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Barking Mad
Too Much Therapy is Never Enough

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Paperback, 220 pages
Australia, 4 February 2013

Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall of a therapist's consulting room? Barking Mad: Too Much Therapy is Never Enough is a memoir about trying to get a grip, losing it, trying, losing and so on throughout forty years of therapy, a dozen therapists and a ton of trouble. On the way the author becomes a psychologist - if you can't beat 'em . It's a story of a troubled teen mother gradually coming to terms with a family legacy of anxiety, depression and traumatic loss. A poignant and illuminating tale of seeking savvy, solidarity and hope.

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Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall of a therapist's consulting room? Barking Mad: Too Much Therapy is Never Enough is a memoir about trying to get a grip, losing it, trying, losing and so on throughout forty years of therapy, a dozen therapists and a ton of trouble. On the way the author becomes a psychologist - if you can't beat 'em . It's a story of a troubled teen mother gradually coming to terms with a family legacy of anxiety, depression and traumatic loss. A poignant and illuminating tale of seeking savvy, solidarity and hope.

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'A brave, funny, broken-hearted book that fights its way to wisdom.' - Helen Garner. 'Andee Jones has written the book that all therapists and would-be therapists should read. Those seeking therapy should use the book as a guide in their search for that great rarity, a pearl beyond price, a good therapist.' - Dorothy Rowe. 'Humane, good-humoured and immensely helpful. To turn this book's pages is far, far better than popping pills.' - Phillip Adams

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