In Breaking Through Power, Ralph Nader draws from a lifetime waging--and often winning--David vs. Goliath battles against big corporations and the United States government. In this succinct, Tom Paine-style wake-up call, the iconic consumer advocate highlights the success stories of fellow Americans who organize change and work together to derail the many ways in which wealth manipulates politics, labor, media, the environment, and the quality of national life today. Nader makes an inspired case about how the nation can--and must--be democratically managed by communities guided by the United States Constitution, not by the dictates of big businesses and the wealthy few. This is classic Ralph Nader, a crystallization of the core political beliefs and commitments that have driven his lifetime of advocacy for greater democracy. "Ralph Nader is the grand progressive of our time. We overlook his words at our own peril! This book is required reading."--Cornel West "Ralph Nader's Breaking Through Power is a brilliant analysis of corporate power and the popular mechanisms that can be used to wrest back our democracy. No one has been fighting corporate domination longer, or understands it Nader, who will go down in history not only as a prophet but an example of what it means to live the moral life. We disregard his wisdom and his courage at our peril."--Chris Hedges, Pulitzer-Prize winner and author of Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt "As America's top Citizen Champion, Ralph Nader has dedicated his life to not just speaking, but activating, truth in the fight against power. In Breaking Through Power, Nader exposes the overriding demolition of daily life caused by plutocracy and elite rule, which is particularly poignant during this election year. With conviction and passionate clarity, and underscoring the simple fact that, 'People matter, you matter.' Nader goes beyond delineating the problem and provides a critical prescription to battle the toxicity of unjust power--one that every individual can, and must, embrace." --Nomi Prins, author, All the Presidents' Bankers "People are recognizing that our founding, fundamental values of fairness, justice, and opportunity for all--the very values that define our America--are being shoved aside to create an un-America of plutocracy and autocracy. Ralph Nader's new book Breaking Through Power provides progressive boat-rockers with inspiration and a plan for reclaiming America from the greedy Plutocrats and Fat Cats who think democracy is for sale to the highest bidder."--Jim Hightower "I read Ralph Nader for the same reasons that I read Tom Paine. He knows what he thinks, says what he means, and his courage is a lesson for us all."--Lewis Lapham "Nader insists on speaking up for the little people and backs his arguments and decent sentiments with hard facts."--Publishers Weekly "...books like this inspire and create a common language and framework for us to help divert the historical progression and bend the arc towards justice. We need clarity of thought and clarity of principle to succeed and we need to learn how to be insanely successful in these endeavors because, frankly, organized, civilized life depends on it." --Romi Mahajan, Countercurrents About Ralph Nader: Named by The Atlantic as one of the hundred most influential figures in American history, and by Time and Life magazines as one of the most influential Americans of the twentieth century, Ralph Nader has helped us drive safer cars, eat healthier food, breathe better air, drink cleaner water, and work in safer environments for more than four decades. Nader's recent books include Animal Envy, Unstoppable, The Good Fight, and the bestseller, Seventeen Traditions. Nader writes a syndicated column, has his own radio show, and gives lectures and interviews year round.
Show moreIn Breaking Through Power, Ralph Nader draws from a lifetime waging--and often winning--David vs. Goliath battles against big corporations and the United States government. In this succinct, Tom Paine-style wake-up call, the iconic consumer advocate highlights the success stories of fellow Americans who organize change and work together to derail the many ways in which wealth manipulates politics, labor, media, the environment, and the quality of national life today. Nader makes an inspired case about how the nation can--and must--be democratically managed by communities guided by the United States Constitution, not by the dictates of big businesses and the wealthy few. This is classic Ralph Nader, a crystallization of the core political beliefs and commitments that have driven his lifetime of advocacy for greater democracy. "Ralph Nader is the grand progressive of our time. We overlook his words at our own peril! This book is required reading."--Cornel West "Ralph Nader's Breaking Through Power is a brilliant analysis of corporate power and the popular mechanisms that can be used to wrest back our democracy. No one has been fighting corporate domination longer, or understands it Nader, who will go down in history not only as a prophet but an example of what it means to live the moral life. We disregard his wisdom and his courage at our peril."--Chris Hedges, Pulitzer-Prize winner and author of Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt "As America's top Citizen Champion, Ralph Nader has dedicated his life to not just speaking, but activating, truth in the fight against power. In Breaking Through Power, Nader exposes the overriding demolition of daily life caused by plutocracy and elite rule, which is particularly poignant during this election year. With conviction and passionate clarity, and underscoring the simple fact that, 'People matter, you matter.' Nader goes beyond delineating the problem and provides a critical prescription to battle the toxicity of unjust power--one that every individual can, and must, embrace." --Nomi Prins, author, All the Presidents' Bankers "People are recognizing that our founding, fundamental values of fairness, justice, and opportunity for all--the very values that define our America--are being shoved aside to create an un-America of plutocracy and autocracy. Ralph Nader's new book Breaking Through Power provides progressive boat-rockers with inspiration and a plan for reclaiming America from the greedy Plutocrats and Fat Cats who think democracy is for sale to the highest bidder."--Jim Hightower "I read Ralph Nader for the same reasons that I read Tom Paine. He knows what he thinks, says what he means, and his courage is a lesson for us all."--Lewis Lapham "Nader insists on speaking up for the little people and backs his arguments and decent sentiments with hard facts."--Publishers Weekly "...books like this inspire and create a common language and framework for us to help divert the historical progression and bend the arc towards justice. We need clarity of thought and clarity of principle to succeed and we need to learn how to be insanely successful in these endeavors because, frankly, organized, civilized life depends on it." --Romi Mahajan, Countercurrents About Ralph Nader: Named by The Atlantic as one of the hundred most influential figures in American history, and by Time and Life magazines as one of the most influential Americans of the twentieth century, Ralph Nader has helped us drive safer cars, eat healthier food, breathe better air, drink cleaner water, and work in safer environments for more than four decades. Nader's recent books include Animal Envy, Unstoppable, The Good Fight, and the bestseller, Seventeen Traditions. Nader writes a syndicated column, has his own radio show, and gives lectures and interviews year round.
Show moreTV: Charlie Rose, Daily Show, MSNBC: Rachel Maddow, Tavis Smiley,
CNN, CSPAN (We'll send them Ralph's event itinerary), Democracy
Now, GRIT TV with Laura Flanders
Radio: Fresh Air, NPR: All Things Considered, Talk of the Nation,
Democracy Now, Alternative Radio, Pacifica Network stations/shows,
Community and NPR affiliate radio stations around the country, Free
Speech Radio, New Dimensions, XM: Bob Edwards Show, Tavis Smiley,
CBC shows, and more
Radio: Promotion via Ralph Nader's weekly radio show, "The Ralph
Nader Radio Hour," which is syndicated nationally on the Pacifica
stations and available via iTunes.
Print: NY Times, LA Times, SF Chronicle, NY Review of Books, New
Yorker, Rethinking Schools, The Nation, The Progressive, Christian
Science Monitor, In These Times, Atlantic Monthly, Toronto Globe &
Mail, Oregonian, Utne Reader, Ode Magazine, SF Bay Guardian,
Choice, Vanity Fair, Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Boston Review,
Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Middle East Report, Minneapolis
Star Tribune, USA Today, Washington Post, Washington Report on
Middle East Affairs
Web: Public Citizen, Alternet, Counterpunch, Huffington Post,
Identity Theory/Morning News, Shelf Awareness,,
Molossus,, Wikipedia
Promotion via Ralph Nader's web site:, his Facebook
(65K likes), and his Twitter (33.8 K followers)
Promotion via City Lights social media: City Lights Blog, CL
Facebook (27K likes), CL Twitter (80K followers), Goodreads (5000
friends), CL Instagram (3600 followers), CL Tumblr (3700
followers), CL Pinterest (1200 followers)
Events: Chicago Council on Global Affairs, World Affairs Councils
of America, Council on Foreign Relations DC, Cambridge Forum,
Commonwealth Club, Live from the NY Public Library
Endorsements from: Phil Donahue, Katrina Van Dan Hueval, Barbara
Ehrenreich, Noam Chomsky, Ariana Huffington, Cornel West
Academic Marketing: APSA, AHA, Required Reading essay, and more
Named by The Atlantic as one of the hundred most influential
figures in American history, and by Time and Life magazines as one
of the most influential Americans of the twentieth century, Ralph
Nader has helped us drive safer cars, eat healthier food, breathe
better air, drink cleaner water, and work in safer environments for
more than four decades.
The iconic champion of consumer rights first made headlines in 1965
with his pioneering bestseller Unsafe at Any Speed, a devastating
indictment that lambasted the auto industry for producing unsafe
vehicles. The book led to congressional hearings and automobile
safety laws passed in 1966, including the National Traffic and
Motor Vehicle Safety Act.
Nader was instrumental in the creation of the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC), and
the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Many lives have been saved by Nader's involvement in the recall of
millions of unsafe consumer products, including defective motor
vehicles, and in the protection of laborers and the environment. By
starting dozens of citizen groups, Ralph Nader has created an
atmosphere of corporate and governmental accountability.
Nader's recent books include Animal Envy, Unstoppable,The Good
Fight, and the bestseller, Seventeen Traditions. Nader writes a
syndicated column, has his own radio show, and gives lectures and
interviews year round.
"Ralph Nader's latest book is a how-to guide for fighting corporate power. Nader is still pressing forward, still cautiously hopeful--even after so many decades in the arena. Things may seem grim but the numbers and the evidence are on our side, he's saying. We know the problems. We know what needs to be done. Here's an action plan. It's time to stop talking and get to work."--Theo Anderson, In These Times "Nader sustains a strong case of grievances against the 'power of the plutocracy' and 'the present two-party duopoly that ministers to their demands.' In the final chapter, the lengthy 'Why Democracy Works,' the author offers a suggestion for 'Citizens Summons,' which would summon members of Congress home to hear the grievances of their constituents. In an era of political gridlock, Nader argues, mostly convincingly, that a 'left/right alliance' can get the country back on track."--Kirkus Reviews "Ralph Nader's small book packs a big wallop and is nothing less than a portable pocket dynamo for energizing citizen action for change. It is a must read for all who want to make a powerful case that an abuse of power is neither deserved nor inevitable, mobilize support for a cause, and chart a course leading to corporate and government responsiveness and accountability. Breaking Through Power reminds us why Mr. Nader has been so influential for over half a century. His soaring optimism and confidence in the ability of people themselves to take back control of their lives demonstrates that the best of Mr. Nader's incomparable legacy is likely yet to come."--Nick Allard, President and Dean, Brooklyn Law School "... books like this inspire and create a common language and framework for us to help divert the historical progression and bend the arc towards justice. We need clarity of thought and clarity of principle to succeed and we need to learn how to be insanely successful in these endeavors because, frankly, organized, civilized life depends on it."--Romi Mahajan, Countercurrents
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