Earthworm, GeorgeOliver - Shop Online for Books in the United Kingdom

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The Most Important Animal in the World

Paperback, 174 pages
United States, 1 May 2020

The soil of the earth is in a terrible state, but steps can be taken to provide a hope for better farming, better crops, and better livestock. George Oliver spent over forty years studying the effect of earthworms on the soil. These magnificent creatures have been with us since the dawn of time, and the impact they have on all life is truly astounding. Whether you are interested in agriculture, poultry farming or fishing, this book is an excellent resource. Drawing on a lifetime of study, Dr. Oliver does a commendable job of backing up all his information with thoroughly researched facts and figures. This classic text, first published in 1941, has been re-edited for the modern reader.


Part 1
  • Introduction
  • Lesson 1: History of the Earthworm
  • Lesson 2: The Habits of the Earthworm
  • Lesson 3: Habits of the Newly Developed Earthworm
  • Lesson 4: Potential Markets for Earthworms
Part 2
  • Introduction
  • Lesson 1: What is Food?
  • Lesson 2: The Life Germ and Better Poultry
  • Lesson 3: Economical Poultry Housing
  • Lesson 4: The Interior of the Economical Hennery
  • Lesson 5: Intensive Range
  • Lesson 6: Putting the Bluebottle Fly to Work
Part 3
  • Introduction
  • Lesson 1: Natural and Man-made Enemies of the Earthworm
  • Lesson 2: The Trout Farmer's Problem
  • Lesson 3: Feeding Problem of the Frog Farmer
  • Lesson 4: Housing the Earthworm Stock
  • Lesson 5: General Care and Feeding of Earthworms
  • Summary
  • Conclusion
  • My Grandfather's Earthworm Farm
  • Introduction to Harvesting the Earthworm
  • On Earthworms


"This book by George Oliver returns the reader to a time and methodology where people took responsibility for what they did and what they produced. In this world of spiraling food prices, huge landfills, diminishing food supplies, loss of topsoil, and water pollution, the reader is gently chastised for "letting someone else do it" and being "just too busy." We were once a self-reliant nation; now we outsource. Oliver shows the reader what is wrong and where it is. You would be well advised to read the book over and over until you recognize the problems in our living world and how things can be turned around."

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Ships from UK Estimated delivery date: 21st Jan - 23rd Jan from UK

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Product Description

The soil of the earth is in a terrible state, but steps can be taken to provide a hope for better farming, better crops, and better livestock. George Oliver spent over forty years studying the effect of earthworms on the soil. These magnificent creatures have been with us since the dawn of time, and the impact they have on all life is truly astounding. Whether you are interested in agriculture, poultry farming or fishing, this book is an excellent resource. Drawing on a lifetime of study, Dr. Oliver does a commendable job of backing up all his information with thoroughly researched facts and figures. This classic text, first published in 1941, has been re-edited for the modern reader.


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Appendices


"This book by George Oliver returns the reader to a time and methodology where people took responsibility for what they did and what they produced. In this world of spiraling food prices, huge landfills, diminishing food supplies, loss of topsoil, and water pollution, the reader is gently chastised for "letting someone else do it" and being "just too busy." We were once a self-reliant nation; now we outsource. Oliver shows the reader what is wrong and where it is. You would be well advised to read the book over and over until you recognize the problems in our living world and how things can be turned around."

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20.3 x 12.7 x 1 centimeters (0.20 kg)
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