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Advanced Data Mining and ­Applications
First International Conference, ADMA 2005, Wuhan, China, July 22-24, 2005, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
By Xue Li (Edited by), Shuliang Wang (Edited by), Zhao Yang Dong

Paperback, 835 pages
Germany, 1 July 2005

With the ever-growing power to generate, transmit and collect huge amounts of data, information overload is now an imminent problem to mankind. The overwhelming demand for information processing is not just about a better - derstanding of data, but also a better usage of data in a timely fashion. Data mining, or knowledge discovery from databases, is proposed to gain insight into aspects of dataand to help peoplemakeinformed,sensible, andbetter decisions. At present, growing attention has been paid to the study, development and - plication of data mining. As a result there is an urgent need for sophisticated techniques and tools that can handle new ?elds of data mining, e.g., spatialdata mining, biomedical data mining, and mining on high-speed and time-variant data streams. The knowledge of data mining should also be expanded to new applications. The1stInternationalConferenceonAdvancedDataMiningandApplications (ADMA 2005) aimed to bring together the experts on data mining throughout the world. It provided a leading international forum for the dissemination of original research results in advanced data mining techniques, applications, al- rithms, software and systems, and di?erent applied disciplines. The conference attracted 539 online submissions and 63 mailing submissions from 25 di?erent countriesandareas.Allfullpaperswerepeer reviewedbyatleastthreemembers of the Program Committee composed of international experts in data mining ?elds. A total number of 100 papers were accepted for the conference. Amongst them 25 papers were selected as regular papers and 75 papers were selected as short papers, yielding a combined acceptance rate of 17%.

Keynote Papers.- Decision Making with Uncertainty and Data Mining.- Complex Networks and Networked Data Mining.- In-Depth Data Mining and Its Application in Stock Market.- Relevance of Counting in Data Mining Tasks.- Invited Papers.- Term Graph Model for Text Classification.- A Latent Usage Approach for Clustering Web Transaction and Building User Profile.- Association Rules.- Mining Quantitative Association Rules on Overlapped Intervals.- An Approach to Mining Local Causal Relationships from Databases.- Mining Least Relational Patterns from Multi Relational Tables.- Finding All Frequent Patterns Starting from the Closure.- Multiagent Association Rules Mining in Cooperative Learning Systems.- VisAR : A New Technique for Visualizing Mined Association Rules.- An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Both Closed and Maximal Frequent Free Subtrees Using Canonical Forms.- Classification.- E-CIDIM: Ensemble of CIDIM Classifiers.- Partially Supervised Classification - Based on Weighted Unlabeled Samples Support Vector Machine.- Mining Correlated Rules for Associative Classification.- A Comprehensively Sized Decision Tree Generation Method for Interactive Data Mining of Very Large Databases.- Using Latent Class Models for Neighbors Selection in Collaborative Filtering.- A Polynomial Smooth Support Vector Machine for Classification.- Reducts in Incomplete Decision Tables.- Learning k-Nearest Neighbor Naive Bayes for Ranking.- One Dependence Augmented Naive Bayes.- Clustering.- A Genetic k-Modes Algorithm for Clustering Categorical Data.- A Fast Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Large-Scale Datasets.- Clustering with Noising Method.- Extracting the Representative Failure Executions via Clustering Analysis Based on Markov Profile Model.- Improvement on the Approximation Bound for Fuzzy-Neural Networks Clustering Method with Gaussian Membership Function.- Optimal Fuzzy Modeling Based on Minimum Cluster Volume.- An Efficient Clustering Approach for Large Document Collections.- Clustering Categorical Data Using Coverage Density.- Novel Algorithms.- A New Support Vector Machine for Data Mining.- The Infinite Polynomial Kernel for Support Vector Machine.- Routing Attribute Data Mining Based on Rough Set Theory.- A Novel Data Mining Method Based on Ant Colony Algorithm.- Context-Sensitive Regression Analysis for Distributed Data.- Customer Churn Prediction Using Improved One-Class Support Vector Machine.- The Application of Adaptive Partitioned Random Search in Feature Selection Problem.- Heuristic Scheduling of Concurrent Data Mining Queries.- Using Gap-Insensitive String Kernel to Detect Masquerading.- A New Method for Linear Ill-Posed Problems: Iteration Method by Rectifying Eigenvalue.- Text Mining.- A Non-VSM kNN Algorithm for Text Classification.- A Study on Text Clustering Algorithms Based on Frequent Term Sets.- An Improvement of Text Association Classification Using Rules Weights.- Word Segmentation and POS Tagging for Chinese Keyphrase Extraction.- Learning User Profiles from Text in e-Commerce.- Multimedia Mining.- Data Mining Based on Objects in Video Flow with Dynamic Background.- An Approach to Compressed Image Retrieval Based on JPEG2000 Framework.- Target Segmentation and Feature Extraction for Undersea Image Based on Function Transformation.- ART in Image Reconstruction with Narrow Fan-Beam Based on Data Mining.- Digits Speech Recognition Based on Geometrical Learning.- A Novel Information Hiding Technique for Remote Sensing Image.- Content-Based News Video Mining.- Automatic Image Registration via Clustering and Convex Hull Vertices Matching.- Fingerprint Image Segmentation Based on Gaussian-Hermite Moments.- Sequential Data Mining and Time Series Mining.- HVSM: A New Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm Using Bitmap Representation.- HGA-COFFEE : Aligning Multiple Sequences by Hybrid Genetic Algorithm.- Independent Component Analysis for Clustering Multivariate Time Series Data.- Applying Fuzzy Neural Network to Intrusion Detection Based on Sequences of System Calls.- Web Mining.- Design and Implementation of Web Mining System Based on Multi-agent.- A Novel Framework for Web Page Classification Using Two-Stage Neural Network.- Fuzzy Evaluation of Hotel Websites.- Querying Web Images by Topic and Example Specification Methods.- The Research on Fuzzy Data Mining Applied on Browser Records.- Discovering Conceptual Page Hierarchy of a Web Site from User Traversal History.- Biomedical Mining.- Bayesian Neural Networks for Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure.- PromPredictor: A Hybrid Machine Learning System for Recognition and Location of Transcription Start Sites in Human Genome.- Robust Ensemble Learning for Cancer Diagnosis Based on Microarray Data Classification.- A Comprehensive Benchmark of the Artificial Immune Recognition System (AIRS).- An Analysis of Missing Data Treatment Methods and Their Application to Health Care Dataset.- Parallel Genetic Algorithm and Parallel Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Closest String Problem.- Mining Interesting Association Rules in Medical Images.- Hybrid Feature Ranking for Proteins Classification.- Predicting Subcellular Localization of Proteins Using Support Vector Machine with N-Terminal Amino Composition.- Advanced Applications.- The Dynamic Character Curve Adjusting Model of Electric Load Based on Data Mining Theory.- Using Boosting Learning Method for Intrusion Detection.- RoleOf Relationship and Its Meta Model for Design Pattern Instantiation.- Automatic Inspection of Industrial Sheetmetal Parts with Single Non-metric CCD Camera.- An Advanced Implementation of a Distributed Control Scheme Based on LonWorks System over IP Networks.- Structural Damage Detection by Integrating Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine.- An LZ78 Based String Kernel.- Classifying Class and Finding Community in UML Metamodel Network.- An Adaptive Network Intrusion Detection Method Based on PCA and Support Vector Machines.- Improved Grid Information Service Using the Idea of File-Parted Replication.- Dynamic Shape Modeling of Consumers' Daily Load Based on Data Mining.- A Study on the Mechanism of Virtual SAN-Based Spatial Data Storage with Double-Thoroughfare in Grid.- A BP Neural Network Predictor Model for Desulfurizing Molten Iron.- A Flexible Report Architecture Based on Association Rules Mining.- Security and Privacy Issues.- Privacy Preserving Naive Bayes Classification.- A Further Study on Inverse Frequent Set Mining.- Spatial Data Mining.- Mathematical Analysis of Classifying Convex Clusters Based on Support Functionals.- Linear Belts Mining from Spatial Database with Mathematical Morphological Operators.- Spatial Information Multi-grid for Data Mining.- A Uniform Framework of 3D Spatial Data Model and Data Mining from the Model.- Mining Standard Land Price with Tension Spline Function.- Streaming Data Mining.- Mining Recent Frequent Itemsets in Data Streams by Radioactively Attenuating Strategy.- User Subjectivity in Change Modeling of Streaming Itemsets.- A Grid-Based Clustering Algorithm for High-Dimensional Data Streams.

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Product Description

With the ever-growing power to generate, transmit and collect huge amounts of data, information overload is now an imminent problem to mankind. The overwhelming demand for information processing is not just about a better - derstanding of data, but also a better usage of data in a timely fashion. Data mining, or knowledge discovery from databases, is proposed to gain insight into aspects of dataand to help peoplemakeinformed,sensible, andbetter decisions. At present, growing attention has been paid to the study, development and - plication of data mining. As a result there is an urgent need for sophisticated techniques and tools that can handle new ?elds of data mining, e.g., spatialdata mining, biomedical data mining, and mining on high-speed and time-variant data streams. The knowledge of data mining should also be expanded to new applications. The1stInternationalConferenceonAdvancedDataMiningandApplications (ADMA 2005) aimed to bring together the experts on data mining throughout the world. It provided a leading international forum for the dissemination of original research results in advanced data mining techniques, applications, al- rithms, software and systems, and di?erent applied disciplines. The conference attracted 539 online submissions and 63 mailing submissions from 25 di?erent countriesandareas.Allfullpaperswerepeer reviewedbyatleastthreemembers of the Program Committee composed of international experts in data mining ?elds. A total number of 100 papers were accepted for the conference. Amongst them 25 papers were selected as regular papers and 75 papers were selected as short papers, yielding a combined acceptance rate of 17%.

Keynote Papers.- Decision Making with Uncertainty and Data Mining.- Complex Networks and Networked Data Mining.- In-Depth Data Mining and Its Application in Stock Market.- Relevance of Counting in Data Mining Tasks.- Invited Papers.- Term Graph Model for Text Classification.- A Latent Usage Approach for Clustering Web Transaction and Building User Profile.- Association Rules.- Mining Quantitative Association Rules on Overlapped Intervals.- An Approach to Mining Local Causal Relationships from Databases.- Mining Least Relational Patterns from Multi Relational Tables.- Finding All Frequent Patterns Starting from the Closure.- Multiagent Association Rules Mining in Cooperative Learning Systems.- VisAR : A New Technique for Visualizing Mined Association Rules.- An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Both Closed and Maximal Frequent Free Subtrees Using Canonical Forms.- Classification.- E-CIDIM: Ensemble of CIDIM Classifiers.- Partially Supervised Classification - Based on Weighted Unlabeled Samples Support Vector Machine.- Mining Correlated Rules for Associative Classification.- A Comprehensively Sized Decision Tree Generation Method for Interactive Data Mining of Very Large Databases.- Using Latent Class Models for Neighbors Selection in Collaborative Filtering.- A Polynomial Smooth Support Vector Machine for Classification.- Reducts in Incomplete Decision Tables.- Learning k-Nearest Neighbor Naive Bayes for Ranking.- One Dependence Augmented Naive Bayes.- Clustering.- A Genetic k-Modes Algorithm for Clustering Categorical Data.- A Fast Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Large-Scale Datasets.- Clustering with Noising Method.- Extracting the Representative Failure Executions via Clustering Analysis Based on Markov Profile Model.- Improvement on the Approximation Bound for Fuzzy-Neural Networks Clustering Method with Gaussian Membership Function.- Optimal Fuzzy Modeling Based on Minimum Cluster Volume.- An Efficient Clustering Approach for Large Document Collections.- Clustering Categorical Data Using Coverage Density.- Novel Algorithms.- A New Support Vector Machine for Data Mining.- The Infinite Polynomial Kernel for Support Vector Machine.- Routing Attribute Data Mining Based on Rough Set Theory.- A Novel Data Mining Method Based on Ant Colony Algorithm.- Context-Sensitive Regression Analysis for Distributed Data.- Customer Churn Prediction Using Improved One-Class Support Vector Machine.- The Application of Adaptive Partitioned Random Search in Feature Selection Problem.- Heuristic Scheduling of Concurrent Data Mining Queries.- Using Gap-Insensitive String Kernel to Detect Masquerading.- A New Method for Linear Ill-Posed Problems: Iteration Method by Rectifying Eigenvalue.- Text Mining.- A Non-VSM kNN Algorithm for Text Classification.- A Study on Text Clustering Algorithms Based on Frequent Term Sets.- An Improvement of Text Association Classification Using Rules Weights.- Word Segmentation and POS Tagging for Chinese Keyphrase Extraction.- Learning User Profiles from Text in e-Commerce.- Multimedia Mining.- Data Mining Based on Objects in Video Flow with Dynamic Background.- An Approach to Compressed Image Retrieval Based on JPEG2000 Framework.- Target Segmentation and Feature Extraction for Undersea Image Based on Function Transformation.- ART in Image Reconstruction with Narrow Fan-Beam Based on Data Mining.- Digits Speech Recognition Based on Geometrical Learning.- A Novel Information Hiding Technique for Remote Sensing Image.- Content-Based News Video Mining.- Automatic Image Registration via Clustering and Convex Hull Vertices Matching.- Fingerprint Image Segmentation Based on Gaussian-Hermite Moments.- Sequential Data Mining and Time Series Mining.- HVSM: A New Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm Using Bitmap Representation.- HGA-COFFEE : Aligning Multiple Sequences by Hybrid Genetic Algorithm.- Independent Component Analysis for Clustering Multivariate Time Series Data.- Applying Fuzzy Neural Network to Intrusion Detection Based on Sequences of System Calls.- Web Mining.- Design and Implementation of Web Mining System Based on Multi-agent.- A Novel Framework for Web Page Classification Using Two-Stage Neural Network.- Fuzzy Evaluation of Hotel Websites.- Querying Web Images by Topic and Example Specification Methods.- The Research on Fuzzy Data Mining Applied on Browser Records.- Discovering Conceptual Page Hierarchy of a Web Site from User Traversal History.- Biomedical Mining.- Bayesian Neural Networks for Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure.- PromPredictor: A Hybrid Machine Learning System for Recognition and Location of Transcription Start Sites in Human Genome.- Robust Ensemble Learning for Cancer Diagnosis Based on Microarray Data Classification.- A Comprehensive Benchmark of the Artificial Immune Recognition System (AIRS).- An Analysis of Missing Data Treatment Methods and Their Application to Health Care Dataset.- Parallel Genetic Algorithm and Parallel Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Closest String Problem.- Mining Interesting Association Rules in Medical Images.- Hybrid Feature Ranking for Proteins Classification.- Predicting Subcellular Localization of Proteins Using Support Vector Machine with N-Terminal Amino Composition.- Advanced Applications.- The Dynamic Character Curve Adjusting Model of Electric Load Based on Data Mining Theory.- Using Boosting Learning Method for Intrusion Detection.- RoleOf Relationship and Its Meta Model for Design Pattern Instantiation.- Automatic Inspection of Industrial Sheetmetal Parts with Single Non-metric CCD Camera.- An Advanced Implementation of a Distributed Control Scheme Based on LonWorks System over IP Networks.- Structural Damage Detection by Integrating Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine.- An LZ78 Based String Kernel.- Classifying Class and Finding Community in UML Metamodel Network.- An Adaptive Network Intrusion Detection Method Based on PCA and Support Vector Machines.- Improved Grid Information Service Using the Idea of File-Parted Replication.- Dynamic Shape Modeling of Consumers' Daily Load Based on Data Mining.- A Study on the Mechanism of Virtual SAN-Based Spatial Data Storage with Double-Thoroughfare in Grid.- A BP Neural Network Predictor Model for Desulfurizing Molten Iron.- A Flexible Report Architecture Based on Association Rules Mining.- Security and Privacy Issues.- Privacy Preserving Naive Bayes Classification.- A Further Study on Inverse Frequent Set Mining.- Spatial Data Mining.- Mathematical Analysis of Classifying Convex Clusters Based on Support Functionals.- Linear Belts Mining from Spatial Database with Mathematical Morphological Operators.- Spatial Information Multi-grid for Data Mining.- A Uniform Framework of 3D Spatial Data Model and Data Mining from the Model.- Mining Standard Land Price with Tension Spline Function.- Streaming Data Mining.- Mining Recent Frequent Itemsets in Data Streams by Radioactively Attenuating Strategy.- User Subjectivity in Change Modeling of Streaming Itemsets.- A Grid-Based Clustering Algorithm for High-Dimensional Data Streams.

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23.4 x 15.6 x 4.3 centimeters (1.18 kg)

Table of Contents

Keynote Papers.- Invited Papers.- Association Rules.- Classification.- Clustering.- Novel Algorithms.- Text Mining.- Multimedia Mining.- Sequential Data Mining and Time Series Mining.- Web Mining.- Biomedical Mining.- Advanced Applications.- Security and Privacy Issues.- Spatial Data Mining.- Streaming Data Mining.

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