Zwei Spitzenautoren liefern hier eine innovative und inspirierende Analyse der prägenden Momente und Wendepunkte im Leben von Führungskräften. Dabei stützten sie sich auf Originalinterviews mit Personen aus der Geschäftswelt, Politik, Wissenschaft und den Schönen Künsten: von Keats bis Gates, von Michael Dell bis Thomas Jefferson, von Henry Ford bis Napoleon. "The Arc of Ambition" ist eine Entdeckungsreise zu den 14 'Moments of Truth', den Augenblicken der Wahrheit, mit denen jede Führungskraft im Laufe ihrer Karriere konfrontiert wird. Darüber hinaus werden auch einige grundlegende Weisheiten über die Kunst des Führens enthüllt, wie z.B. die Fähigkeit, an einem Traum festzuhalten und ihn Realität werden zu lassen, zu wissen, wann es Zeit ist für Veränderungen, oder wann es an der Zeit ist, das Kommando abzugeben. Dieses Buch soll eine neue Generation von Führungskräften inspirieren, die sich den Widersprüchen und dem Konkurrenzdruck stellen, die die komplexe Beziehung zwischen dem Einzelnen und dem Unternehmen mit sich bringt. Eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für jede aufstrebende Führungskraft.
JAMES CHAMPY is chairman of Cambridge-based Perot Systems Consulting Practice, and a pioneer of the reengineering movement. Co-author of the bestselling Reengineering the Corporation and author of Reengineering Management, he lives in Boston, Massachusetts. NITIN NOHRIA is Richard P. Chapman professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. The author of over seventy-five articles and several books, including the award-winning The Differentiated Network, he lives in Lexington, Massachusetts.
Without ambition, no conquests are made, no lands discovered, no businesses created. Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see. It takes a strong character and a lot of willpower to hold onto a dream under adverse circumstances. Opportunity knocks with all the temerity of a brown trout hiding in an overfished stream. History is a long list of warnings about the folly of overreaching. Greatness must be driven by a purpose beyond money. Compromise is bad for ambition. Power comes from other people. Reinvention is the key to longevity. The dead can't lead the living.
Show moreZwei Spitzenautoren liefern hier eine innovative und inspirierende Analyse der prägenden Momente und Wendepunkte im Leben von Führungskräften. Dabei stützten sie sich auf Originalinterviews mit Personen aus der Geschäftswelt, Politik, Wissenschaft und den Schönen Künsten: von Keats bis Gates, von Michael Dell bis Thomas Jefferson, von Henry Ford bis Napoleon. "The Arc of Ambition" ist eine Entdeckungsreise zu den 14 'Moments of Truth', den Augenblicken der Wahrheit, mit denen jede Führungskraft im Laufe ihrer Karriere konfrontiert wird. Darüber hinaus werden auch einige grundlegende Weisheiten über die Kunst des Führens enthüllt, wie z.B. die Fähigkeit, an einem Traum festzuhalten und ihn Realität werden zu lassen, zu wissen, wann es Zeit ist für Veränderungen, oder wann es an der Zeit ist, das Kommando abzugeben. Dieses Buch soll eine neue Generation von Führungskräften inspirieren, die sich den Widersprüchen und dem Konkurrenzdruck stellen, die die komplexe Beziehung zwischen dem Einzelnen und dem Unternehmen mit sich bringt. Eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für jede aufstrebende Führungskraft.
JAMES CHAMPY is chairman of Cambridge-based Perot Systems Consulting Practice, and a pioneer of the reengineering movement. Co-author of the bestselling Reengineering the Corporation and author of Reengineering Management, he lives in Boston, Massachusetts. NITIN NOHRIA is Richard P. Chapman professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. The author of over seventy-five articles and several books, including the award-winning The Differentiated Network, he lives in Lexington, Massachusetts.
Without ambition, no conquests are made, no lands discovered, no businesses created. Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see. It takes a strong character and a lot of willpower to hold onto a dream under adverse circumstances. Opportunity knocks with all the temerity of a brown trout hiding in an overfished stream. History is a long list of warnings about the folly of overreaching. Greatness must be driven by a purpose beyond money. Compromise is bad for ambition. Power comes from other people. Reinvention is the key to longevity. The dead can't lead the living.
Show moreWithout ambition, no conquests are made, no lands discovered, no
businesses created.
Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no
one else can see.
It takes a strong character and a lot of willpower to hold onto a
dream under adverse circumstances.
Opportunity knocks with all the temerity of a brown trout hiding in
an overfished stream.
History is a long list of warnings about the folly of
Greatness must be driven by a purpose beyond money.
Compromise is bad for ambition.
Power comes from other people.
Reinvention is the key to longevity.
The dead can't lead the living.
JAMES CHAMPY is chairman of Cambridge-based Perot Systems
Consulting Practice, and a pioneer of the reengineering movement.
Co-author of the bestselling Reengineering the Corporation and
author of Reengineering Management, he lives in Boston,
NITIN NOHRIA is Richard P. Chapman professor of business
administration at Harvard Business School. The author of over
seventy-five articles and several books, including the
award-winning The Differentiated Network, he lives in Lexington,
"Champy takes us on a marvellous wander through history and
contemporary life...This is fascinating stuff. This is
entertainment that different people will take different lessons
from." (Computing, 23rd February 2001)
"A practical study of achievement." (People Management, March
"I can recommend The Arc of Ambition..... There is something for
everything in the work and this helps to make the book a highly
entertaining read." (Pipeline, May 2001)
"Few will fail to find something of value in this very readable
book." (Supply Management, 10th May 2001)
"In a market saturated with leadership books Mr Champy and Mr
Nohria have taken a new tack, choosing to examine the motivation of
people who have a desire to lead. Mr Champy says the arc is an
ideal model because it recognises that careers will peak at some
point, then fall back." (Financial Times, 13th June 2001)
"Champy takes us on a marvellous wander through history and
contemporary life...This is fascinating stuff. This is
entertainment that different people will take different lessons
from." (Computing, 23rd February 2001)
"A practical study of achievement." (People Management, March
"I can recommend The Arc of Ambition..... There is something for
everything in the work and this helps to make the book a highly
entertaining read." (Pipeline, May 2001)
"Few will fail to find something of value in this very readable
book." (Supply Management, 10th May 2001)
"In a market saturated with leadership books Mr Champy and Mr
Nohria have taken a new tack, choosing to examine the motivation of
people who have a desire to lead. Mr Champy says the arc is an
ideal model because it recognises that careers will peak at some
point, then fall back." (Financial Times, 13th June 2001)
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