A revealing look at the parallel mythologies behind the colonization of Earth and space—and a bold vision for a more equitable, responsible future both on and beyond our planet.
As environmental, political, and public health crises multiply on Earth, we are also at the dawn of a new space race in which governments team up with celebrity billionaires to exploit the cosmos for human gain. The best-known of these pioneers are selling different visions of the future: while Elon Musk and SpaceX seek to establish a human presence on Mars, Jeff Bezos and Blue Origin work toward moving millions of earthlings into rotating near-Earth habitats. Despite these distinctions, these two billionaires share a core utopian project: the salvation of humanity through the exploitation of space.
In Astrotopia, philosopher of science and religion Mary-Jane Rubenstein pulls back the curtain on the not-so-new myths these space barons are peddling, like growth without limit, energy without guilt, and salvation in a brand-new world. As Rubenstein reveals, we have already seen the destructive effects of this frontier zealotry in the centuries-long history of European colonialism. Much like the imperial project on Earth, this renewed effort to conquer space is presented as a religious calling: in the face of a coming apocalypse, some very wealthy messiahs are offering an other-worldly escape to a chosen few. But Rubenstein does more than expose the values of capitalist technoscience as the product of bad mythologies. She offers a vision of exploring space without reproducing the atrocities of earthly colonialism, encouraging us to find and even make stories that put cosmic caretaking over profiteering.
A revealing look at the parallel mythologies behind the colonization of Earth and space—and a bold vision for a more equitable, responsible future both on and beyond our planet.
As environmental, political, and public health crises multiply on Earth, we are also at the dawn of a new space race in which governments team up with celebrity billionaires to exploit the cosmos for human gain. The best-known of these pioneers are selling different visions of the future: while Elon Musk and SpaceX seek to establish a human presence on Mars, Jeff Bezos and Blue Origin work toward moving millions of earthlings into rotating near-Earth habitats. Despite these distinctions, these two billionaires share a core utopian project: the salvation of humanity through the exploitation of space.
In Astrotopia, philosopher of science and religion Mary-Jane Rubenstein pulls back the curtain on the not-so-new myths these space barons are peddling, like growth without limit, energy without guilt, and salvation in a brand-new world. As Rubenstein reveals, we have already seen the destructive effects of this frontier zealotry in the centuries-long history of European colonialism. Much like the imperial project on Earth, this renewed effort to conquer space is presented as a religious calling: in the face of a coming apocalypse, some very wealthy messiahs are offering an other-worldly escape to a chosen few. But Rubenstein does more than expose the values of capitalist technoscience as the product of bad mythologies. She offers a vision of exploring space without reproducing the atrocities of earthly colonialism, encouraging us to find and even make stories that put cosmic caretaking over profiteering.
Introduction: We Hold This Myth to Be Potential
1 Our Infinite Future in Infinite Space
2 Creation and Conquest
3 The American Promised Land
4 The Final Frontier
5 Whose Space Is It?
6 The Rights of Rocks
7 Other Spacetimes
Conclusion: Revolt of the Pantheists
Mary-Jane Rubenstein is dean of the social sciences and professor of religion and science in society at Wesleyan University. She is coauthor of Image: Three Inquiries in Imagination and Technology, also published by the University of Chicago Press, and the author of Pantheologies: Gods, Worlds, Monsters; Worlds Without End: The Many Lives of the Multiverse; and Strange Wonder: The Closure of Metaphysics and the Opening of Awe.
"A gung-ho approach to speed would violate the considerations of
space ecology promoted by Rubenstein in Astrotopia: The Dangerous
Religion of the Corporate Space Race. Rubenstein, while expertly
dismantling some overblown claims of companies such as SpaceX and
Blue Origin, proposes a gentler mode of space exploration that
refuses to rehearse the violent history of colonialism on earth. In
a way her vision recalls Capt. Kirk and Mr. Spock’s Prime
Directive: to avoid interference with other life forms. The
original Star Trek series began in 1966, only months after the
death of Sergei Korolev. Perhaps it still has something to teach
*Wall Street Journal*
"The vision is to mine the lunar surface for rocket fuel that can
then propel us all the way to Mars—and beyond, as humanity takes
its self-appointed place in the stars. Rubenstein told me that
vision makes her want to throw up. . . . Rubenstein argues that
today’s corporate space race—helmed by Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos,
Richard Branson, and others who propose to 'save' humanity from a
dying planet—is actually rehashing old Christian themes that go all
the way back to the fifteenth century, when European Christians
colonized the Americas. Remember how Donald Trump described the
Artemis mission and eventual settlement of the moon and Mars? He
called it 'America’s manifest destiny in the stars.' But as
Rubenstein points out, not everyone thinks it’s the moon’s destiny
to be strip-mined, or Mars’s destiny to be settled by human
colonists. In fact, some believe these celestial bodies should have
fundamental rights of their own."
"That techno-utopian agenda, which too frequently anchors public
discussion of extraterrestrial exploration, was critiqued last year
in Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate Space Race,
by Mary-Jane Rubenstein, professor of religion and science at
Wesleyan University in Connecticut. She notes the quasi-religious
fervor of ‘astrosavior’ Musk and his devotees: the planet is
doomed, cries its richest man, who promises salvation elsewhere for
the faithful. His is not the only voice that matters. What about
the Navajo Nation, who regard other worlds as sacred? We should not
be sacrificing a space Greta to social media trolls to argue the
toss; we need governments brave enough to make new rules in space
that respect and benefit us all.”
*Financial Times*
"Rubenstein succeeds in highlighting both the debate over whether
future space exploration and exploitation should be led by
government or entrepreneurial entities and the manner in which
neoliberal, private-sector emphases have come to dominate the
thinking of a particular segment of the pro-space community. Her
criticisms of this phenomenon—part of a growing body of literature
in environmental studies, Afrofuturism, and anticolonialism
investigations—are on point.”
“In the cold war, space exploration’s wonders served a race between
political systems. Today, argues religion and science scholar
Rubenstein, they are subject to commercial rivalry, notably between
billionaires Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, who are littering space and
advocating it as a refuge from Earth’s destruction. She argues that
we must eschew such myopic, colonialist ‘astrotopia,’ and listen
instead to a sort of ‘pantheistic mysticism’—valuing and learning
from the cosmic environment—scorned by past imperialists.”
"If you find this state of affairs depressing—if your fascination
with the Moon, Mars and other wonders of our solar system is
increasingly tempered by concerns that a small but powerful group
of people seems hell-bent on mucking them up—then you should run,
not walk, to your nearest bookseller for a copy of Astrotopia. . .
. It offers a concise but stinging critique of the current 'New
Space' era, giving succour to space fans everywhere who are, in
Rubenstein’s words, 'sick over the decimation of this planet and
horrified that this planet isn’t enough for the decimators.' . . .
When I review a book, I like to mark important passages and pithy
phrases with sticky notes. By the time I finished Astrotopia, my
copy had more paper flags than a Jubilee street party. I hope this
review illustrates why this was so, and why Rubenstein’s arguments
deserve the widest possible hearing among people who dream of
exploring space without exploiting it."
*Physics World*
“A version of spaceflight's story that isn't told often
*Scientific American, "55 Books Scientific American Recommends in
"Rubenstein is not only brilliant at putting together and analyzing
ideas; she’s also a lively (and quite accessible) writer."
*Christian Century*
"Rubenstein is not against utopianism, but she argues that Silicon
Valley techno-utopianism is fraudulent, using the rhetoric of
science and reason to disguise the fact that its promises are
actually unscientific and unrealistic. Instead, she advocates that
we get our ideas for a beautiful human future from a diverse array
of other sources, from feminist science fiction to indigenous
thinkers. Rubenstein offers us a starting point for thinking about
how we might forge a path for our species that is egalitarian and
*Current Affairs*
"Rubenstein takes apart the mindset that wants to establish
outposts on the moon, mine water and metals, and colonise Mars. . .
. Should we study and explore space? Yes, but not if science means
heedless exploitation, argues the book. Ethical exploration would
avoid damage and violence and prioritise knowledge over profit. It
would keep earth’s own needs first, like using technology to better
track weather and disaster, or deploying billionaire surpluses on
this planet before remaking others. Otherwise, what we do to the
earth, we will do outside earth."
*Times of India*
"I’m not a pantheist but the argument does carry some weight: our
rationalistic relationship with the modern world has denied us of
any real, meaningful connection with Mother Nature. We’re instead
too focused on our divine destiny in the stars. But if we ruin the
Moon or Mars or any other planet, then what is really the point of
it all in the first place? . . . In the conclusion of Astrotopia,
Rubenstein asserts the need for a pantheist revolution against the
Western view of God as a single entity. Instead we should embrace
God as being within everything. It’s a fundamental rewriting of our
position in the cosmos, and a repositioning of the cosmos around
us. A more spiritual approach to spacefaring might just allow us to
avoid our earthly mistakes, and explore space ethically. And if we
learn any lessons from our time here on Earth, it should not be
‘how space belongs to us, but how we belong to it.’ As Carl Sagan
said, we are, each of us, made of star-stuff."
*Nature Astronomy*
"Astrotopia makes a powerful argument that we are approaching space
exploration with the same old imperial Christian mythology, making
space merely a thing to be exploited."
*Engineering and Technology*
"Rubenstein's work is always delightfully readable and engagingly
enlightening, but Astrotopia feels more immediate, because the
message is both timely and urgent. A book of cultural criticism as
well as consciousness raising, Astrotopia is meant to reach beyond
the philosophers of religion and space historians to the interested
layperson who needs to know how the world’s wealthiest people are
'rehashing' themes of Christian conquest to justify their manifest
destiny in space. . . . Astrotopia is downright fun when it’s
centered on the two focus-pulling, spotlight-stealing,
grand-gesturing, dueling ringmasters themselves—Musk and
Bezos—mostly because Rubenstein’s tone as she recounts the litanies
of their outsized ideas is that of an exasperated Greek
*The Revealer*
"Few books of late have given me such pause as Rubenstein’s
thoughtful Astrotopia. Like many, I had considered space travel an
untrammeled good (despite its origins in the destructive political
rivalries of the Cold War and recent reliance on individual,
stupidly-rich capitalists to move its development forward). Like
many, I would love a Star Trek universe where humans peaceably
coexist and thrive on hundreds of new worlds, the sins of the past
behind us as we progress together in the noble spirit of
exploration ever onward into bright futures. But what Rubenstein
makes so clear is that today that kind of future utopia seems
wholly unlikely. Without a severe imaginative reset, we may be
doomed to repeat our imperialist and colonialist sins of the past,
this time with the planet at stake."
*Ancillary Review of Books*
"Astrotopia presents an examination of the current state of space
exploration juxtaposed with the history of previous periods of
exploration—and exploitation—here on Earth. Rubenstein . . . brings
a particularly interesting perspective to the subject in examining
not only the histories themselves but the motivations concurrent
with them. . . . What’s more, she caps her examination with the
presentation of an alternative of how the future of space
exploration might unfold if undertaken with appropriate reflection
upon the past, and a reexamination of the motivations and methods
for its continuance."
*Well-read Naturalist*
"A new book, Astrotopia, lays out in the most fascinating terms the
ways in which things are very much going wrong up there beyond the
wild blue yonder. . . . In the end, it’s not the Tesla in orbit
that bothers. It’s this: 'When asked why he wants to "save"
humanity by sending us to Mars rather than addressing injustice,
poverty and climate change on Earth, Musk will often laugh and say,
"F— Earth." Earth is done; Earth is history; Earth is so last eon.'
. . . Sure, we can and should go joy-riding in our planetary
neighborhood. But we still have a chance to save the most
hospitable planet we know, Rubenstein writes. Let’s give it the old
college try before saying F-it.”
*Orange County Register*
"Why are American taxpayers giving billions in contracts to Elon
Musk to send astronauts back to the Moon, and dangling a second
contract for a lunar lander to Jeff Bezos, two of the world’s
richest tech billionaires? For the answer to these questions, I
strongly suggest you read Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the
Corporate Space Race. . . . In highly entertaining prose,
Rubenstein unpacks the absurdity of Musk and Bezos’s space
ambitions while exploring the larger issue of how our national
priorities for space continue to be guided by destructive myths
instead of sustainable, peaceful ones."
*The Connector*
"Astrotopia is superb and will fascinate anyone curious about the
current space fervor."
"Rubenstein lends fresh energy to a familiar debate about the value
of space programs, dreams of mining the solar system, and
colonizing the moon and Mars."
*Kirkus Reviews*
"A singular perspective on space technology, with unexpected
comparisons to colonialism that will make readers think twice about
the future of humanity on other planets."
*Library Journal*
"Astrotopia keenly analyses current trends in space exploration in
a way that feels fresh and original. . . . This is an excellent
book that makes so much sense of the recent history of space
exploration, while leaving a strong sense of hope for the
*BBC Sky at Night Magazine*
"Rubenstein’s Astrotopia helps map out the relationship between
Christianity and the space program, especially the language of
frontier expansion, pioneering, and imperialism as part of the US
space program and vision of a future we can only survive to see if
we take up 'our American initiative, innovative spirit, and
hegemonic power to project a future in our own image.'"
*Berliner Gazette*
"In Astrotopia, the philosopher Rubenstein argues that the
twenty-first-century private space race being carried out by Elon
Musk, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and others has become a
‘mythological project’ analogous to the type of ‘imperial
Christianity’ that was used by Europeans to colonize more than half
the planet. Discussing the era of private competition in space,
known as NewSpace, she argues that we need to act now to prevent it
from being rapaciously exploited by capitalists. Yet perhaps the
most provocative portion of the book looks toward the past:
Rubenstein convincingly demonstrates that NASA and US politicians
used Christian imperialist language to justify the Apollo missions.
In other words, it’s no coincidence that the Apollo 8 crew read
from the book of Genesis while orbiting the Moon on Christmas Eve
*Physics Today*
"In her book Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate
Space Race, religion professor Mary-Jane Rubenstein describes the
pull of the cosmos as 'mythic.' And she’s right: there is something
truly spiritual about our cosmos—it has a God-like ability to make
you feel small. As Rubenstein beautifully writes, 'Innumerable suns
warming scadzillions of planets, with oceans and dust storms and
cloud microbes and who knows what else, all in constant motion
through infinite space and time, and here you are, making a cheese
sandwich, nowhere in particular.'"
*New Voices*
"This book critically analyzes the motivations of commercial space
entities from the perspective of a professor of religion, science,
and technology. The early commercial space flight endeavors
described in the book are appropriately compared to the exploits of
early colonialists who ventured into ‘unexplored’ lands in pursuit
of resources and settlement opportunities. Rubenstein also provides
convincing examples of how many of the ongoing commercial space
activities are not fully evaluated for various ethical issues
related to space operations, including the issues raised by the
prospects of, e.g., space tourism, outer space settlement, and
exploitation of planetary resources. The author unapologetically
describes how the commercial space flight missions currently
sensationalized in the news are reminiscent of the avaricious and
contentious European colonization of territories outside
continental Europe. She points out, moreover, that the benefits of
these high-profile space flight activities are not inclusive to all
and that policy makers have not fully considered the ownership of
outer space territories and natural resources extracted from other
planets. Ample references support the chapters. Highly
"Rubenstein, professor of religion and science at Wesleyan
University, offers a different account of cosmocentric
space-meaning in her 2022 book Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion
of the Corporate Space Race. Her critique begins with theology: the
drive to conquer space, or even imagine it as a frontier, is driven
by Western colonialist-imperialist-religious doctrine."
*The New Atlantis*
"This is a valuable contribution to the new and still sparse
scholarship in religious studies devoted to the urgent issue of the
industrialization of space. Rubenstein brings wit and often humor
to a matter fraught with political maneuvering loaded with the
import of mythological language and images."
*Journal of the American Academy of Religion*
"Dr. Mary-Jane Rubenstein is a Professor of Religion and Science
and Technology Studies at Wesleyan University. Her recent
book, Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate
Space Race, draws parallels between religious history and the new
frontier of space exploration led by tech entrepreneurs such as
Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos."
*Data Catalyst Institute*
"Today’s episode: What Silicon Valley talks about when it talks
about God." For this conversation there is only really one person I
want to talk to and that person is [Rubenstein].
[Rubenstein] is a professor at Wesleyan University and
she’s one of those academics that other academics really admire and
the reason for that, I think, is that she’s that exceptionally rare
academic with both excellent ideas and excellent writing. Even more
importantly, [Rubenstein] seems to be able to anticipate the
culture, but just as an example of this, her 2015 book on our
obsession with the multiverse perfectly anticipated the explosion
of stories about multiverses that we’ve seen in tv and movies over
the last few years. Her most recent book, Astrotopia, is about
the way that Elon Musk, and other people who want to explore space,
talk about their work."
*Belief in the Future*
“A timely book that makes an important and well-argued point: that
the new space race, indeed much like the old one, is driven largely
by a combination of an instinct for capitalist exploitation and
colonization coupled to a quasi-religious impulse drawing on some
of the worst of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Astrotopia ought to
stimulate some much-needed debate.”
*Philip Ball, author of "The Modern Myths: Adventures in the
Machinery of the Popular Imagination"*
“One of the most philosophically sophisticated, mythically
impactful, contemporarily relevant, and wickedly funny books I have
read in a very long time. ‘Influential’ is a grotesque
understatement. ‘Game-changing’ is more like it.”
*Jeffrey J. Kripal, author of "The Flip: Epiphanies of Mind and the
Future of Knowledge"*
“The NewSpace era is marked by growing excitement and worry. The
most significant issue moving forward is how to prevent destructive
practices from crystallizing as the space endeavor grows. The first
thing to do is to dispel the myth from the reality, and this book
is one attempt to do that. For this field to advance, we need more
critical perspectives that are forward-looking and suggest a
pathway toward alternative hopeful and inclusive space
*Timiebi Aganaba, School for the Future of Innovation in Society,
College of Global Futures, Arizona State University*
“This book is a must-read for anyone who believes that the space
race is a romantic enterprise defining humanity’s destiny. Alas, as
Rubenstein argues with wit and urgency, the space race is a
reinvention of the worst colonialism has to offer, a mythologized
narrative of exploitation and hubris poised to turn outer space
into ‘another theater of greed and war.’”
*Marcelo Gleiser, Appleton Professor of Natural Philosophy,
Dartmouth College, 2019 Templeton Prize Laureate*
“Astrotopia is an adventurous ride into outer space. Rubenstein
masterfully places our desire to travel the cosmic seas within a
historical and religious context, which is illuminating. Sublimely
entertaining, Rubenstein brings levity to such a complex subject
matter. To understand the future of the space industry, Astrotopia
is a must-read.”
*Ingrid LaFleur, founder and director, The Afrofuture Strategies
“Astrotopia is a timely and lively read that helps us see the
old myths behind NewSpace. Rubenstein exposes the religious and
imperialistic roots of our outer-space plans, challenging us to
rethink our motivations and justifications for our dreams of
leaving Earth. Anyone who has ever asked why we are so
intent on going to Mars and elsewhere, and especially those of us
who consider ourselves space enthusiasts, should read this and ask
whether we’re really satisfied with the futures being drawn up for
us by astro-oligarchs or whether there may be other, and
better, options.”
*David Grinspoon, coauthor of "Chasing New Horizons: Inside the
Epic First Mission to Pluto"*
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