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The Constant Investor ­Quarterly
Insights & Reflections for Changing Times

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Paperback, 160 pages
Australia, 1 September 2017

The Constant Investor promises to provide you with investment ideas and education that will help in the endless war against bewilderment. This quarterly is a compendium of the most dependable and enduring articles from theconstantinvestor.com over the past 3 months.

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The Constant Investor promises to provide you with investment ideas and education that will help in the endless war against bewilderment. This quarterly is a compendium of the most dependable and enduring articles from theconstantinvestor.com over the past 3 months.

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20.6 x 14.7 x 1 centimeters (0.20 kg)

About the Author

Alan Kohler started as a cadet reporter for The Australian in 1970, covering the stock exchange when there really was a stock exchange, with chalkies and brokers who shouted at them from below. And in those days there was plenty of shouting: it was the peak of the Poseidon boom. After a few sidetracks, including working as an underground miner in Kalgoorlie, he became editor of the Australian Financial Review in 1985 and editor of The Age in 1992. Along the way he had two stints as Chanticleer columnist for the Financial Review . He joined the ABC in 1995, first as a reporter on the 7.30 Report, covering, among other things, the 1998 waterfront dispute, and then as host of Inside Business and finance presenter on ABC news, which he is still doing today. In 2005 he launched Eureka Report, a newsletter for self-directed investors, and in 2007 followed up with Business Spectator, a 24-hour-a-day online business news and commentary publication. In 2012 those businesses were sold to News Corporation. As well as being the founder of The Constant Investor, Alan is currently business editor at large of The Australian, finance presenter on ABC news, presenter of the Talking Business channel on Qantas inflight radio and adjunct professor in the business faculty of Victoria University.

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