Research can play an important role in offering ideas and insights into educational issues, but it should always be understood and utilised through the filter of professional values and judgement. This book is suitable for those with little or no research experience: in it, the authors sketch out some of the main features and concepts in educational research, whilst also offering advice on constructing single, small-scale research projects. As such, it will allow readers to engage with some of the basic conceptual elements of research as well as offering a foundation of knowledge and application. Educational Research has two main aims: 1. To introduce some of the basic concepts and knowledge underlying an understanding of research. This is important as research has a specialist language all of its own. To engage with and critique research we need to be able to understand how and why a piece of research has been developed in the way it has. 2. To provide some basic frameworks for developing your own small-scale research projects. One of the best ways to deepen your understanding of research is to carry out your own! Educational Research is a comprehensive guide to practitioner research; equipping teachers with the tools to develop their research literacy and conduct their own small-scale research projects. The book covers: the foundations of good educational research, research literacy, ethical issues in educational research, managing researcher bias, critical reading and writing, an introduction to research interests, context and questions, worldviews, philosophies and methodologies of research, research methods, data capture, sampling, methods of data collection, analysing data, descriptive statistics, reliability and validity and developing small-scale research projects.
Show moreResearch can play an important role in offering ideas and insights into educational issues, but it should always be understood and utilised through the filter of professional values and judgement. This book is suitable for those with little or no research experience: in it, the authors sketch out some of the main features and concepts in educational research, whilst also offering advice on constructing single, small-scale research projects. As such, it will allow readers to engage with some of the basic conceptual elements of research as well as offering a foundation of knowledge and application. Educational Research has two main aims: 1. To introduce some of the basic concepts and knowledge underlying an understanding of research. This is important as research has a specialist language all of its own. To engage with and critique research we need to be able to understand how and why a piece of research has been developed in the way it has. 2. To provide some basic frameworks for developing your own small-scale research projects. One of the best ways to deepen your understanding of research is to carry out your own! Educational Research is a comprehensive guide to practitioner research; equipping teachers with the tools to develop their research literacy and conduct their own small-scale research projects. The book covers: the foundations of good educational research, research literacy, ethical issues in educational research, managing researcher bias, critical reading and writing, an introduction to research interests, context and questions, worldviews, philosophies and methodologies of research, research methods, data capture, sampling, methods of data collection, analysing data, descriptive statistics, reliability and validity and developing small-scale research projects.
Show moreAfter spending 10 years teaching in secondary schools in Lincolnshire, Phil Wood moved into higher education, first at the University of Leicester, and now as a Reader in Education at Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln. He is an active researcher focusing on educational change, currently exploring complexity informed approaches to education, and the nature of teacher workload.
Educational Research provides an excellent introduction to the
current perceptions of research in education and can act as a
steady mentor for those wishing to explore research further. It is
very astute and communicated in a clear, non-condescending tone,
emanating respect for the reader. The interplay between research,
practice and practitioner development comes across well and
integrity behind the reason for writing is clear; it is a book
written to develop those in the profession and will be of use to
educators on many levels. I highly recommend it!Kieran Dhunna
Halliwell (@Ezzy_Moon), researcher and consultant
aEngaging effectively with education research is something that can
enhance any teacher''s CPD journey - and this accessible and
informative book is the perfect introductory guide whether you are
looking to take a higher degree; investigate a topic in order to
inform and improve practice in your school; or simply want to be
able to look beyond the media headlines whenever the results of a
new study related to teaching and learning are announced. Setting
out the importance of a strong and transparent ethical framework
from the outset, Phil Wood and Joan Smith present all the stages of
what good research looks like, enabling readers both to recognise
and replicate it for themselves. From identifying the right
questions in order to generate the most useful responses, to
ensuring your language is unequivocal and unbiased throughout,
every step of the process is clearly explained and illustrated,
with plenty of helpful anecdotes, case studies and models along the
way.Teach Secondary Magazine, Issue 5.4
aThis book has been designed for people who are thinking about
carrying out a small-scale educational research project, perhaps
for the first time, as the title suggests.Any trepidation that one
may feel about this enterprise is countered by the clear, engaging
and encouraging tone of the writing. The research process is
well-explained and wide range of concepts are explored in a
coherent fashion. The book is logically organised and each chapter
deals with a different stage in the research journey. It starts
with a chapter that explore what research can be and ends with how
small-scale research can be developed.The authors argue that not
only researchers need to be research-literate. Those who read and
use other people''s research also should be able to make informed
judgements about its validity and quality. The central role of
ethics within educational research is a feature of the book:
consent, honesty and care are noted as being the basic principles
of ethical practice. Suggestions are offered on how to manage
researcher bias throughout the stages of research design,
data-collection, analysing data and reporting findings.There is a
very useful chapter about critical reading and writing (pp.33-48)
that delivers practical advice on how to approach writing as a
shared process between critical friends who can give and receive
feedback on a script. The next chapter, which addresses research
questions, is also very good.The authors are open about their aim
to write about small-scale research projects and it is
understandable that they don''t tackle in-depth longitudinal
studies or those based on narrative inquiry.Many of their examples
refer to schools, but there is a lot to be gleaned from this book
and applied in further education and non-formal education
settings.Sam Broadhead, InTuition magazine, Issue 24 Summer
Following a 30-year career as an educational practitioner, I
embarked on a professional doctorate in 2010. I really wish this
book had been available then! It is a comprehensive, clear and
accessible guide to how to conduct research, particularly single,
small-scale projects, in a responsible and rigorous way. The
chapter outline at the outset reflects the extensive nature of the
guidance, and provides a useful overview to help fledgling
researchers decide which sections to focus on depending on the
stage they have reached a for example, ethical considerations,
choice of methodology and methods, or data generation and analysis.
The introduction charts the growing interest in educational
research since 2010, which has moved from a simple focus on awhat
works' in the classroom to a wider exploration of the multi-faceted
benefits of reflective practice within an educational context. The
authors supply a useful definition of research and consider
general, overarching principles before going on to offer practical
advice; well-illustrated with specific examples about how best to
navigate the process of embarking on, and successfully completing,
a research project. They explore pitfalls to avoid and good
practice to emulate, and include an extremely useful annotated list
of recommendations for further reading. The readable style and
accessible language reflect the book's intended audience of
professionals, rather than the academic community. The key message
is communicated in a compelling way a the importance of being
apositively critical', of avoiding bias and ensuring ethical
principles underpin all stages of the research process. Wood and
Smith argue convincingly that the best way to develop research
literacy is to conduct your own research. This book will help you
to do so in a way which is informed and robust. My only complaint
is the timing of the publication of the book a just as I submit my
doctoral thesis aJill Berry, former head teacher, educational
consultant and researcher
Here''s a must for the staff library; useful for any staff thinking
of taking a higher degree a and there are many a and vital to a
school keen on using research findings and in setting out to base
their improvement on practical school-based research.Sir Tim
Brighouse, former London Schools Commissioner and Chief Education
Officer for Birmingham and Oxfordshire
In Educational Research: Taking the Plunge, Phil Wood and Joan
Smith provide a punchy and reader-friendly resource that will prove
invaluable to researchers seeking quick answers to methodological
puzzles or comprehensive introductions to a wide range of research
matters. The explanations are clear and concise; the organization
of the book and the page layout make navigation simple; and the
copious examples aid understandingaall of which also make the book
very accessible to readers for whom English is not the first
language.Bob Adamson, UNESCO Chair in TVET and Lifelong Learning,
Hong Kong Institute of Education
It is no mean feat to write an introductory book about educational
research for teachers that is expressed in clear, intelligible
language whilst making accessible to the reader a topic and
associated discourse which is not only new but can seem
overwhelming. But with Educational Research, Phil and Joan have
managed to pull it off! In capturing an education zeitgeist, this
book provides teachers with a thoroughly engaging, much needed
introductory guide to refer to when engaging with education
research. I particularly like the fact that ethical issues are
given precedence right at the beginning of the book. As the authors
say, all too often ethical considerations can be given scant regard
or seen as a procedural, box ticking exercise when conducting
research. Yet by foregrounding its importance, Phil and Joan are
developing a crucial, ethical awareness in the reader from the
outset of the book. Practising what they preach and starting as
they mean to go on! This is a book well worth reading for any
teacher thinking about dipping their toe in the education research
waters or even those who simply want to find out more about the
subject.Dr Matt OaLeary, Reader in Education, Centre for the Study
of Practice and Culture in Education (CSPACE), Birmingham City
Phil Wood and Joan Smith have written a neat guide to educational
research which will contribute nicely to the burgeoning
research-in-education business. Wood and Smith demonstrate with
utter clarity that undertaking your own research is a complicated
business. What I like most is their acknowledgement that
educational research should aalways be understood and utilised
through the filter of professional values and judgement'.
Educational Research explains the nuances of research and will
prove an invaluable guide for anyone on the verge of engaging in
developing an evidence-informed approach to teaching.John Tomsett,
Head Teacher, Huntington School, York
The authors have written a clearly structured and engaging text
which will encourage school and college based teachers to atake the
plungea into small scale research. It will be of immense help as
background reading for those contemplating research projects since
it covers key principles, methodologies, ethics, analysis and
presentation of data and findings in a realistic and accessible
format. It will make the aresearch journeya for those studying for
additional qualifications less hazardous as the range of potential
pitfalls are discussed at length. I was impressed with the overall
structure of the text which will support the developing focus on
staff measuring the impact of their work and providing evidence of
what is working in promoting learning and social outcomes. I was
particularly impressed with the sections on managing research bias,
critical reading and writing, data collection and analysis. This
book is an excellent resource for staff in schools and colleges who
are keen to use research to identify and support the achievement
and progress of key groups and the impact of their work. John T
Morris BA(Hons), MEd, MPhil, CertEd, Director at Ymgynghorwyr
Addysg JTM Educational Consultants
This book is well-structured and considers all the main points
first-time researchers need to consider. The examples are
particularly beneficial for students studying short research
modules, as seen on our PGCE course, and the section on ethics
provides simple, clear explanations of the important aspects to
consider. I would certainly recommend this to students I am
teaching and supervising as an accessible introduction into this
aspect of academic writing.Jenny Fogarty, Senior Lecturer, Division
of Education, London South Bank University
This is a welcome new resource for those interested in finding out
more about educational research either for professional interest or
because they want to engage in it themselves. In supporting
colleagues to atake the plunge' the authors offer a pragmatic
approach outlining the principles, identifying the challenges and
reassuring the reader that it might sometimes be messy. The book
outlines the concepts and knowledge underlying educational
research, which is both accessible and helpful. The authors
emphasise both the complexity and messiness of research and
reassure the reader that this is part of the process. So, for
instance, very few people are able to write their findings in one
go, they usually need revisions and this is fine. Sometimes the
findings are unexpected, counter-intuitive or even negative. Again
the authors are reassuring that this is part of honest, robust
research. Underlying this is the notion of open-mindedness on the
part of the researcher and a willingness to be alert to their own
preconceptions and biases. There is a helpful commentary on helping
to overcome these and ensuring that the research is open rather
than being a campaign. Educational Research summarises all the
areas for a new researcher to consider. It is a very accessible
resource, not least because of the way it is written but because of
the examples and case studies which the authors provide. These show
the complexity and also the rewards of undertaking research.
Particularly helpful are the summaries of other key books on
research. Mary Myatt, school adviser and blogger
This is the book on educational research that we've been waiting
for and it couldn't be more timely. Wood and Smith set out to
ignite readers' interest in understanding and conducting their own
research and Educational Research fulfils that promise. For
teachers across the land who strive to make learning brilliant for
every student in front of them early on a Monday morning, this book
offers a practical and insightful guide. Educational Research pulls
off a great balancing act. It recognises the importance of hanging
on to the creative spark of interest that first ignited your
research questions while challenging you to be methodical and
systematic in your approach. The gift of this book is that it
explains how to do both. Educational Research provides an engaging
insight into research principles, methods and frameworks. Every
step of the research process is clearly presented: from the design
of surveys and questionnaires and getting the most out of
interviews, all the way to thinking about how best to analyse and
present your data. Importantly, Wood and Smith have placed ethics
at the heart of this book. The principles of honesty, transparency
and care underpin every stage of the research process as they
describe it. Crafting any educational research project using
Educational Research will set you on the path to results that are
credible, fairer and more robust. So, this book is a goldmine for
any teacher who regularly asks themselves, aWhat changes do I want
or need to see?', aHow will I bring these about?' and aWhat will I
try then?' The delight of this book is that it also gives us an
answer to the final impact question, aaand how will I truly know
it's made a difference?' Packed with practical tools, examples and
reflective questions, Educational Research will add to and expand
the research repertoire of every classroom teacher. So simply open
up the first page and get started.ZoA Elder, Executive Director,
Clevedon Learning Hub, independent education consultant, author of
Full On Learning
This is the sort of book that will help teachers make sense of the
world in which they work. How to look carefully, how to record what
is happening, how to interpret results and how to decide what to do
next ... and how to know whether whatever we decide to do is
working: basic questions and simple truths that make a difference
to the learning experience of pupils. The book is a must for the
thinking teacher; take the plunge.Mick Waters, Professor of
Education, Wolverhampton University.
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