Ludwig Steinherr is one of the most compelling new voices to have emerged in Germany since the late 1980s and this selection - the first to appear in English - from his 10 poetry collections published between 1985 and 2005 reflects the breadth and depth of his writing, ranging from its post-Celanian darkness to its insistence on light. "This is an uplifting selection from ten collections over twenty years. Steinherr's calling as philosopher is noticeable throughout. He seeks clarification and meaning always, sees the simplicities within the complexity, shows us the obvious that we had missed." Wawick Review, June 2011
Ludwig Steinherr is one of the most compelling new voices to have emerged in Germany since the late 1980s and this selection - the first to appear in English - from his 10 poetry collections published between 1985 and 2005 reflects the breadth and depth of his writing, ranging from its post-Celanian darkness to its insistence on light. "This is an uplifting selection from ten collections over twenty years. Steinherr's calling as philosopher is noticeable throughout. He seeks clarification and meaning always, sees the simplicities within the complexity, shows us the obvious that we had missed." Wawick Review, June 2011
Series Editor's Note, Translator's Preface, Introduction I Man kann nicht / One can't, Sage / Legend, Immer wieder - / Again and again - , Sich orientieren / Finding one's bearings, Mit einer Tute Obst im Regen / With a bag of fruit in the rain, In einem Hotelzimmer / In a hotel room, Unschuld des Steines / The innocence of stone, Aristoteles hielt - / Aristotle thought - , Stuck / Stucco, Wiederholungen / Repetitions, Vom Sehen / On vision, Nada / Nada, Der Kachelofen flustert Descartes /The tiled stove whispers with Descartes, Dieser Moment - / This moment - , Von der Wahrheit / On Truth, Das Wunder / The miracle. II Ovid ubersetzen - eine Nachhilfestunde / Translating Ovid - a coaching session, Sudliches Cafe / Southern cafe, Casa di Giulietta / Casa di Giulietta, Casa di Desdemona / Casa di Desdemona, Sudliche Szene / Southern scene, Endpunkt / Terminus, Markt, Abend / Market, evening, Operndonner / Operatic thunder, Lady Macbeth als kleines Madchen / Lady Macbeth as a little girl, SchnappschuA , Kindheit / Snapshot, childhood, Vorfahren / Forebears, Fragment, historisch / Historical fragment, Leidensstatte / Place of suffering. III Gedichte / Poems, Blick zwischen zwei Spiegel / Glance between two mirrors, Von der Blindheit / On blindness, Orte / Places, Biografien / Biographies, Im Inneren der Bucher - / Inside the books - , Dem Bildhauer Josef A. Henselmann / To the sculptor Josef A. Henselmann, Worte / Words, Manchmal / Sometimes, Finis operis / Finis operis. IV Die alten Bilder / Old paintings, Adam und Eva in einer fruhen Darstellung / An early representation of Adam and Eve, Romisches Mosaik / Roman mosaic, DorfstraA e van Het Bilt / Village street van Het Bilt, Versuchung des Hl. Antonius / The Temptation of St. Anthony, Galleria Pitti, Florenz / Galleria Pitti, Florence, Piero della Francesca malt die Schlacht - / Piero della Francesca paints the battle - , Ansicht einer idealen Stadt / View of an ideal city, Die uns ansehen / Which are looking at us, Entfernungen / Distances, Berninis Daphne / Bernini's Daphne, Vermeer / Vermeer, Tod des Malers / Death of the painter, Junge Frau, nach Renoir / Young woman, after Renoir, Grashupfer / Grasshopper. V Sekunde / Second, Zu einem Foto der Franziska zu Reventlow / On a photo of Franziska zu Reventlow, Brief / Letter, Idee / Idea, Urbild / Original beneath all the copies, Schwarze Nacht / Black night, Fresko, vielfach ubermalt / Fresco, repeatedly painted over, Von der Treue / On Fidelity, Von der teilnahmslosen Welt / On the unconcerned world. VI Hohlenbilder / Cave paintings, Palaontologisches Museum / Palaeontological museum, Homo sapiens / Homo sapiens, Vom Geist / A disquisition on the human spirit, Die alltaglichen - / The commonplace - , Foto / Photo, Fuhrung / Guided tour, Lago di Tovel / Lago di Tovel, Weisheiten fur gemaA igte Klimazonen / Wisdoms for moderate climates, Was wunderst du dich - / Why are you surprised - , Umsteigen / Changing trains, Von der Abstraktion / On Abstraction, Der Schmerz / Pain. VII Luigi P./ Luigi P., Der ferne Freund / Your distant friend, Ein Dichter stirbt / A poet dies, Nach dem Tod ihres Mannes / After her husband's death, Sterbegedicht oder Geschichte ruckwarts / Funereal poem or History backwards, Schlaf in Chinatown / Sleeping in Chinatown, Gott muA zusehen / God must be watching, Die Heilige / The saint, Les Fleurs du Mal / Les Fleurs du Mal, Gestandnis / Confession, Epiphanie / Epiphany, Glauben / Belief, Von der Unbelehrbarkeit / On unteachableness, Man schamt sich zu sagen / One is ashamed to say, Dieses Privileg - / This privilege - , Verzogerte Post / Post delivered late, Dankesbrief an Mr Laurel und Mr Hardy / Letter of thanks to Mr Laurel and Mr Hardy. VIII Einem jungen Elternpaar / To a young mother and father, Stimmen, Laute / Voices, sounds, Panik / Panic, Es ist soweit / It's time, Auf meinem SchoA / On my lap. Notes Biographical notes
LUDWIG STEINHERR (author) was born in Munich in 1962, where he still lives, and studied philosophy at the University of Munich (writing an M.A. thesis on Hegel's Wissenschaft der Logik and a much-noted doctorate on Hegel and Quine, Holismus, Existenz und IdentitatA". Ein systematischer Vergleich zwischen Quine und Hegel). He is now a free-lance writer and lecturer in philosophy at the University of Eichstatt. Steinherr has worked as an essayist, a reviewer, a juror, a translator (of Michael Hamburger, among others), and as an editor, co-founding the influential journal 'Das Gedicht' with Anton G. Leitner in 1993. But it is as a poet that he has written his way into the front rank of contemporary German writers, one milestone here being the selection of his poem 'Sage' (Legend) as Gedicht des JahresA" (Poem of the Year) by the Autoren-initiative Koeln in 1987. The present volume has been selected from his first ten collections, beginning with his 1985 debut volume, 'Fluganweisung' (Flight Instructions), up to 'Die Hand im Feuer' (The Hand in the Fire), 2005; since then he has published two further poetry collections, 'Von Stirn zu Gestirn' (From Brow to Constellation) in 2007 and 'Kometenjagd' (Hunting for Comets) in 2009. Steinherr's poems have also been published widely in magazines and anthologies in Germany and abroad - in Raymond Hargreaves' 'Young Poets of Germany' (Forest Books, 1994), for instance, and in the 1994 'Agenda' German Issue, edited by Michael Hamburger and Richard Dove - and have received a number of awards, including the' Leonce-und-Lena-Forderpreis (1993), the Buchpreis des Verbandes Evangelischer Buchereien (1999) and the Hermann-Hesse-Forderpreis (1999). They have also been translated into various languages, including French and Czech. Steinherr was elected a fellow of the Bayerische Akademie der Schonen Kunste (Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts) in 2003. RICHARD DOVE (translator) was born in Bath in 1954, read Modern Languages at Oxford and taught German and English language and literature at the Universities of Exeter, Regensburg and Wales before moving to Munich in 1987, where he has since worked as a writer and lecturer. His early poems were recently collected in the bilingual volume 'Aus einem frueheren Leben' (From an Earlier Life. Lyrikedition, 2000, 2003), translated inter alia by Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Reiner Kunze. Since moving to Germany, he has written his poems very largely in German: 'Farbfleck auf einem Mondrian-Bild. Gedichte' (Speck of Paint on a Mondrian. Poems. Edition Thaleia, 2002); 'Am Fluss der Wohlgeruche. Gedichte' (By the Fragrant River. Poems. Rimbaud Verlag, 2008); and 'Syrische Skyline. Gedichte' (Syrian Skyline. Poems. Rimbaud Verlag, 2009). He also translates into English. Apart from this Steinherr selection, Dove has published versions of poems by Michael Kruger, 'Diderot's Cat. Selected Poems' (Diderots Katze. Ausgewaehlte Gedichte. Carcanet, 1993 / Braziller, 1994) and 'At Night, Beneath Trees' (Nachts, Unter Baeumen. Braziller 1998); Ernst Meister, 'Not Orpheus. Selected Poems' (Nicht Orpheus. Ausgewahlte Gedichte. Carcanet, 1996); Friederike Mayroecker, 'Raving Language. Selected Poems 1946-2006' (Rasende Sprache. Ausgewahlte Gedichte. Carcanet, 2007), and others. His editions include a bilingual collection by Joachim Sartorius, 'Ice Memory. Selected Poems' (Carcanet, 2006), translated inter alia by Robert Gray, Michael Hamburger, Christopher Middleton, Nathaniel Tarn and Rosmarie Waldrop. JEAN BOASE-BEIER (introducer) was born in Huddersfield in 1954, and studied at the universities of Manchester and Regensburg. She taught Linguistics and German in Regensburg before moving to the University of East Anglia in 1991, where she is Professor of Literature and Translation. She has translated Ernst Meister and (with Anthony Vivis) Rose Auslaender for Arc Publications, and has published widely on stylistics and literary translation.
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