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Climatic Changes on a Yearly to Millennial Basis


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Climatic changes on a yearly to millennial basis: An introduction.- Late Weichselian deglaciation and chronostratigraphy of Southern Scandinavia: Problems and present “state of the art”.- Biotic response to climatic changes during the time span 13,000–10,000 BP — A case study from SW Sweden.- Climatic changes at Pleistocene/Holocene boundary in the Middle Swedish Endmoraine zone, mainly inferred from stratigraphic indications.- Cyclic lamination in proximal varves reflecting the length of summers during Late Weichsel in southernmost Sweden.- Late Weichselian sea-levels and fauna communities in northern Vendsyssel, Jutland, Denmark.- Flora, fauna and stable isotopes in Late-Würm deposits at Lobsigensee (Swiss Plateau).- Late Weichselian fluctuations in the French Alps and Massif Central from pollen analyses.- Climatic and glacial fluctuations during the Late-Glacial and the Holocene in Oisans (Isere, France).- The classical Late Weichselian climatic fluctuations in Mexico.- Climatic variations in the low continental latitudes during the last 30,000 years.- Late-Glacial — Holocene High-frequency climatic changes in deep-sea cores from the Denmark Strait.- The reflection of abrupt climatic changes in the relief and sequence of continental deposits.- Water-level changes, climate and human impact: A palaeohydrological study of Krageholm Lake (Scania), southern Sweden.- Trees and shrubs in the Shetland Islands. Evidence for a Postglacial climatic optimum?.- Holocene palaeo-winds and climatic changes in West Greenland as indicated by long-distance transported and local pollen in lake sediments.- Peat inception and climatic change in northern Quebec.- The Nile floods as a global climatic/solar proxy.- Rainfall patterns and lake level variations at Lake Chad.-Tropical peats: Hydrogeologic and climatic control.- Causes of a Late-Atlantic swamp-forest submergence in the central Rhine/Meuse delta.- Late Postglacial beach ridges on the island of Gotland, Sweden, as indicators of a probable periodicity in the climate.- Size variations in Atlantic, Subboreal and modern moose teeth.- Climate and history in northern Europe and elsewhere.- Settlement expansion — settlement contraction: A question of war, plague, ecology or climate?.- Climatic reflection in varved lake sediments.- Sunspot cycles and global oscillations.- Dendrochronology in Sweden.- Dendrochronology, mass balance and glacier front fluctuations in northern Sweden.- Dendroclimatological studies at the northern timberline.- Limitations of 14C dates from buried soils in reconstructing glacier variations and Holocene climate.- Climate and glaciation in Kong Karls Land, eastern Svalbard.- Questions arising when using lichen for 14C measurements in climatic studies.- Some studies of the Little Ice Age of recent centuries and its great storms.- The potential of documentary data for the reconstruction of past climates. Early 16th to 19th century. Switzer land as a case study.- A contribution to the reconstruction of weather in central Europe at the end of the 16th century (with regard to me teorological observations of Tycho de Brahe on Hven).- The impact of climate on grass growth and hay yield in Iceland: A.D. 1601 to 1780.- Climatic changes during recent centuries as indicated by dendrochronological studies, Mount Baker, Washington, U.S.A..- The cold winter 1808–1809: A russian force crosses the ice-bound Gulf of Bothnia and takes (the first?) air-temperature measurements in history for purposes of a military operation.- On the availability and homogeneity ofinstrumentally observed climatological records.- Climate variation in northern Europe during the past century — evidence from a Danish record.- Certain relationships between lake level variations and some climatic factors in Finland.- Long-term variations in some physical parameters of the Baltic Sea.- Strategies for assessing impacts of climatic change in marginal areas.- Mechanism for linking solar activity to weather-scale effects, climatic changes and glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere.- Solar ultraviolet irradiance variations and the Earth’s atmosphere.- Cycles of solar flares and weather.- Planetary, solar, atmospheric, hydrospheric, and endogene processes as origin of climatic changes on the Earth.- Planetary periodicities and terrestrial climate stress.- A possible mechanism of abrupt climatic changes.- Sea surface temperature, atmospheric CO2 and the global energy budget: some comparisons between the past and present.- The effect of atmospheric and oceanic energy transports in climatic balance.- Possible CO2-induced warming effects on the cryosphere.- The nature and significance of cloud-cryosphere interactions in the marginal snow and ice zones.- Climatic belts in the case of a unipolar glaciation.- Energy-flow budgets in aquatic ecosystems and the conflict between biology and geophysics about Earth-axis tilt.- Climatic changes on a yearly to millennial basis. Concluding remarks.


`...it is a valuable assemblage of mostly original papers on diverse subjects in late-Quarternary paleoclimatology.'
Earth-Science Reviews, 24 (1987)

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