Children are born full of curiosity, eager to participate in the world. They learn as they live, with enthusiasm and joy. Then we send them to school. We stop them from playing and actively exploring their interests, telling them it's more important to sit still and listen. The result is that for many children, their motivation to learn drops dramatically. The joy of the early years is replaced with apathy and anxiety.This is not inevitable. We are socialised to believe that schooling is synonymous with education, but it's only one approach. Self-directed education puts the child back in control of their learning. This enables children, including those diagnosed with special educational needs, to flourish in their own time and on their own terms. It enables us to put wellbeing at the centre of education.Changing Our Minds brings together research, theory and practice on learning. It includes interviews with influential thinkers in the field of self-directed education and examples from families alongside practical advice. This essential guide will give you an understanding of why self-directed education makes sense, how it works, and what to do to put it into action yourself.
Children are born full of curiosity, eager to participate in the world. They learn as they live, with enthusiasm and joy. Then we send them to school. We stop them from playing and actively exploring their interests, telling them it's more important to sit still and listen. The result is that for many children, their motivation to learn drops dramatically. The joy of the early years is replaced with apathy and anxiety.This is not inevitable. We are socialised to believe that schooling is synonymous with education, but it's only one approach. Self-directed education puts the child back in control of their learning. This enables children, including those diagnosed with special educational needs, to flourish in their own time and on their own terms. It enables us to put wellbeing at the centre of education.Changing Our Minds brings together research, theory and practice on learning. It includes interviews with influential thinkers in the field of self-directed education and examples from families alongside practical advice. This essential guide will give you an understanding of why self-directed education makes sense, how it works, and what to do to put it into action yourself.
Dr Naomi Fisher is a clinical psychologist who specialises in trauma, autism and alternative education. She is the mother of two and the author of several books on psychology, education and mental health. Her work has featured in The Psychologist, iNews, SEN Magazine and The Green Parent, and she has appeared on many podcasts.
If your child doesn't mesh well with school, this is the book
you've been waiting for. Naomi expertly guides you through the wide
world of learning, motivation, child behaviour, parenting culture,
alternative schools and home education. Written in punchy, short
and easily digestible sections, Changing Our Minds combines
practical guidance, research-backed insights and reassuring stories
that address parents' most frequent concerns about self-directed
learning. Naomi writes with the precision of a scientist, the
breadth of a journalist, the empathy of a mother, and the curiosity
of a life-long learner. You will not be disappointed
*Blake Boles, author of Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to
School? and founder of Unschool Adventures*
Naomi Fisher seamlessly brings together scientific research, life
experience and her own extensive personal and professional
observations. She walks us gently through both the psychology and
adventure of self-directed education.
An essential book for anyone with children who reject the confines
of the school system, which will leave you exhilarated about the
possibilities before you
*Heidi Steel, former teacher turned unschooling parent, mentor and
coach for unschooling families,*
Dr Fisher has produced a readable, accessible and powerful
call-to-arms for all those who know there must be another way when
it comes to educating our children. Whether you are an educator or
a parent, this book highlights not only the damage we are doing to
children in the name of educating them, but also how things can be
done differently. If the events of 2020 have taught us anything, it
is that the process of education can change quickly and massively
when it has to. This book will serve as further ammunition to those
who want that revolution to keep going
*Ian Gilbert, founder of Independent Thinking*
This book ought finally to put paid to the defence of the existing
paradigm of modern schooling. Naomi Fisher draws on her extensive
psychological knowledge, as well as her experience as a mother of
two children, to show that there is an alternative to the damaging
effects of current educational practice. Children can - and do -
take charge of their own learning and, with the right adult
support, experience real education as opposed to narrow,
test-driven schooling. Change is necessary and urgent - schooling
is not fit for purpose and there are working exemplars of another
way. And as Naomi shows, there is no use in patching up the current
approaches - only radical, root-and-branch change will do. All
parents need to pay attention to this message.
*Dr Ian Cunningham, Founder of Self Managed Learning College,
If you're feeling uncertain about SDE [self-directed education],
this book will dispel any fears. This book is helping to pave the
way for a self-directed education for more children. I can't wait
to share it with our network of families and educators who are
thinking differently about education. It is one of the first books
out there to describe self-directed education step-by-step. Naomi
is helping to lay the groundwork for an education revolution.
*Sally Hall, Freedom to Learn Network Lead, Phoenix Education*
Naomi Fisher's book is gold dust. It is written for the growing
number of parents who feel that 'school' is doing their children
more harm than good. It reassures that in most cases the problem
lies not with their child but with the controlling, coercive,
competitive, test-driven, anxiety inducing experience of school.
Fisher sets out, accessibly but with academic authenticity, the
science that explains the inhibiting effect of many school regimes
on the natural desire of children to learn. She gives courage to
parents who conclude that enough is enough and who decide to
withdraw their child - either to create a more self-directing
environment at home or in a different kind of school. The book
concludes with convincing case studies that show that 'education'
and 'schooling' are not synonymous.
*Derry Hannam, Retired Deputy Head, Inspector and Consultant in
Education for Democracy and Human Rights*
Changing Our Minds, by Dr Naomi Fisher, is an invitation to all of
us to deschool ourselves and think anew about what is best for
children. Touching on a range of topics from schooling to parenting
to diversity, this clearly argued and compellingly written book is
a must read for anyone who wants to conceptualise how schools can
better meet children's needs.
*Dr Rebecca English (PhD), Senior Lecturer in Education, Queensland
University of Technology*
As the parent of a child that didn't fit a one-size-fits-all
system, and the founder of an organisation set up to effect change,
I am well aware of the level of anxiety which can be triggered by
traditional schooling. However, this book has clearly demonstrated
the extent to which the system conflicts with basic human behaviour
and the way we learn. It's also shone a light on the fear and
conditioning which keeps alternative education (with a small 'a')
niche, and I sincerely hope that it fuels the current groundswell
for change. It's a wonderfully accessible and persuasive read, with
personal experience of Dr Fisher's own family interwoven with
academic research and anecdotal evidence. It does many things:
builds a compelling argument for alternative education and explores
the coercive nature of the current mainstream system and the way in
which it's integrally and historically linked to social norms,
developed over decades; reminds us that we should be questioning,
not simply accepting, the education status quo; and prepares
parents for 'deschooling' in order to provide the right environment
for self-directed learning. It opens our eyes to the way in which
the education system fights basic human nature and the psychology
of learning, all too often manifesting in a level of anxiety which
actively prevents attendance. That in itself should be signal
enough that change is desperately needed.
*Fran Morgan, founder of Square Peg*
Changing Our Minds is densely packed with studies and information
from across cognitive psychology, biology and sociology yet woven
together in a warm and conversational way. Much like self-directed
learning, it is somehow effortless yet deeply enriching and full of
'aha' moments.
As well as a grounding in theory, the book provides a roadmap to
help self-directed learning become a reality for families. Changing
Our Minds blows apart the myths and assumptions underpinning not
just compulsory schooling but also wider societal attitudes to
topics such as mental health, children's rights and ideas about
what constitutes a fulfilling life.
*Rose Arnold, founder of Suitable Education*
Dr Naomi Fisher's book Changing Our Minds eloquently and
persuasively makes the case for the importance of choice, autonomy
and self-direction in education. Her conclusions are thoroughly
grounded in research, and synthesize the latest advances in the
fields of education, evolutionary psychology and human motivation.
In the process, Dr Fisher asks us to reconsider our fundamental
assumptions and views about how learning takes place, advocating
for a more student-centred and strengths-based approach to
education. The time to reimagine education is now, and this book
makes an important and valuable contribution to this
*Gina Riley, educational psychologist and clinical professor in
adolescent special education, City University of New York*
Why settle for diminishing the human spirit and minimal
competencies when our wonderful, unique children and young people
can take control of their own lives and learning. Naomi's book
shows us how SDE can cultivate the kinds of human beings we'd all
like to be and perhaps a brighter vision for society at large.
*Peter Humphreys. Former: Headteacher, educational adviser,
consultant, researcher, Visiting Lecturer in Teacher Education,
Co-founder and Chair Centre for Personalised Education*
We tend to parent and teach the way we were raised and taught,
which is why changing our minds about how children learn and grow
is so hard to do. Naomi Fisher's book, Changing Our Minds, shows us
why and how we can use other ways of living, learning and sharing
knowledge with children besides the usual method: Sit down. Shut
up. Do as I say. Using her personal experiences as a clinical
psychologist and a mother, Fisher presents us with educational and
parenting pathways that empower learning for everyone.
*Patrick Farenga, co-author of Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book
of Homeschooling,*
In this eminently readable book, Dr Fisher takes a wide-ranging
approach to exploring and explaining self-directed education, from
the philosophical to the practical, the pedagogical to the
psychological. With its easy-going approach, everyday language and
homely examples it will surprise many a reader how deeply we are
asked to question the current orthodoxies of education and confront
the accepted canons of modern childhood. Dr Fisher argues cogently
yet quietly that education is not a standalone issue based on some
esoteric science of learning and teaching but rather an expression
of our relationships, identity, place in the world and, ultimately,
humanity. From this platform Dr Fisher advances the meaning of
self-directed education as a fulfilment not just of the individual
but also of society and an answer to the question of who we want to
*Dr Harriet Parrison, Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies at
Liverpool Hope University*
'Being a writer, I'm supposed to believe in the power of books to
change your life. But I've never had a good answer to the question
of which book has changed mine. Now I do: Changing Our Minds by
Naomi Fisher' - Nick Asbury
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