1. Advances in Agricultural Bioinformatics: Outlook of Multi-Omics Approaches 2. Promises and Benefits ?of Omic approaches to Data driven science industries 3. Bioinformatics intervention in functional genomics: current status and future perspective - An overview 4. Genome informatics: Present status and Future Prospects in agriculture 5. Genomics and its applications for crop improvement why not here crop specific like cotton, musrard, wheat 6. Genome-wide Predictions, Structural and Functional Annotations of Plant Transcription Factor Gene Families: A Bioinformatics Approach 7. Proteomics and their applications to understand the biology of agricultural crops 8. Metabolomics and Sustainable Agriculture: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives 9. Plant Metabolomics: A New Era in the Advancement of Agricultural Research 10. Exploring NGS-based RNA-Seq Transcriptomes of Crops Responding to Abiotic Stress 11. Identification of novel RNAs in plants with the help of Next Generation Sequencing Technologies 12. Molecular Evolution, Three Dimensional Structural Characteristics, Mechanism of Action and Functions of Plant Beta-galactosidases 13. Next generation genomics: toward decoding domestication history of crops 14. In-silico identification of Small RNAs, a tiny silent tool against agriculture pest 15. Bioinformatics-assisted multi-omics approaches to improve the agronomic traits in cotton 16. Omics-assisted Understanding of BPH Resistance in Rice: Current Updates and Future Prospective 17. Contemporary Genomic Approaches in Modern Agriculture for Improving Tomato Varieties 18. Characterization of drought tolerance in maize Omics approaches 19. Deciphering the genomic hotspots in wheat for key breeding traits using comparative and structural genomics 20. Prospects of molecular markers for wheat improvement in post genomic era 21. Omics Approaches for Biotic, Abiotic and Quality Traits Improvement in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) 22. Tea plant genome sequencing: prospect for crop improvement through genomics tools 23. Next Generation Sequencing and Viroid Research 24. Computational analysis for plants Virus identification?Using Next Generation Sequencing 25. Microbial degradation of herbicides in contaminated soils by following computational approaches 26. Chloroplast genome and Plant-Virus Interaction 27. Deciphering soil microbiota using metagenomic approach for sustainable agriculture: An overview 28. Concepts and Applications of Bioinformatics for Sustainable Agriculture 29. Application of high throughput structural and functional genomic technologies in crop nutrition research 30. Bioinformatics approach for whole transcriptomics-based marker prediction in agriculture crops 31. Computational approaches towards SNP discovery and its applications in plant breeding 32. Bioinformatics intervention in identification and development of molecular markers: An Overview 33. Deciphering comparative and structural variation that regulates abiotic stress response 34. Deep Learning Applied to Computational Biology and Agricultural Sciences 35. Image processing based artificial intelligence system for rapid detection of plant diseases 36. Uses and Applications of Artificial intelligence and Big Data in agriculture: Smart Farming 37. Artificial Intelligence: The future of Agricultural Sciences
Show more
1. Advances in Agricultural Bioinformatics: Outlook of Multi-Omics Approaches 2. Promises and Benefits ?of Omic approaches to Data driven science industries 3. Bioinformatics intervention in functional genomics: current status and future perspective - An overview 4. Genome informatics: Present status and Future Prospects in agriculture 5. Genomics and its applications for crop improvement why not here crop specific like cotton, musrard, wheat 6. Genome-wide Predictions, Structural and Functional Annotations of Plant Transcription Factor Gene Families: A Bioinformatics Approach 7. Proteomics and their applications to understand the biology of agricultural crops 8. Metabolomics and Sustainable Agriculture: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives 9. Plant Metabolomics: A New Era in the Advancement of Agricultural Research 10. Exploring NGS-based RNA-Seq Transcriptomes of Crops Responding to Abiotic Stress 11. Identification of novel RNAs in plants with the help of Next Generation Sequencing Technologies 12. Molecular Evolution, Three Dimensional Structural Characteristics, Mechanism of Action and Functions of Plant Beta-galactosidases 13. Next generation genomics: toward decoding domestication history of crops 14. In-silico identification of Small RNAs, a tiny silent tool against agriculture pest 15. Bioinformatics-assisted multi-omics approaches to improve the agronomic traits in cotton 16. Omics-assisted Understanding of BPH Resistance in Rice: Current Updates and Future Prospective 17. Contemporary Genomic Approaches in Modern Agriculture for Improving Tomato Varieties 18. Characterization of drought tolerance in maize Omics approaches 19. Deciphering the genomic hotspots in wheat for key breeding traits using comparative and structural genomics 20. Prospects of molecular markers for wheat improvement in post genomic era 21. Omics Approaches for Biotic, Abiotic and Quality Traits Improvement in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) 22. Tea plant genome sequencing: prospect for crop improvement through genomics tools 23. Next Generation Sequencing and Viroid Research 24. Computational analysis for plants Virus identification?Using Next Generation Sequencing 25. Microbial degradation of herbicides in contaminated soils by following computational approaches 26. Chloroplast genome and Plant-Virus Interaction 27. Deciphering soil microbiota using metagenomic approach for sustainable agriculture: An overview 28. Concepts and Applications of Bioinformatics for Sustainable Agriculture 29. Application of high throughput structural and functional genomic technologies in crop nutrition research 30. Bioinformatics approach for whole transcriptomics-based marker prediction in agriculture crops 31. Computational approaches towards SNP discovery and its applications in plant breeding 32. Bioinformatics intervention in identification and development of molecular markers: An Overview 33. Deciphering comparative and structural variation that regulates abiotic stress response 34. Deep Learning Applied to Computational Biology and Agricultural Sciences 35. Image processing based artificial intelligence system for rapid detection of plant diseases 36. Uses and Applications of Artificial intelligence and Big Data in agriculture: Smart Farming 37. Artificial Intelligence: The future of Agricultural Sciences
Show more1. Advances in Agricultural Bioinformatics: Outlook of Multi-Omics
2. Promises and Benefits of Omic approaches to Data driven science
3. Bioinformatics intervention in functional genomics: current
status and future perspective – An overview
4. Genome informatics: Present status and Future Prospects in
5. Genomics and its applications for crop improvement why not here
crop specific like cotton, musrard, wheat
6. Genome-wide Predictions, Structural and Functional Annotations
of Plant Transcription Factor Gene Families: A Bioinformatics
7. Proteomics and their applications to understand the biology of
agricultural crops
8. Metabolomics and Sustainable Agriculture: Concepts, Applications
and Perspectives
9. Plant Metabolomics: A New Era in the Advancement of Agricultural
10. Exploring NGS-based RNA-Seq Transcriptomes of Crops Responding
to Abiotic Stress
11. Identification of novel RNAs in plants with the help of Next
Generation Sequencing Technologies
12. Molecular Evolution, Three Dimensional Structural
Characteristics, Mechanism of Action and Functions of Plant
13. Next generation genomics: toward decoding domestication history
of crops
14. In-silico identification of Small RNAs, a tiny silent tool
against agriculture pest
15. Bioinformatics-assisted multi-omics approaches to improve the
agronomic traits in cotton
16. Omics-assisted Understanding of BPH Resistance in Rice: Current
Updates and Future Prospective
17. Contemporary Genomic Approaches in Modern Agriculture for
Improving Tomato Varieties
18. Characterization of drought tolerance in maize Omics
19. Deciphering the genomic hotspots in wheat for key breeding
traits using comparative and structural genomics
20. Prospects of molecular markers for wheat improvement in post
genomic era
21. Omics Approaches for Biotic, Abiotic and Quality Traits
Improvement in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
22. Tea plant genome sequencing: prospect for crop improvement
through genomics tools
23. Next Generation Sequencing and Viroid Research
24. Computational analysis for plants Virus identification Using
Next Generation Sequencing
25. Microbial degradation of herbicides in contaminated soils by
following computational approaches
26. Chloroplast genome and Plant-Virus Interaction
27. Deciphering soil microbiota using metagenomic approach for
sustainable agriculture: An overview
28. Concepts and Applications of Bioinformatics for Sustainable
29. Application of high throughput structural and functional
genomic technologies in crop nutrition research
30. Bioinformatics approach for whole transcriptomics-based marker
prediction in agriculture crops
31. Computational approaches towards SNP discovery and its
applications in plant breeding
32. Bioinformatics intervention in identification and development
of molecular markers: An Overview
33. Deciphering comparative and structural variation that regulates
abiotic stress response
34. Deep Learning Applied to Computational Biology and Agricultural
35. Image processing based artificial intelligence system for rapid
detection of plant diseases
36. Uses and Applications of Artificial intelligence and Big Data
in agriculture: Smart Farming
37. Artificial Intelligence: The future of Agricultural Sciences
Dr. Sharma’s research focuses on Agriculture Biotechnology,
specifically on the characterization of genes and SSRs for abiotic
stresses (drought and heat) and understating the role of
epigenetics, Gene silencing and small RNAs in for wheat
improvement. He has been associated with several networking
projects funded as Agri-Bioinformatics Promotion Program,
ACIAR-DST, and DBT-BBSRC, ICAR Networking projects on AMMAS, Cabin
and AMAAS schemes etc. He has published 90 peer reviewed papers,
editor of six books published in CRC, Elsevier and Academic Press,
and 20 book chapters. Dr Sharma has been associated with a recently
released bread wheat variety DBW71 and three trait specific genetic
and has been awarded with ICAR-Lal Bahadur Shastri Outstanding
Young Scientist Award, NAAS- Young Scientist 2007 and ISCA- Pran
Vohra Awards. Dr Sharma is Chief Editor of Journal of Cereal
Research and editorial of several journals. Prof. Dinesh Yadav is
Professor, Department of Biotechnology at D.D.U Gorakhpur
University, Gorakhpur, INDIA. Presently he is a coordinator of
newly established “Centre for Genomics and Bioinformatics “at D.D.U
Gorakhpur University. He was Head, Department of Biotechnology,
D.D.U. Gorakhpur University from August 2016 to August 2019. He is
also serving as nodal officer IPR cell at DDU Gorakhpur University
since Jan 2019. He has also served as Associate Professor in
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering at G.B Pant
University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar from 2006-2009.
He has completed his Master Degree in Biotechnology from Devi
Ahilya University, Indore in 1996 and Ph.D. from G.B. Pant
University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar in 2002. He has
more than 19 years of teaching /research experiences. His areas of
specialization are Molecular biology, Bioinformatics, Plant
biotechnology and Enzyme technology. He has published more than 130
research papers including reviews, books, chapters in Books and
proceedings in conferences and more than 230 GenBank accession
He has guided 12 students for Ph.D. in Biotechnology and presently
three students are pursuing PhD. He has been mentor for five
post-doctoral fellowships namely UGC-Dr. D.S. Kothari (twice),
DST-Women Scientist-A DST-Women Scientist-B and SERB-National PDF.
He has also supervised 90 students for M.Sc. dissertation/short
project work in Biotechnology. He has carried out projects from
funding agencies like DBT, UGC, UP Council of Agricultural
Research, Lucknow and DST. He has availed DST-BOYSCAST Fellowship
at Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics (ACPFG),
University of Adelaide, South Australia from 3rd May 2012-12th
April 2013.He has been awarded Dr. Pushpendra Kumar Gupta Vishisht
Krishi Vaigyanik Puraskar-2015 in the field of Agricultural
Sciences by Uttar Pradesh Academy of Agricultural Sciences (UPAAS),
Lucknow and Young Scientist Award-2008 by Uttarakhand Sate Council
of Science & Technology in the discipline Biotechnology,
Biochemistry and Microbiology. He is life member of scientific
societies namely BRSI, Trivendrum, SBC(I), Bangalore, Indian
Science Congress, Association, Calcutta, Society of Plant
Biochemistry and Biotechnology, IARI, New Delhi, Association of
Microbiologist of India (AMI), New Delhi and UPAAS, Lucknow. He has
delivered more than 80 invited talks/ lectures in
conference/symposium and also served as Mentor for DST-INSPIRE
Science internship camp and Inspire-awards. Presently he is working
on Plant specific transcription factor-DOF (DNA binding with One
finger) and Nuclear Factor-Y (NF-Y) for developing biotic and
abiotic stress tolerance crops and pectinases group of enzymes with
potential applications in different industries. His research work
has been published in National and International journals of repute
like Journal of Experimental Botany, Planta, Theoretical and
Applied Genetics, Process Biochemistry, Molecular Biology Reports,
Plant Systematics and Evolution, Molecular Biotechnology, Applied
Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Annals of Microbiology, Journal of
Basic Microbiology, 3 Biotech, Biologia, Journal of Cereal
Sciences, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, Biochemistry
(Moscow), Current Proteomics, Interdisciplinary Sciences:
Computational Life Sciences, Biocatalysis and Agricultural
Biotechnology, Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, Online Journal of
Bioinformatics, Chemistry and Ecology, African Journal of
Biotechnology, Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, SugarTech,
Enzyme Research etc. Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Gaur earned his Ph.D. in
2005, and is now a Professor at the Department of Biotechnology,
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar
Pradesh, India. His Ph.D. was on the molecular characterization of
sugarcane viruses, i.e., mosaic, streak mosaic, and yellow
luteovirus. He received a MASHAV fellowship of the Israeli
government for his postdoctoral studies and joined The Volcani
Center, Israel and Ben-Gurion University, Negev, Israel. In 2007 he
received the Visiting Scientist Fellowship from the Swedish
Institute, Sweden to work at Umea˚ University, Umea˚, Sweden. He
received a postdoc fellowship from ICGEB, Italy in 2008. He has
made significant contributions on sugarcane viruses and has pub
lished 130 national/international papers, authored 17 edited books
and presented about 50 papers at national and international
conferences. He has been honored as a Fellow of Linnean Society, a
Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, a Fellow of the Society of
Plant Research, a Fellow of the Society of Applied Biology (FSAB),
and a Fellow of the International Society of Biotechnology (FISBT).
He has received many other awards, including the Prof. B.M. Johri
memorial Award, Society of Plant Research (SPR); Excellent Teaching
Award by Astha Foundation, Meerut; UGC-Research Teacher Award;
Young Scientist Award in 2012 in Biotechnology by the Society of
Plant Research (SPR), Meerut; and Scientific and Applied Research
Center Gold Medal Award in 2011 for outstanding contribution in the
field of Biotechnology. He has visited several laborato ries in the
United States, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Thailand,
Sweden, and Italy. Currently, he is han dling many national and
international grants and international collaborative projects on
plant viruses and disease management
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