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Engineering the Digital ­Transformation

Paperback, 184 pages
United States, 1 March 2020

I see it all the time: Businesses implement the latest Agile and DevOps practices from thesoftware industry, hoping that simply doing so will provide the required improvements.But months and evenyears later, they're still struggling. Similarly, I watch the softwareindustry trying to learn and implement wholesale what the manufacturing industry didyears ago.As it turns out, we can't just copy what others have done. Businesses need to understandthe unique challenges of their company. And digital assets like software are very differentfrom physical assets that are manufactured. Every business is different, and softwaredevelopment is different from manufacturing.Engineering the Digital Transformation provides systematic approaches to improvinghow software is developed for a broad range of applications. This book focuses on high-level principles for engineering improvements, leveraging as much as possible frommanufacturing, and modifies them toaddress the unique characteristics and capabilitiesof software.

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Product Description

I see it all the time: Businesses implement the latest Agile and DevOps practices from thesoftware industry, hoping that simply doing so will provide the required improvements.But months and evenyears later, they're still struggling. Similarly, I watch the softwareindustry trying to learn and implement wholesale what the manufacturing industry didyears ago.As it turns out, we can't just copy what others have done. Businesses need to understandthe unique challenges of their company. And digital assets like software are very differentfrom physical assets that are manufactured. Every business is different, and softwaredevelopment is different from manufacturing.Engineering the Digital Transformation provides systematic approaches to improvinghow software is developed for a broad range of applications. This book focuses on high-level principles for engineering improvements, leveraging as much as possible frommanufacturing, and modifies them toaddress the unique characteristics and capabilitiesof software.

Product Details
18.8 x 12.5 x 1.5 centimeters (0.28 kg)

About the Author

Gary Gruver is an experienced executive with a proven track record of transformingsoftware development and delivery processes in large organizations. As the R&Ddirector over the HP LaserJet FW team (~800), he led productivity improvements of 2-3X.Then, as VP of QA, Release, and Operations at Macy's.com, he managed thejourney toward continuous delivery. His current passion is helping as many people aspossible achieve similar results through consulting, webinars, presentations, and books.Gary's consulting approach is unique in that he stays engaged with organizations duringtheir journeys to provide guidance when they hit specific challenges and to learn aboutwhat is and isn't working during as many different transformations as possible. Thisexperience enables him to help clients avoid common mistakes and share approachesthat have been proven to deliver business results for a variety of companies. He is theauthor ofStarting and Scaling DevOps in the Enterpriseand co-author ofLeading theTransformation:Applying Agile and DevOps Principles at ScaleandA PracticalApproach to Large-Scale Agile Development: How HP Transformed LaserJetFutureSmart FirmwareOriginal Signatory of the Agile Manifesto

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