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Advances in Solid Oxide ­Fuel Cells – Ceramic ering­ and Science Proceedings, ­Volume 26, Number 4
By Bansal

Other digital, 340 pages
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Paperback : £89.12

United Kingdom, 26 March 2008

Due to its many potential benefits, including high electrical efficiency and low environmental emissions, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology is the subject of extensive research and development efforts by national laboratories, universities, and private industries. This collection of papers provides valuable insights on materials-related aspects of fuel cells such as SOFC component materials, materials processing, and cell/stack design, performance, and stability. Emerging trends in electrochemical materials, electrodics, interface engineering, long-term chemical interactions are also covered.

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Product Description

Due to its many potential benefits, including high electrical efficiency and low environmental emissions, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology is the subject of extensive research and development efforts by national laboratories, universities, and private industries. This collection of papers provides valuable insights on materials-related aspects of fuel cells such as SOFC component materials, materials processing, and cell/stack design, performance, and stability. Emerging trends in electrochemical materials, electrodics, interface engineering, long-term chemical interactions are also covered.

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Table of Contents

OVERVIEW AND CURRENT STATUS. Worldwide SOFC Technology Overview and Benchmark (L. Blum, H. Nabielek, W.A. Meulenberg, R. Steinberger-Wilckens). U.S. DOE Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Technical Advances (M. Williams, J.P. Strakey, W. Surdoval). PROCESSING/FABRICATION. Single-Step Co-Firing Technique for SOFC Fabrication (G. Ye, F. Ju, C. Lin, S. Gopalan, U. Pal, D. Seccombe). Fabrication and Properties of an Anode-Supported Tubular IT-SOFC Based on Lanthanum Gallate (N. Sammes, Y. Du). Low Cost SOFC Manufacturing Process (I. Balachov, P. Jayaweera, M. Hornbostel, A. Sanjurjo, A.S. Lipilin, B.L. Kyzin, D.I. Bronin, Y.G. Yatluk, V.V. Sevastianov). Y 2 O 3 -Stabilized ZrO 2 Aerogels Prepared from an Epoxide Assisted Sol-Gel Synthesis for Use in SOFC Composite Cathodes (C.N. Chervin, H.W. Chiu, S.M. Kauzlarich, B.J. Clapsaddle, R.S. Glass, J.H. Satcher, Jr.). Pulsed Laser Deposition of BaCe 0.85 Y 0.15 O 3 Films (F.W. Dynys, A. Sayir). CHARACTERIZATION/TESTING. Electrochemical Characterization of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Short Stacks for Mobile Application (M. Lang, A. Dresel, T. Franco, Z. Ilhan, A. Nestle, G. Schiller, P. Szabo). Single Cell Testing and Performance Analysis of Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (M. Antloga, R. Goettler, K. Kneidel, L. Xue). Long-Term SOFC Stability with Coated Ferritic Stainless Steel Interconnect (S.P. Simner, M.D. Anderson, G.-G. Xia, Z. Yang, J.W. Stevenson). Chemical Diffusion and Hydrogen Separation Properties of Lanthanum Ferrite and Doped Ceria Composite Mixed Conductors (A. Karthikeyan, H. Cui, S. Gopalan, U.B. Pal). Vapor Phase Silica Transport during SOFC Operation at 1000-C (P. Singh, S.D. Vora). The Effect of Inverter Ripple on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Performance (C. Johnson, R. Gemmen). ELECTRODES. Study of Praseodyium Strontium Manganite for the Potential Use as a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode (M.E. Pfluge, M.C. Deibert, G.W. Coffey, L.R. Pederson). Chromium Poisoning Effects on Various Cathodes (J.Y. Kim, N.L. Canfield, L.A. Chick, K.D. Meinhardt, V.L. Sprenkle). Anomolus Shrinkage of Lanthanum Strontium Manganite (B. McCarthy, H. Anderson, X.-D. Zhou, L. Pederson, G. Coffey, P. Singh). Development and Characterization of SOFC Ni-YSZ Anodes Using Highly Porous Ni Foam (S.F. Corbin, R.M. Clemmer, Q. Yang). High Purity H 2 /H 2 O/Nickel/Stabilized Zirconia Electrodes at 500-C (J. Hogh, K. Vels Hansen, I. Chorkendorff, T. Jacobsen, K. Norrman, M. Mogensen). Characterization of Pore Structure of Electrodes of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (A. Jena, K. Gupta). Influence of Processing Parameters on Porosity of NiO-YSZ Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode Material (G. Rajaram, Z. Xu, X. Jiang, D.M. Pai, J. Filatovs, J. Sankar). Property Control of Cathodes and Anodes Produced by Slip Casting for Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (Z. Xu, G. Rajaram, D. Pai, J. Sankar). INTERCONNECTS. Surface Modification on Ferritic and Ni Based Alloys for Improved Oxidation Resistance in SOFC Applications (P.D. Jablonski, D.E. Alman, S.C. Kung). Ferritic Stainless Steel SOFC Interconnects with Thermally Grown (Mn,Co) 3 O 4 Spinel Protection Layers (Z. Yang, G. Xia, S.P. Simner, J.W. Stevenson). Chemical Reaction Behavior between Glass-Ceramic Sealants and High Chromium Ferritic Steels Under Various SOFC Conditions (S.M. Gross, T. Koppitz, N.H. Menzler). Electrical Contacts between Cathodes and Metallic Interconnects in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (Z. Yang, G. Xia, J.W. Stevenson). SEALS. Finite Element Analysis of the Bonded Compliant Seal Design - A New Sealing Concept for Use in Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (B.J. Koeppel, K.S. Weil). Glass-Ceramic Materials of the System BaO-CaO-SiO 2 as Sealants for SOFC Applications (S.-M. Gross, T. Koppitz, J. Remmel, U. Reisgen). Layered Composite Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) (R.N. Singh, S.S. Parihar). Glass Mica Composite Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (Y.-S. Chou, J.W. Stevenson, P. Singh). Combined Ageing and Thermal Cycling of Compressive Mica Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (Y.-S. Chou, J.W. Stevenson, P. Singh). MECHANICAL PROPERTIES. Mechanical Properties of SOFC Seal Glass Composites (S.R. Choi, N.P. Bansal). Fracture Energies of Brittle Sealants for Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (J. Malzbender, R.W. Steinbrech, L. Singheiser, P. Batfalsky). Failure Probability of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (J. Malzbender, R.W. Steinbrech, L. Singheiser). Creep Deformation of Ni/YSZ Cermet in SOFCs (W. Liu, J. Qu). A Numerical Simulation Tool for Fracture Analysis in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (J. Johnson, J. Qu). FUEL REFORMING. Activity and Structure of Perovskites as Diesel Reforming Catalysts for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (D. Liu, M. Krumpelt).

About the Author

Narottam P. Bansal, PhD, is Senior Research Scientist at the NASA Glenn Research Center, where he has conducted research on glasses, ceramics, and composites since 1985. In addition to publishing more than 230 papers, Dr. Bansal holds seven patents and is the author or editor of five books and 32 conference proceedings.

Dongming Zhu received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science from the University of Minnesota in 1996 and is a senior Materials Research Engineer at Army Research Laboratory at NASA Glenn Research Center. He has authored more than 100 archival publications and three patents. He is a member of the American Ceramic Society and ASM, International, has been a lead organizer for several International Symposia. He is currently the Chair-elect of the Engineering Ceramic Division of the American Ceramic Society, and an associate editor of the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.

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