Functional foods and nutraceuticals have received considerable interest in the past decade largely due to increasing consumer awareness of the health benefits associated with food. Diet in human health is no longer a matter of simple nutrition: consumers are more proactive and increasingly interested in the health benefits of functional foods and their role in the prevention of illness and chronic conditions. This, combined with an aging population that focuses not only on longevity but also quality of life, has created a market for functional foods and nutraceuticals. A fully updated and revised second edition, Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods reflects the recent upsurge in "omics" technologies and features 48 chapters that cover topics including genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, epigenetics, peptidomics, nutrigenomics and human health, transcriptomics, nutriethics and nanotechnology. This cutting-edge volume, written by a panel of experts from around the globe reviews the latest developments in the field with an emphasis on the application of these novel technologies to functional foods and nutraceuticals.
Debasis Bagchi, Ph.D., MACN, CNS, MAIChE University of Houston College of Pharmacy, Houston, TX, USA Anand Swaroop, Ph.D. Cepham Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA Manashi Bagchi, Ph.D., FACN Cepham Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA
Contributors xxiv Preface xxxi Part I Introduction 1 1 Novel Omics Technologies in Food Nutrition 3 Xuewu Zhang, Lijun You, Wei Wang, and Kaijun Xiao 2 Seafood Authentication using Foodomics: Proteomics, Metabolomics, and Genomics 14 Karola Böhme, Jorge Barros-Velázquez, Pilar Calo-Mata, José M. Gallardo, and Ignacio Ortea 3 A Foodomics Approach Reveals Hypocholesterolemic Activity of Red Microalgae 31 Irit Dvir, Aliza H. Stark, and Shoshana (Malis) Arad Part II Genomics 41 4 Gene?]Diet Interaction and Weight Management 43 Lu Qi 5 NutrimiRomics: The Promise of a New Discipline in Nutrigenomics 53 Amitava Das and Chandan K. Sen 6 Genomics as a Tool to Characterize Anti?]inflammatory Nutraceuticals 61 Amitava Das, Scott Chaffee, and Sashwati Roy 7 Nutrigenomics, Inflammaging, and Osteoarthritis: A Review 71 Ali Mobasheri, Richard Barrett-Jolley, Caroline A. Staunton, Chris Ford, and Yves Henrotin 8 Genetic Basis of Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Boswellia Extracts 85 Golakoti Trimurtulu, Chandan K. Sen, Alluri V. Krishnaraju, Kiran Bhupathiraju, and Krishanu Sengupta 9 Cancer Chemopreventive Phytochemicals Targeting NF-kappaB and Nrf2 Signaling Pathways 102 Hye-Kyung Na and Young-Joon Surh 10 The Beneficial Health Effects of Fucoxanthin 122 Kazuo Miyashita and Masashi Hosokawa 11 Nutrition, Genomics, and Human Health: A Complex Mechanism for Wellness 135 Okezie I. Aruoma 12 Application of Genomics and Bioinformatics Analysis in Exploratory Study of Functional Foods 140 Kohsuke Hayamizu and Aiko Manji 13 Omics Analysis and Databases for Plant Science 150 Masaaki Kobayashi, Hajime Ohyanagi, and Kentaro Yano 14 Synergistic Plant Genomics and Molecular Breeding Approaches for Ensuring Food Security 160 Shouvik Das and Swarup K. Parida 15 Combinatorial Approaches Utilizing Nutraceuticals in Cancer Chemoprevention and Therapy: A Complementary Shift with Promising Acuity 185 Madhulika Singh and Yogeshwer Shukla 16 Nutrigenomic Approaches to Understanding the Transcriptional and Metabolic Responses of Phytochemicals to Diet-Induced Obesity and its Complications 218 Myung-Sook Choi and Eun-Young Kwon 17 Going Beyond the Current Native Nutritional Food Through the Integration of the Omic Data in the Post?]Genomic Era: A Study in (Resistant) Starch Systems Biology 230 Treenut Saithong and Saowalak Kalapanulak Part III Proteomics 243 18 Proteomics and Nutrition Research: An Overview 245 Arun K. Tewari, Sudhasri Mohanty, and Sashwati Roy 19 Proteomics Analysis for the Functionality of Toona sinensis 253 Sue-Joan Chang and Chun-Yung Huang 20 Proteomic Approaches to Identify Novel Therapeutics and Nutraceuticals from Filamentous Fungi: Prospects and Challenges 265 Samudra Prosad Banik, Suman Khowala, Chiranjib Pal, and Soumya Mukherjee 21 Proteomics and Metaproteomics for Studying Probiotic Activity 296 Rosa Anna Siciliano and Maria Fiorella Mazzeo 22 Proteomics Approach to Assess the Potency of Dietary Grape Seed Proanthocyanidins and Dimeric Procyanidin B2 304 Hai-qing Gao, Bao-ying Li, Mei Cheng, Xiao-li Li, Fei Yu, and Zhen Zhang 23 Genomic and Proteomic Approaches to Lung Transplantation: Identifying Relevant Biomarkers to Improve Surgical Outcome 321 John Noel, Ronald Carnemola, and Shampa Chatterjee 24 Proteomics in Understanding the Molecular Basis of Phytochemicals for Health 328 Jung Yeon Kwon, Sanguine Byun, and Ki Won Lee 25 Genomics/Proteomics of NEXT-II, a Novel Water?]Soluble, Undenatured Type II Collagen in Joint Health Care 338 Orie Yoshinari, Hiroyoshi Moriyama, Manashi Bagchi, and Debasis Bagchi Part IV Metabolomics 347 26 Harnessing Metabolic Diversity for Nutraceutical Plant Breeding 349 Ashish Saxena and Vicki L. Schlegel 27 Metabolomics and Fetal-Neonatal Nutrition: An Overview 357 Angelica Dessì, Flaminia Cesare Marincola, and Vassilios Fanos 28 Metabolomics, Bioactives, and Cancer 365 Shannon R. Sweeney, John DiGiovanni, and Stefano Tiziani 29 NMR?]Based Metabolomics of Foods 379 Takuya Miyakawa, Tingfu Liang, and Masaru Tanokura 30 Cancer Chemopreventive Effect of Curcumin through Suppressing Metabolic Crosstalk between Components in the Tumor Microenvironment 388 Dong Hoon Suh and Yong-Sang Song 31 Metabolomics of Green Tea 397 Yoshinori Fujimura and Hirofumi Tachibana Part V Epigenetics 407 32 The Potential Epigenetic Modulation of Diabetes Influenced by Nutritional Exposures In Utero 409 Jie Yan and Huixia Yang 33 The Time has Come (and the Tools are Available) for Nutriepigenomics Studies 418 Pearlly S. Yan 34 Natural Phytochemicals as Epigenetic Modulators 424 Gauri Deb and Sanjay Gupta Part VI Peptidomics 441 35 Detection and Identification of Food-Derived Peptides in Human Blood: Food-Derived Short Chain Peptidomes in Human Blood 443 Kenji Sato and Daisuke Urado Part VII Nutrigenomics and Human Health 453 36 Use of Omics Approaches for Developing Immune-Modulatory and Anti-Inflammatory Phytomedicines 455 Shu-Yi Yin, Pradeep M. S., and Ning-Sun Yang 37 The Application of Algae for Cosmeceuticals in the Omics Age 476 Nyuk Ling Ma, Su Shiung Lam, and Rahman Zaidah 38 Gut Microbiome and Functional Foods: Health Benefits and Safety Challenges 489 Abhai Kumar, Smita Singh, and Anil Kumar Chauhan 39 An Overview on Germinated Brown Rice and its Nutrigenomic Implications 504 Mustapha Umar Imam and Maznah Ismail 40 Novel Chromium (III) Supplements and Nutrigenomics Exploration: A Review 518 Sreejayan Nair, Anand Swaroop, and Debasis Bagchi Part VIII Transcriptomics 525 41 Transcriptomics of Plants Interacting with Pathogens and Beneficial Microbes 527 Hooman Mirzaee, Louise Shuey, and Peer M. Schenk 42 Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Profiling of Chicken Adipose Tissue: An Overview 537 Brynn H. Voy, Stephen Dearth, and Shawn R. Campagna 43 Nutritional Transcriptomics: An Overview 545 M. R. Noori?]Daloii and A. Nejatizadeh 44 Dissecting Transcriptomes of Cyanobacteria for Novel Metabolite Production 557 Sucheta Tripathy, Deeksha Singh, Mathumalar C., and Abhishek Das 45 Inflammation, Nutrition, and Transcriptomics 573 Gareth Marlow and Lynnette R. Ferguson 46 Transcriptomics and Nutrition in Mammalians 581 Carmen Arnal, Jose M. Lou-Bonafonte, María V. Martínez?]Gracia, María J. Rodríguez-Yoldi, and Jesús Osada Part IX Nutriethics 609 47 Nutritional Sciences at the Intersection of Omics Disciplines and Ethics: A Focus on Nutritional Doping 611 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi Part X Nanotechnology 623 48 Current Relevant Nanotechnologies for the Food Industry 625 Kelvii Wei Guo References 634 Index 637
Show moreFunctional foods and nutraceuticals have received considerable interest in the past decade largely due to increasing consumer awareness of the health benefits associated with food. Diet in human health is no longer a matter of simple nutrition: consumers are more proactive and increasingly interested in the health benefits of functional foods and their role in the prevention of illness and chronic conditions. This, combined with an aging population that focuses not only on longevity but also quality of life, has created a market for functional foods and nutraceuticals. A fully updated and revised second edition, Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods reflects the recent upsurge in "omics" technologies and features 48 chapters that cover topics including genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, epigenetics, peptidomics, nutrigenomics and human health, transcriptomics, nutriethics and nanotechnology. This cutting-edge volume, written by a panel of experts from around the globe reviews the latest developments in the field with an emphasis on the application of these novel technologies to functional foods and nutraceuticals.
Debasis Bagchi, Ph.D., MACN, CNS, MAIChE University of Houston College of Pharmacy, Houston, TX, USA Anand Swaroop, Ph.D. Cepham Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA Manashi Bagchi, Ph.D., FACN Cepham Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA
Contributors xxiv Preface xxxi Part I Introduction 1 1 Novel Omics Technologies in Food Nutrition 3 Xuewu Zhang, Lijun You, Wei Wang, and Kaijun Xiao 2 Seafood Authentication using Foodomics: Proteomics, Metabolomics, and Genomics 14 Karola Böhme, Jorge Barros-Velázquez, Pilar Calo-Mata, José M. Gallardo, and Ignacio Ortea 3 A Foodomics Approach Reveals Hypocholesterolemic Activity of Red Microalgae 31 Irit Dvir, Aliza H. Stark, and Shoshana (Malis) Arad Part II Genomics 41 4 Gene?]Diet Interaction and Weight Management 43 Lu Qi 5 NutrimiRomics: The Promise of a New Discipline in Nutrigenomics 53 Amitava Das and Chandan K. Sen 6 Genomics as a Tool to Characterize Anti?]inflammatory Nutraceuticals 61 Amitava Das, Scott Chaffee, and Sashwati Roy 7 Nutrigenomics, Inflammaging, and Osteoarthritis: A Review 71 Ali Mobasheri, Richard Barrett-Jolley, Caroline A. Staunton, Chris Ford, and Yves Henrotin 8 Genetic Basis of Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Boswellia Extracts 85 Golakoti Trimurtulu, Chandan K. Sen, Alluri V. Krishnaraju, Kiran Bhupathiraju, and Krishanu Sengupta 9 Cancer Chemopreventive Phytochemicals Targeting NF-kappaB and Nrf2 Signaling Pathways 102 Hye-Kyung Na and Young-Joon Surh 10 The Beneficial Health Effects of Fucoxanthin 122 Kazuo Miyashita and Masashi Hosokawa 11 Nutrition, Genomics, and Human Health: A Complex Mechanism for Wellness 135 Okezie I. Aruoma 12 Application of Genomics and Bioinformatics Analysis in Exploratory Study of Functional Foods 140 Kohsuke Hayamizu and Aiko Manji 13 Omics Analysis and Databases for Plant Science 150 Masaaki Kobayashi, Hajime Ohyanagi, and Kentaro Yano 14 Synergistic Plant Genomics and Molecular Breeding Approaches for Ensuring Food Security 160 Shouvik Das and Swarup K. Parida 15 Combinatorial Approaches Utilizing Nutraceuticals in Cancer Chemoprevention and Therapy: A Complementary Shift with Promising Acuity 185 Madhulika Singh and Yogeshwer Shukla 16 Nutrigenomic Approaches to Understanding the Transcriptional and Metabolic Responses of Phytochemicals to Diet-Induced Obesity and its Complications 218 Myung-Sook Choi and Eun-Young Kwon 17 Going Beyond the Current Native Nutritional Food Through the Integration of the Omic Data in the Post?]Genomic Era: A Study in (Resistant) Starch Systems Biology 230 Treenut Saithong and Saowalak Kalapanulak Part III Proteomics 243 18 Proteomics and Nutrition Research: An Overview 245 Arun K. Tewari, Sudhasri Mohanty, and Sashwati Roy 19 Proteomics Analysis for the Functionality of Toona sinensis 253 Sue-Joan Chang and Chun-Yung Huang 20 Proteomic Approaches to Identify Novel Therapeutics and Nutraceuticals from Filamentous Fungi: Prospects and Challenges 265 Samudra Prosad Banik, Suman Khowala, Chiranjib Pal, and Soumya Mukherjee 21 Proteomics and Metaproteomics for Studying Probiotic Activity 296 Rosa Anna Siciliano and Maria Fiorella Mazzeo 22 Proteomics Approach to Assess the Potency of Dietary Grape Seed Proanthocyanidins and Dimeric Procyanidin B2 304 Hai-qing Gao, Bao-ying Li, Mei Cheng, Xiao-li Li, Fei Yu, and Zhen Zhang 23 Genomic and Proteomic Approaches to Lung Transplantation: Identifying Relevant Biomarkers to Improve Surgical Outcome 321 John Noel, Ronald Carnemola, and Shampa Chatterjee 24 Proteomics in Understanding the Molecular Basis of Phytochemicals for Health 328 Jung Yeon Kwon, Sanguine Byun, and Ki Won Lee 25 Genomics/Proteomics of NEXT-II, a Novel Water?]Soluble, Undenatured Type II Collagen in Joint Health Care 338 Orie Yoshinari, Hiroyoshi Moriyama, Manashi Bagchi, and Debasis Bagchi Part IV Metabolomics 347 26 Harnessing Metabolic Diversity for Nutraceutical Plant Breeding 349 Ashish Saxena and Vicki L. Schlegel 27 Metabolomics and Fetal-Neonatal Nutrition: An Overview 357 Angelica Dessì, Flaminia Cesare Marincola, and Vassilios Fanos 28 Metabolomics, Bioactives, and Cancer 365 Shannon R. Sweeney, John DiGiovanni, and Stefano Tiziani 29 NMR?]Based Metabolomics of Foods 379 Takuya Miyakawa, Tingfu Liang, and Masaru Tanokura 30 Cancer Chemopreventive Effect of Curcumin through Suppressing Metabolic Crosstalk between Components in the Tumor Microenvironment 388 Dong Hoon Suh and Yong-Sang Song 31 Metabolomics of Green Tea 397 Yoshinori Fujimura and Hirofumi Tachibana Part V Epigenetics 407 32 The Potential Epigenetic Modulation of Diabetes Influenced by Nutritional Exposures In Utero 409 Jie Yan and Huixia Yang 33 The Time has Come (and the Tools are Available) for Nutriepigenomics Studies 418 Pearlly S. Yan 34 Natural Phytochemicals as Epigenetic Modulators 424 Gauri Deb and Sanjay Gupta Part VI Peptidomics 441 35 Detection and Identification of Food-Derived Peptides in Human Blood: Food-Derived Short Chain Peptidomes in Human Blood 443 Kenji Sato and Daisuke Urado Part VII Nutrigenomics and Human Health 453 36 Use of Omics Approaches for Developing Immune-Modulatory and Anti-Inflammatory Phytomedicines 455 Shu-Yi Yin, Pradeep M. S., and Ning-Sun Yang 37 The Application of Algae for Cosmeceuticals in the Omics Age 476 Nyuk Ling Ma, Su Shiung Lam, and Rahman Zaidah 38 Gut Microbiome and Functional Foods: Health Benefits and Safety Challenges 489 Abhai Kumar, Smita Singh, and Anil Kumar Chauhan 39 An Overview on Germinated Brown Rice and its Nutrigenomic Implications 504 Mustapha Umar Imam and Maznah Ismail 40 Novel Chromium (III) Supplements and Nutrigenomics Exploration: A Review 518 Sreejayan Nair, Anand Swaroop, and Debasis Bagchi Part VIII Transcriptomics 525 41 Transcriptomics of Plants Interacting with Pathogens and Beneficial Microbes 527 Hooman Mirzaee, Louise Shuey, and Peer M. Schenk 42 Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Profiling of Chicken Adipose Tissue: An Overview 537 Brynn H. Voy, Stephen Dearth, and Shawn R. Campagna 43 Nutritional Transcriptomics: An Overview 545 M. R. Noori?]Daloii and A. Nejatizadeh 44 Dissecting Transcriptomes of Cyanobacteria for Novel Metabolite Production 557 Sucheta Tripathy, Deeksha Singh, Mathumalar C., and Abhishek Das 45 Inflammation, Nutrition, and Transcriptomics 573 Gareth Marlow and Lynnette R. Ferguson 46 Transcriptomics and Nutrition in Mammalians 581 Carmen Arnal, Jose M. Lou-Bonafonte, María V. Martínez?]Gracia, María J. Rodríguez-Yoldi, and Jesús Osada Part IX Nutriethics 609 47 Nutritional Sciences at the Intersection of Omics Disciplines and Ethics: A Focus on Nutritional Doping 611 Nicola Luigi Bragazzi Part X Nanotechnology 623 48 Current Relevant Nanotechnologies for the Food Industry 625 Kelvii Wei Guo References 634 Index 637
Show moreContributors xxiv
Preface xxxi
Part I Introduction 1
1 Novel Omics Technologies in Food Nutrition 3
Xuewu Zhang, Lijun You, Wei Wang, and Kaijun Xiao
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Transcriptomics in Nutritional Research 4
1.3 Proteomics in Nutritional Research 5
1.4 Metabolomics in Nutritional Research 7
1.5 Systems Biology in Nutritional Research 9
1.6 Conclusions 9
2 Seafood Authentication using Foodomics: Proteomics,
Metabolomics, and Genomics 14
Karola Böhme, Jorge Barros-Velázquez, Pilar Calo-Mata, José M.
Gallardo, and Ignacio Ortea
2.1 Introduction 14
2.2 Proteomic Approaches 15
2.3 Metabolomic Approaches 19
2.4 Genomic Approaches 20
2.5 Conclusions 25
3 A Foodomics Approach Reveals Hypocholesterolemic Activity
of Red Microalgae 31
Irit Dvir, Aliza H. Stark, and Shoshana (Malis) Arad
3.1 Introduction 31
3.2 Marine Functional Foods and Supplements 32
3.3 Microalgae 33
3.4 Summary 37
Part II Genomics 41
4 Gene]Diet Interaction and Weight Management 43
Lu Qi
4.1 Introduction 43
4.2 Diet and Lifestyle Modifications in Weight Management 44
4.3 The Role of Genetic Factors in Determining Body Weight and Weight Loss 44
4.4 Gene-Diet Interactions on Body Weight and Risk of Obesity 46
4.5 Gene-Diet Interactions on Weight Loss in Randomized Clinical Trials 47
4.6 Gene]Diet Interactions on Weight Maintenance 48
4.7 Personalized Weight Management through Diet and Lifestyle Modifications 49
4.8 Summary and Concluding Remarks 50
5 NutrimiRomics: The Promise of a New Discipline in
Nutrigenomics 53
Amitava Das and Chandan K. Sen
5.1 Introduction 53
5.2 miRomics: A New Cornerstone 56
5.3 Nutrigenomics and miR 57
6 Genomics as a Tool to Characterize Anti]inflammatory
Nutraceuticals 61
Amitava Das, Scott Chaffee, and Sashwati Roy
6.1 Chronic Inflammation in Disease 61
6.2 Nutraceuticals in the Management of Chronic Inflammation 64
6.3 GeneChipTM as a Tool to Characterize the Anti]Inflammatory Properties of Nutraceuticals 65
7 Nutrigenomics, Inflammaging, and Osteoarthritis: A Review
Ali Mobasheri, Richard Barrett-Jolley, Caroline A. Staunton, Chris
Ford, and Yves Henrotin
7.1 Introduction 71
7.2 Osteoarthritis (OA) 72
7.3 Antioxidants and the Inflammatory Microenvironment 73
7.4 Inflammaging 75
7.5 Nutrigenomics 76
7.6 Muscle Inflammation in OA 77
7.7 Conclusions 80
8 Genetic Basis of Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Boswellia
Extracts 85
Golakoti Trimurtulu, Chandan K. Sen, Alluri V. Krishnaraju, Kiran
Bhupathiraju, and Krishanu Sengupta
8.1 Introduction 85
8.2 Boswellia serrata 86
8.3 Mechanism of Action 87
8.4 Development of 5-LOXIN (BE-30) 87
8.5 Gene Chip Probe Array Analysis 88
8.6 Proteomics 89
8.7 Molecular Basis of Anti-Inflammatory Properties of 5-LOXIN 95
8.8 In vivo Studies 96
8.9 Safety of 5-LOXIN 96
8.10 Clinical Efficacy of 5-LOXIN in the Management of Osteoarthritis 97
8.11 An Advanced 5-LOXIN: Aflapin 99
8.12 Conclusion 100
9 Cancer Chemopreventive Phytochemicals Targeting NF-κB and
Nrf2 Signaling Pathways 102
Hye-Kyung Na and Young-Joon Surh
9.1 Introduction 102
9.2 Molecular-Based Cancer Chemoprevention 104
9.3 Nuclear Factor-Kappa B (NF-κB) 105
9.4 Nrf2 108
9.5 Interplay/Crosstalk between Nrf2 and NF]κB Signaling Pathways 114
9.6 Conclusion 115
10 The Beneficial Health Effects of Fucoxanthin 122
Kazuo Miyashita and Masashi Hosokawa
10.1 Introduction 122
10.2 The Beneficial Health Effects of Carotenoids as Antioxidants 124
10.3 Anticancer Activity of Fucoxanthin 124
10.4 Anti-Obesity Effects of Fucoxanthin 126
10.5 Anti-Diabetic Effects of Fucoxanthin 127
10.6 Conclusion 130
11 Nutrition, Genomics, and Human Health: A Complex Mechanism
for Wellness 135
Okezie I. Aruoma
11.1 Introduction 135
11.2 Nutrition Sciences and Clinical Applications in Nutritional Genomics 136
12 Application of Genomics and Bioinformatics Analysis in
Exploratory Study of Functional Foods 140
Kohsuke Hayamizu and Aiko Manji
12.1 Introduction 140
12.2 Analysis Tools 141
12.3 Interpretation Tools 142
12.4 Application Example of Kale (Brassica oleracea L. Var Acephala DC) 143
12.5 Conclusion 148
13 Omics Analysis and Databases for Plant Science 150
Masaaki Kobayashi, Hajime Ohyanagi, and Kentaro Yano
13.1 Introduction 150
13.2 NGS Technologies and Data Processing 151
13.3 De novo Plant Genome Assembly by NGS 151
13.4 Plant Genome Resequencing by NGS 153
13.5 Plant Transcriptome Analysis by NGS 154
13.6 Plant Genome and Annotation Databases 154
13.7 Plant Omics Databases 155
13.8 Conclusion 156
14 Synergistic Plant Genomics and Molecular Breeding
Approaches for Ensuring Food Security 160
Shouvik Das and Swarup K. Parida
14.1 Introduction 160
14.2 Plant Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, and Metabolomics Resources 161
14.3 Molecular Markers in Plant Genome Analysis 163
14.4 Identification of Functionally Relevant Molecular Tags Governing Agronomic Traits 167
14.5 Genomics]Assisted Crop Improvement 170
15 Combinatorial Approaches Utilizing Nutraceuticals in
Cancer Chemoprevention and Therapy: A Complementary Shift with
Promising Acuity 185
Madhulika Singh and Yogeshwer Shukla
15.1 Introduction 185
15.2 Nutraceuticals 187
15.3 Nutraceuticals and Key Events in Cancer Development 189
15.4 Nutraceuticals in Combinatorial Therapy of Human Cancer: A Pledge of the Future 191
15.5 Curcumin: Potential for Combination Therapy 195
15.6 Resveratrol: Potential for Combination Therapy 199
15.7 Lycopene (a Carotenoid): Potential for Combinations Therapy 202
15.8 Soy Nutraceuticals: Potential for Combination Therapy 203
15.9 Tea Polyphenols Potential for Combinatorial Therapy 204
15.10 D-Limonene: Potential for Combination Therapy 207
15.12 Conclusion 208
16 Nutrigenomic Approaches to Understanding the
Transcriptional and Metabolic Responses of Phytochemicals to
Diet-Induced Obesity and its Complications 218
Myung-Sook Choi and Eun-Young Kwon
16.1 Introduction 218
16.2 Nutrigenomics 219
16.3 Obesity and Cardiometabolic Syndrome 222
16.4 Anti-Obesity Action of Luteolin 225
16.5 Conclusion 226
17 Going Beyond the Current Native Nutritional Food Through
the Integration of the Omic Data in the Post]Genomic Era: A Study
in (Resistant) Starch Systems Biology 230
Treenut Saithong and Saowalak Kalapanulak
17.1 Introduction 230
17.2 Starch and its Yield Improvement in Plants 231
17.3 An Extension of the (Resistant) Starch Yield Improvement Research on the Systems Biology Regime: Integration of the Omic Data from the Post-Genomic Technology 233
Part III Proteomics 243
18 Proteomics and Nutrition Research: An Overview 245
Arun K. Tewari, Sudhasri Mohanty, and Sashwati Roy
18.1 Introduction 245
18.2 Proteomics 245
18.3 Nutrition and Proteins 246
18.4 Nutritional Biomarkers 248
18.5 Nutritional Bioactives 248
18.6 Diet-Based Proteomics Application to Animal Products (Livestock Applications) 249
18.7 Proteomics and Food Safety 249
18.8 Conclusion 249
18.9 Significance 250
19 Proteomics Analysis for the Functionality of Toona
sinensis 253
Sue-Joan Chang and Chun-Yung Huang
19.1 Introduction 253
19.2 Toona sinensis 253
19.3 TSLs Regulate Functions of Testes/Spermatozoa 254
19.4 TSLs Regulate Liver Metabolism 257
19.5 TSL as a Novel Antioxidant 261
19.6 Possible Active Compounds in TSL Extracts 261
19.7 Conclusion 261
20 Proteomic Approaches to Identify Novel Therapeutics and
Nutraceuticals from Filamentous Fungi: Prospects and Challenges
Samudra Prosad Banik, Suman Khowala, Chiranjib Pal, and Soumya
20.1 Introduction 265
20.2 Mushroom Derived Immunomodulators and their Target Cells in the Immune System 266
20.3 Mushroom Derived Metabolites in Treating Cancer 271
20.4 Mushroom Derived Metabolites in Infectious Diseases 271
20.5 Fungal Enzymes as Therapeutics and Dietary Supplements 274
20.6 Identification and Characterization of Mushroom Derived Bioactive Therapeutics 275
20.7 Challenges in Intracellular Proteome Preparation 279
20.8 Challenges in Extracellular Proteome Preparation 279
20.9 New Generation MS Technologies to Track the Dynamic Proteome 280
20.10 Glycoproteomics: A New Arsenal in the Proteomic Toolbox 280
20.11 Glycoproteomics of Filamentous Fungi 281
20.12 High]Throughput Approaches to Decipher Fungal Glycan Structures 282
20.13 Challenges in MS Studies of Glycans/Glycopeptides 284
20.14 Optimized MS Instrumentation for Glycan Analysis 284
20.15 Tandem Mass Spectrometry 285
20.16 Bioinformatics for Glycoproteomics: Hitting Databases with MS Peaks 285
20.17 Predicting Glycan Structures with Computational Tools 286
20.18 Concluding Remarks: The Road Ahead 287
21 Proteomics and Metaproteomics for Studying Probiotic
Activity 296
Rosa Anna Siciliano and Maria Fiorella Mazzeo
21.1 Introduction 296
21.2 Molecular Mechanisms of Probiotic Action as Studied by Proteomics 297
21.3 Probiotics and Prebiotics 299
21.4 Investigation on Human Microbiota Dynamics by Proteomics 300
21.5 Concluding Remarks and Future Directions 301
22 Proteomics Approach to Assess the Potency of Dietary Grape
Seed Proanthocyanidins and Dimeric Procyanidin B2 304
Hai-qing Gao, Bao-ying Li, Mei Cheng, Xiao-li Li, Fei Yu, and Zhen
22.1 Chemoprotective Properties of GSPs 305
22.2 Proteomic Platform 309
22.3 Proteomics Analysis of the Actions of GSPs 311
22.4 Functional Confirmation of Proteins 317
22.5 Future Perspectives 317
23 Genomic and Proteomic Approaches to Lung Transplantation:
Identifying Relevant Biomarkers to Improve Surgical Outcome
John Noel, Ronald Carnemola, and Shampa Chatterjee
23.1 Introduction 321
23.2 Lung Transplantation 322
23.3 Challenges of Lung Transplantation 323
23.4 Inflammatory Biomarkers with Lung Rejection: Markers of Inflammation Signaling such as CAMs, Chemokines, and Cytokines and their Status with Transplants 324
23.5 Microarray Technology to Identify Transplant Rejection Biomarkers 324
23.6 Challenges and Future Directions 325
24 Proteomics in Understanding the Molecular Basis of
Phytochemicals for Health 328
Jung Yeon Kwon, Sanguine Byun, and Ki Won Lee
24.1 Introduction 328
24.2 Proteomics in Phytochemical Research in Cancer Prevention 329
24.3 Perspectives 331
24.4 Proteomics in Phytochemical Research for Metabolic Diseases 333
24.5 Proteomics for Neuroprotective Phytochemicals 333
24.6 Proteomics for Phytochemicals with Other Functions for Health Benefits 334
24.7 Conclusions 334
25 Genomics/Proteomics of NEXT-II, a Novel Water]Soluble,
Undenatured Type II Collagen in Joint Health Care 338
Orie Yoshinari, Hiroyoshi Moriyama, Manashi Bagchi, and Debasis
25.1 Introduction 338
25.2 Mechanism of RA 339
25.3 About NEXT-II 340
25.4 Hypothesized Mechanism of NEXT-II 342
25.5 Future Perspectives 343
25.6 Conclusion 343
Part IV Metabolomics 347
26 Harnessing Metabolic Diversity for Nutraceutical Plant
Breeding 349
Ashish Saxena and Vicki L. Schlegel
26.1 What is Metabolomics? 349
26.2 Nutraceuticals 350
26.3 Importance of Secondary Metabolites 350
26.4 Complementing Plant Breeding with "Omics" 351
26.5 Nutraceutical Breeding 352
26.6 Crop Quality 353
26.7 Metabolomics and Plant Stresses 353
26.8 Food Safety 354
26.9 Future 354
27 Metabolomics and Fetal-Neonatal Nutrition: An Overview
Angelica Dessì, Flaminia Cesare Marincola, and Vassilios Fanos
27.1 Introduction 357
27.2 IUGR and LGA: Fetal Programming 358
27.3 Metabolomics in Nutritional Research 358
27.4 Nutrimetabolomics in Animal Models 360
27.5 Nutrimetabolomics in Human Models 361
27.6 Conclusions 362
28 Metabolomics, Bioactives, and Cancer 365
Shannon R. Sweeney, John DiGiovanni, and Stefano Tiziani
28.1 Introduction 365
28.2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 366
28.3 Mass Spectrometry 367
28.4 Application of Scientific Computing and Data Analysis 368
28.5 Metabolomics, Bioactive Food Components, and Cancer 369
28.6 Future Perspectives 373
29 NMR]Based Metabolomics of Foods 379
Takuya Miyakawa, Tingfu Liang, and Masaru Tanokura
29.1 Introduction 379
29.2 Principal Aspects of NMR in Food Analyses 380
29.3 NMR Techniques Applied to Food Metabolomics 380
29.4 Monitoring of Metabolic Changes in Food Processing Using Quantitative NMR 381
29.5 NMR Profiling Based on Multivariate Analyses 382
29.6 Conclusion 386
30 Cancer Chemopreventive Effect of Curcumin through
Suppressing Metabolic Crosstalk between Components in the Tumor
Microenvironment 388
Dong Hoon Suh and Yong-Sang Song
30.1 Introduction 388
30.2 Cancer Metabolism 389
30.3 Metabolic Onco-Targets of Curcumin in the Tumor Microenvironment 391
30.4 Clinical Trials of Curcumin as Metabolic Modulators in Cancer 393
30.5 Conclusions and Future Perspectives 393
31 Metabolomics of Green Tea 397
Yoshinori Fujimura and Hirofumi Tachibana
31.1 Introduction 397
31.2 Metabolic Profiling 398
31.3 Tea Chemical Composition 401
31.4 Metabolic Responses to Tea Consumption 402
31.5 Biotransformation of Dietary Tea Components 403
31.6 Conclusion 404
Part V Epigenetics 407
32 The Potential Epigenetic Modulation of Diabetes Influenced
by Nutritional Exposures In Utero 409
Jie Yan and Huixia Yang
32.1 Introduction 409
32.2 Insulin Resistance 409
32.3 Skeletal Muscle 410
32.4 Type 2 Diabetes 410
32.5 Influence of High]Fat Diet 410
32.6 Obesity 410
32.7 Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) 411
32.8 Environmental Factors and Epigenetic Modifications 411
32.9 Mitochondria and Energy Homeostasis 413
32.10 Diabetes Progression 413
32.11 Conclusion 414
33 The Time has Come (and the Tools are Available) for
Nutriepigenomics Studies 418
Pearlly S. Yan
33.1 Introduction: Great Strides in Deciphering Methylomes 418
33.2 Recent Findings in Methylome Research and their Implications for Future Nutriepigenomic Research 419
33.3 Strategies for Identifying and Optimizing a Small Number of Promising Methylation Markers 419
33.4 Validation of Methylation Markers Performance in Large Cohorts using Highly Targeted Assays 421
33.5 Summaries 422
34 Natural Phytochemicals as Epigenetic Modulators
Gauri Deb and Sanjay Gupta
34.1 Introduction 424
34.2 Epigenetic Mechanisms in Mammals 425
34.3 Natural Phytochemicals and Epigenetic Mechanisms 427
34.4 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 433
Part VI Peptidomics 441
35 Detection and Identification of Food-Derived Peptides in
Human Blood: Food-Derived Short Chain Peptidomes in Human Blood
Kenji Sato and Daisuke Urado
35.1 Introduction 443
35.2 Detection of Apparent Bioactive Peptides in Human Blood 444
35.3 Identification of Food]Derived Peptides in Human Blood 444
35.4 Future Prospects 448
Part VII Nutrigenomics and Human Health 453
36 Use of Omics Approaches for Developing Immune-Modulatory
and Anti-Inflammatory Phytomedicines 455
Shu-Yi Yin, Pradeep M. S., and Ning-Sun Yang
36.1 Introduction 455
36.2 Transcriptomics Study in Medicinal Plant Research 458
36.3 Proteomics Studies on Research into Medicinal Plants 462
36.4 Metabolomics Study on the Research of Medicinal Plants 463
36.5 Lipidomics Study on the Research of Medicinal Plants 466
36.6 Comparative and Bioinformatics Tools for Omics Studies 466
36.7 Challenges and Perspectives 469
37 The Application of Algae for Cosmeceuticals in the Omics
Age 476
Nyuk Ling Ma, Su Shiung Lam, and Rahman Zaidah
37.1 Introduction 476
37.2 Metabolomics 477
37.3 Genomics 477
37.4 Proteomics 481
37.5 Conclusion 483
38 Gut Microbiome and Functional Foods: Health Benefits and
Safety Challenges 489
Abhai Kumar, Smita Singh, and Anil Kumar Chauhan
38.1 Introduction 489
38.2 Microbiome Symbiosis 490
38.3 Functional Food Intervention of Gut Microbiota 492
38.4 Types of Functional Foods and Their Effects 493
38.5 Regulations and Safety of Functional Food 497
38.6 Safety Challenges of Functional Food 499
38.7 Functional Foods and Nutrigenomics 499
38.8 Conclusions 500
39 An Overview on Germinated Brown Rice and its Nutrigenomic
Implications 504
Mustapha Umar Imam and Maznah Ismail
39.1 Diet and Health: The Role of Staple Foods and Nutrigenomic Implications 504
39.2 Health Implications of White Rice and Brown Rice Consumption 506
39.3 Germinated Brown Rice: Bioactives, Functional Effects, and Mechanistic Insights 506
39.4 Conclusions 513
39.5 Future Considerations 513
40 Novel Chromium (III) Supplements and Nutrigenomics
Exploration: A Review 518
Sreejayan Nair, Anand Swaroop, and Debasis Bagchi
40.1 Introduction 518
40.2 Trivalent Chromium, Insulin Regulation, and Signaling 519
40.3 Regulatory Pathways 519
40.4 MicroRNAs 522
40.5 Summary and Conclusions 522
Part VIII Transcriptomics 525
41 Transcriptomics of Plants Interacting with Pathogens and
Beneficial Microbes 527
Hooman Mirzaee, Louise Shuey, and Peer M. Schenk
41.1 Introduction 527
41.2 Plant Defense Responses against Pathogens 528
41.3 Transcriptomics during Plant]Pathogen Interactions 529
41.4 Plant Responses during Interactions with Beneficial Microbes 530
41.5 Transcriptomics during Beneficial Plant]Microbe Interactions 531
41.6 Knowledge on Modulation of Host Immunity by Pathogens and Beneficial Microbes May Lead to New Resistance Strategies 532
42 Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Profiling of Chicken
Adipose Tissue: An Overview 537
Brynn H. Voy, Stephen Dearth, and Shawn R. Campagna
42.1 Introduction 537
42.2 Chicken as a Model Organism 537
42.3 Chicken Genome and Genetic Diversity 538
42.4 Chicken as a Model for Studies of Adipose Biology and Obesity 538
42.5 Natural and Selected Models of Differential Fatness 538
42.6 Transcriptomics and Metabolomics as Tools for the Studies of Adipose Biology in Chicken 539
42.7 Insight into Control of Adipose Tissue Growth and Metabolism in Chickens from Transcriptomics and Metabolomics 541
42.8 Conclusions and Future Directions 543
43 Nutritional Transcriptomics: An Overview 545
M. R. Noori]Daloii and A. Nejatizadeh
43.1 Introduction 545
43.2 Molecular Nutrition 546
43.3 From Nutrients to Genes Expression Profiling 547
43.4 Biological Actions of Nutrients 548
43.5 Nutritional Transcriptomics 548
43.6 Transcriptomic Technologies 549
43.7 Transcriptomics and Development of New Nutritional Biomarkers 552
43.8 The Micronutrient Genomics Project 553
43.9 Transcriptomics in Nutrition Research 553
43.10 Perspectives 554
44 Dissecting Transcriptomes of Cyanobacteria for Novel
Metabolite Production 557
Sucheta Tripathy, Deeksha Singh, Mathumalar C., and Abhishek
44.1 Introduction 557
44.2 Phylogenetic Relationships in Cyanobacteria 558
44.3 Genomic Studies of Cyanobacteria 560
44.4 Plasmids in Cyanobacteria 562
44.5 Dissecting Transcriptomes of Cyanobacteria 563
44.6 Conclusion 571
45 Inflammation, Nutrition, and Transcriptomics 573
Gareth Marlow and Lynnette R. Ferguson
45.1 Introduction 573
45.2 Inflammation 573
45.3 Nutrition 575
45.4 Nutrigenomics 575
45.5 Dietary Factors and Inflammation 576
45.6 Transcriptomics 577
45.7 Conclusions 578
46 Transcriptomics and Nutrition in Mammalians 581
Carmen Arnal, Jose M. Lou-Bonafonte, María V. Martínez]Gracia,
María J. Rodríguez-Yoldi, and Jesús Osada
46.1 Introduction 581
46.2 Adipocyte Transcriptome 584
46.3 Intestinal Transcriptome 587
46.4 Hepatic Transcriptome 590
46.5 Muscular Transcriptome 599
46.6 Conclusion 601
Part IX Nutriethics 609
47 Nutritional Sciences at the Intersection of Omics
Disciplines and Ethics: A Focus on Nutritional Doping 611
Nicola Luigi Bragazzi
47.1 Introduction 611
47.2 Nutrigenomics and Nutriproteomics 612
47.3 Sports Nutriproteogenomics 614
47.4 Nutritional and Sports Ethics 615
47.5 Conclusions 617
Part X Nanotechnology 623
48 Current Relevant Nanotechnologies for the Food Industry
Kelvii Wei Guo
48.1 Introduction 625
48.2 Nanotechnology in Food Industry 626
48.3 Natural Biopolymers 630
48.4 Nanotechnology for Food Packaging 630
48.5 Outstanding State-of-the-Art Issues 633
48.6 Conclusion 633
References 634
Index 637
Debasis Bagchi, Ph.D., MACN, CNS, MAIChE
University of Houston College of Pharmacy, Houston, TX, USA
Anand Swaroop, Ph.D.
Cepham Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA
Manashi Bagchi, Ph.D., FACN
Cepham Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA
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