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Encyclopedia of Creativity ­Two-Volume Set, Second ­Edition
By Mark A. Runco (Editor In Chief), Steven R. Pritzker (Editor In Chief), Steven R. Pritzker (Editor In Chief)

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Mixed media product, 1384 pages
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United States, 23 May 2011
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The first edition of the successful Encyclopedia of Creativity, Two Volume Set served to establish the study of creativity is a field in itself. Now completely updated and revised in its second edition, coverage encompasses the definition of creativity, the development and expression of creativity across the lifespan, the environmental conditions that encourage or discourage creativity, creativity within specific disciplines like music, dance, film, art, literature, etc., the relationship of creativity and mental health, intelligence, and learning styles, and the process of being creative. This reference also appeals to a lay audience with articles specifically on the application of creativity to business settings. Available online via ScienceDirect and in limited print release.

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Product Description

The first edition of the successful Encyclopedia of Creativity, Two Volume Set served to establish the study of creativity is a field in itself. Now completely updated and revised in its second edition, coverage encompasses the definition of creativity, the development and expression of creativity across the lifespan, the environmental conditions that encourage or discourage creativity, creativity within specific disciplines like music, dance, film, art, literature, etc., the relationship of creativity and mental health, intelligence, and learning styles, and the process of being creative. This reference also appeals to a lay audience with articles specifically on the application of creativity to business settings. Available online via ScienceDirect and in limited print release.

Product Details
29.7 x 24.1 x 10.9 centimeters (4.47 kg)

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The perfect starting point for creativity research

Table of Contents

ActingAdaptation and CreativityAdvertisingAestheticsAgingAltered and Transitional StatesAnalogiesArchitecture, Modern WesternArt and AestheticsArt, Artists And Arts audiencesAssociative TheoryAsynchronicityAttentionAttitudesAttribution and CreativityAurobindo, SriAwardsBarriers to CreativityBeatlesBeethoven, LudwigBehavioral Approaches to CreativityBell, Alexander Graham*Bipolar DisorderBirth OrderBohm, DavidBrain and NeuropsychologyBronte Sisters*Business/ ManagementCassatt, MaryChaos Theory and CreativityCarroll, Lewis*Cezanne, Paul*Chaplin, CharlieChild, JuliaClaudel, CamilleCognitive Style and CreativityCollaborationComponential ModelsComputers and CreativityConcepts of Creativity: A historyConformity and ConventionalityConfusiousismConsensual AssessmentContrarianismCreative ClimateCreative Environments, Conditions, and SettingsCreative Products Creativity ComplexCreativity through HistoryCrime and CreativityCritical ThinkingCross-Cultural DifferencesCurie, Marie Sklodowska*Dance and CreativityDark Side of CreativityDarwin, Charles Robert*DaVinci, Leonardo*Definitions of CreativityDesignDevelopmental Trends in Creative Abilities and PotentialsDevianceDialectical Thinking: Implications for Creative ThinkingDineson, Isak*DiscoveryDistribution of CreativityDivergent ThinkingDiversity,CulturalDomains of CreativityDreams and CreativityEast vs. WestEccentricityEconomic Perspectives on CreativityEducationEinstein, Albert*EminenceEmotion/AffectEnhancement of CreativityEntrepreneurEveryday CreativityEvolving Systems ApproachExercisesExpertiseExpressive Arts TheoryFamilies and CreativityFilmFitzgerald, EllaFlow and Optimal ExperienceFood, Creativity of Recipes, Pairings, MenusFreud, Sigmund*Friendship and CreativityGandhi, MahatmaGender DifferencesGeneticsGenius and GreatnessGiftedness and CreativityGroup DynamicsHadyn, JosephHandwriting and CreativityHepburn, KatharineHeuristicsHistoriometryHopper, Grace MurrayHumorImaginationImplicit TheoriesImprovisationIncubationInnovation InsightIntelligence (relation to creativity)Interest InventoriesIntuitionInvention Janusian, Homospatial and Sepconic Articulation ProcessesJoyce, JamesJungian TheoryKahlo, FridaKnowledgeKrebs, Hans Adolf*Kurosawa, AkiraLeadershipLife StagesLogic and ReasoningLongitudinal StudiesMad Genius ControversyMatthew, Pygmalion, and Founder EffectsMead, MargaretMemory & CreativityMental Health: Affective DisordersMentorsMetacognitionMetaphorsMichelangeloMindfulnessMonet, ClaudeMoral Issues in CreativityMotivationMultiple DiscoveryMultiple IntelligencesMusicNature/Nurture and CreativityNetworkingNoveltyO'Keefe, Georgia*Organisational DevelopmentOrganizational culture OverexcitabilitiesParadigm ShiftsPerception and CreativityPersonal CreativityPersonality: Autonomy and Independence PerspectivesPessoa, Fernando*Piaget, Jean*PicassoPlath, Sylvia*Play (Creative processes in)PoetryProblem FindingProblem SolvingProdigiesPrograms and Courses in CreativityPsycholinguisticsRank, Otto Remote AssociatesResearch MethodsResearch: QualitativeResearch: QuantitativeRewardsRisk-takingSchizophrenia and PsychosisSchumann, ClaraSchumann, Robert*Science (Creativity In)Self-ActualizationSerendipitySexton, Anne*Shakespeare, William*Shaw, George Bernard* Social PsychologySociobiologySocio-Economic StatusSpiritualitySports and CreativitySteiglitz, AlfredStress and CreativitySubstance Abuse and CreativitySuicideSynaesthesiaSynchronicitySystems ApproachTactics and Strategies for CreativityTagore, Rabindranath*Talent and CreativityTeaching CreativityTeamsTeasdale, SaraTesting/Measurement/AssessmentThe Creative Sector and Class of SocietyThe Four Ps of Creativity: Person, Product, Process, and PressTheatre Theories of CreativityTherapy and Counselling (Creative Processes In)TimeToulouse-Latrec, Henri de*TrainingTrajectoriesTransforming Illness and Visual ArtUnconsciousUnderacheivement van Gogh, Vincent*Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich*War Wertheimer, MaxWomen and CreativityWoolf, Virginia*Wordsworth, William*Wright, Wilbur and Orville*Writing and CreativityZeitgeistZen*Denotes online-only article

About the Author

Mark A. Runco, Ph.D. is Professor of Child and Adolescent Studies at California State University, Fullerton and earned a PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the Claremont Graduate School. His dissertation was on divergent thinking and he has studied creativity ever since. He founded the Creativity Research Journal over 20 years ago and remains Editor-in-Chief. He is currently the E. Paul Torrance Professor of Creative Studies at the University of Georgia, Athens. He is also Director of the Torrance Creativity Center, a Fellow and Past President of the American Psychological Association's Division 10 (Psychology, Art, and Creativity). His textbook on creativity was released by Academic Press in 2007. He is founder and continuing editor of the Creativity Research Journal and acts as senior editor of the Perspectives on Creativity book series. Author of over 120 books, chapters, and articles in the area of creativity, he is a fellow and past president of the American Psychological Association's Division 10 (Psychology and the Arts). Dr. Runco is recipient of a Spencer Foundation Research Grant and also of the Early Scholar Award from the National Association for Gifted Children. STEVEN R. PRITZKER, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at Saybrook University in San Francisco. He is Director of The Creativity Studies Certificate and Masters in Psychology with a Specialization in Creativity Studies. Dr. Pritzker writes both academic and popular press articles and books concerning creativity. He is a fellow and educational coalition representative for the American Psychological Association's Division 10 (Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and The Arts). He serves on the editorial board of the APA journal Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and The Arts. Dr. Pritzker is a former comedy writer-producer who worked on over 200 network television episodes including such popular shows as The Partridge Family, Maude, Fish, The Hogan Family and the Emmy winning Mary Tyler Moore Show and Room 222. He has received Emmy recognition and been nominated for the Writers Guild of America Award. Dr. Pritzker is President of Creativity Source where he consults and coaches organizations and individuals on maximizing their creativity.


"Overall, the book does fulfil its aims and is timely, given the increasing interest in developing new approaches and products. It will be of interest to subject librarians with responsibility for psychology and creative courses and others who want to find out about the theoretical viewpoints."--Health Libraries Group Newsletter

Praise for the first edition:

"...an impressive work by any standard. We warmly recommend this tour de force publication... a must for every university library..."- HIGH ABILITY STUDIES

"The Encyclopedia of Creativity is a highly impressive, collaborative achievement... Unprecedented in breadth and scope... a resounding success..."- CONTEMPORARY PSYCHOLOGY (2002, Vol. 47, No. 2)

"...this encyclopedia represents a useful effort to bring together research on creativity and will serve undergraduate and graduate students well."- CHOICE

"...something to catch the interests of nearly any reader with a curious mind...- PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS

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