperial College. Nat is a developer of the jMock and nMock libraries for testdriven



This book is intended for people who are directly concerned with the writing

of code: developers at various levels, technical leaders, development managers.

They are expected to have experience with an OO language such as C# or


The CD/DVD/Web Site


Steve Freeman is an independent consultant specializing in Agile software development. A founder member of the London Extreme Tuesday Club, he was chair of the first XPDay and is a frequent organizer and presenter at international conferences. Steve has worked in a variety of organizations, from writing shrink-wrap software for IBM, to prototyping for major research laboratories. Steve has a Ph.D. from Cambridge University, and degrees in statistics and music. Steve is based in London, UK.

Nat Pryce has worked as a programmer, architect, trainer, and consultant in a variety of industries, including sports reportage, marketing communications, retail, telecoms, and finance. With a Ph.D. from Imperial College London, he has also worked on research projects and does occasional university teaching. An early adopter of Extreme Programming, he has written or contributed to several open source libraries that support Test Driven Development. He was one of the founding organizers of the London XPDay and regularly presents at international conferences. Nat is based in London, UK.

Freeman and Pryce were joint winners of the 2006 Agile Alliance Gordon Pask award.

Foreword xv

Preface xvii

Acknowledgments xxi

About the Authors xxiii


Chapter 1: What Is the Point of Test-Driven Development? 3

Software Development as a Learning Process 3

Feedback Is the Fundamental Tool 4

Practices That Support Change 5

Test-Driven Development in a Nutshell 6

The Bigger Picture 7

Testing End-to-End 8

Levels of Testing 9

External and Internal Quality 10

Chapter 2: Test-Driven Development with Objects 13

A Web of Objects 13

Values and Objects 13

Follow the Messages 14

Tell, Don't Ask 17

But Sometimes Ask 17

Unit-Testing the Collaborating Objects 18

Support for TDD with Mock 19

Chapter 3: An Introduction to the Tools 21

Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before 21

A Minimal Introduction to JUnit 4 21

Hamcrest Matchers and assertThat() 24

jMock2: Mock Objects 25


Chapter 4: Kick-Starting the Test-Driven Cycle 31

Introduction 31

First, Test a Walking Skeleton 32

Deciding the Shape of the Walking Skeleton 33

Build Sources of Feedback 35

Expose Uncertainty Early 36

Chapter 5: Maintaining the Test-Driven Cycle 39

Introduction 39

Start Each Feature with an Acceptance Test 39

Separate Tests That Measure Progress from Those That Catch Regressions 40

Start Testing with the Simplest Success Case 41

Write the Test That You'd Want to Read 42

Watch the Test Fail 42

Develop from the Inputs to the Outputs 43

Unit-Test Behavior, Not Methods 43

Listen to the Tests 44

Tuning the Cycle 45

Chapter 6: Object-Oriented Style 47

Introduction 47

Designing for Maintainability 47

Internals vs. Peers 50

No And's, Or's, or But's 51

Object Peer Stereotypes 52

Composite Simpler Than the Sum of Its Parts 53

Context Independence 54

Hiding the Right Information 55

An Opinionated View 56

Chapter 7: Achieving Object-Oriented Design 57

How Writing a Test First Helps the Design 57

Communication over Classification 58

Value Types 59

Where Do Objects Come From? 60

Identify Relationships with Interfaces 63

Refactor Interfaces Too 63

Compose Objects to Describe System Behavior 64

Building Up to Higher-Level Programming 65

And What about Classes? 67

Chapter 8: Building on Third-Party Code 69

Introduction 69

Only Mock Types That You Own 69

Mock Application Objects in Integration Tests 71


Chapter 9: Commissioning an Auction Sniper 75

To Begin at the Beginning 75

Communicating with an Auction 78

Getting There Safely 79

This Isn't Real 81

Chapter 10: The Walking Skeleton 83

Get the Skeleton out of the Closet 83

Our Very First Test 84

Some Initial Choices 86

Chapter 11: Passing the First Test 89

Building the Test Rig 89

Failing and Passing the Test 95

The Necessary Minimum 102

Chapter 12: Getting Ready to Bid 105

An Introduction to the Market 105

A Test for Bidding 106

The AuctionMessageTranslator 112

Unpacking a Price Message 118

Finish the Job 121

Chapter 13: The Sniper Makes a Bid 123

Introducing AuctionSniper 123

Sending a Bid 126

Tidying Up the Implementation 131

Defer Decisions 136

Emergent Design 137

Chapter 14: The Sniper Wins the Auction 139

First, a Failing Test 139

Who Knows about Bidders? 140

The Sniper Has More to Say 143

The Sniper Acquires Some State 144

The Sniper Wins 146

Making Steady Progress 148

Chapter 15: Towards a Real User Interface 149

A More Realistic Implementation 149

Displaying Price Details 152

Simplifying Sniper Events 159

Follow Through 164

Final Polish 168

Observations 171

Chapter 16: Sniping for Multiple Items 175

Testing for Multiple Items 175

Adding Items through the User Interface 183

Observations 189

Chapter 17: Teasing Apart Main 191

Finding a Role 191

Extracting the Chat 192

Extracting the Connection 195

Extracting the SnipersTableModel 197

Observations 201

Chapter 18: Filling In the Details 205

A More Useful Application 205

Stop When We've Had Enough 205

Observations 212

Chapter 19: Handling Failure 215

What If It Doesn't Work? 215

Detecting the Failure 217

Displaying the Failure 218

Disconnecting the Sniper 219

Recording the Failure 221

Observations 225


Chapter 20: Listening to the Tests 229

Introduction 229

I Need to Mock an Object I Can't Replace (without Magic) 230

Logging Is a Feature 233

Mocking Concrete Classes 235

Don't Mock Values 237

Bloated Constructor 238

Confused Object 240

Too Many Dependencies 241

Too Many Expectations 242

What the Tests Will Tell Us (If We're Listening) 244

Chapter 21: Test Readability 247

Introduction 247

Test Names Describe Features 248

Canonical Test Structure 251

Streamline the Test Code 252

Assertions and Expectations 254

Literals and Variables 255

Chapter 22: Constructing Complex Test Data 257

Introduction 257

Test Data Builders 258

Creating Similar Objects 259

Combining Builders 261

Emphasizing the Domain Model with Factory Methods 261

Removing Duplication at the Point of Use 262

Communication First 264

Chapter 23: Test Diagnostics 267

Design to Fail 267

Small, Focused, Well-Named Tests 268

Explanatory Assertion Messages 268

Highlight Detail with Matchers 268

Self-Describing Value 269

Obviously Canned Value 270

Tracer Object 270

Explicitly Assert That Expectations Were Satisfied 271

Diagnostics Are a First-Class Feature 271

Chapter 24: Test Flexibility 273

Introduction 273

Test for Information, Not Representation 274

Precise Assertions 275

Precise Expectations 277

"Guinea Pig" Objects 284


Chapter 25: Testing Persistence 289

Introduction 289

Isolate Tests That Affect Persistent State 290

Make Tests Transaction Boundaries Explicit 292

Testing an Object That Performs Persistence Operations 294

Testing That Objects Can Be Persisted 297

But Database Tests Are S-l-o-w! 300

Chapter 26: Unit Testing and Threads 301

Introduction 301

Separating Functionality and Concurrency Policy 302

Unit-Testing Synchronization 306

Stress-Testing Passive Objects 311

Synchronizing the Test Thread with Background Threads 312

The Limitations of Unit Stress Tests 313

Chapter 27: Testing Asynchronous Code 315

Introduction 315

Sampling or Listening 316

Two Implementations 318

Runaway Tests 322

Lost Updates 323

Testing That an Action Has No Effect 325

Distinguish Synchronizations and Assertions 326

Externalize Event Sources 326

Afterword: A Brief History of Mock Objects 329

Appendix A: jMock2 Cheat Sheet 335

Appendix B: Writing a Hamcrest Matcher 343

Bibliography 347

Index 349

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Product Details
Other Information
23.1 x 17.5 x 2.3 centimeters (0.32 kg)

Table of Contents

Foreword     xv

Preface     xvii

Acknowledgments     xxi

About the Authors     xxiii




Chapter 1: What Is the Point of Test-Driven Development?     3

Software Development as a Learning Process     3

Feedback Is the Fundamental Tool     4

Practices That Support Change     5

Test-Driven Development in a Nutshell     6

The Bigger Picture     7

Testing End-to-End     8

Levels of Testing     9

External and Internal Quality     10


Chapter 2: Test-Driven Development with Objects     13

A Web of Objects     13

Values and Objects     13

Follow the Messages     14

Tell, Don’t Ask     17

But Sometimes Ask     17

Unit-Testing the Collaborating Objects     18

Support for TDD with Mock     19


Chapter 3: An Introduction to the Tools     21

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before     21

A Minimal Introduction to JUnit 4     21

Hamcrest Matchers and assertThat()     24

jMock2: Mock Objects     25




Chapter 4: Kick-Starting the Test-Driven Cycle     31

Introduction     31

First, Test a Walking Skeleton     32

Deciding the Shape of the Walking Skeleton     33

Build Sources of Feedback     35

Expose Uncertainty Early     36


Chapter 5: Maintaining the Test-Driven Cycle     39

Introduction     39

Start Each Feature with an Acceptance Test     39

Separate Tests That Measure Progress from Those That Catch Regressions     40

Start Testing with the Simplest Success Case     41

Write the Test That You’d Want to Read     42

Watch the Test Fail     42

Develop from the Inputs to the Outputs     43

Unit-Test Behavior, Not Methods     43

Listen to the Tests     44

Tuning the Cycle     45


Chapter 6: Object-Oriented Style     47

Introduction     47

Designing for Maintainability     47

Internals vs. Peers     50

No And’s, Or’s, or But’s     51

Object Peer Stereotypes     52

Composite Simpler Than the Sum of Its Parts     53

Context Independence     54

Hiding the Right Information     55

An Opinionated View     56


Chapter 7: Achieving Object-Oriented Design     57

How Writing a Test First Helps the Design     57

Communication over Classification     58

Value Types     59

Where Do Objects Come From?     60

Identify Relationships with Interfaces     63

Refactor Interfaces Too     63

Compose Objects to Describe System Behavior     64

Building Up to Higher-Level Programming     65

And What about Classes?     67


Chapter 8: Building on Third-Party Code     69

Introduction     69

Only Mock Types That You Own     69

Mock Application Objects in Integration Tests     71




Chapter 9: Commissioning an Auction Sniper     75

To Begin at the Beginning     75

Communicating with an Auction     78

Getting There Safely     79

This Isn’t Real     81


Chapter 10: The Walking Skeleton     83

Get the Skeleton out of the Closet     83

Our Very First Test     84

Some Initial Choices     86


Chapter 11: Passing the First Test     89

Building the Test Rig     89

Failing and Passing the Test     95

The Necessary Minimum     102


Chapter 12: Getting Ready to Bid     105

An Introduction to the Market     105

A Test for Bidding     106

The AuctionMessageTranslator     112

Unpacking a Price Message     118

Finish the Job     121


Chapter 13: The Sniper Makes a Bid     123

Introducing AuctionSniper     123

Sending a Bid     126

Tidying Up the Implementation     131

Defer Decisions     136

Emergent Design     137


Chapter 14: The Sniper Wins the Auction     139

First, a Failing Test     139

Who Knows about Bidders?     140

The Sniper Has More to Say     143

The Sniper Acquires Some State     144

The Sniper Wins     146

Making Steady Progress     148


Chapter 15: Towards a Real User Interface     149

A More Realistic Implementation     149

Displaying Price Details     152

Simplifying Sniper Events     159

Follow Through     164

Final Polish     168

Observations     171


Chapter 16: Sniping for Multiple Items     175

Testing for Multiple Items     175

Adding Items through the User Interface     183

Observations     189


Chapter 17: Teasing Apart Main     191

Finding a Role     191

Extracting the Chat     192

Extracting the Connection     195

Extracting the SnipersTableModel     197

Observations     201


Chapter 18: Filling In the Details     205

A More Useful Application     205

Stop When We’ve Had Enough     205

Observations     212


Chapter 19: Handling Failure     215

What If It Doesn’t Work?     215

Detecting the Failure     217

Displaying the Failure     218

Disconnecting the Sniper     219

Recording the Failure     221

Observations     225




Chapter 20: Listening to the Tests     229

Introduction     229

I Need to Mock an Object I Can’t Replace (without Magic)     230

Logging Is a Feature     233

Mocking Concrete Classes     235

Don’t Mock Values     237

Bloated Constructor     238

Confused Object     240

Too Many Dependencies     241

Too Many Expectations     242

What the Tests Will Tell Us (If We’re Listening)     244


Chapter 21: Test Readability     247

Introduction     247

Test Names Describe Features     248

Canonical Test Structure     251

Streamline the Test Code     252

Assertions and Expectations     254

Literals and Variables     255


Chapter 22: Constructing Complex Test Data     257

Introduction     257

Test Data Builders     258

Creating Similar Objects     259

Combining Builders     261

Emphasizing the Domain Model with Factory Methods     261

Removing Duplication at the Point of Use     262

Communication First     264


Chapter 23: Test Diagnostics     267

Design to Fail     267

Small, Focused, Well-Named Tests     268

Explanatory Assertion Messages     268

Highlight Detail with Matchers     268

Self-Describing Value     269

Obviously Canned Value     270

Tracer Object     270

Explicitly Assert That Expectations Were Satisfied     271

Diagnostics Are a First-Class Feature     271


Chapter 24: Test Flexibility     273

Introduction     273

Test for Information, Not Representation     274

Precise Assertions     275

Precise Expectations     277

“Guinea Pig” Objects     284




Chapter 25: Testing Persistence     289

Introduction     289

Isolate Tests That Affect Persistent State     290

Make Tests Transaction Boundaries Explicit     292

Testing an Object That Performs Persistence Operations     294

Testing That Objects Can Be Persisted     297

But Database Tests Are S-l-o-w!     300


Chapter 26: Unit Testing and Threads     301

Introduction     301

Separating Functionality and Concurrency Policy     302

Unit-Testing Synchronization     306

Stress-Testing Passive Objects     311

Synchronizing the Test Thread with Background Threads     312

The Limitations of Unit Stress Tests     313


Chapter 27: Testing Asynchronous Code     315

Introduction     315

Sampling or Listening     316

Two Implementations     318

Runaway Tests     322

Lost Updates     323

Testing That an Action Has No Effect     325

Distinguish Synchronizations and Assertions     326

Externalize Event Sources     326


Afterword: A Brief History of Mock Objects     329

Appendix A: jMock2 Cheat Sheet     335

Appendix B: Writing a Hamcrest Matcher     343

Bibliography     347

Index     349


About the Author

Steve Freeman is an independent consultant specializing in Agile software development. A founder member of the London Extreme Tuesday Club, he was chair of the first XPDay and is a frequent organizer and presenter at international conferences. Steve has worked in a variety of organizations, from writing shrink-wrap software for IBM, to prototyping for major research laboratories. Steve has a Ph.D. from Cambridge University, and degrees in statistics and music. Steve is based in London, UK.


Nat Pryce has worked as a programmer, architect, trainer, and consultant in a variety of industries, including sports reportage, marketing communications, retail, telecoms, and finance. With a Ph.D. from Imperial College London, he has also worked on research projects and does occasional university teaching. An early adopter of Extreme Programming, he has written or contributed to several open source libraries that support Test Driven Development. He was one of the founding organizers of the London XPDay and regularly presents at international conferences. Nat is based in London, UK.


Freeman and Pryce were joint winners of the 2006 Agile Alliance Gordon Pask award.


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