Paperback : £143.00
This book offers a broad panorama on recently achieved and potentially obtainable advances in electromagnetics with innovative IT technologies.
Simple tutorial chapters introduce cutting edge technologies. These include parallel and distributed computing, object-oriented technologies, grid computing, semantic grids, agent based computing and service-oriented architectures. The book is a unique tool bridging the gap between IT and EM communities.
Luciano Tarricone - Biography Luciano Tarricone is an Associate Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the University of Lecce, Italy. He received his laurea degree (with honors) from the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy, and his PhD from the same university, both in Electronic Engineering. In 1990 he was a researcher at the Italian National Institute of Health, and between 1990 and 1994 at the IBM European Center for Scientific and Engineering Computing. Between 1994 and 2001 he was at the University of Perugia, Italy. Since 2001 he has joined the University of Lecce. His main research areas are: supercomputing for Electromagnetics, environmental electromagnetic compatibility, CAD of microwave circuits and antennas. He authored around 160 papers in international conferences and journals, and edited 3 volumes in the area of high performance computing for electromagnetics. Alessandra Esposito - Biography Alessandra Esposito is a free consultant in the area of Computer Science and Information Technologies, with a focus on networking, web and grid applications for research in universities and small, medium and large companies. She received her laurea degree (with honors) in Electronic Engineering from the University of Naples. Between 1990 and 1994 she was with IBM Scientific Center in Rome, Italy. In 1994 and 1995 she was a system engineer for Sodalia, Trento, Italy, involved in research and development in the area of distributed systems. Since 1995 she has cooperated with several research institutions, universities and business companies, in the framework of educational, research and industrial projects. She authored about 40 papers in international conferences and journals.
Chapter 1 Parallel and Distributed Environments; A.Esposito.
1. Introduction.
2. basic concepts.
3. parallel programming. 3.1 Introduction. 3.1.1 MPI . 3.2 Performance assessment.
4. distributed systems. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 RPC. 4.3 Mobile agent framework.
5. The Web. 5.1 XML. 5.1.1 Introduction. 5.1.2 XML fundamentals. 5.1.3 Namespaces. 5.1.4 XML schema. 5.1.5 Applications.
Chapter 2 Object Oriented Technologies; A.Esposito
1. Introduction.
2. OO programming. 2.1 Basic concepts. 2.2 Java.
3.oo distributed frameworks. 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 Java mobile agents.
Chapter 3 The Semantic Web; A.Esposito
1. Introduction.
2. Description Logics. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 A model for reality: the Tbox. 2.3 The ABox. 2.4 Reasoners.
3. tools for the Semantic Web. 3.1 Languages. 3.2 Reasoners. 3.3 Tools for building ontologies.
Chapter 4 Web Services; A.Esposito
1. Introduction.
2. basic concepts. 2.1 Web Services Architecture.
3. web services description: wsdl.
4. Automatic discovery of web services. 4.1 UDDI. 4.2 The Semantic Web Services.
Chapter 5 Grid Computing; A.Esposito
1. Introduction.
2. GC basic concepts.
3. the globus toolkit. 3.1 GT and Web Services.
4. GT components.
5. job management. 5.1 GC for HPC .
6. information services.
7. data management.
Chapter 6 Complex Computational Electromagnetics using Hybridisation Techniques; Raed A. Abd-Alhameed and P.S.Excell
1. Introduction. 1.1 Integral equation methods. 1.2 Differential equation methods. 1.3 The advantages and disadvantages of the methods. 1.4 Hybrid Methods. 1.5 Literature Review.
2. Outline of theory and implementation of hybrid method. 2.1 Hybrid Treatment for Homogeneous Multiple Elements.
3. Incident Wave Excitations in the FDTD Method. 3.1Total/Scattered Field Formulation in Three Dimensions.
4. Modified Total/Scattered Field Formulation for the Hybrid Technique.
5. Validation of Total/Scattered Field Formulation Implementation using Homogeneous FDTD in Multiple Regions.
6. Hybrid MoM/FDTD Technique Algorithm. 6.1 Theoretical Formulation. 6.2 Multiple-Source Scattering Problems.
7. NEC/FDTD Hybrid Program.
8. Far Field Calculations using the Hybrid Code.
9. Numerical Examples using the Hybrid MoM/FDTDTechnique.
10. Summary.
Chapter 7 Enhanced EM software for Planar Circuits; D. Vande Ginste, F. Olyslager, D. De Zutter, and E. Michielssen
1. Introduction. 1.1 Setting and definition of the research topic. 1.2 Methodology. 1.3 Outline.
2. Classical solution technique for microstrip structures. 2.1 Geometry of the problem. 2.2 The EFIE description. 2.3 The Green's dyadic . 2.4 The Method of Moments.
3. Perfectly matched layer based Green's functions for layered media. 3.1 The Perfectly Matched Layer concept. 3.2 Closure of open microstrip substrates. 3.3 Series expansion for the Green's dyadic .
4. A PML-MLMFA for the modeling of large planar microstrip structures. 4.1 Introduction and outline. 4.2 Formulation of the technique. 4.3 Implementation of the technique. 4.4 Some important remarks about the complexity of the PML-MLFMA. 4.5 Numerical results.
5. Extensions and conclusions. 5.1 Extensions. 5.2 Conclusions.
Chapter 8 Parallel Grid-enabled FDTD for the Characterization of Metamaterials; L.Catarinucci, G.Monti, P.Palazzari and L.Tarricone
1. Itroduction.
2. Introduction to metamaterials. 2.1 DNG Metamaterials.
3. Negative Refraction.
4. How to Synthesize a DNG Medium.
5. DNG Media Applications.
6. Modulated Signals in a DNG medium. 6.1 Dispersion. 6.2 Gaussian Pulse in a DNG slab.
7. Numerical Methods for Metamaterials. 7.1 Bases for the FDTD method. 7.2 Parallel Grid-Enabled FDTD using MPI. 7.3 Efficient Subgridding Technique for Parallel FDTD Algorithms: Variable Mesh FDTD. 7.4 FDTD methods and DNG materials. 7.5 DNG Slabs: reflection by and propagation in a DNG slab.
Chapter 9 A Software Tool for Quasi-Optical Systems; N.C. Albertsen, P.E. Frandsen and S.B. Sørensen
1. Introduction.
2. Requirements for Quasi-Optical Network Design.
3. Outline of the software system.
4. Analysis methods.
5. User interface - The Frame Editor.
6. Components and objects: The object wizard.
7. complex commands: The command wizard.
8. Frame connections and 3D modelling.
9. Evaluation and Future extensions.
Chapter 10 Cooperative Computer Aided Engineering of Antenna Arrays; A. Esposito, L. Tarricone, L.Vallone and M.Vallone
1. Introduction.
2. CAE of Aperture Antenna Arrays.
3. grid services and semantic grid.
4. system architecture.
5. The framework. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Grid infrastructure. 5.3 Encapsulation into services. 5.4 Ontology. 5.5 Client application.
6. conclusions.
Chapter 11 Distributed and Object Oriented Computational Electromagnetics on the grid; D.Caromel, F.Huet, S.Lanteri and N.Parlavantzas
1. Introduction.
2. Distributed Objects: Proactive. 2.1 Basic model. 2.2 Mapping active objects to JVMs: Nodes. 2.3 Deployment Descriptors. 2.4 Group communications.
3. OO distributed finite volume solver. 3.1 Basic architecture of the OO model. 3.2 Distribution and parallelization.
4. Benchmarks. 4.1 Comparison with a Fortran implementation. 4.2 Grid'5000 Experiments.
5. on-going and Future Work. 5.1 Application controlled deployment. 5.2 Enhancing modifiability through components.
6. Conclusions.
Chapter 12 Software Agents for Parametric Computational Electromagnetics Applications; D. G. Lymperopoulos, I. E. Foukarakis, A. I. Kostaridis, C. G. Biniaris,D. I. Kaklamani
1. Introduction.
2. Classification of Parametric Problems in CEM. 2.1 "Method-level" parametric analysis. 2.2 "Application-level" parametric analysis. 2.3 Population-based stochastic optimisation.
3. Mobile Software Agents. 3.1 The Mobile Agent Paradigm. 3.2 Mobile agents in CEM: the Master-Worker model. 3.3 A brief comparison between MAT and MPI or PVM.
4. A Web-based Mobile Agent Platform for Parametric CEM Modeling. 4.1 Mobile agent platform components. 4.2 Communication mechanisms. 4.3 Web-based infrastructure. 4.4 Conformal Array modelling: a Modified Method of Auxiliary Sources (MMAS) approach. 4.5 Electromagnetic penetration through apertures: a resonator Method of Moments (MoM) model.
5. Introducing Genetic Software Agents. 5.1 Distributed genetic algorithms with agents. 5.2 Proposed architecture. 5.3 Conclusions.
Chapter 13 Web Services Enhanced Platform for Distributed Signal Processing in Electromagnetics; I. E. Foukarakis, D. B. Logothetis, A. I. Kostaridis,D. G. Lymperopoulos, D. I. Kaklamani
1. Introduction.
2. Web Services in Distributed SAR Modelling and Signal Processing. 2.1 Platform architecture. 2.2 Server services. 2.3 Node services. 2.4 Other issues. 2.5 Imaging radar signal processing. 2.6 The simulation mechanism. 2.7 Results and conclusions.
Chapter 14 Grid-Enabled Transmission Line Matrix Modelling of Electromagnetic Structures; P. Russer, B. Biscontini and P. Lorenz
1. Introduction.
2. The 3D-TLM Method.
3. Modelling of Dielectric Media.
4. Parallelization of the TLM Method. 4.1 Domain decomposition. 4.2 Decomposition of the TLM algorithm.
5. TLM-G: Grid-enabled Time Domain Transmission Line Matrix System. 5.1 The Components of the TLM-G system. 5.2 The relation between YATWAD, YATD and the Components of the Globus Toolkit in the TLM-G system.
6. Analysis of the Performance of the TLM-G System and Examples. 6.1 The Electromagnetic Performance of the TLM-G system. 6.2 A Bowtie Antenna in a TLM-G System.
7. The Circular Cylindrical Cavity Resonator
This book offers a broad panorama on recently achieved and potentially obtainable advances in electromagnetics with innovative IT technologies.
Simple tutorial chapters introduce cutting edge technologies. These include parallel and distributed computing, object-oriented technologies, grid computing, semantic grids, agent based computing and service-oriented architectures. The book is a unique tool bridging the gap between IT and EM communities.
Luciano Tarricone - Biography Luciano Tarricone is an Associate Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the University of Lecce, Italy. He received his laurea degree (with honors) from the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy, and his PhD from the same university, both in Electronic Engineering. In 1990 he was a researcher at the Italian National Institute of Health, and between 1990 and 1994 at the IBM European Center for Scientific and Engineering Computing. Between 1994 and 2001 he was at the University of Perugia, Italy. Since 2001 he has joined the University of Lecce. His main research areas are: supercomputing for Electromagnetics, environmental electromagnetic compatibility, CAD of microwave circuits and antennas. He authored around 160 papers in international conferences and journals, and edited 3 volumes in the area of high performance computing for electromagnetics. Alessandra Esposito - Biography Alessandra Esposito is a free consultant in the area of Computer Science and Information Technologies, with a focus on networking, web and grid applications for research in universities and small, medium and large companies. She received her laurea degree (with honors) in Electronic Engineering from the University of Naples. Between 1990 and 1994 she was with IBM Scientific Center in Rome, Italy. In 1994 and 1995 she was a system engineer for Sodalia, Trento, Italy, involved in research and development in the area of distributed systems. Since 1995 she has cooperated with several research institutions, universities and business companies, in the framework of educational, research and industrial projects. She authored about 40 papers in international conferences and journals.
Chapter 1 Parallel and Distributed Environments; A.Esposito.
1. Introduction.
2. basic concepts.
3. parallel programming. 3.1 Introduction. 3.1.1 MPI . 3.2 Performance assessment.
4. distributed systems. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 RPC. 4.3 Mobile agent framework.
5. The Web. 5.1 XML. 5.1.1 Introduction. 5.1.2 XML fundamentals. 5.1.3 Namespaces. 5.1.4 XML schema. 5.1.5 Applications.
Chapter 2 Object Oriented Technologies; A.Esposito
1. Introduction.
2. OO programming. 2.1 Basic concepts. 2.2 Java.
3.oo distributed frameworks. 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 Java mobile agents.
Chapter 3 The Semantic Web; A.Esposito
1. Introduction.
2. Description Logics. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 A model for reality: the Tbox. 2.3 The ABox. 2.4 Reasoners.
3. tools for the Semantic Web. 3.1 Languages. 3.2 Reasoners. 3.3 Tools for building ontologies.
Chapter 4 Web Services; A.Esposito
1. Introduction.
2. basic concepts. 2.1 Web Services Architecture.
3. web services description: wsdl.
4. Automatic discovery of web services. 4.1 UDDI. 4.2 The Semantic Web Services.
Chapter 5 Grid Computing; A.Esposito
1. Introduction.
2. GC basic concepts.
3. the globus toolkit. 3.1 GT and Web Services.
4. GT components.
5. job management. 5.1 GC for HPC .
6. information services.
7. data management.
Chapter 6 Complex Computational Electromagnetics using Hybridisation Techniques; Raed A. Abd-Alhameed and P.S.Excell
1. Introduction. 1.1 Integral equation methods. 1.2 Differential equation methods. 1.3 The advantages and disadvantages of the methods. 1.4 Hybrid Methods. 1.5 Literature Review.
2. Outline of theory and implementation of hybrid method. 2.1 Hybrid Treatment for Homogeneous Multiple Elements.
3. Incident Wave Excitations in the FDTD Method. 3.1Total/Scattered Field Formulation in Three Dimensions.
4. Modified Total/Scattered Field Formulation for the Hybrid Technique.
5. Validation of Total/Scattered Field Formulation Implementation using Homogeneous FDTD in Multiple Regions.
6. Hybrid MoM/FDTD Technique Algorithm. 6.1 Theoretical Formulation. 6.2 Multiple-Source Scattering Problems.
7. NEC/FDTD Hybrid Program.
8. Far Field Calculations using the Hybrid Code.
9. Numerical Examples using the Hybrid MoM/FDTDTechnique.
10. Summary.
Chapter 7 Enhanced EM software for Planar Circuits; D. Vande Ginste, F. Olyslager, D. De Zutter, and E. Michielssen
1. Introduction. 1.1 Setting and definition of the research topic. 1.2 Methodology. 1.3 Outline.
2. Classical solution technique for microstrip structures. 2.1 Geometry of the problem. 2.2 The EFIE description. 2.3 The Green's dyadic . 2.4 The Method of Moments.
3. Perfectly matched layer based Green's functions for layered media. 3.1 The Perfectly Matched Layer concept. 3.2 Closure of open microstrip substrates. 3.3 Series expansion for the Green's dyadic .
4. A PML-MLMFA for the modeling of large planar microstrip structures. 4.1 Introduction and outline. 4.2 Formulation of the technique. 4.3 Implementation of the technique. 4.4 Some important remarks about the complexity of the PML-MLFMA. 4.5 Numerical results.
5. Extensions and conclusions. 5.1 Extensions. 5.2 Conclusions.
Chapter 8 Parallel Grid-enabled FDTD for the Characterization of Metamaterials; L.Catarinucci, G.Monti, P.Palazzari and L.Tarricone
1. Itroduction.
2. Introduction to metamaterials. 2.1 DNG Metamaterials.
3. Negative Refraction.
4. How to Synthesize a DNG Medium.
5. DNG Media Applications.
6. Modulated Signals in a DNG medium. 6.1 Dispersion. 6.2 Gaussian Pulse in a DNG slab.
7. Numerical Methods for Metamaterials. 7.1 Bases for the FDTD method. 7.2 Parallel Grid-Enabled FDTD using MPI. 7.3 Efficient Subgridding Technique for Parallel FDTD Algorithms: Variable Mesh FDTD. 7.4 FDTD methods and DNG materials. 7.5 DNG Slabs: reflection by and propagation in a DNG slab.
Chapter 9 A Software Tool for Quasi-Optical Systems; N.C. Albertsen, P.E. Frandsen and S.B. Sørensen
1. Introduction.
2. Requirements for Quasi-Optical Network Design.
3. Outline of the software system.
4. Analysis methods.
5. User interface - The Frame Editor.
6. Components and objects: The object wizard.
7. complex commands: The command wizard.
8. Frame connections and 3D modelling.
9. Evaluation and Future extensions.
Chapter 10 Cooperative Computer Aided Engineering of Antenna Arrays; A. Esposito, L. Tarricone, L.Vallone and M.Vallone
1. Introduction.
2. CAE of Aperture Antenna Arrays.
3. grid services and semantic grid.
4. system architecture.
5. The framework. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Grid infrastructure. 5.3 Encapsulation into services. 5.4 Ontology. 5.5 Client application.
6. conclusions.
Chapter 11 Distributed and Object Oriented Computational Electromagnetics on the grid; D.Caromel, F.Huet, S.Lanteri and N.Parlavantzas
1. Introduction.
2. Distributed Objects: Proactive. 2.1 Basic model. 2.2 Mapping active objects to JVMs: Nodes. 2.3 Deployment Descriptors. 2.4 Group communications.
3. OO distributed finite volume solver. 3.1 Basic architecture of the OO model. 3.2 Distribution and parallelization.
4. Benchmarks. 4.1 Comparison with a Fortran implementation. 4.2 Grid'5000 Experiments.
5. on-going and Future Work. 5.1 Application controlled deployment. 5.2 Enhancing modifiability through components.
6. Conclusions.
Chapter 12 Software Agents for Parametric Computational Electromagnetics Applications; D. G. Lymperopoulos, I. E. Foukarakis, A. I. Kostaridis, C. G. Biniaris,D. I. Kaklamani
1. Introduction.
2. Classification of Parametric Problems in CEM. 2.1 "Method-level" parametric analysis. 2.2 "Application-level" parametric analysis. 2.3 Population-based stochastic optimisation.
3. Mobile Software Agents. 3.1 The Mobile Agent Paradigm. 3.2 Mobile agents in CEM: the Master-Worker model. 3.3 A brief comparison between MAT and MPI or PVM.
4. A Web-based Mobile Agent Platform for Parametric CEM Modeling. 4.1 Mobile agent platform components. 4.2 Communication mechanisms. 4.3 Web-based infrastructure. 4.4 Conformal Array modelling: a Modified Method of Auxiliary Sources (MMAS) approach. 4.5 Electromagnetic penetration through apertures: a resonator Method of Moments (MoM) model.
5. Introducing Genetic Software Agents. 5.1 Distributed genetic algorithms with agents. 5.2 Proposed architecture. 5.3 Conclusions.
Chapter 13 Web Services Enhanced Platform for Distributed Signal Processing in Electromagnetics; I. E. Foukarakis, D. B. Logothetis, A. I. Kostaridis,D. G. Lymperopoulos, D. I. Kaklamani
1. Introduction.
2. Web Services in Distributed SAR Modelling and Signal Processing. 2.1 Platform architecture. 2.2 Server services. 2.3 Node services. 2.4 Other issues. 2.5 Imaging radar signal processing. 2.6 The simulation mechanism. 2.7 Results and conclusions.
Chapter 14 Grid-Enabled Transmission Line Matrix Modelling of Electromagnetic Structures; P. Russer, B. Biscontini and P. Lorenz
1. Introduction.
2. The 3D-TLM Method.
3. Modelling of Dielectric Media.
4. Parallelization of the TLM Method. 4.1 Domain decomposition. 4.2 Decomposition of the TLM algorithm.
5. TLM-G: Grid-enabled Time Domain Transmission Line Matrix System. 5.1 The Components of the TLM-G system. 5.2 The relation between YATWAD, YATD and the Components of the Globus Toolkit in the TLM-G system.
6. Analysis of the Performance of the TLM-G System and Examples. 6.1 The Electromagnetic Performance of the TLM-G system. 6.2 A Bowtie Antenna in a TLM-G System.
7. The Circular Cylindrical Cavity Resonator
Chapter 1 Parallel and Distributed Environments; A.Esposito. 1. Introduction. 2. basic concepts. 3. parallel programming. 4. distributed systems. 5. The Web.
Chapter 2 Object Oriented Technologies; A.Esposito. 1. Introduction. 2. OO programming. 3.oo distributed frameworks.
Chapter 3 The Semantic Web; A.Esposito. 1. Introduction. 2. Description Logics. 3. tools for the Semantic Web.
Chapter 4 Web Services; A.Esposito. 1. Introduction. 2. basic concepts. 3. web services description: wsdl. 4. Automatic discovery of web services.
Chapter 5 Grid Computing; A.Esposito. 1. Introduction. 2. GC basic concepts. 3. the globus toolkit. 4. GT components. 5. job management. 5.1 GC for HPC. 6. information services. 7. data management.
Chapter 6 Complex Computational Electromagnetics using Hybridisation Techniques; Raed A. Abd-Alhameed and P.S.Excell. 1. Introduction. 2. Outline of theory and implementation of hybrid method. 2.1 Hybrid Treatment for Homogeneous Multiple Elements. 3. Incident Wave Excitations in the FDTD Method. 3.1Total/Scattered Field Formulation in Three Dimensions. 4. Modified Total/Scattered Field Formulation for the Hybrid Technique. 5. Validation of Total/Scattered Field Formulation Implementation using Homogeneous FDTD in Multiple Regions. 6. Hybrid MoM/FDTD Technique Algorithm. 7. NEC/FDTD Hybrid Program. 8. Far Field Calculations using the Hybrid Code. 9. Numerical Examples using the Hybrid MoM/FDTDTechnique. 10. Summary.
Chapter 7 Enhanced EM software for Planar Circuits; D. Vande Ginste, F. Olyslager, D. De Zutter, and E. Michielssen. 1. Introduction. 2. Classical solution technique for microstrip structures. 3. Perfectly matched layer based Green’sfunctions for layered media. 4. A PML-MLMFA for the modeling of large planar microstrip structures. 5. Extensions and conclusions.
Chapter 8 Parallel Grid-enabled FDTD for the Characterization of Metamaterials; L.Catarinucci, G.Monti, P.Palazzari and L.Tarricone. 1. Introduction. 2. Introduction to metamaterials. 3. Negative Refraction. 4. How to Synthesize a DNG Medium. 5. DNG Media Applications. 6. Modulated Signals in a DNG medium. 7. numerical methods for metamaterials.
Chapter 9 A Software Tool for Quasi-Optical Systems; N.C. Albertsen, P.E. Frandsen and S.B. Sørensen. 1. Introduction. 2. Requirements for Quasi-Optical Network Design. 3. Outline of the software system. 4. Analysis methods. 5. User interface - The Frame Editor. 6. Components and objects: The object wizard. 7. complex commands: The command wizard. 8. Frame connections and 3D modelling. 9. Evaluation and Future extensions.
Chapter 10 Cooperative Computer Aided Engineering of Antenna Arrays; A. Esposito, L. Tarricone, L.Vallone and M.Vallone. 1. Introduction. 2. CAE of Aperture Antenna Arrays. 3. grid services and semantic grid. 4. system architecture. 5. The framework. 6. conclusions.
Chapter 11 Distributed and Object Oriented Computational Electromagnetics on the grid; D.Caromel, F.Huet, S.Lanteri and N.Parlavantzas. 1. Introduction. 2. Distributed Objects: Proactive. 3. OO distributed finite volume solver. 4. Benchmarks. 5. on-going and Future Work. 6. Conclusions.
Chapter 12 Software Agents for Parametric Computational Electromagnetics Applications; D. G. Lymperopoulos, I. E. Foukarakis, A. I. Kostaridis, C. G. Biniaris,D. I. Kaklamani. 1. Introduction. 2. Classification of Parametric Problems in CEM. 3. Mobile Software Agents. 4. A Web-based Mobile Agent Platform forParametric CEM Modeling. 5. Introducing Genetic Software Agents.
Chapter 13 Web Services Enhanced Platform for Distributed Signal Processing in Electromagnetics; I. E. Foukarakis, D. B. Logothetis, A. I. Kostaridis,D. G. Lymperopoulos, D. I. Kaklamani. 1. Introduction. 2. Web Services in Distributed SAR Modelling and Signal Processing.
Chapter 14 Grid-Enabled Transmission Line Matrix Modelling of Electromagnetic Structures; P. Russer, B. Biscontini and P. Lorenz. 1. Introduction. 2. The 3D-TLM Method. 3. Modelling of Dielectric Media. 4. Parallelization of the TLM Method. 5. TLM-G: Grid-enabled Time Domain Transmission Line Matrix System. 6. Analysis of the Performance of the TLM-G System and Examples. 7. The Circular Cylindrical Cavity Resonator
Luciano Tarricone - Biography Luciano Tarricone is an Associate Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the University of Lecce, Italy. He received his laurea degree (with honors) from the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy, and his PhD from the same university, both in Electronic Engineering. In 1990 he was a researcher at the Italian National Institute of Health, and between 1990 and 1994 at the IBM European Center for Scientific and Engineering Computing. Between 1994 and 2001 he was at the University of Perugia, Italy. Since 2001 he has joined the University of Lecce. His main research areas are: supercomputing for Electromagnetics, environmental electromagnetic compatibility, CAD of microwave circuits and antennas. He authored around 160 papers in international conferences and journals, and edited 3 volumes in the area of high performance computing for electromagnetics. Alessandra Esposito - Biography Alessandra Esposito is a free consultant in the area of Computer Science and Information Technologies, with a focus on networking, web and grid applications for research in universities and small, medium and large companies. She received her laurea degree (with honors) in Electronic Engineering from the University of Naples. Between 1990 and 1994 she was with IBM Scientific Center in Rome, Italy. In 1994 and 1995 she was a system engineer for Sodalia, Trento, Italy, involved in research and development in the area of distributed systems. Since 1995 she has cooperated with several research institutions, universities and business companies, in the framework of educational, research and industrial projects. She authored about 40 papers in international conferences and journals.
From the reviews: "The book suggests some ICT concepts, destined to play a major role in the current and future EM context. … Advances in Information Technologies for Electromagnetics establishes itself as a rare specimen: a book that will enthrall its readers and users. Beautifully presented and argued, all the chapters of the book are relevant. … This book should be required reading for university and industrial researchers, university professors and students, IT and microwave/antenna consultants" (Current Engineering Practice, 2007)
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