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BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Endocrinology


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Table of Contents

Introduction Hormone assays and collection of samples Principles of interpreting endocrine test results The pituitary gland Disorders of vasopressin production Pituitary dwarfism Acromegaly The parathyroid gland Hyperparathyroidism Hypoparathyroidism The thyroid gland: Canine hypothyroidism Canine hyperthyroidism Feline hyperthyroidism Feline hypothyroidism The pancreas Canine diabetes mellitus Feline diabetes mellitus Insulinoma and other gastrointestinal tract tumours The adrenal gland Canine hypoadrenocorticism Canine hyperadrenocorticism Feline hyperadrenocorticism Feline hypoadrenocorticism Feline hyperaldosteronism Presenting complaints and their investigation Investigation of polyuria and polydipsia Investigation of hypercalcaemia and hypocalcaemia Investigation of unstable canine diabetes mellitus Investigation of unstable feline diabetes mellitus Ketoacidosis; Investigation of hypoglycaemia Investigation of symmetrical

About the Author

Carmel T. Mooney MVB MPhil PhD DipECVIM-CA MRCVS Carmel is a University College Dublin graduate who spent severalyears in Scotland where she completed both MPhil (The University ofEdinburgh) and PhD (The University of Glasgow) theses on felinehyperthyroidism. Following this she returned to UCD where she iscurrently Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Internal Medicine. Carmelobtained the European Diploma in Veterinary Internal Medicine(Companion Animals) in 1998 and is also an RCVS RecognizedSpecialist in Small Animal Medicine (Endocrinology), awarded inrecognition of her clinical and research work. She is a PastPresident of the BSAVA (2005-2006) and was founding Secretary ofthe European Society of Veterinary Endocrinology. Mark E. Peterson DVM DipACVIM Mark graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1976, moved toNYC to do an internship and medical residency at The Animal MedicalCenter, and then completed a post-doctoral fellowship inendocrinology and nuclear medicine at The New YorkHospital--Cornell Medical Center and the AMC, staying on there forover 30 years. In 2009 Mark opened the Animal Endocrine Clinic, aspecialty referral hospital. Mark's clinical and research effortshave mainly been directed toward advancing the understanding ofcanine and feline endocrine disorders, especially diabetes mellitusand thyroid and adrenal disease. He has published more than 450journal articles, book chapters and research abstracts, and is afrequent speaker at veterinary colleges and scientificseminars.


This manual is useful for veterinary students and meritsa place on the bookshelf of every small animalpractitioner. (Journal of The AmericanVeterinary Medical Association, 15 December 2012) As such, I think this book would be a first rate resourcefor anyone involved with small animal medicine cases, be theyreluctant medics, those working towards further qualifications inthe area or somewhere in-between. (The VeterinaryRecord, 15 September 2012)

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