Exit is a fictional mystery. The story revolves around the character Lee, who was recently contacted by her first love to secretly meet in their hometown of Alabaster, Georgia. Lee is hesitant because not only is she happily married, but also her lost love has abandoned her in the past. Since Lee's first love only reappears when it is convenient for him, will Lee run to be by his side again? Or will she resist the urge and stay faithful to her loyal husband? Who will Lee choose? The man that she has always loved or the man that she exchanged vows with? While contemplating which decision to make, Lee encounters an odd character by the name of Sister. Trying to persuade Lee to avoid traveling back down the same road as before, Sister shares the story of another character named Pookie McAdoo. What does Pookie's story have to do with Lee? How do the lives of Sister, Pookie, and Lee intertwine within this heart-wrenching mystery?
Frankie Berry Wise is a resident of Tuskegee, Alabama. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, award-winning cook, part-time actress, animal-rights advocate, and avid reader and writer of fiction.
Frankie was born and raised in rural Franklin, Georgia where she was provided with the first-hand and insightful knowledge that influences many of her literary works.
She is a proud product of the original Mary Hines Johnson Consolidated School that sprung from the original Ebenezer Church School. These schools were the brainchild of Frankie's aunt, Mary Hines Johnson, who was the founder of the first school for black children in Heard County. Frankie was among one of the students, graduating Valedictorian of her senior class.
Frankie studied Art History at Tuskegee Institute, now Tuskegee University. She was also an Art Consultant and Educational Advisor for the Tuskegee Institute Community Education Program.
She loves acting and has had roles in various plays, commercials, and movies- appearing as an extra in The Long Walk Home and Blue Sky.
Frankie Berry Wise is the author of Breaking the Chain, Exit, and Broken Promises.
Exit is a fictional mystery. The story revolves around the character Lee, who was recently contacted by her first love to secretly meet in their hometown of Alabaster, Georgia. Lee is hesitant because not only is she happily married, but also her lost love has abandoned her in the past. Since Lee's first love only reappears when it is convenient for him, will Lee run to be by his side again? Or will she resist the urge and stay faithful to her loyal husband? Who will Lee choose? The man that she has always loved or the man that she exchanged vows with? While contemplating which decision to make, Lee encounters an odd character by the name of Sister. Trying to persuade Lee to avoid traveling back down the same road as before, Sister shares the story of another character named Pookie McAdoo. What does Pookie's story have to do with Lee? How do the lives of Sister, Pookie, and Lee intertwine within this heart-wrenching mystery?
Frankie Berry Wise is a resident of Tuskegee, Alabama. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, award-winning cook, part-time actress, animal-rights advocate, and avid reader and writer of fiction.
Frankie was born and raised in rural Franklin, Georgia where she was provided with the first-hand and insightful knowledge that influences many of her literary works.
She is a proud product of the original Mary Hines Johnson Consolidated School that sprung from the original Ebenezer Church School. These schools were the brainchild of Frankie's aunt, Mary Hines Johnson, who was the founder of the first school for black children in Heard County. Frankie was among one of the students, graduating Valedictorian of her senior class.
Frankie studied Art History at Tuskegee Institute, now Tuskegee University. She was also an Art Consultant and Educational Advisor for the Tuskegee Institute Community Education Program.
She loves acting and has had roles in various plays, commercials, and movies- appearing as an extra in The Long Walk Home and Blue Sky.
Frankie Berry Wise is the author of Breaking the Chain, Exit, and Broken Promises.
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