Table of Contents
Keynote papers
- Infrastructure asset preservation: Is it a façade
- Concrete repair according to the new European Standard EN
- Concrete repair – a composite system: Philosophy, engineering
and practice
- Design of concrete to meet durability requirements; Development
towards a performance specification in South Africa
- Potential and limits of durability design
- Repairs by the thin bonded overlay technique: The RILEM TC
193-RLS and last findings about the debonding mechanism
- Bonded concrete overlays – bond strength issues
- Structural rehabilitations with Ultra-High Performance Fibre
Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC)
- Developments in rehabilitation and consolidation of historical
concrete and masonry constructions
- Use of new concrete materials for durable structures
Theme 1: Concrete durability aspects Causes and mechanisms of
- Latest insights and advances in understanding the ASR
- Acid attack of self compacting concrete
- Reaction mechanisms and thermodynamic modelling of Thaumasite
Sulfate Attack (TSA); experimental modelling
- Performance of concrete exposed to freezing and thawing in
different saline environments
- Frost salt scaling modeling of cement paste
Innovative materials and influences of material composition
- Surface protection systems on concrete: Investigations on
durability and efficiency
- Effect of rubber aggregate incorporation on the resistance of
cement-based mortar to shrinkage cracking
- Pore fluid analysis of cement mortar exposed to a chloride
- Resistance of concrete sewer coatings to chemical and biogenic
- Construction of ferrocement water storage tanks and their
comparison with R.C.C. and fiberglass tanks
- Research of fresh concrete treatment against desorption by
means of polymers
- Durability of polymer modified concrete in marine
- Calcium aluminate cements for repair applications
- Durability of concretes with ferrous dusts exposed to liquid
chemically aggressive environments
- Flexural behaviours of reinforced concrete member strengthened
tension zone with reactive powder composite material
- Use of accelerated tests for evaluating the effectiveness of
fly ash and ternary cementitious systems to control alkali-silica
reactivity in concrete
- Mechanochemical synthesis of mullite and mullite-silicon
carbide from secondary mineral resources used as an aggregate for
fireproof concretes
- Prognostic models for creating new composite fireproof
concretes and masses from secondary mineral resources
- Conception for creating superfireproof composite concretes and
masses from secondary mineral resources
- Reduced carbonation of concrete by paraffin-wax
- Outdoor exposure of polymer-impregnated concrete (PIC)
permanent form in Saudi Arabia
- Sustainability of polymer-impregnated concrete panel as
permanent form
- Steel fibre reinforced SCC – a durable and robust construction
- Research of aerated self compacting concrete problems
- Carbon fibre composites for a new generation of tendons
- Use of stainless steel for durable concrete structures
- Corrosion protection of reinforcement for concrete
- Synergic effect against corrosion between galvanized steel
rebars and hydrophobic concrete
- Corrosion of RC columns repaired and wrapped with CFRP
- Selected aspects of interaction of laser radiation with
concrete surfaces
Service life modelling and prediction of durability
- Practical implementation of a reliability-based concrete
durability design
- A numerical model for durability predictions
- Service life prediction, re-evaluation and optimum repair
- Maintenance strategy versus simplified deem-to-satisfy
- Software for probability-based durability analysis of concrete
- Models for environmental actions for reinforced concrete
structures in marine and road environments
- Modeling of temperature behavior of concrete during
- Design of concrete structures for durable fire resistance
- Predicting chloride content profile in concrete using a
concrete mix design parameter
- Modelling moisture and salt penetration in concrete
- Effect of duration and conditions of exposure on chloride
- Durability indexes and their use in corrosion rate prediction,
with influence of binder type
Theme 2: Condition assessment of concrete structures Corrosion
assessment and service life aspects
- Structural assessment methodology for residual life calculation
of corroding concrete structures
- A rapid technique for detecting corrosion of steel in
reinforced concrete
- Determination of corrosion related values for reinforced
concrete structures
- Durability based design of RC structures in Persian Gulf region
using DuraPGulf model
- Remaining service-life predictions: Experiences of Dutch
- Influence of unsteady external environment on corrosion rate in
reinforced concrete
- Assessment of reinforcement corrosion in a concrete highway
- Deterioration rate of concrete bridges in South Africa
- NDE/NDT and measurement techniques
- RILEM TC 189-NEC (Non-destructive evaluation of the concrete
cover): Objective and status quo
- Non-destructive techniques for the condition assessment of
railway bridges
- Monitoring the moisture distribution in concrete
- Nondestructive evaluation of concrete cover layer adequacy for
corrosion protection
- Application of X-ray tomography for the verification of damage
mechanisms in concrete
- Study of the assessment of defects in tunnel using an infrared
thermographic technique
- Impact-echo techniques for non-destructive inspection of
concrete structures
- Sensitivity of a non-destructive vacuum test method to
characterize concrete permeability
- Air permeability measurements for the assessment of the in situ
permeability of cover concrete
- Applicability of single-chamber vacuum cell for the evaluation
of the air-permeability of concrete walls
- Effect of aging related to the freeze/thaw and deicing salt
resistance of concretes
- A novel method to measure moisture profiles in concrete
- In situ moisture state of coastal concrete bridges
- Non-destructive evaluation of fire affected RC structure
- Bearing test methods for determining the residual load carrying
capacity of rigid concrete pavement constructions before
- Chloride and sulphate content in concrete with Laser-Induced
Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Assessment of foundation slabs with US-echo in the re-use
- Consultant activity leading to improved technical prescriptions
- Sample size of rebound method for the determination of concrete
- Shearography – a novel non-destructive testing technique for
concrete strength appraisal
- Galvanostatic pulse corrosion measurements on a recent thermal
swimming pool containing seawater
- Monitoring cementitious materials during setting and hardening
with an ultrasonic shear wave reflection method
- Digital image analysis of cracks in concrete of different
Materials and structural assessments
- Evaluation of repair systems – basic principles
- Finite element analysis of RC beams retrofitted with steel
- Material and structural assessment of fire damage to the
concrete deck of a motorway bridge
- The problem of evaluation of a three storey RC building for
restoration, strengthening and vertical extension
- Simplified equation for the dynamic rigidity of RC beams
- Structural evaluation and rehabilitation of concrete arches in
the Progreso pier
- Effects of strength degradations on seismic performance of RC
- Seismic performance and damage level of RC buildings in urban
area close to epicenter
- Experiments on flexural strengthened RC beams by CFRP
- Creep and temperature effects on RC lining support slabs in
multi flue chimneys
Case studies and surveys
- Rehabilitation of a grain concrete silo constructed by slip
form method
- Rehabilitation of five major bridges on the Garden Route in
South Africa
- Rehabilitation of hydraulic structures in tropical climates: A
case study
- Repair of piles in Port of Dar es Salaam
- Initial survey of concrete structures in Swedish harbours – a
case study in the Port of Trelleborg
- Damage assessment of a RC bridge structure showing damages at
the prestressing steel
- Damage assessment of a RC tunnel structure showing
- Condition assessment of concrete bridges in Sweden
- Condition assessment of a turbo-generator foundation concrete
- High rise concrete façade defects: Causes and remedies
- Structural diagnosis and repair of fire damaged industrial
- The bridges of Timisoara – struggling throughout the time
- Repair and widening of the Carlisle Bridge
- Type of effects and extent of corrosive attack on cooling
towers, rehabilitation and their service life
Theme 3: Concrete repair, rehabilitation and retrofitting -
Design procedures and specifications
- Manual REHABCON on concrete repair and rehabilitation
- Manual on rehabilitation of concrete structures: REHABILITAR
Network XV.F from the Iberoamerican Program for Science and
Technology (CYTED)
- Evaluation of best repair option through the repair index
method, RIM
- A client’s perspective on the implementation of rehabilitation
procedures and durability specifications for structures on national
roads in South Africa
- Securing a maintenance-free service life for
Repair methods and techniques
- Integrated protection system for chloride deteriorated concrete
- Rehabilitation of spherical bridge bearings on Foreshore
Freeways Bridges, Cape Town
- 10 years experience with repair of a coastal concrete
- Microbial ureolytic calcium carbonate precipitation for
remediation of concrete surfaces
- Primers for the reinforcement as a repair method of concrete in
columns of buildings exposed at a tropical marine environment.
Influence of adjacent zones
- Injection into cracks in concrete made with reactive
- Cathodic protection of the historic rail bridge over the
Silvermine River
- Cathodic protection of reinforced concrete – a system with
woven carbon mesh
- The use of penetrating corrosion inhibitors as a treatment for
structures corroding due to chloride ingress
- Concrete repair strategies including surface-applied corrosion
- Performance of an organic corrosion inhibitor in concrete
affected by both chloride and carbonation-induced corrosion
- Significance of the concentration of chloride in the repair of
concrete highway structures using surface applied corrosion
- Repair of the Pungwe Bridge in Mozambique
- Repair and rehabilitation of a prestressed deck bridge (case
- Shotcrete for rehabilitation of fire affected building
- Rehabilitation of 50 bridges in and around Port Elizabeth on
the N2
- Use of two-stage (pre-placed aggregate) concrete in
construction and repair of concrete structures
- Repair of historical concrete structures and monuments
Repair materials and systems
- Investigations on durability behaviour of concrete repair
systems exposed to outdoor weathering
- Rehabilitation of concrete pavements with geotextiles and steel
- Effect of admixtures on the fresh and hardened properties of
modern rendering systems
- Behavior of cement-based patch repair materials in plain and
reinforced concrete members
- Ultrasound monitoring of setting and hardening of shotcrete
including alkali-rich or alkali-free accelerators
- The effect of silica fume and polymer on properties of repair
concrete in simulated conditions of the Persian Gulf
- Effectiveness of surface coatings on limiting the ingress of
chlorides into the barrier wall of the Confederation Bridge
- Flexible polymer-cement repair materials and their
- Properties of polymer-modified mortars with hydrocalumite for
intelligent repair materials
- Aqueous polymers for the construction industry
- Rapid polymer concrete repairs using available fillers
- Polymers in concrete for repair: Where have we been and where
are we going?
- Development of repair materials based on calcium
sulfo-aluminate cement
- Modification of mortars and concrete by polymer dispersions
based on saccharides
- Repair mortar colour matching by colourimetric method
- Modification of epoxy repair materials with waste fillers
- Characterization of the durability and service life evaluation
of repair mortars for concrete elements
- Development of genetically engineered biosealant for crack
Bonded concrete overlays
- Roadmap for improvement of crack resistance of repair
- On the compatibility measure in the repair systems
- Rehabilitation strategies and material performance of SCC used
for the repair of the Jarry/Querbes underpass in Montreal
- Two different techniques for the evaluation of concrete surface
- Relationship between surface characteristics and superficial
cohesion of concrete
- Effect of surface preparation techniques on the cohesion of
superficial concrete: Comparison of jack-hammering and water
- Innovative non-destructive assessment of adherence failure of
the top layer in an industrial floor
- Effects of repeated loading on the shear connection between old
and new concrete
- Development of test method for cracking tendency of repair
- Crack development in bonded concrete overlays subjected to
differential shrinkage: A parameter study
- Efficient testing of fibers with the Baenziger Block
- Survey on Swedish practice for bonded overlays and patch
- Bridge renewal under traffic load
- Microstructure, chloride migration and corrosion near the
transition zone between substrate and repair concrete
Structural repairs and strengthening
- Textile reinforced concrete with AR-glass-fibre-multifilament
yarn – a new innovative compound material for concrete repair and
- Strengthening RC beams by external reinforcement
- Flexural strengthening of RC beams via external
- Liesbeek Parkway bridge widening
- Characterizing old reinforced-concrete structures for
compliance with new standard requirements
- Bond behaviour of post-installed rebars under one-directional
and reversed cyclic loading
- Partial versus full wrapping confinement systems for concrete
- Strengthening of concrete masts using multi-axial AR-glass
- Experiment on shear resistance of RC wall-frame structures
strengthened with CF-grids
- Shear strength of retrofitted reinforced concrete sections
- Performance evaluation of retrofitted dry-stack block masonry
- A unique strengthening solution for the Agter Paarl Road
- Bond behaviour and design of post-installed rebar
Seismic retrofit and rehabilitation
- Seismic retrofit strategy for under-designed reinforced
concrete frame systems and subassemblies using FRP composites
- Seismic assessment and repair of corrosion-damaged reinforced
concrete structures in New Zealand
- Seismic rehabilitation: A case study
- Experimental tests on seismic retrofit of RC columns
- Seismic strengthening techniques for existing RC
- Structural retrofitting of buildings affected by earthquake in
India with intensity of 7.7 on Richter scale
- A performance assessment of a RC frame building using a record
obtained at its foundation
Retrofitting techniques and FRP systems
- Alternative analytical modelling of retrofitted reinforced
concrete members
- Textile structures for shear strengthening
- Some results from the experiments of flexural strengthened RC
beams by CFRP sheets
- Shear-flexure interaction of RC elements strengthened with FRP
- Mineral based bonding of CFRP to strengthen concrete
- End anchors’ effect on the behavior of CFRP strengthened beams
– experimental investigation
- Interaction between FRP shear strengthening and transverse
steel reinforcement in RC beams
- Debonding of externally bonded CFRP at low and high
- Behavior of square concrete columns strengthened with Carbon
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) strips
- An empirical approach for the determination of ultimate FRP
strain in FRP-strengthened concrete beams
- A novel Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) system for
- The behaviour of RC beams retrofitted with CARDIFRC after
thermal cycling
Theme 4: Performance monitoring and health assessment
- Seismic performance evaluation of prestressed bridges
constructed by cantilever method using displacement based
- Condition assessment of bridges in South Africa: Challenges and
- The use of nanotechnology in concrete structures for durability
and health monitoring
- Non-destructive assessment of repair efficiency with
impact-echo and ultrasonic methods – an overview
- Wireless monitoring of concrete structures using
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Sensors (MEMS)
- Non destructive bridge supervision – traffic and dynamic
- Damage and condition assessment of R.C. structures for
rehabilitation by linear polarization (N.D.T.)
- Acoustic emission monitoring and numerical modeling of a
FRP-strengthened concrete structure
- The influence of synergistic effects of cyclic freeze-thaw,
deicing-salt attack and bending stress on behavior of reinforced
- Embeddable reference sensors for corrosion monitoring in
concrete structures
- Full scale load testing of 3 bridges in Mozambique for
About the Author
Professor Mark G Alexander, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Cape Town, South Africa Dr Hans-Dieter Beushausen,
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, South
Africa Dr Frank Dehn, MFPA Leipzig, Germany Dr Pilate Moyo,
Department of Civil Engineering,University of Cape Town, South