Bridging the divide between theory and practice, Deception: Counterdeception and Counterintelligence provides a thorough overview of the principles of deception and its uses in intelligence operations. This masterful guide focuses on practical training in deception for both operational planners and intelligence analysts using a case-based approach. Authors Robert M. Clark and William L. Mitchell draw from years of professional experience to offer a fresh approach to the roles played by information technologies such as social media. By reading and working through the exercises in this text, operations planners will learn how to build and conduct a deception campaign, and intelligence analysts will develop the ability to recognize deception and support deception campaigns.
Key Features
Bridging the divide between theory and practice, Deception: Counterdeception and Counterintelligence provides a thorough overview of the principles of deception and its uses in intelligence operations. This masterful guide focuses on practical training in deception for both operational planners and intelligence analysts using a case-based approach. Authors Robert M. Clark and William L. Mitchell draw from years of professional experience to offer a fresh approach to the roles played by information technologies such as social media. By reading and working through the exercises in this text, operations planners will learn how to build and conduct a deception campaign, and intelligence analysts will develop the ability to recognize deception and support deception campaigns.
Key Features
List of Tables, Figures, and Boxes
About the Authors
Chatper 1: Deception: The Basics
Why Deception?
The Deception Target
Basic Principles
Roles of Operations and Intelligence
Chapter 2: The Methodology
The OODA Loop
OODA Loop Perspectives
Planning Deception: The Inverse OODA Loop
Executing Deception: The Forward OODA Loop
Chapter 3: The Outcome Scenario
Outcome Scenarios - The PMESII View
Chapter 4: The Target
Individual Decision Modeling
Collective Decision Modeling
Cultural Modeling
Chapter 5: The Story
What Makes a Good Story?
Characteristics of a Good Deception Story
Influence Nets
Chapter 6: The Channels
Understanding the Channels
Sensor Mapping
Channel Characterization
Channel Exploitation
Chapter 7: The Traditional Intelligence Channels
Technical Collection
Chapter 8: The Cyberspace Channel
Deception in Cyberspace
Web-Based Deception
Web-Based CNE/CNA
Standalone Computers and Intranets
Cyber Deception
Chapter 9: Planning and Executing Deception
Checking the Decision/Action Model: Red Team Analysis
Checking for Unfavorable Outcomes: Alternative Analysis
Overview of the Execution Process
Achieving Surprise
Operating Inside the Opponent′s OODA Loop
Attending to Details and Timing
Managing the Developing Scenario
Chapter 10: Preparing to Counter Deception
Assessing Vulnerability
Assessing the Threat
Chapter 11: Identifying Deception
Deception Detection via Channel Management
Evaluating the Source
Evaluating the Channel
Evaluating the Evidence
Chapter 12: Sensor Mapping and Channel Tracking Exercises
Sensor Mapping Exercises
Channel Management Exercises - Deception Projection
Chapter 13: General Deception Planning Exercises
Exercise 1: Derailing a Trade Negotiation
Exercise 2: Protecting Drug Cartel Shipments
Exercise 3: Taking Down the Fordow Uranium Enrichment Facility
Exercise 4: Countering Israeli Efforts to Take Down Fordow
Exercise 5: Supporting a NEO Evacuation
Exercise 6: Disrupting Boko Haram Operations
Chapter 14: Military Deception Planning Exercises
MILDEC CONOP Example: Operation Bulldozer
Exercise 1: Operation Lights Out
Exercise 2: Operation Timber Float
Exercise 3: Operation Closing Time
Chapter 15: Deception Detection Exercises
Exercise 1 - The Valley of Doubt
Exercise 2 - The YUTA Ghost
Robert M. Clark has more than five decades of U.S. intelligence
community experience. A USAF lieutenant colonel (retired), Dr.
Clark served as an electronics warfare officer and intelligence
officer. At the CIA, he was a senior analyst and group chief
responsible for developing analytic methodologies. He was cofounder
and CEO of the Scientific and Technical Analysis Corporation, a
privately held company serving the U.S. intelligence community.
Clark holds an SB from MIT, a PhD in electrical engineering from
the University of Illinois, and a JD from George Washington
University. Beyond analyzing wicked intelligence issues, his
passion is writing on the topic of intelligence. His books include
Intelligence Analysis: A Target-Centric Approach (5th edition,
2016), The Technical Collection of Intelligence (2010), and
Intelligence Collection (2014). He is coauthor, with Dr. William
Mitchell, of Target-Centric Network Modeling (2015) and Deception:
Counterdeception and Counterintelligence (2019); and coeditor, with
Dr. Mark Lowenthal, of Intelligence Collection: The Five
Disciplines (2015). Dr. Clark also develops and teaches courses for
audiences in academia, national intelligence, and the military. He
currently serves as an adjunct professor at the Johns Hopkins
University teaching graduate courses.
William L. Mitchell’s military and intelligence career spans three
decades including operations in Afghanistan, the Balkans,
Iraq, Africa, and French Guyana. Dr. Mitchell is currently an
active member of Danish Defence and an all-source
specialist, researcher, instructor, and lecturer. At the Royal
Danish Defence College (RDDC) he is responsible for the
synchronization of theory, practice, and education regarding
intelligence and joint operations. He is a member of the RDDC
Research Board and supports NATO and US Department of Defense
research, education, and doctrine development programs. He has
several publications on intelligence and battlespace agility,
and was part of the NATO Science & Technology
Organization group awarded the 2014 NATO Scientific
Achievement Award. Dr. Mitchell has a BA, an MA with
Distinction from Kent University, and a PhD from
Aarhus University in Political Science. He is a decorated war
veteran of two countries, with one citation and several
medals, including the French Croix de Combatant and the Danish
Defence medal.
"The chapters on the exercises are a treasure chest of material to
work with, covering a whole array of scenarios. . . . I think
virtually every page and topic could spark robust and spirited
classroom discussion starting with the text title itself."
*Ronald W. Vardy*
"Most students have very little or no background [in this subject
area], so Clark’s work is great to introduce students to
intelligence and the analytical disciplines . . . a really
excellent book that fills a gaping hole in the public literature
and is of genuinely great value to both students and
*Carl A. Wege, Professor Emeritus*
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