Table of Contents
- Cultural Grammars of Nation, Diaspora, and Indigeneity in
Canada, edited by Christine Kim, Sophie McCall, and Melina Baum
- Introduction Christine Kim and Sophie McCall
- Diaspora and Nation in Métis Writing Sophie McCall
- Canadian Indian Literary Nationalism? Critical Approaches in
Canadian Indigenous Contexts—A Collaborative Interlogue Kristina
Fagan, Daniel Heath Justice, Keavy Martin, Sam McKegney, Deanna
Reder, and Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair
- Breaking the Framework of Representational Violence:
Testimonial Publics, Memorial Arts, and a Critique of Postcolonial
Violence (the Pickton Trial) Julia Emberley
- ""Grammars of Exchange"": The ""Oriental Woman"" in the Global
Market Belén Martín-Lucas
- Unhomely Moves: A.M. Klein, Jewish Diasporic Difference,
Racialization, and Coercive Whiteness Melina Baum Singer
- Asian Canadian Critical Practice as Commemoration Christopher
- Diasporic Longings: (Re)Figurations of Home and Homelessness in
Richard Wagamese's Work Renate Eigenbrod
- Afro-Caribbean Writing in Canada and the Politics of Migrant
Labour Mobility Jody Mason
- Racialized Diasporas, Entangled Postmemories, and Kyo Maclear's
The Letter Opener Christine Kim
- Underwater Signposts: Richard Fung's Islands and Enabling
Nostalgia Lily Cho
- ""Phoenicia ≠ Lebanon"": Transsexual Poetics as Poetics of the
Body within and across the Nation Alessandra Capperdoni
- Word Warriors: Indigenous Political Consciousness in Prison
Deena Rymhs
- Works Cited
- Contributors
- Index
- Contributors' Bios
- Melina Baum Singer is a doctoral candidate in the Department of
English at the University of Western Ontario. Her research explores
the transnational and diasporic literatures in English Canada. She
has co-edited, with Lily Cho, two special issues of Open Letter,
""Poetics and Public Culture"" and ""Dialogues on Poetics and
Public Culture,"" and has a recent article, ""Is Richler Canadian
Content?: Jewishness, Race, and Diaspora,"" in Canadian Literature
27 (2010).
- Alessandra Capperdoni teaches modern and contemporary
literature in the Department of English at Simon Fraser University.
She specializes in Canadian and anglophone literatures, feminist
poetics, critical theory, and postcolonial and European studies.
Her articles have appeared in Translating from the Margins /
Traduire des marges, Translation Effects: The Making of Modern
Canadian Culture, Inspiring Collaborations: Canadian Literature,
Culture, and Theory, and the journals TTR: Traduction,
traductologie, rédaction, Open Letter, and West Coast Line. She is
currently working on a book manuscript titled Shifting Geographies:
Poetics of Citizenship in the Age of Global Modernity.
- Lily Cho is associate professor of English at York University
in Toronto. Her recent publications include ""Future Perfect Loss:
Richard Fung's Sea in the Blood,"" Screen 49.4 (2008); ""Asian
Canadian Futures: Indenture Routes and Diasporic Passages,""
Canadian Literature 199 (2009); and Eating Chinese: Culture on the
Menu in Small Town Canada (University of Toronto Press, 2010).
- Renate Eigenbrod is associate professor and head of the
Department of Native Studies at the University of Manitoba,
specializing in Aboriginal literatures. Besides the publication of
her monograph, entitled Travelling Knowledge: Positioning the
Im/Migrant Reader of Aboriginal Literatures in Canada, she has
co-edited several volumes of scholarly articles, most recently a
special literature issue of The Canadian Journal of Native Studies
and the volume Across Cultures/Across Borders, published by
Broadview Press.
- Julia Emberley is professor of English at the University of
Western Ontario. Her recent book is Defamiliarizing the Aboriginal:
Cultural Practices and Decolonization in Canada. Recently, she has
published articles in English Studies in Canada, Topia, The Journal
of Visual Culture, Humanities Research, and Fashion Theory.
kristina fagan teaches Aboriginal literature and storytelling in
the Department of English at the University of Saskatchewan. She
co-edited Henry Pennier's autobiography, Call Me Hank: A Sto:lo
Man's Reflections on Living, Logging, and Growing Old, which was
launched with a traditional Sto:lo feast and book-burning (so that
the dead can read the book). She is a member of the Labrador Métis
Nation, and her current project is a study of Labrador Métis
narrative and identity.
- Daniel Heath Justice is an enrolled Canadian citizen of the
Cherokee Nation and the author of Our Fire Survives the Storm: A
Cherokee Literary History (University of Minnesota Press), The Way
of Thorn and Thunder (published as a trilogy by Kegedonce, and a
single-volume omnibus edition by the University of New Mexico
Press), and numerous articles on Indigenous literary criticism,
history, and cultural studies. He is the co-editor of the
forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Indigenous North American
Literatures and associate professor of Aboriginal literatures and
Aboriginal studies at the University of Toronto.
- Christine Kim is assistant professor of English at Simon Fraser
University. Her teaching and research focus on Asian North American
literature and theory, contemporary Canadian literature, and
diasporic writing. Her journal publications include Open Letter,
Studies in Canadian Literature, Mosaic, and Interventions
(forthcoming). She is currently working on a book-length project
titled Racialized Publics.
- Christopher Lee is assistant professor of English at the
University of British Columbia. His articles have appeared in
Amerasia Journal, Canadian Literature, Modern Fiction Studies,
Journal of Asian American Studies, Router, and differences. His
book The Semblance of Identity: Aesthetic Mediation in Asian
American Literature will be published by Stanford University Press
in 2012. His current research focuses on trans-Pacific literary
formalism during the Cold War and formations of ""Asia"" across
settler colonial societies.
- Keavy Martin lives in Treaty 6 territory, where she is
assistant professor of Indigenous literatures at the University of
Alberta. Her articles have appeared in journals such as the
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, English Studies in
Canada, and Canadian Literature, and she is currently completing a
book-length project on Inuit literature in Canada. In the summer,
she teaches with the University of Manitoba's annual program in
Pangnirtung, Nunavut.
- Belén Martín-Lucas teaches postcolonial literatures in English
and diasporic film and literatures at the University of Vigo,
Spain. Her research focuses on the politics of resistance in
contemporary postcolonial feminist fiction, looking at the diverse
strategies employed in literary works, such as tropes and
- Jody Mason is assistant professor in the Department of English
at Carleton University in Ottawa. Her book, which analyzes
discourses of unemployment in twentieth-century Canadian
literatures, is forthcoming in 2012 with the University of Toronto
Press. Mason has published work on the relations among class,
diasporic formations, and the politics of mobility in Canadian
Literature, Studies in Canadian Literature, Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of Canada, and University of Toronto
- Sophie McCall teaches contemporary Canadian and Indigenous
literatures in the English department at Simon Fraser University.
Her book, First Person Plural: Aboriginal Storytelling and the
Ethics of Collaborative Authorship (2011), explores the complexity
of the issue of ""voice"" by examining double-voiced,
cross-cultural, composite productions among Aboriginal and
non-Aboriginal collaborators. She has published articles in Essays
on Canadian Writing, Canadian Review of American Studies, Resources
for Feminist Research, Canadian Literature, and C.L.R. James
- Sam McKegney is a settler scholar of Indigenous literatures. He
grew up in Anishinaabe territory on the Saugeen Peninsula along the
shores of Lake Huron, and currently resides with his partner and
their two daughters in lands of shared stewardship between the
Haudenosaunee and Algonquin nations, where he is an associate
professor of Indigenous and Canadian literatures at Queen's
University. He has written a book entitled Magic Weapons:
Aboriginal Writers Remaking Community after Residential School and
articles on such topics as environmental kinship, masculinity
theory, prison writing, Indigenous governance, and Canadian hockey
- Deanna Reder (Cree/Métis) received her PhD from the Department
of English at the University of British Columbia in 2007 and is
currently assistant professor in English and First Nations studies
at Simon Fraser University. She co-edited an anthology with Linda
Morra (Bishops University) titled Troubling Tricksters: Revisiting
Critical Conversations (2010) and is currently working on a
monograph on Cree and Métis autobiography in Canada. Her article,
""Writing Autobiographically: A Neglected Indigenous Intellectual
Tradition,"" is included in Across Cultures/Across Borders:
Canadian Aboriginal and Native American Literatures (2009).
- Deena Rymhs is associate professor of English and women's and
gender studies at the University of British Columbia. She is the
author of From the Iron House: Imprisonment in First Nations
Writing (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2008), and her work on
imprisoned authors has appeared in Life Writing, Biography, and the
Journal of Gender Studies. She is currently writing another book on
spaces of violence in Indigenous literature.
- Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair (Anishinaabe) is originally from
St. Peter's (Little Peguis) Indian Settlement and is an assistant
professor in the departments of English and Native Studies at the
University of Manitoba. In 2009, he co-edited (with Renate
Eigenbrod) a double issue of The Canadian Journal of Native Studies
(29.1 and 2), focusing on ""Responsible, Ethical, and
Indigenous-Centred Literary Criticisms of Indigenous Literatures""
and was a featured author in The Exile Book of Native Canadian
Fiction and Drama, edited by Daniel David Moses (2011). He
currently has two books under contract, the first (co-edited with
Warren Cariou) is an anthology of Manitoba Aboriginal writing over
the past three centuries titled Manitowapow (Portage & Main Press)
and the second (co-edited with Jill Doerfler and Heidi
Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark) is a collection of critical and creative
works on Anishinaabe story titled Centering Anishinaabeg Studies
(Michigan State University Press).
About the Author
Christine Kim is an assistant professor of English at Simon
Fraser University. Her teaching and research focus on Asian North
American literature and theory, contemporary Canadian literature,
and diasporic writing. She has recently published articles in Open
Letter, Studies in Canadian Literature, and Asian Canadian Writing
beyond Autoethnography (WLU Press, 2008). She is currently working
on a book-length project titled From Multiculturalism to
Globalization: The Cultural Politics of Asian Canadian Writing.
Sophie McCall is an associate professor in the Department of
English at Simon Fraser University, where she teaches Indigenous
literatures and contemporary Canadian literature. Her most recent
publication, with co-editor, Gabrielle L'Hirondelle Hill, is The
Land We Are: Artists and Writers Unsettle the Politics of
Reconciliation (2015).
Melina Baum Singer is a doctoral candidate in the Department
of English at the University of Western Ontario. Her research
explores transnational and diasporic literatures in English Canada.
She has co-edited, with Lily Cho, two special issues of Open
Letter, ""Poetics and Public Culture"" and ""Dialogues on Poetics
and Public Culture"".
``These essays map the fields of debate about nation, Indigeneity,
and diaspora to clarify the stakes of discussion rather than simply
to choose a singular definition of those complex concepts.... As a
whole, the collection's charge to think deeply about terms of
critique challenges critics not only to question the assumptions
and stakes of various projects, but also to look outside the
shibboleths of cultural studies subfields in order to avoid
blindspots and to envision alternative futures free of corporatized
modernity.'' -- Paul Lai -- Canadian Literature, 215, Winter
`` Cultural Grammars of Nation, Diaspora, and Indigeneity in Canada
is a valuable contribution to an emerging discourse within the
field of Indigenous Studies. It furthers a multi-disciplinary
dialogue by exploring the relationship between transnationalism,
diaspora, and indigeneity in Canada, while interrogating the value
of postcolonial theory as a lens for working through these topics.
With the objective of [making] discernible the language rules
governing our critical choices and the conceptual framework we
mobilize, consciously or not (9), Cultural Grammars challenges
existing notions of home, nostalgia, and authenticity, and explores
the linkages between the respective histories that shape
transnational and Indigenous identities.... Cultural Grammars is
highly sophisticated, intensely theoretical, and can be difficult
to apply across disciplines on account of the specificity of some
of the literary analysis; however.... there are moments of insight
in each chapter that encourage a broad array of readers to be
self-reflexive of the nomenclature and theoretical frameworks
employed in their own work.'' -- Gabrielle Legault -- BC Studies:
The British Columbian Quarterly