This is the text version of Perfect Sight Without Glasses. A smaller book for a lower price. It contains Dr. Bates' original book, Better Eyesight Magazine, extra Eyecharts and pictures to learn the method quick and easy. Dr. W. H. Bates started his career as an orthodox ophthalmologist following the old rules of the practice; prescribing eyeglasses... During his life, working with different patients, eye conditions; he realized that unclear close, distant vision, astigmatism, other conditions often cured itself, reversed back to clear vision when his patients stopped wearing eyeglasses and relaxed. He noticed that wearing glasses 'tensed' the eyes, eye muscles, lowered the vision and resulted in stronger and stronger eyeglass prescriptions. He began his own studies on the eye and its function. This led him to discover that many of the old ophthalmology, optometry 'supposed facts' about the eye, lens, their function and the cause of unclear vision... are incorrect.
Dr. Bates began teaching his patients to stop wearing their glasses. He taught them natural methods, including relaxation, correct use of the eyes/vision (shifting...) to produce clear vision. Dr. Bates cured his eyesight, close vision, presbyopia. Distant vision also clear. He wrote an article in his book, magazine describing how he did it with Memory, Imagination, Relaxation. He controlled, changed the focus of light rays in his eyes with his mind.
Dr. Bates performed experiments on the eyes of animals, and observed the function of animal, patient's eyes under different conditions. He used the retinoscope to see the refraction of light rays in the eye under various conditions. He proved that the refraction, clarity of vision changes often. And when the eyes are left alone, eyeglasses avoided; the refraction, clarity returns to normal, clear vision. He proved that the state of the mind, thoughts, emotions, body change the refraction of the eye, clarity of vision. Example; when the mind, body is relaxed, positive, happy thoughts, emotions; the refraction is normal, vision is clear. When the mind, body is under stress, strain; the refraction is abnormal, vision is unclear.
Dr. Bates discovered that the main cause of unclear vision and other eye problems is; Wearing Eyeglasses, Mental Strain, Mental/Visual Effort to See, Poor Vision Habits-incorrect use of the eyes/vision; squinting, staring, not shifting-lack of normal, relaxed eye movements, lack of central-fixation, poor memory and imagination... Perfect Sight occurs with Perfect Relaxation (deep or active/dynamic relaxation). Relaxation occurs first, then the eyesight becomes clear. Practicing normal, relaxed eye/vision function produces relaxation of the mind, eyes and perfect clarity. Dr. Bates' experiments on the outer eye muscles proved that tension in these muscles (mainly caused by eyeglasses, strain in the mind, incorrect vision habits) disrupts their function, the eyes' movement, accommodation/convergence, un-accommodation/divergence, causes pressure, tension, pulling on/in the eye, alters the eyes' shape, (and lens, retina...), impairs focus of light rays in the eye, on the retina and the clarity of vision. Blood, oxygen, fluid circulation, tear production, nerve function in the eyes is impaired. Relax the mind, return normal eye movement (shifting, fixations); the eyes return to normal shape, the eye muscles relax and vision is clear. (When the mind is strained, tense; the brain and retina do not communicate/function together at optimum level. Function of the retina is lowered. Relaxing the mind, returning normal eye movement relaxes the outer, inner eye muscles, returns the eyes, lens, retina... to normal shape, function with clear vision.
Show moreThis is the text version of Perfect Sight Without Glasses. A smaller book for a lower price. It contains Dr. Bates' original book, Better Eyesight Magazine, extra Eyecharts and pictures to learn the method quick and easy. Dr. W. H. Bates started his career as an orthodox ophthalmologist following the old rules of the practice; prescribing eyeglasses... During his life, working with different patients, eye conditions; he realized that unclear close, distant vision, astigmatism, other conditions often cured itself, reversed back to clear vision when his patients stopped wearing eyeglasses and relaxed. He noticed that wearing glasses 'tensed' the eyes, eye muscles, lowered the vision and resulted in stronger and stronger eyeglass prescriptions. He began his own studies on the eye and its function. This led him to discover that many of the old ophthalmology, optometry 'supposed facts' about the eye, lens, their function and the cause of unclear vision... are incorrect.
Dr. Bates began teaching his patients to stop wearing their glasses. He taught them natural methods, including relaxation, correct use of the eyes/vision (shifting...) to produce clear vision. Dr. Bates cured his eyesight, close vision, presbyopia. Distant vision also clear. He wrote an article in his book, magazine describing how he did it with Memory, Imagination, Relaxation. He controlled, changed the focus of light rays in his eyes with his mind.
Dr. Bates performed experiments on the eyes of animals, and observed the function of animal, patient's eyes under different conditions. He used the retinoscope to see the refraction of light rays in the eye under various conditions. He proved that the refraction, clarity of vision changes often. And when the eyes are left alone, eyeglasses avoided; the refraction, clarity returns to normal, clear vision. He proved that the state of the mind, thoughts, emotions, body change the refraction of the eye, clarity of vision. Example; when the mind, body is relaxed, positive, happy thoughts, emotions; the refraction is normal, vision is clear. When the mind, body is under stress, strain; the refraction is abnormal, vision is unclear.
Dr. Bates discovered that the main cause of unclear vision and other eye problems is; Wearing Eyeglasses, Mental Strain, Mental/Visual Effort to See, Poor Vision Habits-incorrect use of the eyes/vision; squinting, staring, not shifting-lack of normal, relaxed eye movements, lack of central-fixation, poor memory and imagination... Perfect Sight occurs with Perfect Relaxation (deep or active/dynamic relaxation). Relaxation occurs first, then the eyesight becomes clear. Practicing normal, relaxed eye/vision function produces relaxation of the mind, eyes and perfect clarity. Dr. Bates' experiments on the outer eye muscles proved that tension in these muscles (mainly caused by eyeglasses, strain in the mind, incorrect vision habits) disrupts their function, the eyes' movement, accommodation/convergence, un-accommodation/divergence, causes pressure, tension, pulling on/in the eye, alters the eyes' shape, (and lens, retina...), impairs focus of light rays in the eye, on the retina and the clarity of vision. Blood, oxygen, fluid circulation, tear production, nerve function in the eyes is impaired. Relax the mind, return normal eye movement (shifting, fixations); the eyes return to normal shape, the eye muscles relax and vision is clear. (When the mind is strained, tense; the brain and retina do not communicate/function together at optimum level. Function of the retina is lowered. Relaxing the mind, returning normal eye movement relaxes the outer, inner eye muscles, returns the eyes, lens, retina... to normal shape, function with clear vision.
Show moreNatural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement 'The Bates Method'. The true function of the eyes, visual system. Taught directly from Dr. William Horatio Bates, M. D., the Ophthalmologist that discovered, practiced it in the 1800s-1931. He applied natural methods, relaxation (without use of eyeglasses, surgery, drugs) to return the mind-body-eyes-eye muscles to normal function with healthy eyes and clear eyesight. Dr. Bates' Method has cured; unclear close and far eyesight, astigmatism, conical cornea, cornea scars, detached retina, crossed/wandering eyes, cataracts, glaucoma, floating specks and many other eye problems. Natural Eyesight Improvement was practiced years before Dr. Bates discovered it. It is the normal, natural function of the eyes. Many Native People use it instinctively and have perfect sight. Dr. Bates' book, magazine, method were hidden from the public by many eye doctors for over 100 years, because his method works, is easy and anyone (including children) can learn, teach it. It frees the patient from the need to purchase eyeglasses, eye surgery and drugs. The Main Treatment to obtain clear eyesight is; Shifting and Relaxation. This is How to Shift; when you look at something; shift on it part to part. Look at a small part, then move (shift) from that small part to another small part, then to another small part, another... Blink and Relax. You are imitating, inducing natural function of the eyes, eyesight, visual system. Other Main Practices are; Central Fixation, Shifting and Seeing the Opposite Swing, Blinking, Looking Close-Far (Switching) with Shifting, Improving the Memory and Imagination, Sunlight Treatment, Reading-Seeing Fine and Microscopic Print Clear, Correct Breathing, Movements... Emily's eyesight was cured Naturally by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. Emily then worked with Dr. Bates as his assistant. They worked together for many years in Dr. Bates' Clinic curing unclear vision, astigmatism, crossed/wandering eyes, cataracts, glaucoma, blindness and other eye problems by treatment with natural methods, without eyeglasses, surgery, drugs. This began the Natural Eyesight Improvement Revolution. Ophthalmologist Bates 'Better Eyesight Magazine' was written by Dr. Bates, Emily C. Lierman, A. Bates and other doctors, workers at their clinic... to describe the way their patients were cured. Many stories are in the patient's own words. These are true life stories. 'Better Eyesight Magazine' contain 'Stories From The Clinic' written by Emily C. Lierman. Emily placed the Stories into a book. Her kind treatment of the children, senior citizens, all ages, races, each individual patient in the Clinic, (a loving mom, nurse, Natural Eyesight Improvement Teacher, Dr. Bates' dependable Assistant) was a major factor in the many eyesight cures Dr. Bates and Emily accomplished. Hearing, asthma, nervousness, headache, insomnia, various types of pain, movement, balance, coordination, memory, imagination, stuttering and other conditions, eye, brain, body functions were also cured by the natural eyesight methods. The optical industry destroyed the magazines, stories, hid them from the public for 100+ years because the magazines, books tell the truth about the cause and natural cure of imperfect sight and other eye problems, disease. In Later years Emily married Dr. Bates. Her name changed to Emily A. Bates. Clark Night (Mary I. Oliver) preserves Dr. Bates' magazines, books. Clark Night is a Bates Method Natural Eyesight Improvement Graduated Student and Self-Trained Teacher, has taken 5 courses, studied the method and Dr. Bates' books, magazines, other teachers books. I kept my eyesight 20/20 and clearer since year 1974 using Dr. Bates' Method. (See pictures of my driver's licenses on the website; no glasses!) Our mission is to help people obtain clear eyesight, healthy Eyes. The secret for clear vision that most eye doctors hide; Eye Movement; 'shifting' the visual attention (Central Field) from part to part on an object to see it clear. Relax. Blink. This is the main practice that brings clear vision. Replace squinting, trying to see with shifting. Dr. Bates describes shifting in his Magazine; When you look at a chair; avoid trying to see all parts clear at the exact same time. Look at one part at a time. Look at a part of the chair's back, then move to a different part on the back, then another part, then shift to a part on a leg, then shift to a arm, then the top, then side... When looking at a part; continue to shift 'small part to small part' on the part. The eyes truly shift 'point to point', jumping about with small, fast, relaxed, tiny movements (saccades); moving the eyes' central field, its macula, fovea centralis in the center of the macula, eyes' retina upon the object of attention. 'Shifting and Central-Fixation.' The eyes move automatically with the attention of the mind, brain; objects the brain, eyes are looking at and objects, subjects, thoughts occurring in the mind using the memory, imagination. Improving the function and relaxation of the mind, body, memory, imagination improves eye movement, the clarity of eyesight. Clear eyesight further improves all functions of the mind/brain and relaxation. Relaxed, normal eye movements, relaxed mind relaxes the outer, inner eye muscles, pulls healthy light into the eyes, removes tension on/in the eye, improves eye circulation, returns the eye to normal shape with correct focus of light rays in the eye, clear eyesight.
VICTORIA COOLIDGE - HOW I HELPED OTHERS - Better Eyesight Magazine, April, 1920; When I had become able to read without glasses, and my headaches had become less and less frequent, and less severe each time, I was so enthusiastic over my experience that I was anxious to help others. My brother was my first patient. He has now done without glasses for about a year, and has made remarkable progress in that time. W. WALLACE FRITZ, M. D., Journal of the Allied Medical Associations; The removal of strain causes a return to normal vision.LAWRENCE GALTON - Coronet, Oct., 1955. - IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT WITHOUT GLASSES; Dr. William H. BATES threw a bombshell into the ophthalmological world 35 years ago with the publication of Perfect Sight Without Glasses. It has been exploding in a chain reaction ever since. Bates meant exactly what the title said-even though it seemed impossible. He was a practicing New York eye specialist who developed a theory which violated about every orthodox idea of how we see, why we lose sight-and what can be done to regain it without reliance upon glasses as the sole corrective. Bates' ideas were originally dismissed as utter foolishness, and are still being vigorously discussed pro and con. But, according to those who use Bates' techniques, they have brought normal or practically normal sight to scores of thousands of people long considered hopelessly nearsighted or farsighted, or otherwise afflicted and forced to wear glasses the rest of their lives. After a few months of practicing Bates' theory, a nearsighted woman with 1/10th normal vision, who had worn glasses for most of her life, passed a driver's test with 20/40 vision, wearing no glasses. Two years later, she passed it again with 20 /20, or normal, vision. A farsighted businessman, for whom print was only a blur without the glasses which he had worn for half a dozen years, was able to discard them in less than three months.HOW I WAS CURED OF PRESBYOPIA - By FRANCIS E. MCSWEENY; Better Eyesight Magazine, April, 1922; This patient was first seen on March 11, 1919. His right vision was 20/50 and his left vision 20/70 and, although he was fifty-one years old, he read diamond type at eight inches. He had not worn glasses for some months, and with the help of a cured patient had been able to improve his sight considerably. My present vision is: Distance (both eyes): 10/10, 15/15, some of 15/10, 20/20 and 30/30. Fine print (both eyes): best at 12 inches, some at 20 inches, can see a period at 20 inches.HOW I IMPROVED MY EYESIGHT By PAMELA SPEYER;Better Eyesight Magazine, Sept., 1920; This patient was wearing when first seen the following glasses: each eye, concave 5.00 D.S. combined with concave 1.00 D.C. A number of competent men had said that her myopia was progressive, and that her vision was certain to become very imperfect even with glasses. They all insisted that she must wear glasses constantly. Yet after she had discarded them her vision improved in two days from 6/200 to 20/100.WE are sure that many of our readers will be interested to read about Edith Collins. Edith is a pupil of Miss Elizabet Hansen, who cures imperfect sight by Dr. Bates' method;Dear edith: i am in clear water florida i am traveling and you don't know how tickled it made me feel when i could see but when i reached my sister out here she nearly fainted when she saw me, and at first she wouldn't beleave that i could see so she took an apple and held it up to see if i really coud see now we are traveling and want to go California i hope you are well and thank you again for helping me. i remain your patient who was once a blind man.By ALDOUS HUXLEY; Within a couple of months I was reading without my spectacles and, what was better still, without strain and fatigue.
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