"Gabby is a colorful and animated picture book that will engage children through its bright illustrations and imaginative text. The story also functions as a creative lesson in how to spell and attach meaning to words. The text by Joyce Grant is skillfully placed on each page to complement Jan Dolby's illustrations. Throughout the book's bright images, colorful letters of the alphabet are embedded into objects appearing in Gabby's playroom. The story shows young readers how letters turn into sounds and come together to spell words." --CM Magazine
Gabby reaches up, up, up, to put away her last book when suddenly, the book tumbles out of her hand and the letters inside scatter around her playroom! Before Gabby can collect them all, the letters take on a life of their own, "spelling" disaster!
Will Gabby manage to tame her new "word-mates" and show them how letters can also make "f-r-i-e-n-d-s?"
"Gabby is a colorful and animated picture book that will engage children through its bright illustrations and imaginative text. The story also functions as a creative lesson in how to spell and attach meaning to words. The text by Joyce Grant is skillfully placed on each page to complement Jan Dolby's illustrations. Throughout the book's bright images, colorful letters of the alphabet are embedded into objects appearing in Gabby's playroom. The story shows young readers how letters turn into sounds and come together to spell words." --CM Magazine
Gabby reaches up, up, up, to put away her last book when suddenly, the book tumbles out of her hand and the letters inside scatter around her playroom! Before Gabby can collect them all, the letters take on a life of their own, "spelling" disaster!
Will Gabby manage to tame her new "word-mates" and show them how letters can also make "f-r-i-e-n-d-s?"
Joyce Grant is the editor of Getting Kids Reading, a non-profit website that works to stimulate a love of reading in children. She is the author of the 3 books in the Gabby series as well as the middle grade novels Sliding Home and Tagged Out. She lives in Toronto, Ontario.
Jan Dolby creates her illustrations using acrylic paint, watercolor, graphite or marker mixed with the addition of Photoshop and Illustrator. Jan was born in St. John's, Newfoundland and raised in Ontario. She studied Fine Art and Business at The University of Guelph. Her picture books include the 3 books in the Gabby series, Lucky Me and The Cold Little Voice. She lives in Stouffville, Ontario.
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