Part A - Nkrumah and his Immediate Successors, 1960-72 1. Introduction 2. Development, Disequilibrium and State Interventionism 3. The Economic Strategies of Nkrumah and his Successors 4. Domestic Economic Performance in the 1960s 5. External Performance: The Foreign Exchange Constraint and its Causes 6. Planning, Saving and Economic Management 7. Modernization without Growth 8. The Unbalanced Growth of Agriculture and Industry 9. The State as Entrepreneur 10. The State as Controller 11. After Nkrumah: Interpretations of Policies, 1966-72 12. Lessons Part B - The Record since 1972 13. From Implosion to Boom, 1972-2008 14. Structural Change 1970-2008 15. Forces for Change 1983-2008
Professor Tony Killick is Senior Research Associate of the Overseas Development Institute, London, and consultant on development policy issues. In various capacities, he has enjoyed a long association with Ghana.
'Do ideas drive development? That was the question implied by the
title of Tony Killick’s book on Ghana when it first came out in
1978. It is one of the topics worth revisiting on the occasion of
the book’s republication, now with three new chapters covering the
period 1972-2008.Actually, the title lays down something of a false
trail. As the subtitle more straightforwardly conveys, the book is
an exploration of economic policies in post-independence Ghana –
one of the most richly documented and meticulously analysed studies
available for any African country in its critical post-colonial
years. While the analysis establishes beyond doubt the importance
of policy, it shows particularly clearly that policy needs to be
understood as ‘what the government does’ and not in any of the more
limited senses of the term. Ideas, if taken in the sense of de
facto policies, are fundamental. The influence, for better or
worse, of abstract ideas – development economics – is much more
doubtful.As the first edition showed in compelling fashion, nearly
everything that went wrong with the Ghanaian economy during the
first decade of independence was policy-induced – not the result of
international constraints or poor initial resource endowments.
Theories about international constraint and vicious circles of
poverty are less influential than they were in the 1970s, but the
finding remains important. The book also explored the proposition
that Nkrumah and his successors were merely doing what was
recommended by the mainstream development economics of the period.
In this respect, however, the conclusions do not come down strongly
in favour of the role of ideas.It is certainly the case that
several of the biggest names in early development economics not
only constructed theories about the need for a state-led ‘big push’
of the sort that Nkrumah espoused but in several cases went on
high-profile advisory missions to Ghana. However, Killick’s
evidence does not suggest that this was a decisive influence. There
was, to be sure, some ‘elective affinity’ between elements of
Nkrumah’s African socialism and the market scepticism of Nurkse,
Hirschman, Myrdal, Seers, Lewis and Kaldor. But Nkrumah and his
advisers and immediate successors had visions and prejudices of
their own. Killick rejects the idea being expressed at the time by
Douglas Rimmer that the vision was just a smokescreen for what we
would now call a predatory neopatrimonialism. Nevertheless,
policy-in-practice was to a very large extent driven by certain
basic characteristics of politics and the civil service in Ghana.
In Killick’s view, these factors still operate today, several
decades and many international policy shifts later.This was and
remains an important finding. It is a great merit of the book that
its carefully marshalled detail allows readers to appreciate the
weight of the evidence for themselves.Already when Killick was
writing, mainstream development-policy thinking had shifted sharply
away from where it had been in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Ghana’s policies up to 1983 could not be suspected of having
high-minded intellectual roots of any significant kind. But the
position was transformed with the adoption of the first Economic
Recovery Programme by the second Rawlings regime: suddenly, policy
in Ghana was at the leading edge of a new global idea – structural
adjustment. It did not quite retain that status after the country
became in turn an early adopter of multi-party democracy in 1992;
but policy has remained fairly firmly within the new international
orthodoxy, far more aware of the costs and risks associated with
disrupting markets, and hesitant about anything more than a
facilitative and regulatory role for the state. Combined with the
relative success of its style of multiparty politics, this has been
sufficient to make Ghana once again a continental star – with the
necessary panoply of impressive economic growth rates and improving
social indicators.The additional chapters tell this story well,
although in less detail than the original book. The author is not
immune to the optimism that surrounds Ghana these days. He appears
more sanguine about the prospects than his writing suggested even
five years ago. However, superficiality is not a Killick trait, and
the troubling underside – and the elements of continuity with the
earlier decades – shows through in the careful documentation.
Policy today may be comfortably orthodox at the level of abstract
ideas, but ‘implementation’ remains a problem. Under very different
circumstances, the Achilles’ heel of policy-in-practice is much the
same as it was in the 1960s.The reasons are political and have deep
roots. The very best international ideas, such as those suggested
by any direct comparison of African and Asian development
performance, are not being picked up and still less vigorously
pursued. Agricultural transformation continues to be
under-emphasised and badly managed. There is growth, currently
boosted by a high gold price, but not much of the right sort of
structural change. Living standards are improving, but Ghana is
still underperforming as a modernising economy. This is the case
despite the fact that Ghana has received massive quantities of
international assistance over a quarter century (around 10% of GDP
during 1988-2006) and now takes in, according to Killick’s
estimates, a somewhat greater sum in remittances (pp. 451-6). How
so?Part of the answer is that over certain periods the aid funds
have not been absorbed because of a combination of central bank
wariness about Dutch Disease effects and the inability of the civil
service to deliver enough ways of using foreign exchange
productively. Killick gives reasons for doubting whether the
competence and motivation of the bureaucracy are greater today than
in the 1960s, despite major gains in higher and advanced education.
By the end of the two terms of the supposedly business-oriented New
Patriotic Party in 2008, the civil-service wage bill was absorbing
more than half of domestic revenues, and represented 30% of
government expenditure in 2006 (pp. 417, 468). But despite a
succession of donor-financed reform initiatives, efficiency remains
low, and this is not accidental: ‘The political arithmetic of
neopatrimonialism is stacked heavily against doing what needs to be
done in the civil service’ (p. 470).The maturing of competitive
politics has, as Killick tells it, produced some pressures on
governments to perform better, for example in macroeconomic
management. However, the democratic pressures remain more
clientelistic than developmental. The resulting patterns of public
expenditure, especially as revealed in budget outturns, are
targeted with a view to retaining the support of particular groups.
They are not geared to providing the institutional and material
public goods that are most needed to support economic
transformation. Many observers think that oil revenues will
intensify this tendency.So Ghana – representing the best of
sub-Saharan Africa in many respects – will grow economically and
become less poor, with the likely exception of the northern
savannah. But in global terms this may amount to little more than
bumping along the bottom. It will remain well short of potential,
unless the low standard of continental averages in times of high
commodity prices is accepted as defining the potential. Ideas may
well have a role in altering this situation. But if Killick is
right, the injection of fresh thinking that Ghana needs is not just
about better policy economics (for example, a sharper appreciation
of the implications of small market size). It is about how to
discover a politics that can work under African conditions to shake
up the institutions of the country. It is about getting the kind of
leadership and operational dynamism in key ministries and public
services that transformed the development prospects of several
Asian countries, under a variety of formal regime types, back when
Ghana was entering the abyss.As this conclusion may help to
illustrate, this book is of interest to a much wider readership
than professional economists. It is an indispensable reference for
anyone thinking seriously and unconventionally about African
development options in the twenty-first century'.- David Booth,
Africa Power & Politics Programme, Overseas Development Institute,
London (Development Policy review, 2011, 29 (2))
'Do ideas drive development? That was the question implied by the
title of Tony Killick’s book on Ghana when it first came out in
1978. It is one of the topics worth revisiting on the occasion of
the book’s republication, now with three new chapters covering the
period 1972-2008.Actually, the title lays down something of a false
trail. As the subtitle more straightforwardly conveys, the book is
an exploration of economic policies in post-independence Ghana –
one of the most richly documented and meticulously analysed studies
available for any African country in its critical post-colonial
years. While the analysis establishes beyond doubt the importance
of policy, it shows particularly clearly that policy needs to be
understood as ‘what the government does’ and not in any of the more
limited senses of the term. Ideas, if taken in the sense of de
facto policies, are fundamental. The influence, for better or
worse, of abstract ideas – development economics – is much more
doubtful.As the first edition showed in compelling fashion, nearly
everything that went wrong with the Ghanaian economy during the
first decade of independence was policy-induced – not the result of
international constraints or poor initial resource endowments.
Theories about international constraint and vicious circles of
poverty are less influential than they were in the 1970s, but the
finding remains important. The book also explored the proposition
that Nkrumah and his successors were merely doing what was
recommended by the mainstream development economics of the period.
In this respect, however, the conclusions do not come down strongly
in favour of the role of ideas.It is certainly the case that
several of the biggest names in early development economics not
only constructed theories about the need for a state-led ‘big push’
of the sort that Nkrumah espoused but in several cases went on
high-profile advisory missions to Ghana. However, Killick’s
evidence does not suggest that this was a decisive influence. There
was, to be sure, some ‘elective affinity’ between elements of
Nkrumah’s African socialism and the market scepticism of Nurkse,
Hirschman, Myrdal, Seers, Lewis and Kaldor. But Nkrumah and his
advisers and immediate successors had visions and prejudices of
their own. Killick rejects the idea being expressed at the time by
Douglas Rimmer that the vision was just a smokescreen for what we
would now call a predatory neopatrimonialism. Nevertheless,
policy-in-practice was to a very large extent driven by certain
basic characteristics of politics and the civil service in Ghana.
In Killick’s view, these factors still operate today, several
decades and many international policy shifts later.This was and
remains an important finding. It is a great merit of the book that
its carefully marshalled detail allows readers to appreciate the
weight of the evidence for themselves.Already when Killick was
writing, mainstream development-policy thinking had shifted sharply
away from where it had been in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Ghana’s policies up to 1983 could not be suspected of having
high-minded intellectual roots of any significant kind. But the
position was transformed with the adoption of the first Economic
Recovery Programme by the second Rawlings regime: suddenly, policy
in Ghana was at the leading edge of a new global idea – structural
adjustment. It did not quite retain that status after the country
became in turn an early adopter of multi-party democracy in 1992;
but policy has remained fairly firmly within the new international
orthodoxy, far more aware of the costs and risks associated with
disrupting markets, and hesitant about anything more than a
facilitative and regulatory role for the state. Combined with the
relative success of its style of multiparty politics, this has been
sufficient to make Ghana once again a continental star – with the
necessary panoply of impressive economic growth rates and improving
social indicators.The additional chapters tell this story well,
although in less detail than the original book. The author is not
immune to the optimism that surrounds Ghana these days. He appears
more sanguine about the prospects than his writing suggested even
five years ago. However, superficiality is not a Killick trait, and
the troubling underside – and the elements of continuity with the
earlier decades – shows through in the careful documentation.
Policy today may be comfortably orthodox at the level of abstract
ideas, but ‘implementation’ remains a problem. Under very different
circumstances, the Achilles’ heel of policy-in-practice is much the
same as it was in the 1960s.The reasons are political and have deep
roots. The very best international ideas, such as those suggested
by any direct comparison of African and Asian development
performance, are not being picked up and still less vigorously
pursued. Agricultural transformation continues to be
under-emphasised and badly managed. There is growth, currently
boosted by a high gold price, but not much of the right sort of
structural change. Living standards are improving, but Ghana is
still underperforming as a modernising economy. This is the case
despite the fact that Ghana has received massive quantities of
international assistance over a quarter century (around 10% of GDP
during 1988-2006) and now takes in, according to Killick’s
estimates, a somewhat greater sum in remittances (pp. 451-6). How
so?Part of the answer is that over certain periods the aid funds
have not been absorbed because of a combination of central bank
wariness about Dutch Disease effects and the inability of the civil
service to deliver enough ways of using foreign exchange
productively. Killick gives reasons for doubting whether the
competence and motivation of the bureaucracy are greater today than
in the 1960s, despite major gains in higher and advanced education.
By the end of the two terms of the supposedly business-oriented New
Patriotic Party in 2008, the civil-service wage bill was absorbing
more than half of domestic revenues, and represented 30% of
government expenditure in 2006 (pp. 417, 468). But despite a
succession of donor-financed reform initiatives, efficiency remains
low, and this is not accidental: ‘The political arithmetic of
neopatrimonialism is stacked heavily against doing what needs to be
done in the civil service’ (p. 470).The maturing of competitive
politics has, as Killick tells it, produced some pressures on
governments to perform better, for example in macroeconomic
management. However, the democratic pressures remain more
clientelistic than developmental. The resulting patterns of public
expenditure, especially as revealed in budget outturns, are
targeted with a view to retaining the support of particular groups.
They are not geared to providing the institutional and material
public goods that are most needed to support economic
transformation. Many observers think that oil revenues will
intensify this tendency.So Ghana – representing the best of
sub-Saharan Africa in many respects – will grow economically and
become less poor, with the likely exception of the northern
savannah. But in global terms this may amount to little more than
bumping along the bottom. It will remain well short of potential,
unless the low standard of continental averages in times of high
commodity prices is accepted as defining the potential. Ideas may
well have a role in altering this situation. But if Killick is
right, the injection of fresh thinking that Ghana needs is not just
about better policy economics (for example, a sharper appreciation
of the implications of small market size). It is about how to
discover a politics that can work under African conditions to shake
up the institutions of the country. It is about getting the kind of
leadership and operational dynamism in key ministries and public
services that transformed the development prospects of several
Asian countries, under a variety of formal regime types, back when
Ghana was entering the abyss.As this conclusion may help to
illustrate, this book is of interest to a much wider readership
than professional economists. It is an indispensable reference for
anyone thinking seriously and unconventionally about African
development options in the twenty-first century'.- David Booth,
Africa Power & Politics Programme, Overseas Development Institute,
London (Development Policy review, 2011, 29 (2))
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