On February 19, 1942, following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor and Japanese Army successes in the Pacific, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed a fateful order. In the name of security, Executive Order 9066 allowed for the summary removal of Japanese aliens and American citizens of Japanese descent from their West Coast homes and their incarceration under guard in camps. Amid the numerous histories and memoirs devoted to this shameful event, FDR's contributions have been seen as negligible. Now, using Roosevelt's own writings, his advisors' letters and diaries, and internal government documents, Greg Robinson reveals the president's central role in making and implementing the internment and examines not only what the president did but why.
Robinson traces FDR's outlook back to his formative years, and to the early twentieth century's racialist view of ethnic Japanese in America as immutably "foreign" and threatening. These prejudicial sentiments, along with his constitutional philosophy and leadership style, contributed to Roosevelt's approval of the unprecedented mistreatment of American citizens. His hands-on participation and interventions were critical in determining the nature, duration, and consequences of the administration's internment policy.
By Order of the President attempts to explain how a great humanitarian leader and his advisors, who were fighting a war to preserve democracy, could have implemented such a profoundly unjust and undemocratic policy toward their own people. It reminds us of the power of a president's beliefs to influence and determine public policy and of the need for citizen vigilance to protect the rights of all against potential abuses.
On February 19, 1942, following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor and Japanese Army successes in the Pacific, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed a fateful order. In the name of security, Executive Order 9066 allowed for the summary removal of Japanese aliens and American citizens of Japanese descent from their West Coast homes and their incarceration under guard in camps. Amid the numerous histories and memoirs devoted to this shameful event, FDR's contributions have been seen as negligible. Now, using Roosevelt's own writings, his advisors' letters and diaries, and internal government documents, Greg Robinson reveals the president's central role in making and implementing the internment and examines not only what the president did but why.
Robinson traces FDR's outlook back to his formative years, and to the early twentieth century's racialist view of ethnic Japanese in America as immutably "foreign" and threatening. These prejudicial sentiments, along with his constitutional philosophy and leadership style, contributed to Roosevelt's approval of the unprecedented mistreatment of American citizens. His hands-on participation and interventions were critical in determining the nature, duration, and consequences of the administration's internment policy.
By Order of the President attempts to explain how a great humanitarian leader and his advisors, who were fighting a war to preserve democracy, could have implemented such a profoundly unjust and undemocratic policy toward their own people. It reminds us of the power of a president's beliefs to influence and determine public policy and of the need for citizen vigilance to protect the rights of all against potential abuses.
Introduction 1. A Racial Fear Emerges 2. War Abroad, Suspicion at Home 3. FDR's Decision to Intern 4. Implementing an Undemocratic Policy 5. Covering a Retreat 6. Equal Justice Delayed 7. The President of All the People? Note on Terminology Abbreviations Notes Acknowledgments Index
It was not FDR's finest hour, and Greg Robinson shows why in this incisive, fair-minded and solidly researched account of the politics of Japanese-American internment. -- Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., author of A Life in the Twentieth Century: Innocent Beginnings, 1917 - 1950
Greg Robinson is Professor of History, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Robinson...focuses on one aspect of Roosevelt's presidency during
World War II, the internment of Japanese Americans. Two recent
books, Kenneth S. Davis's FDR: The War President, 1940-43...and
Thomas Fleming's The New Dealers' War: F.D.R. and the War within
World War II...only briefly mention the internment. Using memos,
reports, diary entries, letters, and other documents written by FDR
and his staff, this book offers the first in-depth look at the role
of Roosevelt and his advisers in making the decision to intern.
While racist attitudes were widespread and many people influenced
the final decision to issue Executive Order 9066, Robinson also
cites Roosevelt's long-held belief that the Japanese were innately
different and therefore did not deserve citizenship. This refusal
to accept them as citizens along with considerable war hysteria
allowed him to strip them of their rights for the duration of the
war. The book sheds some light on a dark episode in our
*Library Journal*
A thorough, scholarly, and troubling analysis of FDR's decision in
the early days of WWII to hold in internment camps more than
100,000 Japanese-Americans...According to Robinson, FDR viewed
Japanese-Americans as Japanese first, American second. Despite
virulent rumors to the contrary, there was no sabotage of US
facilities by Japanese-Americans (as J. Edgar Hoover repeatedly
informed FDR), but wartime paranoia (especially after Pearl Harbor)
soon held sway. The author also believes political pressures from
the West Coast influenced FDR, as did his unenlightened racial
views (views not shared by his wife, who crusaded for the release
of those interned). The president seems to have been uninterested
in hearing contrary opinions--even when his principal advisers were
urging him to rescind Executive Order 9066, the internment
authorization, which he signed on February 19, 1942. It wasn't
until late summer of 1944 that the releases began. Splendid
scholarship shines a harsh light on one of the darkest episodes in
American history.
*Kirkus Reviews*
What Greg Robinson shows, in this careful and fair-minded study, is
that Roosevelt himself, far from being the scourge of racism
portrayed in New-Deal hagiography, had a long history of racial
prejudice against the Japanese, which had been exacerbated by the
Japanese attack on China...Robinson indulges Roosevelt somewhat
when he absolves him of the charge of racism, and convicts him only
of a blend of weak administration and deadly indifference, which,
he says, was informed by racial hostility but not synonymous with
*The Economist*
Greg Robinson's By Order of the President provides a thoughtful
analysis and adapts a psycho-historical approach to help unlock the
clues to an ostensibly inexplicable act by FDR, an ardent defender
of human liberty. By delving first into FDR's early years, Robinson
proceeds to other experiences that may have shaped his thinking and
led FDR to ultimately ink Executive Order 9066...In the end, with
his lucid writing style, Robinson's gift is an ability to cogently
present the dilemmas of the time and show how FDR erred: "Two
closely interrelated elements stand out strongly as determinative
in the President's decision and his subsequent actions. One of
these was undoubtedly Roosevelt's own negative beliefs about
Japanese Americans, while the other was a failure of political and
moral leadership that resulted from weaknesses in his presidential
style and administrative organization." This analysis is
particularly thought-provoking in light of recent events, and it
echoes George Santayana's warning for those who forget history.
*Christian Science Monitor*
In this lucid, comprehensive and balanced examination, Robinson
maintains that Roosevelt's decision was, in fact, "not
fundamentally inconsistent with his overall political philosophy
and world view." Rather, a deep-seated belief that
Japanese-Americans were biologically "incapable of being true
Americans" enabled FDR, though he "deplored open prejudice," to be
"willingly misled" by bad counsel and misinformation about the
perceived Japanese-American threat, despite reliable reports,
including one by J. Edgar Hoover, to the contrary...Robinson's
conscientious arguments and meticulous documentation movingly
clarify a little-understood failure of American democracy.
*Publishers Weekly*
By Order of the President by Greg Robinson is a harsh but
well-documented indictment of a great president, Franklin
Roosevelt, for moral and administrative failures in "the most
tragic act of his administration." The book's strength is that it
doesn't excuse Roosevelt, but places his actions in the context of
their times and his background. Long before Pearl Harbor, racist
views of Asians were widely accepted.
*USA Today*
By Order of the President is a fascinating and powerful examination
of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's involvement in (and
responsibility for) the military orders that led to the internment
of Japanese Americans during World War II. Lucidly organized, well
written, fair minded, and extensively researched, Greg Robinson's
work was a pleasure to read.
*Find Law's Book Reviews*
It was not FDR's finest hour, and Greg Robinson shows why in this
incisive, fair-minded and solidly researched account of the
politics of Japanese-American internment.
*Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., author of A Life in the Twentieth
Century: Innocent Beginnings, 1917 - 1950*
Robinson argues persuasively that Roosevelt, who shared the
anti-Japanese prejudices of his age and class, played a vital role,
sometimes actively, more often passively, in the sorry affair. He
went along with the War Department and west coast politicians who
favoured internment; took very little interest in the way that the
policy was carried out and failed to take a lead in bringing the
policy to an early end or in defending Japanese-Americans against
the charge of disloyalty at a time when only he could offer such a
lead. The very qualities, Robinson suggests, that made Roosevelt a
great president--his pragmatism, devotion to compromise and
interest in results--in this instance proved disastrous. This is a
thorough, persuasive and, as it turned out, extremely timely
*Financial Times*
An outstanding new book by historian Greg Robinson...By Order of
the President...revisits this disturbing period and the President's
role in it...Robinson sees a complex intersection of economic and
social forces behind the President's decision to intern
Japanese-Americans. Feeding these forces was racism...The author
avoids the trap of branding FDR as an out-and-out racist. Instead,
his portrait of Roosevelt is carefully nuanced...This is an
extremely valuable book. It is well written, balanced--and
*National Journal*
Robinson focuses not on the internees but on the president who
signed Executive Order 9066 that put them in internment camps. If
internment is now seen as a blot on the Roosevelt era, the
president himself has generally been viewed as above the fray.
Robinson's judicious exploration of the record shows that Roosevelt
was, in fact, deeply involved, his racial attitudes helping to
determine the fates of nearly 120,000 Japanese American
*Los Angeles Times*
The WWII internment of Japanese Americans may be extensively
documented, but Robinson's book is an original contribution. The
strength of his work is its focus. By scrutinizing Franklin Delano
Roosevelt's views about Asian immigrants before military conflict
with Asia, Robinson...demonstrates how FDR came to decision-making
with certain racial assumptions. He does not characterize FDR as a
simple bigot, but shows how respect for Japan and friendship for
individual Japanese were compatible with antipathy toward Japanese
immigrants and fear of intermarriage...Well written and based on
thorough research, this book joins the many studies by Roger
Daniels and Justice at War, by Peter Irons...as necessary to any
complete collection on American history.
Robinson's book provides a meticulous and fascinating account of
the personal and political decisions that led to the de facto
imprisonment of an entire section of the American population. By
comparing the treatment of Japanese Americans to their German and
Italian counterparts throughout the book, Robinson's argument that
racism was largely to blame for their mistreatment is
sustained...Robinson provides not only a compelling account of the
internment process, but also a comprehensive argument for the
reassessment of Roosevelt's role in supporting and driving that
process forward.
*Nations and Nationalism*
Robinson...focuses on one aspect of Roosevelt's presidency during
World War II, the internment of Japanese Americans. Two recent
books, Kenneth S. Davis's FDR: The War President,
1940-43...and Thomas Fleming's The New Dealers' War: F.D.R.
and the War within World War II...only briefly mention the
internment. Using memos, reports, diary entries, letters, and other
documents written by FDR and his staff, this book offers the first
in-depth look at the role of Roosevelt and his advisers in making
the decision to intern. While racist attitudes were widespread and
many people influenced the final decision to issue Executive Order
9066, Robinson also cites Roosevelt's long-held belief that the
Japanese were innately different and therefore did not deserve
citizenship. This refusal to accept them as citizens along with
considerable war hysteria allowed him to strip them of their rights
for the duration of the war. The book sheds some light on a dark
episode in our history. -- Katharine L. Kan * Library Journal *
A thorough, scholarly, and troubling analysis of FDR's decision in
the early days of WWII to hold in internment camps more than
100,000 Japanese-Americans...According to Robinson, FDR viewed
Japanese-Americans as Japanese first, American second. Despite
virulent rumors to the contrary, there was no sabotage of US
facilities by Japanese-Americans (as J. Edgar Hoover repeatedly
informed FDR), but wartime paranoia (especially after Pearl Harbor)
soon held sway. The author also believes political pressures from
the West Coast influenced FDR, as did his unenlightened racial
views (views not shared by his wife, who crusaded for the release
of those interned). The president seems to have been uninterested
in hearing contrary opinions--even when his principal advisers were
urging him to rescind Executive Order 9066, the internment
authorization, which he signed on February 19, 1942. It wasn't
until late summer of 1944 that the releases began. Splendid
scholarship shines a harsh light on one of the darkest episodes in
American history. * Kirkus Reviews *
What Greg Robinson shows, in this careful and fair-minded study, is
that Roosevelt himself, far from being the scourge of racism
portrayed in New-Deal hagiography, had a long history of racial
prejudice against the Japanese, which had been exacerbated by the
Japanese attack on China...Robinson indulges Roosevelt somewhat
when he absolves him of the charge of racism, and convicts him only
of a blend of weak administration and deadly indifference, which,
he says, was informed by racial hostility but not synonymous with
it. * The Economist *
Greg Robinson's By Order of the President provides a
thoughtful analysis and adapts a psycho-historical approach to help
unlock the clues to an ostensibly inexplicable act by FDR, an
ardent defender of human liberty. By delving first into FDR's early
years, Robinson proceeds to other experiences that may have shaped
his thinking and led FDR to ultimately ink Executive Order
9066...In the end, with his lucid writing style, Robinson's gift is
an ability to cogently present the dilemmas of the time and show
how FDR erred: "Two closely interrelated elements stand out
strongly as determinative in the President's decision and his
subsequent actions. One of these was undoubtedly Roosevelt's own
negative beliefs about Japanese Americans, while the other was a
failure of political and moral leadership that resulted from
weaknesses in his presidential style and administrative
organization." This analysis is particularly thought-provoking in
light of recent events, and it echoes George Santayana's warning
for those who forget history. -- Mark T. Fung * Christian Science
Monitor *
In this lucid, comprehensive and balanced examination, Robinson
maintains that Roosevelt's decision was, in fact, "not
fundamentally inconsistent with his overall political philosophy
and world view." Rather, a deep-seated belief that
Japanese-Americans were biologically "incapable of being true
Americans" enabled FDR, though he "deplored open prejudice," to be
"willingly misled" by bad counsel and misinformation about the
perceived Japanese-American threat, despite reliable reports,
including one by J. Edgar Hoover, to the contrary...Robinson's
conscientious arguments and meticulous documentation movingly
clarify a little-understood failure of American democracy. --
Charlotte Sheedy * Publishers Weekly *
By Order of the President by Greg Robinson is a harsh but
well-documented indictment of a great president, Franklin
Roosevelt, for moral and administrative failures in "the most
tragic act of his administration." The book's strength is that it
doesn't excuse Roosevelt, but places his actions in the context of
their times and his background. Long before Pearl Harbor, racist
views of Asians were widely accepted. -- Bob Minzesheimer * USA
Today *
By Order of the President is a fascinating and powerful
examination of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's involvement in
(and responsibility for) the military orders that led to the
internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Lucidly
organized, well written, fair minded, and extensively researched,
Greg Robinson's work was a pleasure to read. -- David C. Lundsgaard
* Find Law's Book Reviews *
It was not FDR's finest hour, and Greg Robinson shows why in this
incisive, fair-minded and solidly researched account of the
politics of Japanese-American internment. -- Arthur Schlesinger,
Jr., author of A Life in the Twentieth Century: Innocent
Beginnings, 1917 - 1950
Robinson argues persuasively that Roosevelt, who shared the
anti-Japanese prejudices of his age and class, played a vital role,
sometimes actively, more often passively, in the sorry affair. He
went along with the War Department and west coast politicians who
favoured internment; took very little interest in the way that the
policy was carried out and failed to take a lead in bringing the
policy to an early end or in defending Japanese-Americans against
the charge of disloyalty at a time when only he could offer such a
lead. The very qualities, Robinson suggests, that made Roosevelt a
great president--his pragmatism, devotion to compromise and
interest in results--in this instance proved disastrous. This is a
thorough, persuasive and, as it turned out, extremely timely book.
-- Ben Rogers * Financial Times *
An outstanding new book by historian Greg Robinson...By Order of
the President...revisits this disturbing period and the
President's role in it...Robinson sees a complex intersection of
economic and social forces behind the President's decision to
intern Japanese-Americans. Feeding these forces was racism...The
author avoids the trap of branding FDR as an out-and-out racist.
Instead, his portrait of Roosevelt is carefully nuanced...This is
an extremely valuable book. It is well written, balanced--and
disturbing. -- S. Scott Rohrer * National Journal *
Robinson focuses not on the internees but on the president who
signed Executive Order 9066 that put them in internment camps. If
internment is now seen as a blot on the Roosevelt era, the
president himself has generally been viewed as above the fray.
Robinson's judicious exploration of the record shows that Roosevelt
was, in fact, deeply involved, his racial attitudes helping to
determine the fates of nearly 120,000 Japanese American internees.
-- Tom Engelhardt * Los Angeles Times *
The WWII internment of Japanese Americans may be extensively
documented, but Robinson's book is an original contribution. The
strength of his work is its focus. By scrutinizing Franklin Delano
Roosevelt's views about Asian immigrants before military conflict
with Asia, Robinson...demonstrates how FDR came to decision-making
with certain racial assumptions. He does not characterize FDR as a
simple bigot, but shows how respect for Japan and friendship for
individual Japanese were compatible with antipathy toward Japanese
immigrants and fear of intermarriage...Well written and based on
thorough research, this book joins the many studies by Roger
Daniels and Justice at War, by Peter Irons...as necessary to
any complete collection on American history. -- F. H. Wu * Choice
Robinson's book provides a meticulous and fascinating account of
the personal and political decisions that led to the de facto
imprisonment of an entire section of the American population. By
comparing the treatment of Japanese Americans to their German and
Italian counterparts throughout the book, Robinson's argument that
racism was largely to blame for their mistreatment is
sustained...Robinson provides not only a compelling account of the
internment process, but also a comprehensive argument for the
reassessment of Roosevelt's role in supporting and driving that
process forward. -- George Lewis * Nations and Nationalism *
Robinson (J.N.G. Finley Fellow in History, George Mason Univ.) focuses on one aspect of Roosevelt's presidency during World War II, the internment of Japanese Americans. Two recent books, Kenneth S. Davis's FDR: The War President, 1940-43 (LJ 10/15/01) and Thomas Fleming's The New Dealers' War: F.D.R. and the War within World War II (LJ 6/1/01) only briefly mention the internment. Using memos, reports, diary entries, letters, and other documents written by FDR and his staff, this book offers the first in-depth look at the role of Roosevelt and his advisers in making the decision to intern. While racist attitudes were widespread and many people influenced the final decision to issue Executive Order 9066, Robinson also cites Roosevelt's long-held belief that the Japanese were innately different and therefore did not deserve citizenship. This refusal to accept them as citizens along with considerable war hysteria allowed him to strip them of their rights for the duration of the war. The book sheds some light on a dark episode in our history. For academic and large public libraries, especially World War II and constitutional history collections. Katharine L. Kan, Allen Cty. P.L., Fort Wayne, IN Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.
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