Mangroves are typically tropical coastal ecosystems found in the inter-tidal zones of river deltas and back water areas. They represent highly dynamic and fragile ecosystems, yet they are the most productive and biologically diversified habitats of various life forms including plants, animals and microorganisms. Mangroves are a resource of many different products, including; microorganisms that harbor a diverse group of industrially important enzymes, antibiotics, therapeutic proteins and vaccines; timber resistant to rot and insects; and medicinal plants.
Divided into three main parts, Biotechnological Utilization of Mangrove Resources first provides a broad introduction into mangrove ecology. Subsequent chapters discuss the biodiversity of mangroves, including the diverse nature of the organisms within the mangroves themselves. The final part pays special attention to biotechnological utilization of mangroves. Topics such as antimicrobial activity of mangrove-derived products, anti-oxidant activity of mangrove derived products and pharmaceutical applications, are covered in detail.
Biotechnological Utilization of Mangrove Resources brings the latest research and technologies in mangrove biology into one platform, providing readers with an up-to-date view on the area. This would serve as an excellent reference book for researchers and students in the field of marine biology especially interested in mangrove ecosystems.
Mangroves are typically tropical coastal ecosystems found in the inter-tidal zones of river deltas and back water areas. They represent highly dynamic and fragile ecosystems, yet they are the most productive and biologically diversified habitats of various life forms including plants, animals and microorganisms. Mangroves are a resource of many different products, including; microorganisms that harbor a diverse group of industrially important enzymes, antibiotics, therapeutic proteins and vaccines; timber resistant to rot and insects; and medicinal plants.
Divided into three main parts, Biotechnological Utilization of Mangrove Resources first provides a broad introduction into mangrove ecology. Subsequent chapters discuss the biodiversity of mangroves, including the diverse nature of the organisms within the mangroves themselves. The final part pays special attention to biotechnological utilization of mangroves. Topics such as antimicrobial activity of mangrove-derived products, anti-oxidant activity of mangrove derived products and pharmaceutical applications, are covered in detail.
Biotechnological Utilization of Mangrove Resources brings the latest research and technologies in mangrove biology into one platform, providing readers with an up-to-date view on the area. This would serve as an excellent reference book for researchers and students in the field of marine biology especially interested in mangrove ecosystems.
1. Potential Contribution of Multifunctional Mangrove Resources and
Its Conservation
2. Mangroves: Source of Endophytic Microorganisms and Efficiency of
Endophytes in Biotechnological Aspects
3. Devastating Effect and Challenges of The Exotic Mangrove Nypa
Fruticans Van Wurmb (Arecaceae) on the Mangroves of West and
Central Africa
4. Sylvo-Socioeconomic Study of Urban Mangrove Patches: Case of
Kribi, Cameroon
5. Secondary Metabolites from Mangrove Plants and Their Biological
6. Assessment of Diversity and Physico-Chemical Characteristics of
Mangrove Vegetation of, Odisha, India
7. Fungal Diversity in Mangroves of India and a Note on Their
Medicinal Potential
8. Bioprospecting Potential of Mangrove Resources
9. Nutraceutical Potential of Ripened Beans of Mangrove Wild Legume
Sesbania Speciosa
10. Neuroprotective Effects of Mangrove Plants
11. Therapeutic Potentials of Littoral Vegetation: An Antifungal
12. Bactericidal Activity of Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from
Acanthus Ilicifolius – A Mangrove Plant of Divar Island, Goa
Against Human Pathogenic Bacteria
13. Biotechnological Potential of Microbial Pigments from Mangrove
Ecosystems: A Review
14. Mangrove Plant Derived Bioactive Compounds to Overcome Diabetes
and Its Associated Complications
15. Industrial Applications of Enzymes Derived from Indian
16. Mangrove Plant Assisted Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Their
Pharmaceutical Applications - A Review
17. Mangrove - An Abode for Microorganisms with Promising Enzymatic
18. Biotechnological Aspects of Microfloral Mangrove Ecosystems
19. Bio-Nano Technological Approaches for Degradation and
Decolonization of Dyes by Mangrove Plants
20. Diversity of Halotolerant and Halophilic Bacteria from Mangrove
and Their Biotechnological Potentials
21. Role of Mangrove Endophytic Fungi in Diabetes Mellitus (Dm)
22. Vaccines from Mangrove Microbes
Dr Jayanta Kumar Patra, MSc, PhD, PDF, is an Associate Professor at
Dongguk University, Republic of Korea. He has around 14 years of
research and teaching experience in the fields of pharmacology and
nano-biotechnology. His current research focuses on nanoparticle
synthesis by green technology methods and associated biomedical
applications: green synthesis of silver, gold, iron, calcium,
phosphorous nanoparticles using food waste, agricultural waste and
plant materials and evaluation of their antibacterial, antioxidant
and cytotoxicity potential. He also focuses on the antibacterial
synergistic potential of nanoparticles and conjugation with
different antibiotics, drugs etc. along with ethno-medicinal
potential of plants.
Dr Patra has published >150 articles in various national and
international peer-reviewed journals, including Materials Science
and Engineering C, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and
Medicine, International Journal of nanomedicine and Journal of
Nanobiotechnology and around 35 book chapters. He is editor of 16
books covering nanotechnology in pharmacology, biomedicine and food
sciences, including titles published with Apple Academic Press, CRC
Press and Springer. He is currently also an editorial board member
of >10 international journals, including BMC Complementary and
Alternative Medicine, Frontiers in Nanotechnology, Frontiers in
Cellular and Infection Microbiology, and Frontiers in Microbiology.
Dr. Mishra received his PhD in 2010 from North Orissa University
and his thesis focused on Microbial Diversity in Mangroves. He has
17 journal publications and has co-authored 3 book chapters. Dr.
Hrudayanath Thatoi is Director of the Centre for Industrial
Biotechnology Research (CIBR) at Siksha “O Anusandhan Univeristy,
India. He obtained his MSc and PhD from Utkal University, India,
and served as Chairman of the P.G. Council of MSCB University and
as a mangrove biologist and Senior Scientist at the MS Swaminathan
Research Foundation prior to his current role. Dr. Thatoi’s
research interests span molecular biology, industrial
biotechnology, microbiology, and aquaculture. He serves as a member
of several scientific societies and editorial boards of national
and international journals. He is a recipient of the Samanta
Chandra Sekhar Award by DST, Government of Odisha; the Prof.
Harihar Pattanaik Award for environmental science by the Orissa
Botanical Society; and Fellow of the Society of Applied
Biotechnology. He has worked on several Elsevier titles, including
Biotechnological Utilization of Mangrove Resources; Applications of
Metagenomics; Innovations in Fermentation and Phytopharmaceutical
Technologies; and Emerging Trends and Imminent Applications.
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