Hardback : £188.00
This Concise Encyclopedia draws its material from the award-winning Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, and includes updates and revisions not available in the original set. This customized collection of articles provides a handy reference for materials scientists and engineers with an interest in composite materials made from polymers, metals, ceramics, carbon, biocomposites, nanocomposites, wood, cement, fibers, etc.
* Brings together articles from the Encyclopedia of Materials: Science & Technology that focus on the essentials of composite materials, including recent updates* Every article has been commissioned and written by an internationally recognized expert and provides a concise overview of a particular aspect of the field * Enables rapid reference; extensive bibliographies, cross-referencing and indexes guide the user to the most relevant reading in the primary literature * Covers areas of active research, such as biomaterials and porous materials
Alphabetical listing of articles
Aircraft Materials, R. Boyer ¿ Alternative Techniques for Manufacturing Composite Aerospace Designs, Cost of, Williamson ¿ Asbestos, F. Habashi ¿ Automotive Body Materials, A. M. Sherman, A. R. Krause, P. A. Friedman, D. A. Steenkamer and D. Q. Huston ¿ Automotive Chassis/Suspension Materials, G. Cole ¿ Bearing Materials: Plain Bearings, G.C. Pratt ¿ Biological Materials: Synthesis, Structure, and Properties, P. Calvert ¿ Biomimetic Materials: Properties and Processing, P. Calvert ¿ Bitumens: Modified, P. Nayler ¿ Block Copolymers as Precursors to Porous Materials, T.P. Russell and J.L. Hecrick ¿ Block Copolymers as Templates for Functional Materials, R.E. Cohen ¿ Bone and Natural Composites: Properties, J. D. Currey ¿ Bone Augmentation and Repair, E.L. Hedberg and A.G. Mikos ¿ Buildings: Plastics and Composites, F. J. Heger and P. A. Sharff ¿ Carbon Aerogels, H. Tamon ¿ Carbon Blacks, E.B. Senpl amd R.L. Taylor ¿ Carbon Fibers, L. M. Manocha ¿ Carbon Nanofibers, R. T. K. Baker ¿ Carbon Nanotubes, S. Subramoney ¿ Carbon-Carbon Composites, W. J. Lackey ¿ Ceramic Fibers from Polymer Precursors, K. Okamura ¿ Ceramic Matrix Composites with Roughly Equiaxed Reinforcements: Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior, G. Fantozzi and J. Chevalier ¿ Ceramic Matrix Composites: Applications, K. M. Prewo and W. K. Tredway ¿ Ceramic Matrix Composites: Matrices and Processing, R. R. Naslain ¿ Ceramic Nanocomposites with Organic Phases, Optics of, A. Biswas, C. S. Friend and P. N. Prasad ¿ Ceramic-modified High-temperature Polymers, Z. Ahmad ¿ Ceramics and Glasses, Sol-Gel Synthesis of, P.P. Thulé and T.E. Wood ¿ Ceramics: Whisker Toughening, P.F. Becher ¿ Cermets and Hardmetals, D. Mari ¿ Clay-based Polymer Nanocomposites, A. Usuki ¿ Composite Dental Materials: Wear, K. Goovaerts, P. Lambrechts, J. De Munck, L. Bergmans and B. Van Meerbeek ¿ Composite Materials, Microstructural Design of, M. F. Ashby ¿ Composite Materials: Environmental Effects, A. R. Bunsell ¿ Composite Materials: Overview, A. Kelly and A. Mortensen ¿ Composites for Biomedical Applications, E. Wintermantel, J. Mayer and T. N. Goehring ¿ Composites for Sensors and Actuators, C. Boller ¿ Composites, Joining of, F. L. Matthews ¿ Composites, Microstructure of: Quantitative Description, J.-L. Chermant and M. Coster ¿ Composites, Physical Properties of, P. J. Withers ¿ Composites: Interfaces, T. W. Clyne ¿ Concrete as a Building Materials, C. K. Y. Leung ¿ Concrete: Failure Mechanics, J. G. M. van Mier ¿ Construction: Cellular Materials, F.-J. Ulm ¿ Construction Materials: Lightweight Aggregates, A.L. Bush ¿ Continuous Parallel Fiber Composites: Deformation and Strength, L. N. McCartney and W. R. Broughton ¿ Continuous Parallel Fiber Composites: Fracture, B. S. Majumdar and D. Hunston ¿ Conventional and Super Abrasive MaterialsR. Komanduri and S. Iyengar ¿ Creep and Creep-fatigue of Metal-Matrix Composites, G. F. Eggeler ¿ Creep of Bituminous Aggregates, S.F. Brown ¿ Creep of Concrete, Z. P. Bazant ¿ Creep of Particle Reinforced Materials, J. Rösler ¿ CVD Monofilaments, A. R. Bunsell ¿ Designing with Composites, S. M. Spearing and P. A. Lagace ¿ Elastic Behavior of Cellular Solids, A. M. Kraynik and M. K. Neilsen ¿ Elastic Behavior of Composites, A. Cervenka ¿ Elastic Structures in Design, H. R. Shercliff and M. F. Ashby ¿ Elasticity in Wood and Concrete: Hygromechanical Effects, J. Brauns and K. Rocens ¿ Elastomers, Ceramic-modified, J. H. Mark ¿ Elastomers, Reinforcement of, A. I. Medalia ¿ Electronic Packaging: Conductive Adhesives, A. M. Lyons ¿ Electronic Packaging: Elastomer Conductive Polymers, L. S. Buchoff ¿ Electronic Packaging: Heat Sink Materials, C. Zweben ¿ Fatigue of Particle Reinforced Materials, N. Chawla and J. E. Allison ¿ Fiber Metal Laminates, Fatigue of, A. Vlot and R. C. Alderliesten ¿ Fiber Strength, D. M. Wilson ¿ Fiberglass, N.M. Cameron and C.F. Rapp ¿ Fibers: Superabsorbant, T.F. Cooke ¿ Fibrous Reinforcements for Composites: Overview, K. K. Chawla ¿ Foams, Microrheology of, A.M. Kraynik and D.A. Reinelt ¿ Functionally Graded Materials, A. Neubrand ¿ Glass Fibers, K. K. Chawla ¿ Hard Tissues, Mechanical Properties of, J.Y. Rho ¿ High Performance Fibers, A. R. Bunsell ¿ Inorganic and Inorganic-Organic Aerogels, U. Schubert and N. Hüsing ¿ Inorganic Nanotube Materials, R. Tenne ¿ Laminates: Physical and Mechanical Behavior, L. N. McCartney ¿ Liquid Crystalline Polymers, Dispersed, E. Terentjev ¿ Lumber: Laminated Veneer, H. Sasaki ¿ Magnets: Bonded Permanent Magnets, K. H. J. Buschow ¿ Materials Selection and Mechanical Design, E. Maine and M. F. Ashby ¿ Mechanical Alloying, A. R. Jones ¿ Mechanical Testing Methods of Fibers and Composites, U. Ramamurty ¿ Membrane-based Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites Z. Pu ¿ Mesoporous Molecular Sieves, Th. Maschmeyer, M.E. Raimondi and J.M. Seddon ¿ Metal Matrix Composites with Roughly Equiaxed Reinforcements: Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior, D. Lloyd ¿ Metal Matrix Composites, Recycling of, H. P. Degischer ¿ Metal Matrix Composites: Applications, W. H. Hunt ¿ Metal Matrix Composites: Matrices and Processing, T. W. Clyne and F. R. Jones ¿ Metallic Filaments, H. U. Künzi ¿ Mineral-filled Polymers, B. Pukánszky ¿ Modeling: Scaling Analysis (should change the title), C. L. Tucker III ¿ Nanoscale Ceramic Composites, G.S. Thompson and M.P. Harmer ¿ Natural Cellulose Fibers and Membranes: Biosynthesis, B. Rånby ¿ Natural Cellulose Fibers: Properties, L. Löhler ¿ Natural Protein Fibers, C. Viney ¿ Optical Properties of Functional Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites, C. Sanchez and B. Lebeau ¿ Organic Aerogels, R. Pekala and J. Fricke ¿ Organic Analogues to Zeolites and Mesoporous Sieves, D.L. Gin and S.A. Miller ¿ Organic-Inorganic Composite Crystals, D.B. Mitzi ¿ Paper Products: Classification, J.F. Waterhouse ¿ Paper: Creep, D.W. Coffin and C. Fellers ¿ Paper: Effects of Moisture and Temperature, D.F. Caulfield and A.H. fits Nissan Paper: Pulping and Bleaching, H.L. Hintz ¿ Paper: Strength and Stiffness, C. Fellers and D.W. Coffin ¿ Paper: Structure, R. Perkins ¿ Papermaking, N.A. Poirier, I.I. Pikulik and R. Gooding ¿ PES and PEEK, K. J. L. Burg and S. W. Shalaby ¿ Plastic Deformation of Cellular Materials, M. F. Ashby ¿ Polymer Composites, Friction and Wear of, K. Friedrich and R. Reinicke ¿ Polymer Fiber Processing: High-performance Fibers, T. Kitagawa ¿ Polymer Fibers: Formation and Structure, T. Kikutani ¿ Polymer Matrix Composites with Roughly Equiaxed Reinforcements: Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior, H. H. Kausch and Ph. Béguelin ¿ Polymer Matrix Composites, Recycling of, P. Sunderland ¿ Polymer Matrix Composites: Applications, A. Beukers ¿ Polymer Matrix Composites: Matrices and Processing, C. J. G. Plummer, P.-E. Bourban and J.-A. E. Månson ¿ Polymer Melt Mixing: Agglomerate Dispersion, I. Manas-Zloczower ¿ Polymer Modified Wood, M.H. Schneider ¿ Polymer Nanocomposites with Metal Dispersions, A. B. R. Mayer ¿ Polymer Transcrystallinity in Composites, R. J. Young and M. Heppenstall-Butler ¿ Polymer-based Nanocomposites by Sol-Gel Routes, Applications of, H. Schmidt and M. Stadtwald-Klenke ¿ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Catalysts, S. Wang ¿ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Ceramic Phases, P. Xu ¿ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Control of Shrinkage, M. W. Ellsworth ¿ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Interfacial Bonding Agents, C. Kumudinie ¿ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Polymer Overview, L. C. Klein and A. B. Wojcik ¿ Polymer-modified Ceramics, Y. Wei ¿ Polymer-Nonsilica Ceramic ¿ Nanocomposites, J. K. Premachandra ¿ Polymer-Silica Nanocomposites, J. Wen ¿ Polymers in Constrained Ceramic Environments, H. L. Frisch and L. Huang ¿ Porous Ceramic Processing, D. J. Green ¿ Porous Silica Xerogel, C. Jin ¿ Portland Cements, J. F. Young ¿ Powders, Solution Synthesis of, R. E. Riman ¿ Processing Flexible Polymers to High Performance Fibers, P. J. Lemstra and S. Rastogi ¿ Processing Rigid Polymers to High Performance Fibers, S. J. Picken, H. Boerstoel and M. G. Northolt ¿ Pulp and Paper: Nonfibrous Components, D.P. Rawski ¿ Radiation Effects in Carbon-Carbon Composites, T. D. Burchell ¿ Reaction Forming, K. H. Sandhage and N. Claussen ¿ Reactive Ceramic Nanocomposites with Organic and Bio-organic Phases, D. Avnir, J. Blum and O. Lev ¿ Reinforced Concrete, A. E. Naaman ¿ Roofing Materials, C.G. Cash ¿ Rubber Tires, M. B. Rodgers ¿ Sporting Materials: Ski Equipment, H. Casey ¿ Spun (Slurry and Sol-Gel) Ceramic Fibers, D. M. Wilson ¿ Superconducting Wires and Cables: Materials and Processing, P. J. Lee ¿ Supported Catalysts, J.E. Bailie, G.J. Hutcings and S. O¿Leary ¿ Textile Fibers: A Comparative Overview, J. W. S. Hearle ¿ Textile Fibers: Mechanical Properties, W. Oppermann ¿ Thermally Contracting Materials, A. W. Sleight ¿ Whiskers, J. Katz ¿ Wood Composites: Mineral-bonded, A. A. Moslemi ¿ Wood Products: Decay during use, W.W. Wilcox ¿ Wood Products: Weathering, P.D. Evans ¿ Wood, Constituents of, A.G. McDonald ¿ Wood: Creep and Creep Rupture, E. Karacabeyli ¿ Wood: Macroscopic Anatomy, E. Wheeler ¿ Wood: Moisture Content, ¿ Hygroscopicity, and Sorption, I. Hartley ¿ Wood: Nonstructural Panel Processes, F. A. Kamke ¿ Wood: Nonstructural Panels, T. Adcock and M. P. Wolcott ¿ Wood: Strength and Stiffness, D.W: Green ¿ Wood: Structural Panel Processes, A. W. Boehner ¿ Wood: Structural Panels, M. R. O'Halloran ¿ Wood: Thermal Properties, T.E. Conners ¿ Wood: Ultrastructure, T.E. Conners ¿ Wood-Plastic Composites, M. P. Wolcott ¿ Xerogels, G.W. Scherrer ¿ Zeolites, A. Dyer
This Concise Encyclopedia draws its material from the award-winning Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, and includes updates and revisions not available in the original set. This customized collection of articles provides a handy reference for materials scientists and engineers with an interest in composite materials made from polymers, metals, ceramics, carbon, biocomposites, nanocomposites, wood, cement, fibers, etc.
* Brings together articles from the Encyclopedia of Materials: Science & Technology that focus on the essentials of composite materials, including recent updates* Every article has been commissioned and written by an internationally recognized expert and provides a concise overview of a particular aspect of the field * Enables rapid reference; extensive bibliographies, cross-referencing and indexes guide the user to the most relevant reading in the primary literature * Covers areas of active research, such as biomaterials and porous materials
Alphabetical listing of articles
Aircraft Materials, R. Boyer ¿ Alternative Techniques for Manufacturing Composite Aerospace Designs, Cost of, Williamson ¿ Asbestos, F. Habashi ¿ Automotive Body Materials, A. M. Sherman, A. R. Krause, P. A. Friedman, D. A. Steenkamer and D. Q. Huston ¿ Automotive Chassis/Suspension Materials, G. Cole ¿ Bearing Materials: Plain Bearings, G.C. Pratt ¿ Biological Materials: Synthesis, Structure, and Properties, P. Calvert ¿ Biomimetic Materials: Properties and Processing, P. Calvert ¿ Bitumens: Modified, P. Nayler ¿ Block Copolymers as Precursors to Porous Materials, T.P. Russell and J.L. Hecrick ¿ Block Copolymers as Templates for Functional Materials, R.E. Cohen ¿ Bone and Natural Composites: Properties, J. D. Currey ¿ Bone Augmentation and Repair, E.L. Hedberg and A.G. Mikos ¿ Buildings: Plastics and Composites, F. J. Heger and P. A. Sharff ¿ Carbon Aerogels, H. Tamon ¿ Carbon Blacks, E.B. Senpl amd R.L. Taylor ¿ Carbon Fibers, L. M. Manocha ¿ Carbon Nanofibers, R. T. K. Baker ¿ Carbon Nanotubes, S. Subramoney ¿ Carbon-Carbon Composites, W. J. Lackey ¿ Ceramic Fibers from Polymer Precursors, K. Okamura ¿ Ceramic Matrix Composites with Roughly Equiaxed Reinforcements: Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior, G. Fantozzi and J. Chevalier ¿ Ceramic Matrix Composites: Applications, K. M. Prewo and W. K. Tredway ¿ Ceramic Matrix Composites: Matrices and Processing, R. R. Naslain ¿ Ceramic Nanocomposites with Organic Phases, Optics of, A. Biswas, C. S. Friend and P. N. Prasad ¿ Ceramic-modified High-temperature Polymers, Z. Ahmad ¿ Ceramics and Glasses, Sol-Gel Synthesis of, P.P. Thulé and T.E. Wood ¿ Ceramics: Whisker Toughening, P.F. Becher ¿ Cermets and Hardmetals, D. Mari ¿ Clay-based Polymer Nanocomposites, A. Usuki ¿ Composite Dental Materials: Wear, K. Goovaerts, P. Lambrechts, J. De Munck, L. Bergmans and B. Van Meerbeek ¿ Composite Materials, Microstructural Design of, M. F. Ashby ¿ Composite Materials: Environmental Effects, A. R. Bunsell ¿ Composite Materials: Overview, A. Kelly and A. Mortensen ¿ Composites for Biomedical Applications, E. Wintermantel, J. Mayer and T. N. Goehring ¿ Composites for Sensors and Actuators, C. Boller ¿ Composites, Joining of, F. L. Matthews ¿ Composites, Microstructure of: Quantitative Description, J.-L. Chermant and M. Coster ¿ Composites, Physical Properties of, P. J. Withers ¿ Composites: Interfaces, T. W. Clyne ¿ Concrete as a Building Materials, C. K. Y. Leung ¿ Concrete: Failure Mechanics, J. G. M. van Mier ¿ Construction: Cellular Materials, F.-J. Ulm ¿ Construction Materials: Lightweight Aggregates, A.L. Bush ¿ Continuous Parallel Fiber Composites: Deformation and Strength, L. N. McCartney and W. R. Broughton ¿ Continuous Parallel Fiber Composites: Fracture, B. S. Majumdar and D. Hunston ¿ Conventional and Super Abrasive MaterialsR. Komanduri and S. Iyengar ¿ Creep and Creep-fatigue of Metal-Matrix Composites, G. F. Eggeler ¿ Creep of Bituminous Aggregates, S.F. Brown ¿ Creep of Concrete, Z. P. Bazant ¿ Creep of Particle Reinforced Materials, J. Rösler ¿ CVD Monofilaments, A. R. Bunsell ¿ Designing with Composites, S. M. Spearing and P. A. Lagace ¿ Elastic Behavior of Cellular Solids, A. M. Kraynik and M. K. Neilsen ¿ Elastic Behavior of Composites, A. Cervenka ¿ Elastic Structures in Design, H. R. Shercliff and M. F. Ashby ¿ Elasticity in Wood and Concrete: Hygromechanical Effects, J. Brauns and K. Rocens ¿ Elastomers, Ceramic-modified, J. H. Mark ¿ Elastomers, Reinforcement of, A. I. Medalia ¿ Electronic Packaging: Conductive Adhesives, A. M. Lyons ¿ Electronic Packaging: Elastomer Conductive Polymers, L. S. Buchoff ¿ Electronic Packaging: Heat Sink Materials, C. Zweben ¿ Fatigue of Particle Reinforced Materials, N. Chawla and J. E. Allison ¿ Fiber Metal Laminates, Fatigue of, A. Vlot and R. C. Alderliesten ¿ Fiber Strength, D. M. Wilson ¿ Fiberglass, N.M. Cameron and C.F. Rapp ¿ Fibers: Superabsorbant, T.F. Cooke ¿ Fibrous Reinforcements for Composites: Overview, K. K. Chawla ¿ Foams, Microrheology of, A.M. Kraynik and D.A. Reinelt ¿ Functionally Graded Materials, A. Neubrand ¿ Glass Fibers, K. K. Chawla ¿ Hard Tissues, Mechanical Properties of, J.Y. Rho ¿ High Performance Fibers, A. R. Bunsell ¿ Inorganic and Inorganic-Organic Aerogels, U. Schubert and N. Hüsing ¿ Inorganic Nanotube Materials, R. Tenne ¿ Laminates: Physical and Mechanical Behavior, L. N. McCartney ¿ Liquid Crystalline Polymers, Dispersed, E. Terentjev ¿ Lumber: Laminated Veneer, H. Sasaki ¿ Magnets: Bonded Permanent Magnets, K. H. J. Buschow ¿ Materials Selection and Mechanical Design, E. Maine and M. F. Ashby ¿ Mechanical Alloying, A. R. Jones ¿ Mechanical Testing Methods of Fibers and Composites, U. Ramamurty ¿ Membrane-based Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites Z. Pu ¿ Mesoporous Molecular Sieves, Th. Maschmeyer, M.E. Raimondi and J.M. Seddon ¿ Metal Matrix Composites with Roughly Equiaxed Reinforcements: Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior, D. Lloyd ¿ Metal Matrix Composites, Recycling of, H. P. Degischer ¿ Metal Matrix Composites: Applications, W. H. Hunt ¿ Metal Matrix Composites: Matrices and Processing, T. W. Clyne and F. R. Jones ¿ Metallic Filaments, H. U. Künzi ¿ Mineral-filled Polymers, B. Pukánszky ¿ Modeling: Scaling Analysis (should change the title), C. L. Tucker III ¿ Nanoscale Ceramic Composites, G.S. Thompson and M.P. Harmer ¿ Natural Cellulose Fibers and Membranes: Biosynthesis, B. Rånby ¿ Natural Cellulose Fibers: Properties, L. Löhler ¿ Natural Protein Fibers, C. Viney ¿ Optical Properties of Functional Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites, C. Sanchez and B. Lebeau ¿ Organic Aerogels, R. Pekala and J. Fricke ¿ Organic Analogues to Zeolites and Mesoporous Sieves, D.L. Gin and S.A. Miller ¿ Organic-Inorganic Composite Crystals, D.B. Mitzi ¿ Paper Products: Classification, J.F. Waterhouse ¿ Paper: Creep, D.W. Coffin and C. Fellers ¿ Paper: Effects of Moisture and Temperature, D.F. Caulfield and A.H. fits Nissan Paper: Pulping and Bleaching, H.L. Hintz ¿ Paper: Strength and Stiffness, C. Fellers and D.W. Coffin ¿ Paper: Structure, R. Perkins ¿ Papermaking, N.A. Poirier, I.I. Pikulik and R. Gooding ¿ PES and PEEK, K. J. L. Burg and S. W. Shalaby ¿ Plastic Deformation of Cellular Materials, M. F. Ashby ¿ Polymer Composites, Friction and Wear of, K. Friedrich and R. Reinicke ¿ Polymer Fiber Processing: High-performance Fibers, T. Kitagawa ¿ Polymer Fibers: Formation and Structure, T. Kikutani ¿ Polymer Matrix Composites with Roughly Equiaxed Reinforcements: Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior, H. H. Kausch and Ph. Béguelin ¿ Polymer Matrix Composites, Recycling of, P. Sunderland ¿ Polymer Matrix Composites: Applications, A. Beukers ¿ Polymer Matrix Composites: Matrices and Processing, C. J. G. Plummer, P.-E. Bourban and J.-A. E. Månson ¿ Polymer Melt Mixing: Agglomerate Dispersion, I. Manas-Zloczower ¿ Polymer Modified Wood, M.H. Schneider ¿ Polymer Nanocomposites with Metal Dispersions, A. B. R. Mayer ¿ Polymer Transcrystallinity in Composites, R. J. Young and M. Heppenstall-Butler ¿ Polymer-based Nanocomposites by Sol-Gel Routes, Applications of, H. Schmidt and M. Stadtwald-Klenke ¿ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Catalysts, S. Wang ¿ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Ceramic Phases, P. Xu ¿ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Control of Shrinkage, M. W. Ellsworth ¿ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Interfacial Bonding Agents, C. Kumudinie ¿ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Polymer Overview, L. C. Klein and A. B. Wojcik ¿ Polymer-modified Ceramics, Y. Wei ¿ Polymer-Nonsilica Ceramic ¿ Nanocomposites, J. K. Premachandra ¿ Polymer-Silica Nanocomposites, J. Wen ¿ Polymers in Constrained Ceramic Environments, H. L. Frisch and L. Huang ¿ Porous Ceramic Processing, D. J. Green ¿ Porous Silica Xerogel, C. Jin ¿ Portland Cements, J. F. Young ¿ Powders, Solution Synthesis of, R. E. Riman ¿ Processing Flexible Polymers to High Performance Fibers, P. J. Lemstra and S. Rastogi ¿ Processing Rigid Polymers to High Performance Fibers, S. J. Picken, H. Boerstoel and M. G. Northolt ¿ Pulp and Paper: Nonfibrous Components, D.P. Rawski ¿ Radiation Effects in Carbon-Carbon Composites, T. D. Burchell ¿ Reaction Forming, K. H. Sandhage and N. Claussen ¿ Reactive Ceramic Nanocomposites with Organic and Bio-organic Phases, D. Avnir, J. Blum and O. Lev ¿ Reinforced Concrete, A. E. Naaman ¿ Roofing Materials, C.G. Cash ¿ Rubber Tires, M. B. Rodgers ¿ Sporting Materials: Ski Equipment, H. Casey ¿ Spun (Slurry and Sol-Gel) Ceramic Fibers, D. M. Wilson ¿ Superconducting Wires and Cables: Materials and Processing, P. J. Lee ¿ Supported Catalysts, J.E. Bailie, G.J. Hutcings and S. O¿Leary ¿ Textile Fibers: A Comparative Overview, J. W. S. Hearle ¿ Textile Fibers: Mechanical Properties, W. Oppermann ¿ Thermally Contracting Materials, A. W. Sleight ¿ Whiskers, J. Katz ¿ Wood Composites: Mineral-bonded, A. A. Moslemi ¿ Wood Products: Decay during use, W.W. Wilcox ¿ Wood Products: Weathering, P.D. Evans ¿ Wood, Constituents of, A.G. McDonald ¿ Wood: Creep and Creep Rupture, E. Karacabeyli ¿ Wood: Macroscopic Anatomy, E. Wheeler ¿ Wood: Moisture Content, ¿ Hygroscopicity, and Sorption, I. Hartley ¿ Wood: Nonstructural Panel Processes, F. A. Kamke ¿ Wood: Nonstructural Panels, T. Adcock and M. P. Wolcott ¿ Wood: Strength and Stiffness, D.W: Green ¿ Wood: Structural Panel Processes, A. W. Boehner ¿ Wood: Structural Panels, M. R. O'Halloran ¿ Wood: Thermal Properties, T.E. Conners ¿ Wood: Ultrastructure, T.E. Conners ¿ Wood-Plastic Composites, M. P. Wolcott ¿ Xerogels, G.W. Scherrer ¿ Zeolites, A. Dyer
Alphabetical listing of articles
Aircraft Materials, R. Boyer ▪ Alternative Techniques for
Manufacturing Composite Aerospace Designs, Cost of, Williamson ▪
Asbestos, F. Habashi ▪ Automotive Body Materials, A. M. Sherman, A.
R. Krause, P. A. Friedman, D. A. Steenkamer and D. Q. Huston ▪
Automotive Chassis/Suspension Materials, G. Cole ▪ Bearing
Materials: Plain Bearings, G.C. Pratt ▪ Biological Materials:
Synthesis, Structure, and Properties, P. Calvert ▪ Biomimetic
Materials: Properties and Processing, P. Calvert ▪ Bitumens:
Modified, P. Nayler ▪ Block Copolymers as Precursors to Porous
Materials, T.P. Russell and J.L. Hecrick ▪ Block Copolymers as
Templates for Functional Materials, R.E. Cohen ▪ Bone and Natural
Composites: Properties, J. D. Currey ▪ Bone Augmentation and
Repair, E.L. Hedberg and A.G. Mikos ▪ Buildings: Plastics and
Composites, F. J. Heger and P. A. Sharff ▪ Carbon Aerogels, H.
Tamon ▪ Carbon Blacks, E.B. Senpl amd R.L. Taylor ▪ Carbon Fibers,
L. M. Manocha ▪ Carbon Nanofibers, R. T. K. Baker ▪ Carbon
Nanotubes, S. Subramoney ▪ Carbon-Carbon Composites, W. J. Lackey ▪
Ceramic Fibers from Polymer Precursors, K. Okamura ▪ Ceramic Matrix
Composites with Roughly Equiaxed Reinforcements: Microstructure and
Mechanical Behavior, G. Fantozzi and J. Chevalier ▪ Ceramic Matrix
Composites: Applications, K. M. Prewo and W. K. Tredway ▪ Ceramic
Matrix Composites: Matrices and Processing, R. R. Naslain ▪ Ceramic
Nanocomposites with Organic Phases, Optics of, A. Biswas, C. S.
Friend and P. N. Prasad ▪ Ceramic-modified High-temperature
Polymers, Z. Ahmad ▪ Ceramics and Glasses, Sol-Gel Synthesis of,
P.P. Thulé and T.E. Wood ▪ Ceramics: Whisker Toughening, P.F.
Becher ▪ Cermets and Hardmetals, D. Mari ▪ Clay-based Polymer
Nanocomposites, A. Usuki ▪ Composite Dental Materials: Wear, K.
Goovaerts, P. Lambrechts, J. De Munck, L. Bergmans and B. Van
Meerbeek ▪ Composite Materials, Microstructural Design of, M. F.
Ashby ▪ Composite Materials: Environmental Effects, A. R. Bunsell ▪
Composite Materials: Overview, A. Kelly and A. Mortensen ▪
Composites for Biomedical Applications, E. Wintermantel, J. Mayer
and T. N. Goehring ▪ Composites for Sensors and Actuators, C.
Boller ▪ Composites, Joining of, F. L. Matthews ▪ Composites,
Microstructure of: Quantitative Description, J.-L. Chermant and M.
Coster ▪ Composites, Physical Properties of, P. J. Withers ▪
Composites: Interfaces, T. W. Clyne ▪ Concrete as a Building
Materials, C. K. Y. Leung ▪ Concrete: Failure Mechanics, J. G. M.
van Mier ▪ Construction: Cellular Materials, F.-J. Ulm ▪
Construction Materials: Lightweight Aggregates, A.L. Bush ▪
Continuous Parallel Fiber Composites: Deformation and Strength, L.
N. McCartney and W. R. Broughton ▪ Continuous Parallel Fiber
Composites: Fracture, B. S. Majumdar and D. Hunston ▪ Conventional
and Super Abrasive MaterialsR. Komanduri and S. Iyengar ▪ Creep and
Creep-fatigue of Metal-Matrix Composites, G. F. Eggeler ▪ Creep of
Bituminous Aggregates, S.F. Brown ▪ Creep of Concrete, Z. P. Bazant
▪ Creep of Particle Reinforced Materials, J. Rösler ▪ CVD
Monofilaments, A. R. Bunsell ▪ Designing with Composites, S. M.
Spearing and P. A. Lagace ▪ Elastic Behavior of Cellular Solids, A.
M. Kraynik and M. K. Neilsen ▪ Elastic Behavior of Composites, A.
Cervenka ▪ Elastic Structures in Design, H. R. Shercliff and M. F.
Ashby ▪ Elasticity in Wood and Concrete: Hygromechanical Effects,
J. Brauns and K. Rocens ▪ Elastomers, Ceramic-modified, J. H. Mark
▪ Elastomers, Reinforcement of, A. I. Medalia ▪ Electronic
Packaging: Conductive Adhesives, A. M. Lyons ▪ Electronic
Packaging: Elastomer Conductive Polymers, L. S. Buchoff ▪
Electronic Packaging: Heat Sink Materials, C. Zweben ▪ Fatigue of
Particle Reinforced Materials, N. Chawla and J. E. Allison ▪ Fiber
Metal Laminates, Fatigue of, A. Vlot and R. C. Alderliesten ▪ Fiber
Strength, D. M. Wilson ▪ Fiberglass, N.M. Cameron and C.F. Rapp ▪
Fibers: Superabsorbant, T.F. Cooke ▪ Fibrous Reinforcements for
Composites: Overview, K. K. Chawla ▪ Foams, Microrheology of, A.M.
Kraynik and D.A. Reinelt ▪ Functionally Graded Materials, A.
Neubrand ▪ Glass Fibers, K. K. Chawla ▪ Hard Tissues, Mechanical
Properties of, J.Y. Rho ▪ High Performance Fibers, A. R. Bunsell ▪
Inorganic and Inorganic-Organic Aerogels, U. Schubert and N. Hüsing
▪ Inorganic Nanotube Materials, R. Tenne ▪ Laminates: Physical and
Mechanical Behavior, L. N. McCartney ▪ Liquid Crystalline Polymers,
Dispersed, E. Terentjev ▪ Lumber: Laminated Veneer, H. Sasaki ▪
Magnets: Bonded Permanent Magnets, K. H. J. Buschow ▪ Materials
Selection and Mechanical Design, E. Maine and M. F. Ashby ▪
Mechanical Alloying, A. R. Jones ▪ Mechanical Testing Methods of
Fibers and Composites, U. Ramamurty ▪ Membrane-based
Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites Z. Pu ▪ Mesoporous Molecular Sieves,
Th. Maschmeyer, M.E. Raimondi and J.M. Seddon ▪ Metal Matrix
Composites with Roughly Equiaxed Reinforcements: Microstructure and
Mechanical Behavior, D. Lloyd ▪ Metal Matrix Composites, Recycling
of, H. P. Degischer ▪ Metal Matrix Composites: Applications, W. H.
Hunt ▪ Metal Matrix Composites: Matrices and Processing, T. W.
Clyne and F. R. Jones ▪ Metallic Filaments, H. U. Künzi ▪
Mineral-filled Polymers, B. Pukánszky ▪ Modeling: Scaling Analysis
(should change the title), C. L. Tucker III ▪ Nanoscale Ceramic
Composites, G.S. Thompson and M.P. Harmer ▪ Natural Cellulose
Fibers and Membranes: Biosynthesis, B. Rånby ▪ Natural Cellulose
Fibers: Properties, L. Löhler ▪ Natural Protein Fibers, C. Viney ▪
Optical Properties of Functional Hybrid Organic-Inorganic
Nanocomposites, C. Sanchez and B. Lebeau ▪ Organic Aerogels, R.
Pekala and J. Fricke ▪ Organic Analogues to Zeolites and Mesoporous
Sieves, D.L. Gin and S.A. Miller ▪ Organic-Inorganic Composite
Crystals, D.B. Mitzi ▪ Paper Products: Classification, J.F.
Waterhouse ▪ Paper: Creep, D.W. Coffin and C. Fellers ▪ Paper:
Effects of Moisture and Temperature, D.F. Caulfield and A.H. Nissan
▪ Paper: Pulping and Bleaching, H.L. Hintz ▪ Paper: Strength and
Stiffness, C. Fellers and D.W. Coffin ▪ Paper: Structure, R.
Perkins ▪ Papermaking, N.A. Poirier, I.I. Pikulik and R. Gooding ▪
PES and PEEK, K. J. L. Burg and S. W. Shalaby ▪ Plastic Deformation
of Cellular Materials, M. F. Ashby ▪ Polymer Composites, Friction
and Wear of, K. Friedrich and R. Reinicke ▪ Polymer Fiber
Processing: High-performance Fibers, T. Kitagawa ▪ Polymer Fibers:
Formation and Structure, T. Kikutani ▪ Polymer Matrix Composites
with Roughly Equiaxed Reinforcements: Microstructure and Mechanical
Behavior, H. H. Kausch and Ph. Béguelin ▪ Polymer Matrix
Composites, Recycling of, P. Sunderland ▪ Polymer Matrix
Composites: Applications, A. Beukers ▪ Polymer Matrix Composites:
Matrices and Processing, C. J. G. Plummer, P.-E. Bourban and J.-A.
E. Månson ▪ Polymer Melt Mixing: Agglomerate Dispersion, I.
Manas-Zloczower ▪ Polymer Modified Wood, M.H. Schneider ▪ Polymer
Nanocomposites with Metal Dispersions, A. B. R. Mayer ▪ Polymer
Transcrystallinity in Composites, R. J. Young and M.
Heppenstall-Butler ▪ Polymer-based Nanocomposites by Sol-Gel
Routes, Applications of, H. Schmidt and M. Stadtwald-Klenke ▪
Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Catalysts, S. Wang ▪
Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Ceramic Phases, P. Xu ▪
Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Control of Shrinkage, M. W.
Ellsworth ▪ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Interfacial Bonding
Agents, C. Kumudinie ▪ Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites: Polymer
Overview, L. C. Klein and A. B. Wojcik ▪ Polymer-modified Ceramics,
Y. Wei ▪ Polymer-Nonsilica Ceramic ▪ Nanocomposites, J. K.
Premachandra ▪ Polymer-Silica Nanocomposites, J. Wen ▪ Polymers in
Constrained Ceramic Environments, H. L. Frisch and L. Huang ▪
Porous Ceramic Processing, D. J. Green ▪ Porous Silica Xerogel, C.
Jin ▪ Portland Cements, J. F. Young ▪ Powders, Solution Synthesis
of, R. E. Riman ▪ Processing Flexible Polymers to High Performance
Fibers, P. J. Lemstra and S. Rastogi ▪ Processing Rigid Polymers to
High Performance Fibers, S. J. Picken, H. Boerstoel and M. G.
Northolt ▪ Pulp and Paper: Nonfibrous Components, D.P. Rawski ▪
Radiation Effects in Carbon-Carbon Composites, T. D. Burchell ▪
Reaction Forming, K. H. Sandhage and N. Claussen ▪ Reactive Ceramic
Nanocomposites with Organic and Bio-organic Phases, D. Avnir, J.
Blum and O. Lev ▪ Reinforced Concrete, A. E. Naaman ▪ Roofing
Materials, C.G. Cash ▪ Rubber Tires, M. B. Rodgers ▪ Sporting
Materials: Ski Equipment, H. Casey ▪ Spun (Slurry and Sol-Gel)
Ceramic Fibers, D. M. Wilson ▪ Superconducting Wires and Cables:
Materials and Processing, P. J. Lee ▪ Supported Catalysts, J.E.
Bailie, G.J. Hutcings and S. O’Leary ▪ Textile Fibers: A
Comparative Overview, J. W. S. Hearle ▪ Textile Fibers: Mechanical
Properties, W. Oppermann ▪ Thermally Contracting Materials, A. W.
Sleight ▪ Whiskers, J. Katz ▪ Wood Composites: Mineral-bonded, A.
A. Moslemi ▪ Wood Products: Decay during use, W.W. Wilcox ▪ Wood
Products: Weathering, P.D. Evans ▪ Wood, Constituents of, A.G.
McDonald ▪ Wood: Creep and Creep Rupture, E. Karacabeyli ▪ Wood:
Macroscopic Anatomy, E. Wheeler ▪ Wood: Moisture Content, ▪
Hygroscopicity, and Sorption, I. Hartley ▪ Wood: Nonstructural
Panel Processes, F. A. Kamke ▪ Wood: Nonstructural Panels, T.
Adcock and M. P. Wolcott ▪ Wood: Strength and Stiffness, D.W: Green
▪ Wood: Structural Panel Processes, A. W. Boehner ▪ Wood:
Structural Panels, M. R. O'Halloran ▪ Wood: Thermal Properties,
T.E. Conners ▪ Wood: Ultrastructure, T.E. Conners ▪ Wood-Plastic
Composites, M. P. Wolcott ▪ Xerogels, G.W. Scherrer ▪ Zeolites, A.
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